- abstraction layer,抽象层
- access,获取,存取
- acoustic coupler,声音耦合器
- Active Directory,活动目录
- Acyclic Dependencies Principle,非循环依赖原则(ADP)
- acyclic digraph,有向无环图
- Adaptive Code,自适应代码
- Add Parameter,添加参数
- ADSL,Asymmetrical Dingital Subscriber Loop,非对称数字用户环线
- affinity,绑定
- affinity group,地缘组
- agent,代理
- agent-based interface,代理人界面
- Agile,敏捷方法论
- agile practice,敏捷实践
- agile peocess,敏捷流程
- agility,敏捷性
- AI,Artificial Intelligence,人工智能
- air waves,无线电波
- algorithm,算法
- analog,模拟的
- animation,动画
- annotation,注解,注释
- answering machine,电话应答机
- antenna,天线
- anti-pattern,反模式
- APM,异步编程模型(Asynchronous Programming Model)
- Apocalyptic defect,灾难缺陷
- application,应用,应用程序,应用软件
- application life cycle,应用程序生命周期
- application pool,应用程序池
- Application Programming Interface,应用程序编程接口(API)
- architecture,体系机构,结构
- architecture decay,架构腐坏
- Architecture Style,架构风格
- ARPA,Advanced Research Projects Agency,(美国国防部)高级研究计划署
- Arrange-Act-Assert,准备-执行-断言(AAA)
- artifact,构建物4
- ASF,Apache Software Foundation 的简写
- Aspect-Oriented Programming,面向切面编程(AOP)
- aspect ratio,屏幕高宽比
- assembly,程序集
- Asynchronous Programming Model,异步编程模型(APM)
- ATM,asynchronous transfer mode,异步传输模式
- atomic opreation,原子操作
- atomic transaction,原子事务
- atomicity,原子性
- attribute,特性
- augmented reality,增强实现
- authentication,身份验证
- authorization,授权
- automated unit testing,自动化单元测试
- automation,自动化
- autonomous,独立性
- availability,可用性
- availability set,可用性集
- AZs,可用性区域(Availability Zones,亚马逊 AWS 中数据中心的叫法)4
- Backend as a Service,后端即服务(BaaS)
- backpane,底板
- backward compatibility,向后兼容性
- bandwidth,带宽
- bar code,条形码
- Base Class Library,基类库(BCL)
- baseline,准线
- baud,波特
- BCL,基类库(Base Class Library)
- bear,熊
- behavior,行为
- behavior preserving program transformations,行为保留式程序转换1
- Behavioral error,行为错误
- BFF,为前端服务的后端(Backends For Frontends)4
- Big Ball of Mud,大泥球(BBM)
- big data,大数据
- Big Design Up Front,大优先设计(BDUF)
- binary,二进制的
- binochlar,双目并用的
- bit,比特
- Bit-field,位域
- bitnik,比特族
- blob,BLOB
- block,阻断
- block blob,块 BLOB
- Blockchain as a Service,区块链即服务(BaaS)
- bottleneck,瓶颈
- bounded context,边界上下文、界限上下文4
- box,装箱
- bps,bits per second,比特/秒
- breakpoint,断点
- broadcast,(无线电或电视)广播
- Broken Hierarchy,支离破碎的层次结构2
- Broken Modularization,拆散的模块化2
- brownfield project,行进中项目
- Browser Object Model,浏览器对象模型(BOM)
- browser-server,浏览器-服务器
- bug,缺陷
- built-in,内置的,内建的;嵌入的;内置
- bulkhead,舱壁4
- business intelligence,商业智能
- business layer,业务层
- business logic layer,业务逻辑层
- busy (status),忙(状态);繁忙(状态)
- byte,字节
- cable,电缆
- Cache/Caching,缓存
- call stack,调用堆栈
- callout box,标注框
- camelCase,camel 大小写
- canary releasing,金丝雀发布4
- carbon copy,复写本,副本;抄送(CC)
- carriage return,回车
- Cascading Style Sheets,层叠样式表(CSS)
- catastrophic failover,灾难性故障转移4
- CD,持续交付(Continuous Delivery)4
- CDC,消费者驱动的契约(Customer-Driven Contract)4
- CDN,内容分发网络(Content Delivery Network)
- cell,单元
- cellular telephone,移动电话
- Central Processing Unit,中央处理器(CPU)
- certificate,(数字)证书
- Certificate Authority,证书认证机构
