BEGIN DECLARE f_leastCount INT DEFAULT 100; DECLARE f_ratio FLOAT DEFAULT 0.8; DECLARE i_channel VARCHAR(64); DECLARE i_appVersionName VARCHAR(64); DECLARE i_statDate DATE; DECLARE i_accumulateCount INT; DECLARE i_activateCount INT; DECLARE i_dau30Count INT; DECLARE i_dau7Count INT; DECLARE i_dauCount INT; DECLARE i_dauImeiCount INT; DECLARE i_dauImsiCount INT; DECLARE i_launchCount INT; DECLARE i_lostCount INT; DECLARE i_newCount INT; #遍历数据结束标志 DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; #游标 DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT,ds.appVersionName,ds.statDate,ds.accumulateCount,ds.activateCount,ds.dau30Count,ds.dau7Count,ds.dauCount,ds.dauImeiCount,ds.dauImsiCount,ds.launchCount,ds.lostCount,ds.newCount FROM appstore_dau_stat ds WHERE ds.statDate = DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL m_daysdelay DAY); #将结束标志绑定到游标 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; -- 打开游标 OPEN cur; -- 开始循环 read_loop: LOOP -- 提取游标里的数据 FETCH cur INTO i_channel, i_appVersionName, i_statDate, i_accumulateCount, i_activateCount, i_dau30Count, i_dau7Count, i_dauCount, i_dauImeiCount, i_dauImsiCount, i_launchCount, i_lostCount, i_newCount; -- 声明结束的时候 IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; -- 事务处理 IF i_accumulateCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_accumulateCount = ROUND(i_accumulateCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_activateCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_activateCount = ROUND(i_activateCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_dau30Count > f_leastCount THEN SET i_dau30Count = ROUND(i_dau30Count * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_dau7Count > f_leastCount THEN SET i_dau7Count = ROUND(i_dau7Count * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_dauCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_dauCount = ROUND(i_dauCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_dauImeiCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_dauImeiCount = ROUND(i_dauImeiCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_dauImsiCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_dauImsiCount = ROUND(i_dauImsiCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_launchCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_launchCount = ROUND(i_launchCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_lostCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_lostCount = ROUND(i_lostCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF i_newCount > f_leastCount THEN SET i_newCount = ROUND(i_newCount * f_ratio); END IF; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT id FROM appstore_dau_stat_temp WHERE channel = i_channel AND appVersionName = i_appVersionName AND statDate = i_statDate) THEN INSERT INTO appstore_dau_stat_temp(channel,appVersionName,statDate,accumulateCount,activateCount,dau30Count,dau7Count,dauCount,dauImeiCount,dauImsiCount,launchCount,lostCount,newCount) VALUES(i_channel, i_appVersionName, i_statDate, i_accumulateCount, i_activateCount, i_dau30Count, i_dau7Count, i_dauCount, i_dauImeiCount, i_dauImsiCount, i_launchCount, i_lostCount, i_newCount); END IF; END LOOP; -- 关闭游标 CLOSE cur; END