
#!user/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

# code001 print('hello world') (only one quotation mark, but not two on the upper) # code002 print('''
this is a multi-line string and this is the first line. "what's your name?," I asked He said "Bond, James Bond." ''') # code003 formatting method age = 25 name = 'Yuyukun' print('{0} was {1} years old when he read this book'.format(name,age)) print('why is {0} playing with this python, he loves it?'.format(name)) # code004 concatenate strings, which are derived from code003 age = 25 name = 'Yuyukun' string1 = name + ' is ' + str(age) + ' years old ' print(string1) # code005 there is nothing in the brace, i can get a same result with code003 age = 25 name = 'Yuyukun' print('{} was {} years old when he read this book'.format(name,age)) print('{} playing with this python, he loves it.'.format(name)) # code006 formatting methon(in details) print('{0:.3f}'.format(1.0/3)) #keep 3 decimal places print('{0:_^11}'.format('hello')) #11bits and some bits are replaced by letters print('{name} wrote {book}'.format(name='Lebron', book='shooting star')) # code007
# 'end' is to avoid line break
print('a', end='')print('b', end='') # code008 add a blank in single quotes print('a', end=' ') print('b', end=' ') print('c', end=' ') # code009 joint mark and line break # print('this is the first line\nthis is the second line') #'\n':restart a new line print("this is the first sentence. \ this is the second sentence.") #'\' help people continue inputting data rather than restart a new line print('r"Newlines are indicated by \n"') # code010 using varialbe value and invariable value i = 5 print(i) i+=1 print(i) s = '''this is a multi-line string.\ this isthe second line''' #when '\' is located at the end, it represents not line break, but go on. v = '''this is a multi-line string.\this is the second line''' #when '\' is located at the middle, it is same with a 'Tab' print(s) #there is a line break in default for the function of 'print()' print(v) # code011 normally, there is no semicolon in a sentence in python, cos it has been omitted i = 5 print(i) i = 5; print(i); i = 5; print(i); i = 5;print(i) #a same value is output by these methods/ #code012 control flow(if-elif-(elif如果有)-else) num = 23 guess = int(input('Enter an integer : ')) if guess == num: print('Congratulations, you guessed it.') print('(but you do not win any prizes!)') elif guess > num: print('No, it is a little lower than that') else: print('No, it is a little higher than that') print('Done') # code013 control flow(while-else) # num = 23 # running = True while running: guess = int(input('Enter an integer : ')) if guess == num: print('Congratulations, you guessed it.') running = False elif guess < num: print('No, it is a little higher than that.') else: print('No, it is a little lower than that.') else: print('The while loop is over.') print('Done') # code014 control flow(for-else) for i in range(1, 5): print(i) else: print('The for loop is over') # code015 control flow(break) while True: s = input('Enter something >>>') if s == 'quit': break print('Length of the string is', len(s)) print('Done') # code016 control flow(continue) while True: s = input('Enter something : ') if s =='quit': break if len(s)<3: print('the length is too small') continue print('Input is of sufficient length') # code017 Functions(invoking function) def say_hello(): print('hello world') say_hello() say_hello() # code018 Functions(parameters and arguments) def print_max(a,b): if a > b: print(a, 'is maximum') elif a == b: print(a, 'is equal to b') else: print(b, 'is maximum') print_max(3,4) x=5 y=7 print_max(x,y) # code019 Functions(parameters and arguments) x = 50 def func(x): print('x is', x) x = 2 print('changed local x to', x) func(x) print('x is still', x) # code020 global