
    create table t_user(
            id number constraint user_id_pk primary key,
            name varchar2(100),
            salary number
    drop table t_user;

    alter table t_user
    add birthday date;

    alter table t_user
    drop column birthday;

    alter table t_user
    add constraint user_name_un
    insert into t_user(id,name) values(1,'zs');
    insert into t_user(id,name) values(2,'zs');

    alter table t_user
    drop constraint user_name_un;

    rename t_user to mytest;
    rename mytest to t_user;

    alter table t_user
    modify (name varchar2(500));

    alter table t_user
    disable constraint user_id_pk cascade;
    insert into t_user(id,name) values(1,'zs1');
    insert into t_user(id,name) values(1,'zs2');

    alter table t_user
    enable constraint user_id_pk;

    truncate table t_user;
    delete from t_user;

    comment on table t_user is '很好';
    comment on column t_user.name is 'good';
    select * from user_tab_comments where table_name=upper('t_user');
    select * from user_col_comments
    comments is not null

第十一章: 序列
    Sequence 序列

    create sequence 序列名;

    [INCREMENT BY n]  每次拿出值加多少
    [START WITH n]    初始值从几开始
    [{MAXVALUE n | NOMAXVALUE}]  最大值
    [{MINVALUE n | NOMINVALUE}]  最小值
    [{CYCLE | NOCYCLE}]  到了最大值后是否循环(如果循环会从1开始)
    [{CACHE n | NOCACHE}] 每次在缓存里面放多少个值.

    create sequence seq_test
    increment by 2
    start with 45
    maxvalue 60

    drop sequence seq_test;

    create sequence seq_test;

            select seq_test.nextval
            from dual;

            select seq_test.currval
            from dual;

        create table t_user(
            id number constraint user_id_pk primary key,
            name varchar2(100),
            salary number
        drop table t_user;
    drop sequence t_user_seq;
    create sequence t_user_seq;
    //插入数据 使用序列产生id值
    insert into t_user(id,name,salary) values(t_user_seq.nextval,'tom',2000);

        select sequence_name
        from user_sequences;

        select table_name
        from user_tables;

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