
Option Explicit

'-Callback declarations for Paul Caton thunking magic----------------------------------------------
Private z_CbMem   As Long    'Callback allocated memory address
Private z_Cb()    As Long    'Callback thunk array
Private Declare Function GetModuleHandleA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function IsBadCodePtr Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpfn As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpAddress As Long, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal flAllocationType As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpAddress As Long, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal dwFreeType As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Destination As Long, ByVal Source As Long, ByVal Length As Long)
Private s$, I&
Property Let Name(ByVal nm As String)
  s = Trim(nm)
End Property
Property Get Name() As String
  Name = s
End Property
Property Let id(ByVal aa As Long)
    I = aa
End Property
Property Get id() As Long
  id = I
End Property

'-Callback code-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function zb_AddressOf(ByVal nOrdinal As Long, _
                              ByVal nParamCount As Long, _
                     Optional ByVal nThunkNo As Long = 0, _
                     Optional ByVal oCallback As Object = Nothing, _
                     Optional ByVal bIdeSafety As Boolean = True) As Long   'Return the address of the specified callback thunk
'* nOrdinal     - Callback ordinal number, the final private method is ordinal 1, the second last is ordinal 2, etc...
'* nParamCount  - The number of parameters that will callback
'* nThunkNo     - Optional, allows multiple simultaneous callbacks by referencing different thunks... adjust the MAX_THUNKS Const if you need to use more than two thunks simultaneously
'* oCallback    - Optional, the object that will receive the callback. If undefined, callbacks are sent to this object's instance
'* bIdeSafety   - Optional, set to false to disable IDE protection.
Const MAX_FUNKS   As Long = 1                                               'Number of simultaneous thunks, adjust to taste
Const FUNK_LONGS  As Long = 22                                              'Number of Longs in the thunk
Const FUNK_LEN    As Long = FUNK_LONGS * 4                                  'Bytes in a thunk
Const MEM_LEN     As Long = MAX_FUNKS * FUNK_LEN                            'Memory bytes required for the callback thunk
Const PAGE_RWX    As Long = &H40&                                           'Allocate executable memory
Const MEM_COMMIT  As Long = &H1000&                                         'Commit allocated memory
  Dim nAddr       As Long
  If nThunkNo < 0 Or nThunkNo > (MAX_FUNKS - 1) Then
    MsgBox "nThunkNo doesn't exist.", vbCritical + vbApplicationModal, "Error in " & TypeName(Me) & ".cb_Callback"
    Exit Function
  End If
  If oCallback Is Nothing Then                                              'If the user hasn't specified the callback owner
    Set oCallback = Me                                                      'Then it is me
  End If
  nAddr = zAddressOf(oCallback, nOrdinal)                                   'Get the callback address of the specified ordinal
  If nAddr = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Callback address not found.", vbCritical + vbApplicationModal, "Error in " & TypeName(Me) & ".cb_Callback"
    Exit Function
  End If
  If z_CbMem = 0 Then                                                       'If memory hasn't been allocated
    ReDim z_Cb(0 To FUNK_LONGS - 1, 0 To MAX_FUNKS - 1) As Long             'Create the machine-code array
    z_CbMem = VirtualAlloc(z_CbMem, MEM_LEN, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_RWX)          'Allocate executable memory
  End If
  If z_Cb(0, nThunkNo) = 0 Then                                             'If this ThunkNo hasn't been initialized...
    z_Cb(3, nThunkNo) = _
              GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"), "IsBadCodePtr")
    z_Cb(4, nThunkNo) = &HBB60E089
    z_Cb(5, nThunkNo) = VarPtr(z_Cb(0, nThunkNo))                           'Set the data address
    z_Cb(6, nThunkNo) = &H73FFC589: z_Cb(7, nThunkNo) = &HC53FF04: z_Cb(8, nThunkNo) = &H7B831F75: z_Cb(9, nThunkNo) = &H20750008: z_Cb(10, nThunkNo) = &HE883E889: z_Cb(11, nThunkNo) = &HB9905004: z_Cb(13, nThunkNo) = &H74FF06E3: z_Cb(14, nThunkNo) = &HFAE2008D: z_Cb(15, nThunkNo) = &H53FF33FF: z_Cb(16, nThunkNo) = &HC2906104: z_Cb(18, nThunkNo) = &H830853FF: z_Cb(19, nThunkNo) = &HD87401F8: z_Cb(20, nThunkNo) = &H4589C031: z_Cb(21, nThunkNo) = &HEAEBFC
  End If
  z_Cb(0, nThunkNo) = ObjPtr(oCallback)                                     'Set the Owner
  z_Cb(1, nThunkNo) = nAddr                                                 'Set the callback address
  If bIdeSafety Then                                                        'If the user wants IDE protection
    z_Cb(2, nThunkNo) = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("vba6"), "EbMode")  'EbMode Address
  End If
  z_Cb(12, nThunkNo) = nParamCount                                          'Set the parameter count
  z_Cb(17, nThunkNo) = nParamCount * 4                                      'Set the number of stck bytes to release on thunk return
  nAddr = z_CbMem + (nThunkNo * FUNK_LEN)                                   'Calculate where in the allocated memory to copy the thunk
  RtlMoveMemory nAddr, VarPtr(z_Cb(0, nThunkNo)), FUNK_LEN                  'Copy thunk code to executable memory
  zb_AddressOf = nAddr + 16                                                 'Thunk code start address
End Function