parameters x = 50 def func(): global x print('x is', x) x = 2 print('changed global x to', x) func() print('value of x to', x) #code021 function default def say(message, times=1): print(message * times) say('hello') say('hello', 5) # code022 function keywords def func(a, b=5, c=10): print('a is', a, 'and b is', b, 'and c is', c) func(3, 7) func(25, c=24) func(c=50, a=100) # code023 function varargs, tuple def total(a=5, *numbers, **phonebook): print('a',a) for single_item in numbers: print('single_item',single_item) #tuple for first_part, second_part in phonebook.items(): print(first_part,second_part) #dic print(total(10,1,2,3,Jack=1123,John=2231,Inge=1560)) # code024 function of return def maximum(x, y): if x > y: return x if x==y: return 'the numbers are equal' else: return y print(maximum(3, 3)) # code025 docstrings # 该文档字符串所约定的是一串多行字符串,其中第一行以某一大写字母开始,以句号结束。 # 第二行为空行,后跟的第三行开始是任何详细的解释说明 #编写的所有重要的函数配以文档字符串 def print_max(x, y): '''打印这两个数的最大数。 这两个数都应该是整数。''' x = int(x) y = int(y) if x > y: print(x, 'is maximum') else: print(y, 'is miximum') print_max(3, 5) print(print_max.__doc__) result: # 5 is miximum # 打印这两个数的最大数。 # 这两个数都应该是整数。 # code026 docstrings def print_max(x, y): help(print_max) '''打印这两个数的最大数。 这两个数都应该是整数。''' x = int(x) y = int(y) if x > y: print(x, 'is maximum') else: print(y, 'is miximum') print_max(3, 5) print(print_max.__doc__) # code027 modules and import operation import sys print('The command line arguments are:') for i in sys.argv: #sys.argv[0], sys.argv[1]... if there are some other arguments print(i) #print these arguments print('\n\nThe PYTHONPATH is', sys.path, '\n') #list all directories in which sys.path is located. # code028 obtain the path of the current precedure import os; print(os.getcwd()) # code029 from...import... from math import sqrt print("Square root of 16 is", sqrt(16)) if __name__ == '__main__': print('This program is being run by itself') else: print('I am being imported from another module') # code030 import import mymodule mymodule.say_hi() print('Version', mymodule.__version__) # lower sentences are stored in the byte of python/a byte of def say_hi(): print('Hi, this is mymodule speaking') __version__ = '1' import mymodule mymodule.say_hi() print('My version is ', mymodule.myversion) # function, module is to call different procedures. # packages are to organize the structure of procedures # code031 ds_using_list shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana'] print('I have', len(shoplist), 'items to purchase.') print('these items are:', end=' ') for item in shoplist: print(item, end=' ') print('\nI also have to buy rice.') shoplist.append('rice') print('my shopping list is now', shoplist) print('i will sort my list now') shoplist.sort() print('sorted shopping list is', shoplist[0]) olditem = shoplist[0] del shoplist[0] print('i bought the', olditem) print('i bought list is now',shoplist) # code032 tuple is also a alignment zoo = ('python', 'elephant', 'penguin') print('Number of animals in the zoo is', len(zoo)) new_zoo = 'monkey', 'camel', zoo print('Number of cages in the new_zoo is', len(new_zoo)) print('All animals in new_zoo are', new_zoo) print('animals brought from old zoo are', zoo) print('last animal brought from old zoo is', new_zoo[2][2]) print('number of animals in the new zoo is', len(new_zoo)-1+len(new_zoo[2])) # code033 dict ab = { 'Swaroop': '', 'Larry': '', 'Matsumoto': '', 'Spammer': '', 'Guido' : '' } print("Swaroop's address is", ab['Swaroop']) del ab['Spammer'] print('\nThere are {} contacts in the\n'.format(len(ab))) for name, address in ab.items(): print('Contact {} at {}'.format(name, address)) ab['Guido'] = '' if 'Guidio' in ab: print("\nGuido's address is", ab['Guido']) # code034 sequence shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana'] name = 'swaroop' print('item 0 