- Change Bidirectional Association to Unidirectional,将双向关联改为单向关联1
- Change Point,修改点:需要往代码中引入修改的点
- Change Reference to Value,将引用对象改为值对象1
- Change Unidirectional Association to Bidirectional,将单向关联改为双向关联1
- Change Value to Reference,将值对象改为引用对象1
- channel,信道,频道
- character,字符
- Characterization test,特征测试:描述软件某部分的当前行为的测试,当你修改代码时能够用来保持行为
- check in,签入
- check out,签出
- chip,芯片
- choreography,协同
- CI,持续集成(Continuous Integration)4
- cipher,密码
- claim,声明
- class definition,类定义
- CLI,公共语言基础结构(Common Language Infrastructure)
- client-server,客户端-服务器
- clone,克隆,复制
- cloud computing,云计算
- cloud service,云服务
- CLR,公共语言运行时(Common Language Runtime)
- CLS,公共语言规范(Common Language Specification)
- cluster,集群
- clustered index,聚集索引
- CMS,内容管理系统(Content Management System)
- co-occurring smells,同时出现的坏味2
- coaxial cable,同轴电缆
- COBIT,信息和相关技术的控制目标,Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology4
- CoC,更改开销(Cost of Change)
- code smell,代码味道
- Collapse Hierarchy,折叠继承关系1
- comcurrency,并发
- command,命令
- command prompt,命令行提示
- Command/Query Responsibility Segregation,命令/查询职责分离(CQRS)
- Command/Query Separation,命令/查询分离(CQS)
- commingled bits,混合的比特
- communication,通信
- community,社区
- committed,已提交(的)
- Common Intermediate Language,公共中间语言
- Common Language Infrastructure,公共语言基础结构(CLI)
- Common Language Runtime,公共语言运行时(CLR)
- Common Language Specification,公共语言规范(CLS)
- Common Type System,公共类型系统(CTS)
- common name,通用名称
- compatibility,兼容性
- Competing Consumer pattern,消费者竞争模式4
- Component Object Model,组件对象模型(COM)
- composite formatting,复合格式化
- Composite Pattern,复合模式
- concurrency conflicts,并发冲突
- concurrency mode,并发模式
- conditional compilation,条件编译
- conditional compilation statement,条件编译语句
- configuration,配置,设置
- connection string,连接字符串
- Consolidate Conditional Expression,合并条件表达式1
- Consolidate Duplicate Conditional Fragments,合并重复的条件片段1
- consistenct,一致性
- constructor,构造函数
- container,容器
- Container As A Service,容器即服务(CaaS)4
- content,内容
- context,上下文
- contextual keyword,上下文关键字
- continuous integration,持续集成
- contribute,贡献
- Contributor License Agreement,贡献者许可协议
- convention,约定
- covariance,协变
- contravariance,逆变
- convert,转换
- Convert Procedural Design to Objects,将过程化设计转化为对象设计1
- cookie,Cookie
- core,内核;.NET Core 的简写(能且仅能与 .NET Framework 的简写
,单独使用时应为全称.NET Core
) - corruption,损毁
- Cosmetic issue,外观上问题
- Cost of Change,更改开销(CoC)
- COTS,现成的商业软件(Commercial Off-The Shelf)4
- counterpoint,对位4
- Coupling count,耦合数:当一个方法被调用时传给它以及从它传出来的值的数目。如果该方法没有返回值,则耦合数就是它的参数数目。否则就是参数数目加1。如果你想要在没有测试的情况下提取出一个消防法的话,计算一下它的耦合数是很有意义的。
- CPU,中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)
- CQRS,命令查询职责分离(Command-Query Responsibility Segregation)
- crash,(程序)崩溃
- crash dump,故障转储
- CRC,类-职责-交互(class-responsibility-collaboration)4
- credential,凭证4
- cririque,评估
- CRM,客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)
- Cross Domain,跨域
- Cross-Functuinal Requirement,跨功能需求(CFR)4
- CRT,cathode ray tube,阴极射线管
- cruft,残留