'Return the address of the specified ordinal method on the oCallback object, 1 = last private method, 2 = second last private method, etc
Private Function zAddressOf(ByVal oCallback As Object, ByVal nOrdinal As Long) As Long
  Dim bSub  As Byte                                                         'Value we expect to find pointed at by a vTable method entry
  Dim bVal  As Byte
  Dim nAddr As Long                                                         'Address of the vTable
  Dim I     As Long                                                         'Loop index
  Dim J     As Long                                                         'Loop limit
  RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(nAddr), ObjPtr(oCallback), 4                         'Get the address of the callback object's instance
  If Not zProbe(nAddr + &H1C, I, bSub) Then                                 'Probe for a Class method
    If Not zProbe(nAddr + &H6F8, I, bSub) Then                              'Probe for a Form method
      If Not zProbe(nAddr + &H7A4, I, bSub) Then                            'Probe for a UserControl method
        Exit Function                                                       'Bail...
      End If
    End If
  End If
  I = I + 4                                                                 'Bump to the next entry
  J = I + 1024                                                              'Set a reasonable limit, scan 256 vTable entries
  Do While I < J
    RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(nAddr), I, 4                                       'Get the address stored in this vTable entry
    If IsBadCodePtr(nAddr) Then                                             'Is the entry an invalid code address?
      RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(zAddressOf), I - (nOrdinal * 4), 4               'Return the specified vTable entry address
      Exit Do                                                               'Bad method signature, quit loop
    End If

    RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(bVal), nAddr, 1                                    'Get the byte pointed to by the vTable entry
    If bVal <> bSub Then                                                    'If the byte doesn't match the expected value...
      RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(zAddressOf), I - (nOrdinal * 4), 4               'Return the specified vTable entry address
      Exit Do                                                               'Bad method signature, quit loop
    End If
    I = I + 4                                                             'Next vTable entry
End Function

'Probe at the specified start address for a method signature
Private Function zProbe(ByVal nStart As Long, ByRef nMethod As Long, ByRef bSub As Byte) As Boolean
  Dim bVal    As Byte
  Dim nAddr   As Long
  Dim nLimit  As Long
  Dim nEntry  As Long
  nAddr = nStart                                                            'Start address
  nLimit = nAddr + 32                                                       'Probe eight entries
  Do While nAddr < nLimit                                                   'While we've not reached our probe depth
    RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(nEntry), nAddr, 4                                  'Get the vTable entry
    If nEntry <> 0 Then                                                     'If not an implemented interface
      RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(bVal), nEntry, 1                                 'Get the value pointed at by the vTable entry
      If bVal = &H33 Or bVal = &HE9 Then                                    'Check for a native or pcode method signature
        nMethod = nAddr                                                     'Store the vTable entry
        bSub = bVal                                                         'Store the found method signature
        zProbe = True                                                       'Indicate success
        Exit Function                                                       'Return
      End If
    End If
    nAddr = nAddr + 4                                                       'Next vTable entry
End Function
Private Function TimerProc3(Elem1 As student, _
                               Elem2 As student, _
                               unused1 As Long, _
                               unused2 As Long) As Integer
    Debug.Print "TimerProc3"
End Function
Private Function TimerProc2(Elem1 As student, _
                               Elem2 As student, _
                               unused1 As Long, _
                               unused2 As Long) As Integer
    Debug.Print "TimerProc2"
End Function
Private Function TimerProc(Elem1 As student, _
                               Elem2 As student, _
                               unused1 As Long, _
                               unused2 As Long) As Integer
    Debug.Print "TimerProc"
End Function
Option Explicit

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Declare Function Compare Lib "user32" Alias _
"CallWindowProcA" (ByVal pfnCompare As Long, ByVal pElem1 As Long, _
                   ByVal pElem2 As Long, ByVal unused1 As Long, _
                   ByVal unused2 As Long) As Integer
Sub e1()
    Dim arr(2) As student
    Set arr(0) = New student
     Set arr(1) = New student
      Set arr(2) = New student
    arr(0).id = 3
    arr(1).id = 2
'Call SwapStrPtr2(VarPtr(arr(0)), VarPtr(arr(1)))
      arr(2).id = 1
      Call qsort(VarPtr(arr(0)), UBound(arr) + 1, 4, arr(0).zb_AddressOf(3, 4))
End Sub

Sub e3()
    Dim arr(2) As Long
    arr(0) = 3
    arr(1) = 2
   Call SwapStrPtr2(VarPtr(arr(0)), VarPtr(arr(1)))
End Sub

Sub e4()
    Dim s As New student
End Sub
Sub qsort(ByVal ArrayPtr As Long, ByVal nCount As Long, ByVal nElemSize As Integer, ByVal pfnCompare As Long)
        Dim I As Long, J As Long
        For I = 1 To nCount
            For J = I + 1 To nCount
                If Compare(pfnCompare, ArrayPtr + (I - 1) * nElemSize, _
                           ArrayPtr + (J - 1) * nElemSize, 0, 0) > 0 Then
                  Call SwapStrPtr2(ArrayPtr + (I - 1) * nElemSize, ArrayPtr + (J - 1) * nElemSize)
                End If
    End Sub

 Sub SwapStrPtr3(sA As student, sB As student)
        Dim temp As Object
        CopyMemory temp, ByVal VarPtr(sA), 4
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sA), ByVal VarPtr(sB), 4
        CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(sB), temp, 4
End Sub
   Sub SwapStrPtr2(sA As Long, sB As Long)
        Dim lTmp As Variant
        Dim pTmp As Long
        pTmp = VarPtr(lTmp)
        CopyMemory pTmp, ByVal sA, 4
        CopyMemory ByVal sA, ByVal sB, 4
        CopyMemory ByVal sB, pTmp, 4
    End Sub


posted on 2014-04-06 21:13  鱼东鱼  阅读(492)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
