
  1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections.Generic;
  3 using System.Linq;
  4 using System.Text;
  5 using System.Windows.Forms;
  6 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
  7 using System.ComponentModel;
  8 using System.Reflection;
 10 namespace Alif.CommonAPI.WindowsAPI
 11 {
 12     /// <summary>
 13     /// 用户键盘鼠标钩子
 14     /// </summary>
 15     public class UserActivityHook
 16     {
 17         #region Windows structure definitions
 19         /// <summary>
 20         /// The POINT structure defines the x- and y- coordinates of a point. 
 21         /// </summary>
 22         /// <remarks>
 23         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/gdi/rectangl_0tiq.asp
 24         /// </remarks>
 25         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
 26         private class POINT
 27         {
 28             /// <summary>
 29             /// Specifies the x-coordinate of the point. 
 30             /// </summary>
 31             public int x;
 32             /// <summary>
 33             /// Specifies the y-coordinate of the point. 
 34             /// </summary>
 35             public int y;
 36         }
 38         /// <summary>
 39         /// The MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a mouse event passed to a WH_MOUSE hook procedure, MouseProc. 
 40         /// </summary>
 41         /// <remarks>
 42         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookstructures/cwpstruct.asp
 43         /// </remarks>
 44         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
 45         private class MouseHookStruct
 46         {
 47             /// <summary>
 48             /// Specifies a POINT structure that contains the x- and y-coordinates of the cursor, in screen coordinates. 
 49             /// </summary>
 50             public POINT pt;
 51             /// <summary>
 52             /// Handle to the window that will receive the mouse message corresponding to the mouse event. 
 53             /// </summary>
 54             public int hwnd;
 55             /// <summary>
 56             /// Specifies the hit-test value. For a list of hit-test values, see the description of the WM_NCHITTEST message. 
 57             /// </summary>
 58             public int wHitTestCode;
 59             /// <summary>
 60             /// Specifies extra information associated with the message. 
 61             /// </summary>
 62             public int dwExtraInfo;
 63         }
 65         /// <summary>
 66         /// The MSLLHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a low-level keyboard input event. 
 67         /// </summary>
 68         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
 69         private class MouseLLHookStruct
 70         {
 71             /// <summary>
 72             /// Specifies a POINT structure that contains the x- and y-coordinates of the cursor, in screen coordinates. 
 73             /// </summary>
 74             public POINT pt;
 75             /// <summary>
 76             /// If the message is WM_MOUSEWHEEL, the high-order word of this member is the wheel delta. 
 77             /// The low-order word is reserved. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated forward, 
 78             /// away from the user; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated backward, toward the user. 
 79             /// One wheel click is defined as WHEEL_DELTA, which is 120. 
 81             /// or WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK, the high-order word specifies which X button was pressed or released, 
 82             /// and the low-order word is reserved. This value can be one or more of the following values. Otherwise, mouseData is not used. 
 83             ///XBUTTON1
 84             ///The first X button was pressed or released.
 85             ///XBUTTON2
 86             ///The second X button was pressed or released.
 87             /// </summary>
 88             public int mouseData;
 89             /// <summary>
 90             /// Specifies the event-injected flag. An application can use the following value to test the mouse flags. Value Purpose 
 91             ///LLMHF_INJECTED Test the event-injected flag.  
 92             ///0
 93             ///Specifies whether the event was injected. The value is 1 if the event was injected; otherwise, it is 0.
 94             ///1-15
 95             ///Reserved.
 96             /// </summary>
 97             public int flags;
 98             /// <summary>
 99             /// Specifies the time stamp for this message.
100             /// </summary>
101             public int time;
102             /// <summary>
103             /// Specifies extra information associated with the message. 
104             /// </summary>
105             public int dwExtraInfo;
106         }
109         /// <summary>
110         /// The KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT structure contains information about a low-level keyboard input event. 
