Gradle tip #2: understanding syntax

In the Part 1 we talked about tasks and different stages of the build lifecycle. But after I published it I realized that before we jump into Gradle specifics it is very important to understand what we are dealing with - understand its syntax and stop being scared when we see complex build.gradlescripts. With this article I will try to fill this missing gap.



Gradle build scripts are written in Groovy, so before we start analyzing them, I want to touch (briefly) some key Groovy concepts. Groovy syntax is somewhat similar to Java, so hopefully you won't have much problems understanding it.


If you feel comfortable with Groovy - feel free to skip this section.


There is one important Groovy aspect you need to understand in order to understand Gradle scripts - Closure.



Closure is a key concept which we need to grasp to better understand Gradle. Closure is a standalone block of code which can take arguments, return values and be assigned to a variable. It is some sort of a mix between Callable interface, Future, function pointer, you name it..


Essentially this is a block of code which is executed when you call it, not when you create it. Let's see a simple Closure example:


def myClosure = { println 'Hello world!' }

//execute our closure

#output: Hello world!

Or here is a closure which accepts a parameter:


def myClosure = {String str -> println str }

//execute our closure
myClosure('Hello world!')

#output: Hello world!

Or if closure accepts only 1 parameter, it can be referenced as it:


def myClosure = {println it }

//execute our closure
myClosure('Hello world!')

#output: Hello world!

Or if closure accepts multiple input parameters:


def myClosure = {String str, int num -> println "$str : $num" }

//execute our closure
myClosure('my string', 21)

#output: my string : 21

By the way, argument types are optional, so example above can be simplified to:


def myClosure = {str, num -> println "$str : $num" }

//execute our closure
myClosure('my string', 21)

#output: my string : 21

One cool feature is that closure can reference variables from the current context (read class). By default, current context - is the class within this closure was created:


def myVar = 'Hello World!'
def myClosure = {println myVar}

#output: Hello world!

Another cool feature is that current context for the closure can be changed by callingClosure#setDelegate(). This feature will become very important later:


def myClosure = {println myVar} //I'm referencing myVar from MyClass class
MyClass m = new MyClass()

class MyClass {
    def myVar = 'Hello from MyClass!'

#output: Hello from MyClass!

As you can see, at the moment when we created closure, myVar variable doesn't exist. And this is perfectly fine - it should be present in the closure context at the point when we execute this closure.


In this case I modified current context for the closure right before I executed it, so myVar is available.


Pass closure as an argument

The real benefit of having closures - is an ability to pass closure to different methods which helps us to decouple execution logic.


In previous section we already used this feature when passed closure to another class instance. Now we will go through different ways to call method which accepts closure:


  1. method accepts 1 parameter - closure (只接收一个参数,且参数是closure的方法)


  2. if method accepts only 1 parameter - parentheses can be omitted (如果方法只接收一个参数,括号可以省略)

    myMethod myClosure

  3. I can create in-line closure (可以使用内联的closure)

    myMethod {println 'Hello World'}

  4. method accepts 2 parameters (接收两个参数的方法)

    myMethod(arg1, myClosure)

  5. or the same as '4', but closure is in-line (和4类似,单数closure是内联的)

    myMethod(arg1, { println 'Hello World' })

  6. if last parameter is closure - it can be moved out of parentheses (如果最后一个参数是closure,它可以从小括号从拿出来)

    myMethod(arg1) { println 'Hello World' }

At this point I really have to point your attention to example #3 and #6. Doesn't it remind you something from gradle scripts? 😉



Now we know mechanics, but how it is related to actual Gradle scripts? Let's take simple Gradle script as an example and try to understand it:


buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''

allprojects {
    repositories {

Look at that! Knowing Groovy syntax we can somewhat understand what is happening here!


  • there is (somewhere) a buildscript method which accepts closure (首先就是一个buildscript方法,它接收一个closure):

    def buildscript(Closure closure)

  • there is (somewhere) a allprojects method which accepts closure(接着是allprojects方法,它也接收一个closure参数):

    def allprojects(Closure closure)

...and so on.

This is cool, but this information alone is not particularly helpful... What does "somewhere" mean? We need to know exactly where this method is declared.



This is a key for understanding Gradle scripts:


All top level statements within build script are delegated to Projectinstance(构建脚本顶层的语句块都会被委托给Project的实例)

This means that Project - is the starting point for all my searches.


This being said - let's try to find buildscript method.

If we search for buildscript - we will find buildscript {}\ script block. But wait.. What the hell is script block??? According to documentation:

在Project的文档页面搜索buildscript方法,会找到buildscript{} script block(脚本块).等等,script block是什么鬼?根据文档:

A script block is a method call which takes a closure as a parameter(script block就是只接收closure作为参数的方法)

Ok! We found it! That's exactly what happens when we call buildscript { ... } - we execute method buildscript which accepts Closure.

