Dragon Boat Festival Revised

    Dragon Boat Festival can date back to the Han dynasty,which has a long  history. The origins of Dragon Boat Festival have been variously explained since ancient times. The festival has been endowed with many cultural connotations in its inheritance and development. The cultural connotations and festival customs of Dragon Boat Festival express people's abundant cultural feelings and profound feelings of family and country. I deeply feel cultural charm of the Dragon Boat Festival on this day.
    The day before the Dragon Boat Festival, my grandma made dozens of zongzi composed of reed leaves, polished glutinous rice and meat.During the festival,zongzi was boiled in the hot water and emitted faint scent of reed leaves. Zongzi was so soft and glutinous that I and my sister rushed to eat it.Zongzi,in our traditional Chinese culture,is a symbol of luck,solidarity and harmony.
      In the morning, my mom lit incense in every room.Then she made buns as a dish of breakfast and lunch. My grandma hung mugwort on the gates to drive away evil and pray for peace. My parents occupied themselves with making dishes for lunch while my grandma was applying realgar wine to children’s legs so as to prevent insects. However,little children were unwilling to be applied realgar wine and cried because of its pumgent smell. Then my family got together to have a big lunch.

We talked about small household affairs delightedly on the table. After I returned my school, I shared zongzi with my classmates to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival.
According to what I know,Guangdong Province and other places have the custom to hold Loong boat race on this day. The custom originate in a story in which Chu people in ancient time rowed boats to save Quyuan,who committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo river. To memorize Quyuan,people hold Loong Boat race every year during Dragon Boat Festival and the scene is very boisterous,with the deafening sound of drums and cheers.

posted @ 2024-06-22 16:03  袁欣怡  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报