


    Scanner scanner=new Scanner(new File(filePath),"UTF-8");
URL: (这个页面上你能够学到很多其它) 

Java Code:        
  1. public void output(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException{
  2. Scanner scanner=new Scanner(new File(filePath));
  3. String str=null;
  4. while(scanner.hasNextLine()){
  5. str=scanner.nextLine();
  6. if(str.indexOf("FileName")>0){
  7. System.out.println(str.substring(str.indexOf(">")+1, str.lastIndexOf("<")));
  8. }
  9. }
  10. scanner.close();
  11. }
File content:
  1. <File>
  2. <MediaFileType>0</MediaFileType>
  3. <FileName>周杰伦 - 爱在西元前.mp3</FileName>
  4. <FilePath>D:\music\</FilePath>
  5. <FileSize>5623610</FileSize>
  6. <Duration>234292</Duration>
  7. <Hash>0589341ba15528a4c63e36c49a3c0e45</Hash>
  8. <Lyric>E:\KuGou\Lyric\周杰伦 - 爱在西元前-0589341ba15528a4c63e36c49a3c0e45.krc</Lyric>
  9. <Bitrate>192004</Bitrate>
  10. <MandatoryBitrate>0</MandatoryBitrate>
  11. </File>
Java Code after modify:
  1. public void output(String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException{
  2. Scanner scanner=new Scanner(new File(filePath),"UTF-8");//Always explicitly pass a charset when working with text
  3. String str=null;
  4. while(scanner.hasNextLine()){
  5. str=scanner.nextLine();
  6. if(str.indexOf("FileName")>0)
  7. System.out.println(str.substring(str.indexOf(">")+1, str.lastIndexOf("<")));
  8. }
  9. //It's better to check IOException when working with Scanner(PS:find UnmappableCharacterException took me more time,finally by debug to found )
  10. IOException ioException = scanner.ioException();
  11. if (ioException != null) {
  12. ioException.printStackTrace();
  13. }
  14. scanner.close();
  15. }
posted @ 2017-05-09 16:00  yxysuanfa  阅读(296)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报