- crytography,密码术
- CTS,公共类型系统(Common Type System)
- cursor,光标
- cybraian,电脑族
- cyberspace,电脑空间
- cycle time,周期时间
- cyclic digraph,有向有环图
- Cyclic Hierarchy,循环层次结构2
- Cyclically-dependent Modularization,循环依赖式模块化2
- Cyclomatic complexity,圈复杂度
- dashboard,仪表盘
- data access layer,数据访问层
- Data Storage as a Service,数据存储即服务(DaaS)
- data clumps,数据泥团2
- Data Encryption Standard,数据加密标准(DES)
- data layer,数据层
- data integrity,数据完整性
- data invariant,数据不变式
- data mining,数据挖掘
- data pump,数据泵
- Data Transfer Object,数据传输对象(DTO)
- declarative programming,宣告式编程
- Decompose Conditional,分解条件表达式1
- Decorator Pattern,修饰器模式(DP)
- Deep Hierarchy,过深的层次结构2
- Default Literal,默认常值
- Defensive Programming,防御式编程
- Deficient Encapsulation,不充分的封装2
- Definition of Done,完成的定义(DoD)
- denial-of-service attacks,拒绝服务攻击4
- dependenct injection,依赖注入(DI)
- dependency,依赖
- dependency digraph,依赖有向图
- deployment,部署
- dequeue,出列
- derives from,继承
- design pattern,设计模式
- device,设备
- DfT,为可测试性而设计
- DI,依赖注入(dependenct injection)
- diagnostics,诊断
- directed graph,有向图
- directive,指令
- DiRT,灾难恢复测试(Disaster Recovery Test)4
- discussion forum,论坛
- disk,磁盘
- distributed system,分布式系统
- DLL,动态链接库(Dynamic Link Library)
- Document Object Model,文档对象模型(DOM)
- domain-driven design,领域驱动设计(DDD)
- Domain-Specific Language,领域特定语言(DSL)
- DRY 原则,不自我重复原则(Don't Repeat Yourself),“不要重复你自己3”
- duck-typing,鸭子类型
- duck test,鸭子测试
- dummy function,虚构函数
- dump,转储
- Duplicate Abstraction,重复的抽象2
- Duplicate Observed Data,复制“被监视数据”1
- durability,持久性
- Dynamic Link Library,动态链接库(DLL)
- EAP,早期评估版本(Early Assessment Program)
- EAP,基于事件的异步模式(Event-based Asynchronous Pattern)
- Early Assessment Program,早期评估版本(EAP)
- effect sketch,影响草图
- Egress,流出
- elasticity,弹性
- ELBs,弹性负载均衡器(Elastic Load Balancers)4
- Element (XML),元素
- Encapsulate Collection,封装集合1
- Encapsulate Downset,封装向下转型1
- Encapsulate Field,封装字段1
- endpoint,端点
- enqueue,入列;加入队列
- entity,实体
- Entity Tags,实体标签(ETag)
- entourage anti-pattern,随从反模式
- erosion,侵蚀
- Event-based Asynchronous Pattern,基于事件的异步模式(EAP)
- event data pump,时间数据泵4
- event sourcing,事件源
- exception handling,异常处理
- Exclusive OR,异或(XOR)
- explanatory figures,图示
- Extensible Markup Language,可扩展标记语言(XML)
- extra large,特大型
- extra small,特小型
- Extract Class,提炼类1
- Extract Hierarchy,提炼继承体系1
- Extract Inerface,提炼接口1
- Extract Method,提炼函数1
- Extract Subclass,提炼子类1
- Extract Superclass,提炼超类1
- eXtreme Programming,极限编程(XP)
- failover,容错转移
- failure domain,故障域
- fake object,伪对象:在测试中伪装成一个类的合作者的对象
- fan-in,扇入
- fan-out,扇出
- fat client,胖客户端
- FCL,.NET Framework 类库(Framework Class Library)
- FDD,软盘(Floopy Disk Drive)
- feature sketch,特性草图
- feed,聚合(资源聚合)
- first-party,第一方
- Floopy Disk Drive,软盘(FDD)
- follow up,跟进
- foreign key,外键
- Form Template Method,塑造模板函数1
- format item,格式项
- format string,格式字符串
- forward,转发
- FPP,零售版(Full Packaged Product)
- Framework Class Library,.NET Framework 类库(FCL)
- free,免费
- free function,自由函数:一个不属于任何类的函数。在 C 和其他过程式语言中,自由函数被简单地称为函数;在 C++ 中被称为非成员函数。在 Java 和 C# 中没有自由函数。
