[python] inherit

An simple example presentation

 1 #inherit
 2 class Parent:
 3     '''reprensent parent'''
 4     def __init__(self, name, age):
 5         self.name = name
 6         self.age = age
 7         print'initialized parent:{}'.format(self.name)
 8     def show(self):
 9         print 'name:{0},age:{1}'.format(self.name,self.age),
11 class Son(Parent):#inherit from parent
12     '''reprensent son'''
13     def __init__(self, name, age , height):
14         Parent.__init__(self, name, age) # invoking parent __init__() method, it must invoke manually
15         self.height = height# new attribute in child
16         print'initialized son:{}'.format(self.name)
17     def show(self):
18         Parent.show(self)
19         print 'height : {} '.format(self.height)
21 class Daughter(Parent):#inherit from parent
22     '''reprensent daughter'''
23     def __init__(self, name, age, weight):
24         Parent.__init__(self, name, age) # invoking parent __init__() method, it must invoke manually
25         self.weight = weight   # new attribute in child     
26         print'initialized daughter:{}'.format(self.name)
27     def show(self):
28         Parent.show(self)
29         print 'weight : {}'.format(self.weight)
31 s = Son('jack',20,175)
32 d = Daughter('tom',21,120)
33 for index in [s,d]:
34     index.show()

with above code executed, it should produce below result:

initialized parent:jack #the first thing that the parent __init__()method will be executed, and then child __init__() when instance of child class.
initialized son:jack
initialized parent:tom
initialized daughter:tom
name:jack,age:20 height : 175
name:tom,age:21 weight : 120


posted @ 2014-01-04 23:45  Yu Zi  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报