Python json.dumps可以通过encoder选项自定义转换方式。

默认的encoder(json.JSONEncoder) 只对部分进行了转化:

 """Extensible JSON <> encoder for Python data structures.

    Supports the following objects and types by default:

    | Python            | JSON          |
    | dict              | object        |
    | list, tuple       | array         |
    | str               | string        |
    | int, float        | number        |
    | True              | true          |
    | False             | false         |
    | None              | null          |

    To extend this to recognize other objects, subclass and implement a
    ``.default()`` method with another method that returns a serializable
    object for ``o`` if possible, otherwise it should call the superclass
    implementation (to raise ``TypeError``).


如文档描述,自定义需要重写default方法,如django 中Jsonresponse方法默认的encoder DjangoJSONEncoder

from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder

class DjangoJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    JSONEncoder subclass that knows how to encode date/time, decimal types, and
    def default(self, o):
        # See "Date Time String Format" in the ECMA-262 specification.
        if isinstance(o, datetime.datetime):
            r = o.isoformat()
            if o.microsecond:
                r = r[:23] + r[26:]
            if r.endswith('+00:00'):
                r = r[:-6] + 'Z'
            return r
        elif isinstance(o,
            return o.isoformat()
        elif isinstance(o, datetime.time):
            if is_aware(o):
                raise ValueError("JSON can't represent timezone-aware times.")
            r = o.isoformat()
            if o.microsecond:
                r = r[:12]
            return r
        elif isinstance(o, datetime.timedelta):
            return duration_iso_string(o)
        elif isinstance(o, (decimal.Decimal, uuid.UUID, Promise)):
            return str(o)
            return super().default(o)


用法 json.dumps({...},cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)