- full-duplex,全双工
- Full Packaged Product,零售版(FPP)
- Garbage Collection,垃圾回收器(GC)
- gauge,计量表4
- GC Heap,垃圾回收堆
- GC root,GC 根对象
- Generalized Async,通用异步
- Generalized Async Return,通用异步返回(C# 7.0)
- generalizing specialist,全科专家(敏捷开发术语)
- generator,生成器
- Geo-Replication,地域复制
- Geo Redundant,地域冗余
- Global Assembly Cache,全局程序集缓存(GAC)
- global state,全局状态
- Hackable,修改方便(根据《Web API 设计与开发》一书之翻译)
- HAL,超文本应用程序语言(Hypertext Application Language)4
- handle,句柄
- Hard Disk Drive,硬盘(HDD)
- HATEOAS,超媒体作为程序状态的引擎(Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State)4
- HDD,硬盘(Hard Disk Drive)
- header,头;标头;表头
- Hexagonal Architecture,六边形架构理论4
- HMAC,基于哈希的小系列码(Hash-based Message Authentication)4
- Hide Delegate,隐藏“委托关系”1
- Hide Method,隐藏函数1
- High Avaliability,高可用性
- high surrogate,高位代理项
- Homogeneous,同质化
- hook,钩子
- hook point,挂接点
- Horizontal Scale,水平缩放
- Hosting,宿主
- Hub-like Modularization,轮毂式模块化2
- Humane Registry,人文注册表(由 Martin Fowler 提出)4
- Hybrid Cloud,混合云
- hypertext-driven,超文本驱动
- Iaas,设施即服务(Infrastructure as a Service)
- Idempotence,幂等性
- Idempotent Operation,幂等操作
- Identity Provider,身份提供方
- IL,中间语言(intermediate language)
- Illegitimate Injection,非法注入
- image,映像
- immersion approach,沉浸法
- Imperative Abstraction,命令式抽象2
- Incomplete Abstraction,不完整的抽象2
- index,索引
- Infrastructure as a Service,设施即服务(Iaas)
- ingesting,摄取
- ingress,流入
- Inline Class,将类内联化1
- Inline Method,内联函数1
- Inline Temp,内联临时变量1
- input endpoint,输入端点
- instance,实例
- Instance InputEndpoint,实例输入端点
- instantiation,实例化
- Insufficient Modularization,不充分的模块化2
- Interaction-based testing,基于交互的测试
- Intercept,截取
- interception point,拦截点:可以编写测试来感知某些条件的地方
- intermediate language,中间语言(IL)
- Internal Endpoint,内部端点
- Internet Information Service,Internet 信息服务(IIS)
- Introduce Assertion,引入断言1
- Introduce Explaining Variable,引入解释性变量1
- Introduce Foreign Method,引入外加函数1
- Introduce Local Extension,引入本地扩展1
- Introduce Null Object,引入 Null 对象1
- Introduce Parameter Object,引入参数对象1
- Intrusion Detection Systems,入侵检测系统(IDS)4
- Intrusion Prevention Systems,入侵预防系统(IPS)4
- Inversion of Control,控制反转(IoC)
- Isolation,隔离性
- iterable,可迭代的
- iteration,迭代
- iterator,迭代器
- iterator protocol,迭代器协议
- Job,作业
- Json Web Token,JSON Web 令牌4
- just-in-time compilation,即时编译,JIT 编译
- JVM,Java 虚拟机(Java Virtual Machine)
- Key,密钥
- Key-Value Pair,键-值对
- KISS 原则,保持简单原则(Keep It Simple Silly),“简单是一切之本3”
- Language Integrated Query,语言集成查询(LINQ)
- Large,大型
- Leaky Encapsulation,泄露的封装2
- Legacy system,遗留系统
- license,许可证
- lifetime,生命周期
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol,轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)4
- LINE of Business,业务线(LOB)4
- link,链接
- link seam,连接期接缝:在连接期接缝处,可以通过连接到另一个库来替换行为。在编译型语言中可替换的东西包括产品库、DLL、程序集或 JAR 文件。其目的是为了解除依赖,或感知某些在测试期间可有能会发生的条件。
- linked resource,链接的资源
- Liskov Substitution Principle,里氏替换原则(LSP)
- literal,字面量、文字常量、直接量
- living style guides,活样式指导4
- load-balancing,负载平衡