111         /// </summary>
112         /// <remarks>
113         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookstructures/cwpstruct.asp
114         /// </remarks>
115         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
116         private class KeyboardHookStruct
117         {
118             /// <summary>
119             /// Specifies a virtual-key code. The code must be a value in the range 1 to 254. 
120             /// </summary>
121             public int vkCode;
122             /// <summary>
123             /// Specifies a hardware scan code for the key. 
124             /// </summary>
125             public int scanCode;
126             /// <summary>
127             /// Specifies the extended-key flag, event-injected flag, context code, and transition-state flag.
128             /// </summary>
129             public int flags;
130             /// <summary>
131             /// Specifies the time stamp for this message.
132             /// </summary>
133             public int time;
134             /// <summary>
135             /// Specifies extra information associated with the message. 
136             /// </summary>
137             public int dwExtraInfo;
138         }
139         #endregion
141         #region Windows function imports
142         /// <summary>
143         /// The SetWindowsHookEx function installs an application-defined hook procedure into a hook chain. 
144         /// You would install a hook procedure to monitor the system for certain types of events. These events 
145         /// are associated either with a specific thread or with all threads in the same desktop as the calling thread. 
146         /// </summary>
147         /// <param name="idHook">
148         /// [in] Specifies the type of hook procedure to be installed. This parameter can be one of the following values.
149         /// </param>
150         /// <param name="lpfn">
151         /// [in] Pointer to the hook procedure. If the dwThreadId parameter is zero or specifies the identifier of a 
152         /// thread created by a different process, the lpfn parameter must point to a hook procedure in a dynamic-link 
153         /// library (DLL). Otherwise, lpfn can point to a hook procedure in the code associated with the current process.
154         /// </param>
155         /// <param name="hMod">
156         /// [in] Handle to the DLL containing the hook procedure pointed to by the lpfn parameter. 
157         /// The hMod parameter must be set to NULL if the dwThreadId parameter specifies a thread created by 
158         /// the current process and if the hook procedure is within the code associated with the current process. 
159         /// </param>
160         /// <param name="dwThreadId">
161         /// [in] Specifies the identifier of the thread with which the hook procedure is to be associated. 
162         /// If this parameter is zero, the hook procedure is associated with all existing threads running in the 
163         /// same desktop as the calling thread. 
164         /// </param>
165         /// <returns>
166         /// If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle to the hook procedure.
167         /// If the function fails, the return value is NULL. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
168         /// </returns>
169         /// <remarks>
170         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookex.asp
171         /// </remarks>
172         [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
173            CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)]
174         private static extern int SetWindowsHookEx(
175             int idHook,
176             HookProc lpfn,
177             IntPtr hMod,
178             int dwThreadId);
180         /// <summary>
181         /// The UnhookWindowsHookEx function removes a hook procedure installed in a hook chain by the SetWindowsHookEx function. 
182         /// </summary>
183         /// <param name="idHook">
184         /// [in] Handle to the hook to be removed. This parameter is a hook handle obtained by a previous call to SetWindowsHookEx. 
185         /// </param>
186         /// <returns>
187         /// If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
188         /// If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
189         /// </returns>
190         /// <remarks>
191         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookex.asp
192         /// </remarks>
193         [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
194             CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true)]
195         private static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(int idHook);
197         /// <summary>
198         /// The CallNextHookEx function passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain. 
199         /// A hook procedure can call this function either before or after processing the hook information. 
200         /// </summary>
201         /// <param name="idHook">Ignored.</param>
202         /// <param name="nCode">
203         /// [in] Specifies the hook code passed to the current hook procedure. 
204         /// The next hook procedure uses this code to determine how to process the hook information.
205         /// </param>
206         /// <param name="wParam">
207         /// [in] Specifies the wParam value passed to the current hook procedure. 
208         /// The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of hook associated with the current hook chain. 
