

  • 罗列清单时需要逗号,但最后一样东西的逗号之后要加连词。英文没有顿号
    • The fruit basket contains applea, oranges, and bananas.
  • 在多个形容词描述名词时,不能再最后一个形容词后加上逗号
    • The powerful, resonating sound caught our attention(那声刺耳的,回荡的声音引起了我们的注意)
  • 分隔上下级地区时,提到特定的地名应从最小的单位开始写
    • I am originally from Cangzhou city, hebei province, China.
  • 分隔直接引语和其他句子成分的时候
    • When I was in his house, he asked,"Do you want anything to eat?"


  • 引用语中句号放在引号里还是引号外的问题
    • 放在引号里,说明引号里是一个完整的句子。
      • The teacher said,"If you finish your homework, you can leave for home."
    • 放在引号外,此时引号里只是单词或短语。
      • When I showed my homework to teacher and asked if I can go back home, the teacher said "yes" 


  • 分号用于连接两个相互独立又相互关联的分句时使用分号。但是分号用于两个相对简单且独立的分句之间,但是如果两个分句字数较多且成分复杂,还是应该使用句号。分号后面的句子首字母要小写
    • People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk.


  • 表示列举、解释或说明性的词语时,使用冒号。
    • His favorite foods are as follows: apple pie, egg tart, and chocolate.
  • 引出较长的正式引语或大段引语时,使用冒号。
    • In his most famous speech, he said: all men are created equal and must enjoy the equal rights that given by God.
  • 罗列清单时使用,通常仅在以名词结尾的完整句后使用冒号.以下使用
    • The professor has given me three options: to retake the exam, to accept the extra credit assignment, or to fail the class.
    • 错误用法:The Easter basket contained: Easter eggs, chocolote rabbits, and other candy.(error!!!)

posted on 2019-07-14 16:06  Nancy_Fighting  阅读(1097)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