- load balancer,负载平衡器
- load shedding,减载4
- LOC,代码行数
- Local Function,局部函数
- lock-step release,同步发布4
- log,日志
- loop,自循环
- loose coupling,松散耦合
- low surrogate,低位代理项
- LSUD,大批你所不知道的开发人员(Large Set of Unknown Developers)
- Mainframe,主机
- Maintainability,可维护性
- managed code,托管代码
- managed execution,托管执行
- Man-In-The-Middle Attack,中间人攻击(MITM 攻击)
- Management Key,管理密钥
- manifest,清单
- Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game,大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)
- Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game,大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)
- Mathematical Markup Language,数学标记语言(MathML)
- Mean Time Between Failures,平均故障时间间隔(MTBF)4
- Mean Time To Repair,平均修复时间(MTTR)4
- Media Service,媒体服务
- Medium,中型
- Merge,合并
- Metadata,元数据
- Middleware,中间件
- mind map,思维导图、脑图、心智图
- Minimum Marketable Feature,最小可售特性(MMF)
- Minimum Viable Product,最小化可行产品(MVP)
- Minimum Viable Release,最小可行发布(MVR)
- Missing Abstraction,缺失抽象2
- Missing Encapsulation,缺失的封装2
- Missing Hierarchy,缺失层次结构2
- Mobile Service,移动服务
- Mock Object,模拟对象,仿对象:在内部对条件进行断言的伪对象
- Move Field,搬移字段1
- Move Method,搬移函数1
- Multitenancy,多租户
- Multifaced Abstraction,多方面抽象2
- Multipath Hierarchy,多路径层次结构2
- Multitier Architecture,多层体系结构
- Multi-factor Authentication,多重验证
- Namespace,命名空间,名称空间
- native code,本机代码
- NCC,.NET Core 社区(.NET Core Community)/.NET 中国社区(.NET China Community)
- network hops,网络跳数
- nfx,.NET Framework(.NET 框架)
- Non-clustered Index,非聚集索引
- node,节点
- normalize,规格化
- notification,通知
- notification hub,通知中心
- null-coalescing,空值合并
- N-Tier,N 层(结构)
- obfuscator,混淆器
- Object/Relational Mapper,对象/关系映射器(ORM,O/RM)
- object seam,对象接缝:在对象连接处可以通过替换一个对象为另一个对象来“更替”行为。在面向对象语言中,通常通过子类化产品代码中的类并重写其方法来实现这一点。
- On-demand (media),点播(媒体)
- Once and Only Once,一次且仅一次3(OAOO)
- One rule, one place,一个规则,实现一次
- One-Size-Fits-All,OSFA
- one-time token,一次性令牌
- Open Closed Principle,开闭原则(OCP)
- Open System Interconnection,开放式系统互联(OSI)
- Optical Character Recognition,光学字符识别(OCR)
- Optimistic Concurrency,乐观并发控制
- orchestration,编排
- Orchestration Layer,策略编排层
- Ordering Principal,良序原则
- OSGI,开放服务网关协议(Open Source Gateway Initiative)4
- overriding,重写
- Overview,概览
- over-post,过度提交
- OWASP,开放式 Web 应用程序安全项目(Open Web Application Security Project)4
- Paas,平台即服务(Platform As A Service)
- packet sniffing,分组嗅探
- Page Blob,页 BLOB
- Parameterize Method,令函数携带参数1
- partition,分区
- partition tolerabce,分区容忍性4
- PascalCase,Pascal 大小写
- pass-through,直托
- passive,被动(的)
- pattern,模式
- Pay as You Go,即用即付
- PC,个人计算机(Personal Computer)
- peek,查看
- peering rules,对等交互规则4
- Percent Encoding,百分号编码
- performance,性能
- performance counter,性能计数器
- Personal Computer,个人计算机(PC)
- Pessimistic Concurrency,悲观并发控制
- PHAME,由 Booch 提出的对象模型的 4 个主要元素的设计规则的统称,即 Principle of Hierarchy, Abstraction, Modularization, and Encapsulation,层次结构、抽象、模块化与封装原则
- pinch point,汇点:影响结构图中的隘口和交通要冲,在汇点编写测试的好处就是只需针对少数几个方法编写测试,就能达到探测大量其他方法的改动的目的。
- placeholder,占位符