is', shoplist[0]) print('item 1 is', shoplist[1]) print('item 2 is', shoplist[2]) print('item 3 is', shoplist[3]) print('item -1 is', shoplist[-1]) print('item -2 is', shoplist[-2]) print('Character 0 is', name[0]) print('item 1 to 3 is', shoplist[1:3]) print('item 2 to end is', shoplist[2:]) print('item 1 to -1 is', shoplist[1:-1]) print('item start to end is', shoplist[:]) print('item 1 to 3 is', name[1:3]) print('item 2 to end is', name[2:]) print('item 1 to -1', name[1:-1]) print('characters start to end is', name[:]) # code035 reference comparision between copyscript and slice print('simple assignment') shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana'] mylist = shoplist del shoplist[0] print('shoplist is', shoplist) print('mylist is', mylist) del mylist[0] print('shoplist is', shoplist) print('mylist is', mylist) print('copy by making a full slice') mylist = shoplist[:] del mylist[0] print('shoplist is', shoplist) print('mylist is', mylist) # code035 other strings name = 'swaroop' if name.startswith('swa'): print('yes, the string starts with "swa"') if 'a' in name: print('yes, it contains the string "a"') if name.find('war') == 1: print('yes, it contains the string "war"') delimiter = '_*_' space = ' ' mylist = ['brazil', 'russia', 'india', 'china'] print(delimiter.join(mylist)) print(space.join(mylist)) print(mylist) # code036 solve problems create a zipfile import os import time source = ['/Users/swa/notes'] target_dir = '/Users/swa/backup' target = target_dir + os.sep + \ time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + 'zip' if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) zip_command = 'zip -r {0} {1}'.format(target, ' '.join(source)) print('zip command is:') print(zip_command) print('Running:') if os.system(zip_command) == 0: print('Successful backup to', target) else: print('Backup Failed') # code037 class_1 class Person: pass p = Person() print(p) # code038 class_self class Person: def say_hi(self): print('hello, how are you?') p = Person() p.say_hi() # code039 __init__ implucitly to involk function class Person: def __init__(self, name): = name def say_hi(self): print('hello, my name is', p = Person('swaroop') p.say_hi() # code 040 obejvar class Robot: """表示有一个带有名字的机器人""" population = 0 def __init__(self, name): = name print("(Initializing {})".format( Robot.population +=1 def die(self): print("{} is being destroyed!".format( Robot.population -= 1 #Robot.population 类变量 if Robot.population == 0: print("{} was the last one.".format( else: print("there are still {:d} robots working.".format(Robot.population)) def say_hi(self): print("Greetings, my masters call me {}".format( @classmethod def how_many(cls): """打印出当前的人口数量""" print("we have {:d} robots.".format(cls.population)) #cls.population 类方法 droid1 = Robot("R2-D2") droid1.say_hi() droid1.how_many() droid2 = Robot("C-3P0") droid2.say_hi() droid2.how_many() print("\nRobots can do some work here.\n") print("Robots have finished their work. So let's destroy them.") droid1.die() droid2.die() Robot.how_many() # code 041 subclass class SchoolMember: '''代表任何学校里的成员''' def __init__(self, name, age): = name self.age = age print('(Initialized SchoolMember: {})'.format( def tell(self): print('Name:"{}" Age:"{}"'.format(, self.age), end=" ") #end=" " 不换行并且空一格 class Teacher(SchoolMember): '''代表一位老师''' def __init__(self, name, age, salary): SchoolMember.__init__(self, name, age) self.salary = salary print('(Initialized Teacher: {})'.format( def tell(self): SchoolMember.tell(self) print('Salary: "{:d}"'.format(self.salary)) class Student(SchoolMember): '''代表一位学生''' def __init__(self, name, age, marks): SchoolMember.