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       辗转之间,15年已经过亦。然而当年同时出台的两门语言,Delphi和Java,如今已是处于两个完全不同的境界。更多细节,自己就不一一赘述。但是,毋庸置疑的是,这15年间,Java语言本身也在经历着考验与内部的不断转变。如今,我们已经可以看到,身为世界当前第一语言,至少在写这篇文章的时候,是这样子的。它的优秀特性是绝对毋庸置疑的。因而。 当你开始学习Java的时候,《Java Language Specification》这本官方发布的书籍绝对值得你去认真分析和研究。从头来看的时候,便可以了解到其历史发展等信息。我想,仔细查看一下子它的发展历史等等应该会让自己对于Java有更加深入的认识和了解。所以,就从这儿起步,开始自己的JLS之旅吧。开始自己的英文阅读之旅吧。



       1. 从JLS这本书籍的序言入手,从1996出版的第一版入手开始分析。以期充分了解Java语言的发展历程以及某些功能的变化。

       2.由于Java编程语言在发展历程当中,内部发生了实在是太大的变化,尤其是5.0版本之后的变化,老版本的东西有些已经不再适用,而新版本的性能等也都再不断的提升,实用性也再不断地加强。所以,没有必要再进行老版本的研究和分析,实用性不强啦。所以,这里就直接从当前最新版本的Java SE 7 入手分析吧。




The Java TM programming language was originally called Oak,and was designed for use in embedded consumer-electronic applications by James Gosling.After several years of experience with the language,and significant contributions by Ed Frank,Patrick Naughton,Jonathan Payne,and Chris Warth it was retargeted to the Internet,renamed,and substantially revised to be the language specified here.The final form of the language was defined by James Gosling ,Bill Joy,Guy Steele,Richard Tuck,Frank Yellin,and Arthur van Hoff,with help from Graham Hamilton,Tim Lindholm,and many other friends and colleagues.

  总结一下子:Java编程语言最初的时候,并不是叫做Java,而是叫做Oak.(可以了解一下子,这个单词是橡树的意思。)而且,最初设计Oak的初衷是用于针对于嵌入式的电子消费产品上面的应用程序的开发工作。其设计师,即现在的Java之父“James Gosling”。Oak奠定了Java的原型。后来随着经验的积累,以及更多的热心人士的加入,Java语言便开始进行了重新定位:致力于网络的应用开发。这时候,就对Oak语言内部大幅进行重新修改,设计编写,并改名字为Java。这本书就是针对于这一阶段的Java而专门撰写的Java说明书。也同样就是Java面世以后的第一版本的正式的官方说明书了。

    The Java programming language is a general-purpose concurrent class-based  object-oriented programming language,specifically designed to have as few implementaion dependencies as possible.It allows application developers to write a program once and then be able to run it everywhere on the Internet.

总结一下子:从本段的第一句话,就给了Java一个带有好多的定语修饰的经典的描述----Java是一种用于通用目的的,可以并行执行的,完全面向对象同时完全基于类的编程语言。这点很好理解。但是第二句,这个从句,specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.刚看的时候,不知道该怎样理解,结合最后一句,就立马明白了。注意,这个句子好,specifically好哦。Java特别被设计用于尽可能减少实现性的依赖性。实现性上的依赖性,也就是在说,不需要依赖于某个平台的运行,应该就是这个意思。也就是说,程序只需要编写一次,它就可以在全世界互联网上面运行。Write a program once and then be able to run it everywhere on the Internet....从这里也是可以看得出来,(1996年第一版的java)当时的java就已经非常专注于互联网的应用开发了啊。。 这里好像没有强调什么mac,windows,*nux等的差别。因为是针对于互联网的开发都是各个系统只需要有个浏览器就可以了啊。。

   This book attempts a complete specification of the syntax and semantics of the language.We intended that the behavior of every language construct is specified here,so that all implementations will accept the same programs.Except for timing dependencies or other non-determinisms and given sufficient time and sufficient memory space,a program written in the Java programming language should compute the same result on all machines and in all implementations.

总结一下子:?这几句话语总结起来有那么几分难于理解的成分在里面。对这段的理解不知道作者是想要证明一个什么样子的问题。尤其是最后的两句话。有点抽象,理解不是很好呀。还是反复阅读吧。注意,这里面的timing denpendencies 表示的是时序依赖关系啦。

   We believe that the Java programming language is a mature language ,ready for widespread use.Nevertheless,we expect some evolution of the language in the years to come.We intend to  manage this evolution in a way that is completely compatible with existing applications .To do this,we intend to make relatively few new versions of the language.Compilers and systems will be able to support the several versions simultaneously ,with complete compatibility.

总结一下子: 我们相信Java语言是一种足够成熟的,而且随时都可以被广泛应用的编程语言。即便如此,但我们还是希望Java语言能够在以后发生革命性的改善。我们期望着这种革命性的转变可以被控制在兼容性的前提下。也就是虽然语言本身会发生革命性的转变,但是一定会同时保证绝对的兼容性的。为了实现这个前提要求,所以,我们打算尽可能少地开发和推出新版本的Java语言。

    Much research and experimentation with the Java platform is already underway.We encourage this work,and will continue to cooperate with external groups to explore improvements  to the language and platform.For example,we have already received several interesting proposals for parameterized types.In technically difficult areas,near the state of the art,this kind of research collaboration is essential.

总结一下子:用Much修饰,好词语。underway也很好。哦。这里就是Java当前动向了。不断的进行研究和实现,不断的和第三方进行研究合作,不断的倾听来自第三方及个人提供的建设性意见。从吸取全方面意见的角度,全方面考虑,进行Java语言的平台发展计划。这个,很好呀。。。比Delphi当初内部做的好多了。所以,Java厉害呀。。内部策略机制做的真的非常好,非常棒。是的。research collaboration is essential. 

    We acknowledge and thank the many people who have contributed to this book through their excellent feedback,assistance and encouragement: 

 xxx,xx,xxx,xxx……We are veryn grateful for their extraordinary volunteer efforts.


    We are also grateful for reviews,questions,comments,and suggestions from xx,xxx,xxxx,…….(This list was generated semi-automatically from our E-mail records.We appologize if we have omitted anyone.) 


   The feedback from all these reviewers was invaluable to us in improving the definition of the language  as well as the form of the presentation in this book.We thank them for their diligence.Any remaining errors in this book - we hope they are few - are our responsibility and not theirs.



                                                                                                                             July, 1996










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