type gj=record len:longint; data:array[1..1000]of longint; end; const num:array[0..3]of integer=(1,10,100,1000); var x,ans:gj; c:char; s:string; n,i,len,L:longint; flag:boolean; procedure change(var x:gj); var i,j:longint; begin j:=0; fillchar(x.data,sizeof(x.data),0); for i:=len downto 1 do begin if (len-i)mod 4=0 then inc(j); x.data[j]:=x.data[j]+(ord(s[i])-48)*num[(len-i)mod 4]; end; x.len:=j; end; function mul(a,b:gj):gj; var i,j:longint; begin fillchar(mul.data,sizeof(mul.data),0); for i:=1 to a.len do for j:=1 to b.len do begin inc(mul.data[i+j-1],a.data[i]*b.data[j]); inc(mul.data[i+j],mul.data[i+j-1] div 10000); mul.data[i+j-1]:=mul.data[i+j-1]mod 10000; end; if mul.data[i+j]>0 then mul.len:=i+j else mul.len:=i+j-1; end; procedure print(m:gj;t:longint); var i,k,b,e:longint; w:ansistring; begin W:=''; for i:=m.len downto 1 do BEGIN w:=w+chr(48+m.data[i]div 1000); m.data[i]:=m.data[i]mod 1000; w:=w+chr(48+m.data[i]div 100); m.data[i]:=m.data[i]mod 100; w:=w+chr(48+m.data[i]div 10); m.data[i]:=m.data[i]mod 10; w:=w+chr(48+m.data[i]); end; b:=0; for i:=1 to length(w) do if w[i]<>'0' then break else b:=i; delete(w,1,b); e:=0; for i:=length(w) downto 1 do if w[i]<>'0' then break else inc(e); delete(w,length(w)-e+1,e); t:=t-e; if t<0 then begin for i:=1 to abs(t) do w:=w+'0'; t:=0; end; if length(w)=0 then begin write(0);exit end; if t=0 then begin write(w);exit;end; if length(w)<=t then begin write('.'); for i:=1 to t-length(w) do write('0'); write(w); end else begin for i:=1 to length(w)-t do write(w[i]); write('.'); for i:=length(w)-t+1 to length(w) do write(w[i]); end; end; begin while not eof do begin len:=0;L:=0; read(c);flag:=true; while (c<='9')and(c>='0') do begin if flag and(c='0') then begin read(c);continue end else flag:=false; inc(len); s[len]:=c; read(c); end; if c<>' ' then read(c); while c<>' ' do begin inc(L); s[len+L]:=c; read(c) end; inc(len,L); readln(n); if n=0 then begin writeln(1);continue end; change(x); ans:=x; for i:=1 to n-1 do ans:=mul(ans,x); print(ans,n*L); writeln end; end.