__init__(self, name, age) self.marks = marks print(('Initialized Student: {}').format( def tell(self): SchoolMember.tell(self) print('Marks: "{:d}"'.format(self.marks)) t = Teacher('Mrs. Shrividya', 40, 30000) s = Student('Swaroop', 25, 75) # 打印一行空白行 print() members = [t,s] for member in members: member.tell() # code 042 input def reverse(text): return text[::-1] #逆向输出所有字符 def is_palindrome(text): return text == reverse(text) #判断是否是palindrome字符 something = input("Enter text: ") if is_palindrome(something): print("Yes, it is a palindrome") else: print("No, it is not a palindrome") # code 043 input_exercise def reverse(text): return text[::-1] #逆向输出所有字符 def is_palindrome(text): return text == reverse(text) #判断是否是palindrome字符 something = input("Enter text: ") if is_palindrome(something): print("Yes, it is a palindrome") else: print("No, it is not a palindrome") # code044 using_file poem = '''\ Programming is fun when the work is done if you wanna make your work also fun: use python! ''' #打开文件以编辑 f = open('poem.txt','w') #向文件中编写文本 f.write(poem) #关闭文件 f.close() #如果没有特别指定,嘉定启用默认的阅读(‘r’ead模式) f = open('poem.txt') while True: line = f.readline() #零长度指示EOF if len(line) == 0: break #每行('line')的末尾 #都有换行符 #因它是从一个文件中进行读取的 print(line, end='') #关闭文件 f.close() help(open) # code 045 import pickle #我们存储相关对象的文件的名称 shoplistfile = '' #需要购买的物品清单 shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot'] #准备写入文件 f = open(shoplistfile, 'wb') #转移对象至文件 pickle.dump(shoplist, f) f.close() #清除shoplist 变量 del shoplist #重新打开存储文件 f = open(shoplistfile, 'rb') #从文件中载入对象 storedlist = pickle.load(f) print(storedlist) # code046 unicode import io f ="abc.txt", "wt", encoding="utf-8")指明目前正在使用utf-8 f.write(u"Imagine non-English language here") f.close() text ="abc.txt", encoding="utf-8").read() print(text) import io f ="abc.txt", "wt", encoding="utf-8") f.write(u"Imagine non-English language here") f.close() text ="abc.txt", encoding="utf-8").read() print(text) import io f ="abc.txt", "wt", encoding=utf-8) f.write(u"Imagine non-English language here") f.close() text ="abc.txt",encoding="utf-8").read() print(text) s = '' while 1: t = input("go on(g) or quit(q)\n") if t != 'q': name = input('') pwd = input('') email = input('') if len(name) > 20: name = name[0:20] if len(pwd) > 20: pwd = pwd[0:20] if len(email) > 20: email = email[0:20] if t == 'q': print(s.expandtabs(20), end='') break temp = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\n" v = temp.format(name,pwd,email) s = s + v print(s.expandtabs(20),end='') # code047 exceptions_handle try: text = input('Enter something -->') except EOFError: print('Why did y do an EOF on me?') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Y cancelled the operation.') else: print('y entered {}'.format(text)) # code048 class shortInputException(Exception): '''一个由用户定义的异常类''' def __init__(self, length, atleast): Exception.__init__(self) self.length = length self.atleast = atleast try: text = input('Enter something --> ') if len(text) < 3: raise ShortInputException(len(text), 3) except EOFError: print('Why did y do an EOF on me?') except ShortInputException as ex: print(('ShortInputException: The input was ' + '{0} long, expected at least {1}') .format(ex.length, ex.atleast)) else: print('No exception was raised.') # code 049 exceptions_finally import sys import time f = None try: f = open("poem.txt") while True: line = f.readline() if len(line) == 0: break print(line, end='') sys.stdout.flush() print("Press ctrl+c now") time.sleep(2) except IOError: print("Could not find file poem.txt") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("!! You cancelled the reading from the file") finally: if f: f.close() print("(Cleaning up: Closed the file)") # code050 exceptions_using_with # with 语句会在代码块开始之前调用 thefile.__enter__ 函数,并且总会在代码块执行完毕之后调 # 用 thefile.__exit__ with open("poem.txt") as f: for line in f: print(line, end='')

posted on 2019-03-29 02:01  yukun093  阅读(569)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