209         /// </param>
210         /// <param name="lParam">
211         /// [in] Specifies the lParam value passed to the current hook procedure. 
212         /// The meaning of this parameter depends on the type of hook associated with the current hook chain. 
213         /// </param>
214         /// <returns>
215         /// This value is returned by the next hook procedure in the chain. 
216         /// The current hook procedure must also return this value. The meaning of the return value depends on the hook type. 
217         /// For more information, see the descriptions of the individual hook procedures.
218         /// </returns>
219         /// <remarks>
220         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/setwindowshookex.asp
221         /// </remarks>
222         [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto,
223              CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
224         private static extern int CallNextHookEx(
225             int idHook,
226             int nCode,
227             int wParam,
228             IntPtr lParam);
230         /// <summary>
231         /// The CallWndProc hook procedure is an application-defined or library-defined callback 
232         /// function used with the SetWindowsHookEx function. The HOOKPROC type defines a pointer 
233         /// to this callback function. CallWndProc is a placeholder for the application-defined 
234         /// or library-defined function name.
235         /// </summary>
236         /// <param name="nCode">
237         /// [in] Specifies whether the hook procedure must process the message. 
238         /// If nCode is HC_ACTION, the hook procedure must process the message. 
239         /// If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must pass the message to the 
240         /// CallNextHookEx function without further processing and must return the 
241         /// value returned by CallNextHookEx.
242         /// </param>
243         /// <param name="wParam">
244         /// [in] Specifies whether the message was sent by the current thread. 
245         /// If the message was sent by the current thread, it is nonzero; otherwise, it is zero. 
246         /// </param>
247         /// <param name="lParam">
248         /// [in] Pointer to a CWPSTRUCT structure that contains details about the message. 
249         /// </param>
250         /// <returns>
251         /// If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must return the value returned by CallNextHookEx. 
252         /// If nCode is greater than or equal to zero, it is highly recommended that you call CallNextHookEx 
253         /// and return the value it returns; otherwise, other applications that have installed WH_CALLWNDPROC 
254         /// hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result. If the hook 
255         /// procedure does not call CallNextHookEx, the return value should be zero. 
256         /// </returns>
257         /// <remarks>
258         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/hooks/hookreference/hookfunctions/callwndproc.asp
259         /// </remarks>
260         private delegate int HookProc(int nCode, int wParam, IntPtr lParam);
262         /// <summary>
263         /// The ToAscii function translates the specified virtual-key code and keyboard 
264         /// state to the corresponding character or characters. The function translates the code 
265         /// using the input language and physical keyboard layout identified by the keyboard layout handle.
266         /// </summary>
267         /// <param name="uVirtKey">
268         /// [in] Specifies the virtual-key code to be translated. 
269         /// </param>
270         /// <param name="uScanCode">
271         /// [in] Specifies the hardware scan code of the key to be translated. 
272         /// The high-order bit of this value is set if the key is up (not pressed). 
273         /// </param>
274         /// <param name="lpbKeyState">
275         /// [in] Pointer to a 256-byte array that contains the current keyboard state. 
276         /// Each element (byte) in the array contains the state of one key. 
277         /// If the high-order bit of a byte is set, the key is down (pressed). 
278         /// The low bit, if set, indicates that the key is toggled on. In this function, 
279         /// only the toggle bit of the CAPS LOCK key is relevant. The toggle state 
280         /// of the NUM LOCK and SCROLL LOCK keys is ignored.
281         /// </param>
282         /// <param name="lpwTransKey">
283         /// [out] Pointer to the buffer that receives the translated character or characters. 
284         /// </param>
285         /// <param name="fuState">
286         /// [in] Specifies whether a menu is active. This parameter must be 1 if a menu is active, or 0 otherwise. 
287         /// </param>
288         /// <returns>
289         /// If the specified key is a dead key, the return value is negative. Otherwise, it is one of the following values. 
290         /// Value Meaning 
291         /// 0 The specified virtual key has no translation for the current state of the keyboard. 
