[python] raise statement

1. raise an exception defined by user.

 1 class MyException(Exception):
 2     ''' An exception defined by user,inherit from Top Exception'''
 3     def __init__(self,length,atleastlength):
 4         Exception.__init__(self)#invoking parent __init__() method manually
 5         self.length = length
 6         self.atleastlength =  atleastlength
 8 try:
 9     str1 =  raw_input('input something here:')
10     if len(str1) < 3:
11         raise MyException(len(str1),3)
12         # raise an Exception defined by user, if not satisfied with certain condition.
13 except MyException, err:
14     # capture an exception defined by user
15     print 'Input short error: the input is the lengthof %d,\
16             and was excepting at least %d'%(err.length,err.atleastlength)
17 else:
18     print 'No exception is raised'
20 ##input something here:gg
21 ##Input short error: the input is the lengthof 2,            and was excepting at least 3
22 ##>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
23 ##>>> 
24 ##input something here:gggg
25 ##No exception is raised
26 ##>>> 

2 Excepition hierarchy




posted @ 2014-01-04 14:46  Yu Zi  阅读(396)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报