Farmer John has N hills on his farm (1 <= N <= 1,000), each with an integer elevation in the range 0 .. 100. In the winter, since there is abundant sn 阅读全文
Farmer John's hobby of conducting high-energy physics experiments on weekends has backfired, causing N wormholes (2 <= N <= 12, N even) to materialize 阅读全文
二分匹配传送门[here] 原题传送门[here] 题意大概说一下,就是有N头牛和M个牛棚,每头牛愿意住在一些牛棚,求最大能够满足多少头牛的要求。 很明显就是一道裸裸的二分图最大匹配,但是为了练练网络流(做其它的题的时候,神奇地re掉了,于是就写基础题了)的最大流算法,就做做这道题。 每一个牛都可一 阅读全文