292         /// 1 One character was copied to the buffer. 
293         /// 2 Two characters were copied to the buffer. This usually happens when a dead-key character 
294         /// (accent or diacritic) stored in the keyboard layout cannot be composed with the specified 
295         /// virtual key to form a single character. 
296         /// </returns>
297         /// <remarks>
298         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/userinput/keyboardinput/keyboardinputreference/keyboardinputfunctions/toascii.asp
299         /// </remarks>
300         [DllImport("user32")]
301         private static extern int ToAscii(
302             int uVirtKey,
303             int uScanCode,
304             byte[] lpbKeyState,
305             byte[] lpwTransKey,
306             int fuState);
308         /// <summary>
309         /// The GetKeyboardState function copies the status of the 256 virtual keys to the 
310         /// specified buffer. 
311         /// </summary>
312         /// <param name="pbKeyState">
313         /// [in] Pointer to a 256-byte array that contains keyboard key states. 
314         /// </param>
315         /// <returns>
316         /// If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
317         /// If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. 
318         /// </returns>
319         /// <remarks>
320         /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/userinput/keyboardinput/keyboardinputreference/keyboardinputfunctions/toascii.asp
321         /// </remarks>
322         [DllImport("user32")]
323         private static extern int GetKeyboardState(byte[] pbKeyState);
325         [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
326         private static extern short GetKeyState(int vKey);
328         #endregion
330         #region Windows constants
332         //values from Winuser.h in Microsoft SDK.
333         /// <summary>
334         /// Windows NT/2000/XP: Installs a hook procedure that monitors low-level mouse input events.
335         /// </summary>
336         private const int WH_MOUSE_LL = 14;
337         /// <summary>
338         /// Windows NT/2000/XP: Installs a hook procedure that monitors low-level keyboard  input events.
339         /// </summary>
340         private const int WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13;
342         /// <summary>
343         /// Installs a hook procedure that monitors mouse messages. For more information, see the MouseProc hook procedure. 
344         /// </summary>
345         private const int WH_MOUSE = 7;
346         /// <summary>
347         /// Installs a hook procedure that monitors keystroke messages. For more information, see the KeyboardProc hook procedure. 
348         /// </summary>
349         private const int WH_KEYBOARD = 2;
351         /// <summary>
352         /// The WM_MOUSEMOVE message is posted to a window when the cursor moves. 
353         /// </summary>
354         private const int WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x200;
355         /// <summary>
356         /// The WM_LBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the left mouse button 
357         /// </summary>
358         private const int WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x201;
359         /// <summary>
360         /// The WM_RBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the right mouse button
361         /// </summary>
362         private const int WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x204;
363         /// <summary>
364         /// The WM_MBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the middle mouse button 
365         /// </summary>
366         private const int WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x207;
367         /// <summary>
368         /// The WM_LBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the left mouse button 
369         /// </summary>
370         private const int WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x202;
371         /// <summary>
372         /// The WM_RBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the right mouse button 
373         /// </summary>
374         private const int WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x205;
375         /// <summary>
376         /// The WM_MBUTTONUP message is posted when the user releases the middle mouse button 
377         /// </summary>
378         private const int WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x208;
379         /// <summary>
380         /// The WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the left mouse button 
381         /// </summary>
382         private const int WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x203;
383         /// <summary>
384         /// The WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK message is posted when the user double-clicks the right mouse button 
385         /// </summary>
386         private const int WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x206;
387         /// <summary>
388         /// The WM_RBUTTONDOWN message is posted when the user presses the right mouse button 
389         /// </summary>
390         private const int WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x209;
391         /// <summary>
392         /// The WM_MOUSEWHEEL message is posted when the user presses the mouse wheel. 
393         /// </summary>
394         private const int WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A;
396         /// <summary>
397         /// The WM_KEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem 
398         /// key is pressed. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed.
