BeanUtils 学习教程

    what happens in more sophisticated environments where you do not necessarily know ahead of time which bean class

you are going to be using, or which property you want to retrieve or modify?

     The APIs in the BeanUtils package are intended to simplify getting and setting bean properties dynamically, where the

objects you are accessing -- and the names of the properties you care about -- are determined at runtime in your

application, rather than as you are writing and compiling your application's classes.


1 Person person=new Person();
2 person.setName=("heis");
3 String name=(String)PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(person,"name");


1 Book book=new Book();
2 book.setAuthor(person);
3 String authorName=(String)PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty(book,"");

3. getIndexedProperty()访问数组或List型内Object的属性

1 Chapter chapter1=new Chapter();
2 Chapter chapter2=new Chapter();
3 book.getChapters().add(chapter1);
4 book.getChapters().add(chapter2);
5 Chapter chapter=(Chapter)PropertyUtils.getIndexedProperty(book,"chapter[0]");


1 Person person=new Person();
2 person.setName=("heis");
3 Map favorites=new HashMap();
4 favorites.put("food","rice");
5 person.setFavorite(favorites);
6 String favorFood=(String)PropertyUtils.getMappedProperty(person,"favorites(food)");


1 Book book
2 |--List authors
3       |--[0]->Person person
4                     |--Map favorites
5                              |--Entry(key->"food",value->"")
6 PropertyUtils.setProperty(book,"authors[0].favorites(food)","rice");
7 String favorFood=(String)PropertyUtils.getProperty(book,"authors[0].favorites(food)");


posted @ 2013-08-02 13:38  等风来。。  Views(273)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报
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