var obj = {};
console.log(obj.__proto__ === Object.prototype); // true
console.log(Object.prototype); // Object
console.log(obj.prototype); // undefined
// prototype is a Object property of a Function
var func = function () {};
console.log(func.__proto__ === Function.prototype); // true
console.log(func.prototype === Function.prototype); // false
console.log(func.prototype === Object.prototype); // false
console.log(func.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype); // true
console.log(func.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype); // true
console.log('-----------------------------new func');
// we look for say from this, then from __proto__ up
func.say = function () { console.log('func say'); }
func.__proto__.say = function () { console.log('func proto say'); }
func.prototype.say = function () { console.log('func prototype say'); }
// From this, we know that __proto__ is only used as pointer to find parent proto.
// And what the newed object has is determined by its prototype, and prototype.__proto__ etc.
//func.prototype.__proto__ = func.__proto__;
var new_func = new func();
// var new_func = {};
// new_func.__proto__ = func.prototype;
console.log(new_func.__proto__ === func.prototype); // true
console.log(new_func.prototype); // undefined, as it's an Object
func.prototype.say = function () { console.log('func prototype say 2'); }
new_func.say(); // say 2
var de_func = function () {
de_func.prototype.__proto__ = func.prototype;
var new_de = new de_func();
// remember:
// 1. var x = new obj(); means x.__proto__ = obj.prototype
// 2. we look for member from this first, then from this.__proto__