399         /// </summary>
400         private const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100;
401         /// <summary>
402         /// The WM_KEYUP message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when a nonsystem 
403         /// key is released. A nonsystem key is a key that is pressed when the ALT key is not pressed, 
404         /// or a keyboard key that is pressed when a window has the keyboard focus.
405         /// </summary>
406         private const int WM_KEYUP = 0x101;
407         /// <summary>
408         /// The WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user 
409         /// presses the F10 key (which activates the menu bar) or holds down the ALT key and then 
410         /// presses another key. It also occurs when no window currently has the keyboard focus; 
411         /// in this case, the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message is sent to the active window. The window that 
412         /// receives the message can distinguish between these two contexts by checking the context 
413         /// code in the lParam parameter. 
414         /// </summary>
415         private const int WM_SYSKEYDOWN = 0x104;
416         /// <summary>
417         /// The WM_SYSKEYUP message is posted to the window with the keyboard focus when the user 
418         /// releases a key that was pressed while the ALT key was held down. It also occurs when no 
419         /// window currently has the keyboard focus; in this case, the WM_SYSKEYUP message is sent 
420         /// to the active window. The window that receives the message can distinguish between 
421         /// these two contexts by checking the context code in the lParam parameter. 
422         /// </summary>
423         private const int WM_SYSKEYUP = 0x105;
425         private const byte VK_SHIFT = 0x10;
426         private const byte VK_CAPITAL = 0x14;
427         private const byte VK_NUMLOCK = 0x90;
429         #endregion
431         /// <summary>
432         /// Creates an instance of UserActivityHook object and sets mouse and keyboard hooks.
433         /// </summary>
434         /// <exception cref="Win32Exception">Any windows problem.</exception>
435         public UserActivityHook()
436         {
437             Start();
438         }
440         /// <summary>
441         /// Creates an instance of UserActivityHook object and installs both or one of mouse and/or keyboard hooks and starts rasing events
442         /// </summary>
443         /// <param name="InstallMouseHook"><b>true</b> if mouse events must be monitored</param>
444         /// <param name="InstallKeyboardHook"><b>true</b> if keyboard events must be monitored</param>
445         /// <exception cref="Win32Exception">Any windows problem.</exception>
446         /// <remarks>
447         /// To create an instance without installing hooks call new UserActivityHook(false, false)
448         /// </remarks>
449         public UserActivityHook(bool InstallMouseHook, bool InstallKeyboardHook)
450         {
451             Start(InstallMouseHook, InstallKeyboardHook);
452         }
454         /// <summary>
455         /// Destruction.
456         /// </summary>
457         ~UserActivityHook()
458         {
459             //uninstall hooks and do not throw exceptions
460             Stop(true, true, false);
461         }
463         /// <summary>
464         /// Occurs when the user moves the mouse, presses any mouse button or scrolls the wheel
465         /// </summary>
466         public event MouseEventHandler OnMouseActivity;
467         /// <summary>
468         /// Occurs when the user presses a key
469         /// </summary>
470         public event KeyEventHandler KeyDown;
471         /// <summary>
472         /// Occurs when the user presses and releases 
473         /// </summary>
474         public event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPress;
475         /// <summary>
476         /// Occurs when the user releases a key
477         /// </summary>
478         public event KeyEventHandler KeyUp;
481         /// <summary>
482         /// Stores the handle to the mouse hook procedure.
483         /// </summary>
484         private int hMouseHook = 0;
485         /// <summary>
486         /// Stores the handle to the keyboard hook procedure.
487         /// </summary>
488         private int hKeyboardHook = 0;
491         /// <summary>
492         /// Declare MouseHookProcedure as HookProc type.
493         /// </summary>
494         private static HookProc MouseHookProcedure;
495         /// <summary>
496         /// Declare KeyboardHookProcedure as HookProc type.