- Platform as a Service,平台即服务(Paas)
- Point-to-Site,点到站点
- polling,轮询
- polymorphism,多态
- polyrot programming,多语言编程
- Poor Man’s Dependency Injection,穷人的依赖注入
- post-initialization,后初始化
- postcondition,后置条件
- pre-flight request,事先请求
- pre-initialization,预初始化
- Predicate Decorator,谓词修饰器
- precondition,前提,前置条件
- presentation layer,表现层
- Preserve Whole Object,保持对象完整1
- primitive obsession,基本类型偏执2
- principal,主体4
- private cloud,私有云
- priority queue,优先级队列
- probe,探测器
- process,进程
- producer,生产者
- product backlog,产品积压工作
- Product Owner,产品负责人(PO)
- production,生产(环境)
- production load,生产负载4
- programming by difference,差异式编程
- proof of concept,概念验证
- proportional error rate,错误率比例4
- protected variation,防止变异
- protocol,协议
- prototype,原型
- proxy,代理
- public cloud,公有云
- Pull Up Constructor Body,构造函数本体上移1
- Pull Up Field,字段上移1
- Pull Up Method,函数上移1
- push,推送
- Push Down Field,字段下移1
- Push Down Method,函数下移1
- quality assurance,质量保证(QA)
- Queue,队列
- Quota,配额
- Rack,机架
- Rapid Application Development,快速应用程序开发(RAD)
- RDBMS,关系型数据库管理系统(Relational Database Management System)
- Reactive extensions,响应式扩展(Rx)4
- Ready (status),就绪(状态)
- real-time,即时、实时
- real-time discussions,即时讨论、实时讨论
- Rebellious Hierarchy,叛逆性层次结构2
- recursion,递归
- Redundancy,冗余
- Redundant,冗余(的)
- Ref Return,应用返回
- Ref Local,局部引用
- Ref Property,引用属性
- Refactor,重构
- region,地域
- reification,具体化
- relay,中继
- Relevancy,适切性
- Reliability,可靠性
- Relying Party,依赖方
- Remove Assignments to Parameters,移除对参数的赋值1
- Remove Control Flag,移除控制标记1
- Remove Middle Man,移除中间人1
- Remove Parameter,移除参数1
- Remove Setting Method,移除配置函数1
- Rename Method,函数改名1
- Replace Array with Object,以对象取代数组1
- Replace Conditional with Polymorphism,以多态取代条件表达式1
- Replace Constructor with Factory Method,以工厂函数取代构造函数1
- Replace Data Value with Object,以对象取代数据值1
- Replace Delegation with Inheritance,以继承取代委托1
- Replace Error Code with Exception,以异常取代错误码1
- Replace Exception with Test,以测试取代异常1
- Replace Inheritance with Delegation,以委托取代继承1
- Replace Magic Number with Symbolic Constant,以字面常量取代魔法数1
- Replace Method with Method Object,以函数对象取代函数1
- Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses,以卫语句取代嵌套条件表达式1
- Replace Parameter with Explicit Methods,以明确函数取代参数1
- Replace Parameter with Methods,以函数取代参数1
- Replace Record with Data Class,以数据类取代记录1
- Replace Subclass with Fields,以字段取代子类1
- Replace Temp with Query,以查询取代临时变量1
- Replace Type Code with Class,以类取代类型码1
- Replace Type Code with State/Strategy,以 State/Strategy 取代类型码1
- Replace Type Code with Subclass,以子类取代类型码1
- reporting,报表
- Repository,存储库;仓储;仓库
- REpresentational State Transfer,表述性状态转移、表征性状态传输(REST)
- request pipeline,请求管道
- Requirements Churn,需求波动
- reserved,专属
- resolution,解析
- Resource-Oriented Architecture,面向资源的架构(ROA)
- Response Group,响应群
- Return on Investment,投资回报(ROI)
- reverse proxy module,反向代理模块
- retail,零售版
- Rich Client,丰富客户端
- Ripple Effect,涟漪效应
- role,角色
- Rolling Upgrade,滚动升级
- round-robin,轮流(分配);轮叫
- round-tripping,还原;回传;往返,往返切换
