Hexo 修改博客站点标题


Setting Description
title The title of your website
subtitle The subtitle of your website
description The description of your website
author Your name
language The language of your website. Use a 2-lettter ISO-639-1 code. Default is en.
timezone The timezone of your website. Hexo uses the setting on your computer by default. You can find the list of available timezones here. Some examples are America/New_YorkJapan, and UTC.


参数 描述
title 网站标题
subtitle 网站副标题
description 网站描述
author 您的名字
language 网站使用的语言
timezone 网站时区。Hexo 默认使用您电脑的时区。时区列表。比如说:America/New_YorkJapan, 和 UTC 。



# Site
title: 野猿新一
subtitle: 无
description: 野猿新一的博客
keywords: Android Python
author: himmy
language: zh-CN
timezone: America/New_York




posted @ 2019-06-22 00:53  野猿新一  阅读(68)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报