497         /// </summary>
498         private static HookProc KeyboardHookProcedure;
501         /// <summary>
502         /// Installs both mouse and keyboard hooks and starts raising events
503         /// </summary>
504         /// <exception cref="Win32Exception">Any windows problem.</exception>
505         public void Start()
506         {
507             this.Start(true, true);
508         }
510         /// <summary>
511         /// Installs both or one of mouse and/or keyboard hooks and starts raising events
512         /// </summary>
513         /// <param name="InstallMouseHook"><b>true</b> if mouse events must be monitored</param>
514         /// <param name="InstallKeyboardHook"><b>true</b> if keyboard events must be monitored</param>
515         /// <exception cref="Win32Exception">Any windows problem.</exception>
516         public void Start(bool InstallMouseHook, bool InstallKeyboardHook)
517         {
518             // install Mouse hook only if it is not installed and must be installed
519             if (hMouseHook == 0 && InstallMouseHook)
520             {
521                 // Create an instance of HookProc.
522                 MouseHookProcedure = new HookProc(MouseHookProc);
523                 //install hook
524                 hMouseHook = SetWindowsHookEx(
525                     WH_MOUSE_LL,
526                     MouseHookProcedure,
527                     Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(
528                     Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0]),
529                     0);
530                 //If SetWindowsHookEx fails.
531                 if (hMouseHook == 0)
532                 {
533                     //Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttribute.SetLastError flag set. 
534                     int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
535                     //do cleanup
536                     Stop(true, false, false);
537                     //Initializes and throws a new instance of the Win32Exception class with the specified error. 
538                     throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
539                 }
540             }
542             // install Keyboard hook only if it is not installed and must be installed
543             if (hKeyboardHook == 0 && InstallKeyboardHook)
544             {
545                 // Create an instance of HookProc.
546                 KeyboardHookProcedure = new HookProc(KeyboardHookProc);
547                 //install hook
548                 hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(
549                     WH_KEYBOARD_LL,
550                     KeyboardHookProcedure,
551                     Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(
552                     Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetModules()[0]),
553                     0);
554                 //If SetWindowsHookEx fails.
555                 if (hKeyboardHook == 0)
556                 {
557                     //Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttribute.SetLastError flag set. 
558                     int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
559                     //do cleanup
560                     Stop(false, true, false);
561                     //Initializes and throws a new instance of the Win32Exception class with the specified error. 
562                     throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
563                 }
564             }
565         }
567         /// <summary>
568         /// Stops monitoring both mouse and keyboard events and rasing events.
569         /// </summary>
570         /// <exception cref="Win32Exception">Any windows problem.</exception>
571         public void Stop()
572         {
573             this.Stop(true, true, true);
574         }
576         /// <summary>
577         /// Stops monitoring both or one of mouse and/or keyboard events and rasing events.
578         /// </summary>
579         /// <param name="UninstallMouseHook"><b>true</b> if mouse hook must be uninstalled</param>
580         /// <param name="UninstallKeyboardHook"><b>true</b> if keyboard hook must be uninstalled</param>
581         /// <param name="ThrowExceptions"><b>true</b> if exceptions which occured during uninstalling must be thrown</param>
582         /// <exception cref="Win32Exception">Any windows problem.</exception>
583         public void Stop(bool UninstallMouseHook, bool UninstallKeyboardHook, bool ThrowExceptions)
584         {
585             //if mouse hook set and must be uninstalled
586             if (hMouseHook != 0 && UninstallMouseHook)
587             {
588                 //uninstall hook
589                 int retMouse = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hMouseHook);
590                 //reset invalid handle
591                 hMouseHook = 0;
592                 //if failed and exception must be thrown
593                 if (retMouse == 0 && ThrowExceptions)
594                 {
595                     //Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttribute.SetLastError flag set. 
596                     int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
597                     //Initializes and throws a new instance of the Win32Exception class with the specified error. 
