C. RationalLee


This is a hard problem on codefores with a diffcuilty score of 1400
It can also be solved by using the priciple of greediness.

void solve(){
    int n, k;
    cin >> n >> k;

    vector<int> a(n);
    for (auto& x : a){
        cin >> x;

    sort(a.rbegin(), a.rend());

    vector<int> d(k);
    for (auto&x : d){
        cin >> x;

    sort(d.begin(), d.end());
    long long ans = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i){
        ans += a[i];

    for (int i = 0, j = k - 1; i < k; ++i){
        if (d[i] == 1){
            ans += a[i];
            j += d[i] - 1;
            ans += a[j];

    cout << ans << '\n';
posted @ 2024-03-01 22:16  _Yxc  阅读(5)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报