因为博士的研究方向最近确定下来会是图像检索相关(希望不会再有变化了),故而决定从最基础的Human Behavior开始着手,首先弄明白人在进行信息获取(Information seek)过程中具体的行为是怎样,会特别是对于网络信息获取过程中的倾向性选择是如何的,评判的标准是怎样的。
1. 人类在进行信息搜索的过程中,满足“最省事原理”(principle of least effor),一旦找到还可以接受的结果后,信息搜索的行为就会离开停止。这也是目前search engine的基本原理,满足人类search寻找最相关信息的需求。注意:最相关信息是可以接受的结果的一部分,但不是全部,例如当有相关结果已经太多了,如搜可爱的猫,出来的必定都是各种各样可爱的猫,那这个时候图片的质量甚至图片的内容本身就会起到很关键的作用了。而且对于这样不是很spec的搜索,更适合用browse的形式进行引导。
2. Information Seeking 和Information retrieval的区别
3. Sense making原理
Brenda Dervin认为搜索最根本的目的在于人想要去弄懂不确定的情况,理解/获取信息用来帮助我们做一些和信息相关的决定。
4. Pareto原理也就是80-20原理,即很多自然行为都符合Pareto分布,比如80%的销售量来着20%的客户,80%的财富掌握在20%的人手里(当然这是所谓的正常自然分布),花园里80%的豆子来着20%的豆荚。是不是搜索行为里有有这样的模式呢,80%的有效信息都来自20%的搜索,而更多的时间其实是被用户用在了browsing,无目的的闲逛上了。
5. Robinson's(2010)研究表明,用户在进行信息搜索时,会依赖其他人【网络QA】或者信息库【文档数据库等】,用户在两种信息源上花费时间分别为7.8%和6.4%。但是更进一步的时间分配不一样,当求助于人时,用户很快定位到自己想要的信息,因为是其他人有针对性的回答,这样就不会浪费时间在他无关信息上(百度问答);在理解信息上问人和看文档的时间差不多,因为都来自自然语言的描述;但用户如果求助人却要花更多的时间在做决定上。 另外一个他的发现类似80-20原理,用户用了更多的时间去看那些并不是他们最初检索的东西,这也就是为什么,上诉7.8%和6.4%加起来也才14.2%的原因。更有趣的是,人也倾向提供更多并不是那么相关的东西给其他人。(看来答非所问的人还是比较多的,其实也可以提供一些隐式信息)。
6. 对于信息检索过程比较出名的是Carol Kuhlthau提出来的Information Search Process
Stage |
Task |
Thoughts |
Feelings |
Actions |
Strategies |
1 |
Task initiation |
Contemplating assignment, comprehending task, relating prior experience and knowledge, considering possible topics |
Apprehension of work ahead, uncertainty |
Talking with others, browsing library |
Brainstorming, discussing, contemplating possibilities, tolerating uncertainty |
2 |
Topic selection |
Weighing topics against criteria such as personal interest, project requirements, information available, time available; predicting outcome of possible choices, choosing topic with potential for success |
Confusion, sometimes anxiety, brief elation (after selection), anticipation of task |
Consulting informal mediators, using reference collections, preliminary searches |
Discussing possible topics, predicting outcomes of choices, gaining general overview of topic |
3 |
Pre-focus exploration |
Becoming informed about general topic, seeking focus in general information found, identifying possible foci, inability to express precise information needed |
Confusion, doubt, sometimes threat, uncertainty |
Locating relevant information, reading to become informed, taking notes, making bibliographic citations |
Reading to learn about topic, tolerating inconsistency and incompatibility of information encountered, intentionally seeking possible focus, listing descriptors |
4 |
Focus formation |
Predicting outcome of possible foci, using stage 2 task criteria, identifying ideas in information to form focus, sometimes characterised by a sudden moment of insight |
Optimism, confidence of ability to complete task |
Reading notes for themes |
Making a survey of notes, listing possible foci, choosing a focus while rejecting others OR combining several themes to form one focus |
5 |
Information collection |
Seeking information to support focus, defining and extending focus through information, gathering pertinent information, organising information in notes |
Realisation of extensive work to be done, confidence in ability to complete task, increased interest |
Using library to collect pertinent information, requesting specific sources, talking detailed notes with bibliographic citations |
Using descriptors to search out pertinent information, making comprehensive search of various types of materials i.e. reference, periodicals, non-fiction and biography, using indexes, requesting assistance of librarian |
6 |
Search closure |
Identify need for any additional information, considering time limit, diminishing relevance, increasing redundancy, exhausting resources |
Sense of relief, sometimes satisfaction, sometimes disappointment |
Re-checking information for information initially overlooked, confirming information and bibliographic citations |
Returning to library to make summary search, keeping books until completion of writing to re-check information |
7. 引导者和探索者(Navigators and explorers)
8 JISC研究了Google Generation总结出6种不同的网络信息搜索的行为
- Horizontal infromation seeker: 浏览一系列网页,不在回到最初的那个网页;
- Navigation: 主要花时间找周围的路
- viewers: 电子书或者电子杂志的用户通常平均会花4~8分钟去观看上面的网站
- Squirreling behavior: 就好像用户下载了很多各种各样的文档,但是一般没有必要去读完这些文档
- Checking information seekers: 通过访问一些权威网站获得对应信息的确认
- diverse information seekers: 除其他几种剩下的所有