598                     throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
599                 }
600             }
602             //if keyboard hook set and must be uninstalled
603             if (hKeyboardHook != 0 && UninstallKeyboardHook)
604             {
605                 //uninstall hook
606                 int retKeyboard = UnhookWindowsHookEx(hKeyboardHook);
607                 //reset invalid handle
608                 hKeyboardHook = 0;
609                 //if failed and exception must be thrown
610                 if (retKeyboard == 0 && ThrowExceptions)
611                 {
612                     //Returns the error code returned by the last unmanaged function called using platform invoke that has the DllImportAttribute.SetLastError flag set. 
613                     int errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
614                     //Initializes and throws a new instance of the Win32Exception class with the specified error. 
615                     throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
616                 }
617             }
618         }
621         /// <summary>
622         /// A callback function which will be called every time a mouse activity detected.
623         /// </summary>
624         /// <param name="nCode">
625         /// [in] Specifies whether the hook procedure must process the message. 
626         /// If nCode is HC_ACTION, the hook procedure must process the message. 
627         /// If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must pass the message to the 
628         /// CallNextHookEx function without further processing and must return the 
629         /// value returned by CallNextHookEx.
630         /// </param>
631         /// <param name="wParam">
632         /// [in] Specifies whether the message was sent by the current thread. 
633         /// If the message was sent by the current thread, it is nonzero; otherwise, it is zero. 
634         /// </param>
635         /// <param name="lParam">
636         /// [in] Pointer to a CWPSTRUCT structure that contains details about the message. 
637         /// </param>
638         /// <returns>
639         /// If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must return the value returned by CallNextHookEx. 
640         /// If nCode is greater than or equal to zero, it is highly recommended that you call CallNextHookEx 
641         /// and return the value it returns; otherwise, other applications that have installed WH_CALLWNDPROC 
642         /// hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result. If the hook 
643         /// procedure does not call CallNextHookEx, the return value should be zero. 
644         /// </returns>
645         private int MouseHookProc(int nCode, int wParam, IntPtr lParam)
646         {
647             // if ok and someone listens to our events
648             if ((nCode >= 0) && (OnMouseActivity != null))
649             {
650                 //Marshall the data from callback.
651                 MouseLLHookStruct mouseHookStruct = (MouseLLHookStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(MouseLLHookStruct));
653                 //detect button clicked
654                 MouseButtons button = MouseButtons.None;
655                 short mouseDelta = 0;
656                 switch (wParam)
657                 {
658                     case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:
659                         //case WM_LBUTTONUP: 
660                         //case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: 
661                         button = MouseButtons.Left;
662                         break;
663                     case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
664                         //case WM_RBUTTONUP: 
665                         //case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: 
666                         button = MouseButtons.Right;
667                         break;
668                     case WM_MOUSEWHEEL:
669                         //If the message is WM_MOUSEWHEEL, the high-order word of mouseData member is the wheel delta. 
670                         //One wheel click is defined as WHEEL_DELTA, which is 120. 
671                         //(value >> 16) & 0xffff; retrieves the high-order word from the given 32-bit value
672                         mouseDelta = (short)((mouseHookStruct.mouseData >> 16) & 0xffff);
673                         //TODO: X BUTTONS (I havent them so was unable to test)
675                         //or WM_NCXBUTTONDBLCLK, the high-order word specifies which X button was pressed or released, 
676                         //and the low-order word is reserved. This value can be one or more of the following values. 
677                         //Otherwise, mouseData is not used. 
678                         break;
679                 }
681                 //double clicks
682                 int clickCount = 0;
683                 if (button != MouseButtons.None)
684                     if (wParam == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK || wParam == WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) clickCount = 2;
685                     else clickCount = 1;
687                 //generate event 
688                 MouseEventArgs e = new MouseEventArgs(
689                                    button,
690                                    clickCount,
691                                    mouseHookStruct.pt.x,
692                                    mouseHookStruct.pt.y,
693                                    mouseDelta);
694                 //raise it
695                 OnMouseActivity(this, e);
696             }
697             //call next hook
698             return CallNextHookEx(hMouseHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
699         }
701         /// <summary>
702         /// A callback function which will be called every time a keyboard activity detected.