- router,路由器
- row,行
- RPC,远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call)4
- Saas,软件即服务(Software As A Service)
- salted password hashing,加盐密码哈希4
- SAN,存储区域网络(Storage Area Network)4
- Scalability,缩放性
- Scalable Vector Graphic,可伸缩矢量图(SVG)
- Scale,缩放
- Scale Out,向外缩放
- Scale Up,向上缩放
- scaling pattern,扩展模式4
- Schema (database),架构(数据)
- Schema (xml),架构(xml)
- Scrum Master,Scrum 主管(SM)
- SDK,软件开发工具箱(Software Development Kits)
- seam,接缝:程序中的一些特殊的点,可以让你无需做任何修改就能达到修改程序行为的目的。
- Secure Socket Layer,安全套接层(SSL)
- Security,安全(性)
- Security Development Lifecycle,安全开发生命周期4
- Security Socket Layer,安全套接层
- Security Token,安全令牌
- Self Encapsulate Field,自封装字段1
- self-hosted,自管理主机4
- Self-signed Certificate,自签名证书
- semantic monitoring,语义监控4
- Semantic Versioning,语义化版本控制
- Seqarate Domain from Presentation,将领域和表述/显示分离1
- Seqarate Query from Modifier,将查询函数和修改函数分离1
- Serializable,可序列化
- Server Affinity,服务器绑定
- Server Driven Content Negotiation,服务器驱动的内容协商
- Service Bus,服务总线
- Service Contract,服务合同
- Service Level Agreement,服务水平协议(SLA)
- Service Provider,服务提供方
- session jacking,会话劫持
- Setting,设置
- Shared,共享;分享
- Shopping cart,购物车
- Sign in,登录
- Sign out,注销
- Signature,签名
- Single Level of Abstraction Principle,单一抽象层次原则(SLAP)
- Single responsibility principle,单一职责原则(SRP)
- single point of failure,单一故障点(SPOF)
- Singleton Pattern,单例模式
- Site,站点
- Site-to-Site,站点到站点
- SLA,服务水平协议、服务等级协议(Service Level Agreement)
- Small,小型
- smart endpoint,智能端点4
- snapshot,快照
- SOA,面向服务的架构(Service-Oriented Architecture)
- Software as a Service,软件即服务(Saas)
- source lines of code,源代码行数(SLOC)
- Speculative Hierarchy,凭空想象的层次结构2
- Split Temporary Variable,分解临时变量1
- sprint,冲刺(敏捷开发术语)
- sprint backlog,冲刺积压工作
- SQL Database,SQL 数据库
- SSKD,少量你所知道的开发人员(Small Set of Known Developers)
- SSO,单点登录(Single Sign-On)4
- stage,阶段
- Staging,过渡(环境)
- state indeterminism,状态不确定性
- State-based testing,基于状态的测试
- Stateless,无状态
- Sticky Session,黏性会话
- Stickyness,黏性;黏度
- story,故事(敏捷开发术语)
- Storage,存储
- Storage Account,存储账户
- Strangler Application Pattern,绞杀者模式4
- Stream,流
- structure,结构
- Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology,结构化系统分析和设计方法(SSADM)
- Subnet,子网
- Subordinate,附属
- Sub-region,子地域
- Subscription,订阅
- Substitute Algorithm,替换算法1
- SW,Apache SkyWalking 的简写
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language,同步多媒体集成语言(SMIL)
- syntactic sugar,语法糖
- System Under Test,测试目标系统(SUT)
- Table,表
- TAP, ,基于任务的异步模式
- targeted testing,目标测试
- Task-based Asynchronous Pattern,基于任务的异步模式
- TCP,传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol)
- TDD,测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development)
- Tease Apart Inheritance,梳理并分解继承体系1
- technical bankruptcy,技术破产
- Technical Debt,技术债务(TDBT)
- Template Method pattern,模板方法模式
- Tenant,租户
- Terminus,端点
- test doubles,测试替身
- Test-Driven Development,测试驱动开发(TDD)
- test harness,测试用具
- the normalization of deviance,异常正常化4
- Thin Client,瘦客户端
- Thread,线程
