高阶函数有两种类型:1函数的参数是函数名 2函数返回值是函数名
装饰器不能违反的原则:1不修改被修饰函数的源代码 2不修改被修饰函数的调用方式
#高阶函数类型1 函数接受参数是函数名 def foo(): print('你好啊,凌师傅') def test(func): print(func) func() test(foo) #有一个函数,实际执行代码是首次调用函数中参数为函数名的函数代码,即foo import time def foo(): time.sleep(3) print(list(i for i in range(10))) #(i for i in range(10))生成器,列表可以产生迭代器,取出生成器中的值 def test(func): print(foo) start_time = time.time() func() stop_time start_time = time.time() func() stop_time = time.time() time_diff = stop_time - start_time time_diff = stop_time - start_time print(time_diff) test(foo) #高阶函数类型2,函数返回值是函数名 def foo(): print('abc') def test(func): return func res = test(foo) print(res) res() #装饰器必要条件1高阶函数 1不修改foo()源代码;2不改变foo调用方式(函数的参数是函数名的调用方式) import time def foo(): time.sleep(3) print('from foo') def test(func): start_time = time.time() func() stop_time = time.time() print('函数的运行时间是%s'% (stop_time - start_time)) return func test(foo) #装饰器必要条件2函数嵌套函数 def father(name): print('from father %s'%name) def son(): #函数即变量 print('from the son') print(locals()) son() father('alex') # #装饰器必要条件3闭包 def father(auth_type): def son(): def grandson(): print('my grandfather is %s' % auth_type) grandson() son() father('yuyukun')
#装饰器 import time #装饰器框架
def timer(func): #func = test
def wrapper():
start_time = time.time()
func() #运行test()
stop_time = time.time()
print('运行时间%s' %(stop_time-start_time))
return wrapper
@timer #@装饰器名 @timer等同于tet = timer(test)
def test():
print('test function finished')
# test = timer(test) #功能函数(辅助函数名) 返回的是wrapper()
@timer 等同于test=timer(test)
#函数闭包加上返回值 import time #装饰器框架 def timer(func): #func = test def wrapper(): print('函数过转到test()运行3s') start_time = time.time() res = func() #运行test() stop_time = time.time() print('test()运行时间%s' %(stop_time-start_time)) return res return wrapper @timer #@装饰器名 @timer等同于test = timer(test) def test(): time.sleep(3) return 'this is the value of return' # res = test #返回局部变量wrapper()地址 res1 = test()#运行wrapper()函数 print(res1)
def global_name(): user_list = [] # global name with open('database of username and password','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: for user_dic in f: user_dic = eval(user_dic) user_list.append(user_dic) # print(user_list) current_dic = {'username':None,'login':False} def auth(auth_type='filedb'): def auth_func(func): #装饰器类型是函数 #step1 #有用户登录成功,保持状态 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): #step2 # print(auth_type) #auth_type = *args = func = filedb if auth_type == 'filedb': print('认证类型是', auth_type) if current_dic['username'] and current_dic['login']: #情况1,判断当前是否有用户或者有用户登录 res = func(*args, **kwargs) # step3 func对应auth_func(func)中的形参变量func return res username = input('username:>>>').strip() #.strip()去除首末空格,换行 passward = input('password:>>>').strip() #.strip()去除首末空格,换行 for user_dic in user_list: global name name = username if username == user_dic['username'] and passward == user_dic['login']: #情况2,判断当前用户是否是列表中的用户 current_dic['username'] = username current_dic['login'] = True res = func(*args,**kwargs) # step3 func对应auth_func(func)中的形参变量func return res else: print('用户名或密码错误') elif auth_type == 'ldba': print('认证类型是',auth_type) res = func(*args, **kwargs) # step3 func对应auth_func(func)中的形参变量func return res else: print('认证类型是', auth_type) res = func(*args, **kwargs) # step3 func对应auth_func(func)中的形参变量func return res return wrapper return auth_func @auth(auth_type='filedb') #auth_func=auth(auth_type='filedb')--->@auth_func 附加了auth_type 形参--->index=auth_func(index) def index(): print('welcome to jindong mall') @auth(auth_type='ldba') def home(name): print('this is [%s] website'% name) @auth(auth_type='ass') def shopping_car(name): print('there are [%s,%s,%s] in the [%s]_shopping car'% ('egg','milk','break',name)) print('before--->',current_dic) index() print('after--->',current_dic) home('yyk') shopping_car('yyk') global_name()
#!user/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os def fetch(data): # print('\033[1;43m这是查询功能\033[0m') # print('\033[1;43m用户数据是\033[0m',data) backend_data = 'backend %s' %data # print(backend_data) li = [] with open('haproxy.conf','r') as read_f: tag = False for read_line in read_f: # print(read_line) if read_line.strip() == backend_data: tag = True continue if tag and read_line.startswith('backend'): #找到backend 并且 下一行以backend开头(加上tag防止在目标行之前先找到backend) break if tag: print('\033[1;45m%s\033[0m' %read_line,end='') li.append(read_line) return li def add(): pass def change(data): # print('这是修改功能') print('用户输入的数据是',data) backend = data[0]['backend'] #文件中的一条记录 查找1 www.oldboy1.org backend_data = 'backend %s'%backend #backend www.oldboy1.org # server weight 20 maxconn 3000 # server weight 30 maxconn 4000 # [{'backend':'www.oldboy1.org','record':{'server':'','weight':20,'maxconn':3000}},{'backend':'www.oldboy1.org','record':{'server':'','weight':30,'maxconn':4000}}] old_server_record = '%sserver %s %s weight %s maxconn %s\n'%(' '*8,data[0]['record']['server'], data[0]['record']['server'], data[0]['record']['weight'], data[0]['record']['maxconn']) new_server_record = '%sserver %s %s weight %s maxconn %s\n'%(' '*8,data[1]['record']['server'], data[1]['record']['server'], data[1]['record']['weight'], data[1]['record']['maxconn']) print('用户想要修改的记录是',old_server_record) #查找2{'server':'','weight':20,'maxconn':3000} res = fetch(backend) #fetch('www.oldboy1.org') # print('来自查找函数',res) print('来自修改函数--->',res) # print(old_server_record,end='') # print(new_server_record,end='') if not res or old_server_record not in res: print('修改记录不存在') else: index = res.index(old_server_record) res[index] = new_server_record # for i in res: # print(i) # print(backend_data) res.insert(0,'%s\n' %backend_data) with open('haproxy.conf','r') as\ read_f,open('haproxy_new.conf','w') as write_f: tag = False has_writen_tag = False for read_line in read_f: if read_line.strip() == backend_data: tag = True # write_f.write(read_line) continue if tag and read_line.startswith('backend'): tag = False if not tag: write_f.write(read_line) else: if not has_writen_tag: for record in res: write_f.write(record) has_writen_tag = True os.rename('haproxy.conf','haproxy.conf.bak') #对haproxy.conf文件重新命名为haproxy.conf.bak os.rename('haproxy_new.conf','haproxy.conf') #对haproxy_new.conf重新命名为haproxy.conf os.remove('haproxy.conf.bak') #移除.bak文件 def delete(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': msg = ''' 1:查询 2:添加 3.修改 4.删除 5.退出 ''' # print(msg) msg_dic = { '1':fetch, '2':add, '3':change, '4':delete, '5':exit } bool = True while bool: print(msg) choice = input('please input your item:') if not choice:continue if choice == '5':break data = input('请输入你的数据:') if data == '': continue if choice != '1': data = eval(data) res = msg_dic[choice](data) print(res)