703         /// </summary>
704         /// <param name="nCode">
705         /// [in] Specifies whether the hook procedure must process the message. 
706         /// If nCode is HC_ACTION, the hook procedure must process the message. 
707         /// If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must pass the message to the 
708         /// CallNextHookEx function without further processing and must return the 
709         /// value returned by CallNextHookEx.
710         /// </param>
711         /// <param name="wParam">
712         /// [in] Specifies whether the message was sent by the current thread. 
713         /// If the message was sent by the current thread, it is nonzero; otherwise, it is zero. 
714         /// </param>
715         /// <param name="lParam">
716         /// [in] Pointer to a CWPSTRUCT structure that contains details about the message. 
717         /// </param>
718         /// <returns>
719         /// If nCode is less than zero, the hook procedure must return the value returned by CallNextHookEx. 
720         /// If nCode is greater than or equal to zero, it is highly recommended that you call CallNextHookEx 
721         /// and return the value it returns; otherwise, other applications that have installed WH_CALLWNDPROC 
722         /// hooks will not receive hook notifications and may behave incorrectly as a result. If the hook 
723         /// procedure does not call CallNextHookEx, the return value should be zero. 
724         /// </returns>
725         private int KeyboardHookProc(int nCode, Int32 wParam, IntPtr lParam)
726         {
727             //indicates if any of underlaing events set e.Handled flag
728             bool handled = false;
729             //it was ok and someone listens to events
730             if ((nCode >= 0) && (KeyDown != null || KeyUp != null || KeyPress != null))
731             {
732                 //read structure KeyboardHookStruct at lParam
733                 KeyboardHookStruct MyKeyboardHookStruct = (KeyboardHookStruct)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(KeyboardHookStruct));
734                 //raise KeyDown
735                 if (KeyDown != null && (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN))
736                 {
737                     Keys keyData = (Keys)MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode;
738                     KeyEventArgs e = new KeyEventArgs(keyData);
739                     KeyDown(this, e);
740                     handled = handled || e.Handled;
741                 }
743                 // raise KeyPress
744                 if (KeyPress != null && wParam == WM_KEYDOWN)
745                 {
746                     bool isDownShift = ((GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x80) == 0x80 ? true : false);
747                     bool isDownCapslock = (GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL) != 0 ? true : false);
749                     byte[] keyState = new byte[256];
750                     GetKeyboardState(keyState);
751                     byte[] inBuffer = new byte[2];
752                     if (ToAscii(MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode,
753                           MyKeyboardHookStruct.scanCode,
754                           keyState,
755                           inBuffer,
756                           MyKeyboardHookStruct.flags) == 1)
757                     {
758                         char key = (char)inBuffer[0];
759                         if ((isDownCapslock ^ isDownShift) && Char.IsLetter(key)) key = Char.ToUpper(key);
760                         KeyPressEventArgs e = new KeyPressEventArgs(key);
761                         KeyPress(this, e);
762                         handled = handled || e.Handled;
763                     }
764                 }
766                 // raise KeyUp
767                 if (KeyUp != null && (wParam == WM_KEYUP || wParam == WM_SYSKEYUP))
768                 {
769                     Keys keyData = (Keys)MyKeyboardHookStruct.vkCode;
770                     KeyEventArgs e = new KeyEventArgs(keyData);
771                     KeyUp(this, e);
772                     handled = handled || e.Handled;
773                 }
775             }
777             //if event handled in application do not handoff to other listeners
778             if (handled)
779                 return 1;
780             else
781                 return CallNextHookEx(hKeyboardHook, nCode, wParam, lParam);
782         }
783     }
784 }


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