- Thread Environment Block,线程环境块
- Thread Kernel Object,线程内核对象
- Thread Pool,线程池
- Thread Starvation,线程饥荒
- Throttle,节流;限速
- Timestamp,时间戳
- Throughput,吞吐量
- TNP,交通网络提供者(Transportation Network Providers)
- Topic,主题
- Topology,拓扑结构
- Token,令牌
- TPL,任务并行库
- (Code) Tracing,(代码)追踪
- Transaction,事务
- Transient Error,瞬时错误
- Transparent Data Encryption,透明数据加密4
- Transportation Network Providers,交通网络提供者(TNP)
- Type Bloat,类型膨胀
- UAT,用户验收测试(User Acceptance Testing)4
- Ubiquitous Computing,普存计算
- Ubiquitous Language,统一语言
- UDDI,通用描述、发现与集成服务(Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)
- Uncommitted,未提交(的)
- Update Domain,更新域
- unbox,拆箱
- under-post,提交不足
- undirected graph,无向图
- Unexploited Encapsulation,未利用封装2
- Unfactored Hierarchy,未归并的层次结构2
- Unified Modeling Language,统一建模语言(UML)
- unit of work,工作单元
- Unit test,单元测试
- unit test coverage,单元测试覆盖率
- unmanaged code,非托管代码
- unit-testing harnesses,单元测试用例
- Unnecessary Abstract,不必要的抽象2
- Unnecessary Hierarchy,不必要的层次结构2
- Unutilized Abstraction,未用的抽象2
- User Datagram Protocol,用户数据报协议(UDP)
- User Mode Stack,用户模式栈
- variant,变体
- Variation Encapsulation Principle,变化封装原则(VEP)
- versionable interaction contract,可以进行版本控制的交互契约
- Vertical Scale,垂直缩放
- VES,虚拟执行系统(Visual Execution System)
- viscosity,粘滞性
- VIP,虚拟 IP(或不译)
- VIP Swap,VIP 交换
- Virtual Execution System,虚拟执行系统(VES)
- Virtual Network,虚拟网络
- Virtual Machine,虚拟机
- viscosity,粘稠性
- VLO,团体批量许可证;大量采购授权合约(Volume Licensing for Organizations)
- VOL,团体批量许可证;大量采购授权合约(Volume Licensing for Organizations)
- Volume Licensing for Organizations,团体批量许可证;大量采购授权合约(VOL 或 VLO)
- VPC,虚拟私有云(Virtual Private Cloud)4
- VPN,虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)
- WCF,分布式通信(Windows Comminication Foundation)
- Weak Generational Hypothesis,弱分代假设
- Wearable Device,可穿戴设备
- Web Role,网站角色
- Web Scraping,网络爬虫
- Web Service,网络服务
- Web Service Definition Language,Web 服务定义语言(WSDL)
- Web Sites,网站
- Weighted Method per Class,类累计圈复杂度(WMC)
- WF,工作流(WIndows Workflow)
- Wide Hierarchy,过宽的层次结构2
- Windows Comminication Foundation,分布式通信(WCF)
- Windows Internet Name Service,Windows Internet 命名服务(WINS)
- Windows Management Instrumentation,Windows 管理规范(WMI)
- Windows Presentation Foundation,富客户端表示(WPF)
- Windows Workflow,工作流(WF)
- WINS,Windows Internet 命名服务(Windows Internet Name Service)
- WINS Proxy,WINS 代理
- WINS Resource,WINS 资源
- wireless communication,无线通讯
- WMI,Windows 管理规范(Windows Management Instrumentation)
- Worker Role,辅助角色
- Workflow,工作流
- workgroup,工作组
- World Wide Web Consortium,万维网联盟(W3C)
- WPF,富客户端表示(Windows Presentation Foundation)
- writebehind,后写式
- X.509v3 certificate,X.509 证书
- XML,可扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language)
- XOR,异或(Exclusive OR)
- XUL,XML 用户界面语言(XML User Interface Language)
- YAGNI 原则,不需要原则(You Aren't Gonna Need It),“你不会用到它3”
- Zero-downtime Upgrade,零停机升级
- zip disk,压缩磁盘
- zone,区域
- zone list,区域列表
- zone transfer,区域传送
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