If we keep reading buildscript documentation - it says: Delegates to: ScriptHandler from buildscript. It means that execution scope for the closure we pass as an input parameter will be changed to ScriptHandler. In our case we passed closure which executesrepositories(Closure) and dependencies(Closure) methods. Since closure is delegated toScriptHandler, let's try to search for dependencies method within ScriptHandler class.

继续阅读buildscript的文档,文档上说Delegates to: ScriptHandler from buildscript。也就是说,我们传递给buildscript方法的closure,最终执行的上下文是ScriptHandler。在上面的例子中,我们的传递给buildscript的closure调用了repositories(closure)和dependencies(closure)方法。既然closure被委托给了ScriptHandler,那么我们就去ScriptHandler中寻找dependencies方法。

And here it is - void dependencies(Closure configureClosure), which according to documentation, configures dependencies for the script. Here we are seeing another terminology: Executes the given closure against the DependencyHandler. Which means exactly the same as "delegates to [something]" - this closure will be executed in scope of another class (in our case -DependencyHandler)

找到了void dependencies(Closure configureClosure),根据文档,dependencies是用来配置脚本的依赖的。而dependencies最终又是委托到了DependencyHandler。

"delegates to [something]" and "configures [something]" - 2 statements which mean exactly the same - closure will be execute against specified class.

Gradle extensively uses this delegation strategy, so it is really important to understand terminology here.


For the sake of completeness, let's see what is happening when we execute closure {classpath ''} within DependencyHandler context. According to documentation this class configures dependencies for given configuration and the syntax should be:

So with our closure we are configuring configuration with name classpath to as a dependency.

Script blocks

By default, there is a set of pre-defined script blocks within Project, but Gradle plugins are allowed to add new script blocks!

默认情况下,Project中预先定义了很多script block,但是Gradle插件允许我们自己定义新的script blocks!

It means that if you are seeing something like something { ... } at the top level of your build script and you couldn't find neither script block or method which accepts closure in the documentation - most likely some plugin which you applied added this script block.

这就意味着,如果你在build脚本顶层发了一些{…},但是你在Gradle的文档中却找不到这个script blocks或者方法,绝大多情况下,这是一些来自插件中定义的script block。

android Script block

Let's take a look at the default Android app/build.gradle build script:

我们来看看默认的Android app/build.gradle文件:

apply plugin: ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 22
    buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.trickyandroid.testapp"
        minSdkVersion 16
        targetSdkVersion 22
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled false
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

As we can see, it seems like there should be android method which accepts Closure as a parameter. But if we try to search for such method in Projectdocumentation - we won't find any. And the reason for that is simple - there is no such method 😃


If you look closely to the build script - you can see that before we executeandroid method - we apply plugin! And that's the answer! Android application plugin extends Project object with androidscript block (which is simply a method which accepts Closure and delegates it to AppExtension class1).

仔细查看build脚本,可以看到在抵用android方法之前,我们使用了插件。Android application插件扩展了Project对象,添加了android Script block。

But where can I find Android plugin documentation? And the answer is - you can download documentation from the official Android Tools website.

哪里可以找到Android插件的文档呢?可以从Android Tools website查找。

If we open AppExtension documentation - we will find all the methods and attributes from our build script:

如果我们打开AppExtension的文档,我们就可以找打build script中使用的方法了属性:

  1. compileSdkVersion 22. if we search for compileSdkVersion we will find property. In this case we assign "22" to property compileSdkVersion(compileSdkVersion 22. 如果我们搜索compileSdkVersion,将会找到这个属性. 这里我们给这个属性赋值 “22”)
  2. the same story with buildToolsVersion (buildToolsVersion和1类似 )
  3. defaultConfig - is a script block which delegates execution toProductFlavor class (defaultConfig - 是一个script block将会委托给ProductFlavor类来执行。 )
  4. .....and so on

So now we have really powerful ability to understand the syntax of Gradle build scripts and search for documentation.



With this powerful ability (oh, that's sounds awesome), let's go ahead and try reconfigure something 😃


In AppExtension I found script block testOptions which delegates Closure to TestOptions class. Going to TestOptions class we can see that there are 2 properties: reportDir and resultsDir. According to documentation,reportDir is responsible for test report location. Let's change it!

在AppExtension中,我找了一个script block testOptions,它会把closure参数委托给TestOptions类。根据文档,TestOptions类有两个属性:reportDir和resultsDir。reportDir是用来保存test报告的。我们来改改这个属性试试。

android {
    testOptions {
        reportDir "$rootDir/test_reports"

Here I used rootDir property from Project class which points to the root project directory.


So now if I execute ./gradlew connectedCheck, my test report will go into[rootProject]/test_reports directory.

现在如果我执行./gradlew connectedCheck,test报告将会被保存到[rootProject]/test_reports目录中。

Please don't do this in your real project - all build artifacts should go intobuild dir, so you don't pollute your project structure.


Happy gradling!


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