Some of useful machine learning resources from beginner to intermediate.

Some of useful machine learning resources from beginner to intermediate.

For updated list keep follow my BLOG A Blog From a Human-engineer-being - Eren Golge's Blog

Please suggest links to add !!

Machine Learning 101:
I. Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine Learning — Introduction
Omid's Machine Learning tutorial
Machine Learning Course - CS 156 (cal tech class)

II.  Linear Regression
Linear regression


Simple linear regression


III) Linear Algebra
Syllabus | Linear Algebra | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare
Linear algebra
online text
Page on
- see Free Linear Algebra textbook for usage rights

V) Linear Regression with Multiple Variables
- Gradient Descent
Gradient descent


(discusses above wiki article)


- Optimization
EE364a: Lecture Videos

IV) Octave Tutorial
Octave Programming Tutorial

VI) Logistic Regression (LR)
Logistic regression
Logistic Regression Tutorial
Page on


(refers to LR as a classifier)

VII) Regularization
Regularization (mathematics)
Page on
overview using advanced math
Page on

VIII and IX) Neural Networks



- backpropagation


The Backpropagation Algorithm
Manfred Zabarauskas' Blog

XI) Machine Learning System Design
Page on
Precision, recall, accuracy, …
Precision and recall
Accuracy and precision
How to choose an error metric when evaluating a classifier?
Page on

XII) Support Vector Machines
Page on
Page on


Page on

XIII) Clustering
Cluster analysis
k-means clustering


XIV) Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality reduction
Page on
Page on



XV) Anomaly Detection
Page on
Anomaly detection
- Google Analytics Google Analytics
- anomaly detection with Google Analytics (example)


Must purchase this article (I did not purchase but appears to be good) Existing solutions and latest technological trends
- Gaussian distribution


(no math)
Normal distribution
Normal Distribution
Multivariate normal distribution

XVI) Recommender Systems
Machine Learning for Large Scale Recommender Systems
Page on
2. Getting started: an introduction to recommender systems with Crab (using Python)
- Collaborative Filtering

XVII) Large Scale Machine Learning
Page on
Large-Scale Machine Learning (introduction to class)
Introduction |
- stochastic gradient descent
Stochastic gradient descent


Stochastic Gradient Descent (Abu-Mostafa)
Page on…
- parallelized stochastic gradient descent
Page on
- recursive partitioning:
Page on

Machine Learning 201:
Advanced Machine Learning Course (CMU)
Lecture 1: Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn
Lecture 2: Machine Learning With Scikit-Learn
Lecture 3: Machine Learning from the Boston Python User Group
Andrew Ng’s Standford ML Class
An Introduction to Machine Learning
Andrew Ng’s Coursera Class Wiki
Koller's PGM course on Coursera (requires solid prob. background)
The Machine Learning Library
CMU Google Slides 
NN Course

Deep Learning:
Deep Learning - Very wide grasp resource about everything
Juergen Schmidhuber's home page - Different perspectives of NNs with theoretical view as well
Home Page of Geoffrey Hinton - And the Father of DL
Neural Network FAQ, part 1 of 7: Introduction - General sense NN FAQ
Page on - INRIA Deep Learning Notes tutorial
Page on - very detailed examples on real datasets

Some good articles on working with the command line:
command line nuggets for data science (article focuses on unix but all will work in linux bash)
intro to the command line
7 Command Line Tools for Data Scientists

Jacobian Iteration for Singular Value Decomposition:
Basic Explanation 
Stream Algorithm for SVD

Fortran for Beginners 
Fortran 77 Stanford Tutorial
Professional Programmer’s Guide to Fortran 77
Fortran 77 Intrinsic Functions

Mathematics, Statistical Theory and Probability Theory:
Introduction to Probability
Chang Stochastic Processes
Durrett Probability

Methods of Optimization:
Gradient Descent
Basic Steepest Decent 
Newton’s Method in Optimization
CRAN Optimization and Mathematical Programming Task View
MIT OCW Optimization Methods
Boyd Optimization
Boyd Solutions Manual
Convex Optimization in R
Matlab code for solving L1-regularization problems

Theoretical Computer Science:
Foundations of Computer Science 
Complexity Theory a Modern Approach 

Some Really Random Stuff:
A Little Stats Cheat Sheet. Pretty basic stuff but it is a nice quick reference.
Proof wiki list of symbols with LaTex code!!
LaTex greeks, very useful.
LaTeX fonts

R One pagers
R Time Series
R Statistical And Machine Learning Task View

Pylearn2 Deeplearning Library
IPython Notebooks on Various Topics

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