创建了一行代码,使用 MultiCurve 类中的 CreateLine 方法。以下代码是使用该方法的示例: using MapInfo.Geometry; MultiCurve multiCurve =new MultiCurve(longLatNad83); multiCurve = MapInfo.Geometry.MultiCurve.CreateLine(longLatNad83, dpoints[0], dpoints[1]); 几何体创建后,需要将几何体添加到地图中,然后才能显示、选择、标注该几何体,或在 该几何体上执行任何与地图有关的其它操作。 以下代码示例说明了如何执行该操作: using MapInfo.Geometry; using MapInfo.Mapping; using MapInfo.Data; using MapInfo.Styles; /**////<summary> /// Creates a temporary table, adds a Point feature, and displays /// it on a map. This example uses wldcty25 as a template, so you'll /// need to have world.gst open in a map control. /// NOTE X and Y positions depend on the coordinate system! ///</// summary> ///<param name="x">X position</param> ///<param name="y">Y position</param> privatevoid showPointOnMap(double x, double y) { Map map = mapControl1.Map; //uses wldcty25 as a template Table table = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.GetTable("wldcty25"); // create a temp table and add a featurelayer for it CoordSys coordSys = map.GetDisplayCoordSys(); TableInfoMemTable tableInfo =new TableInfoMemTable("temp"); tableInfo.Temporary =true; // add geometry column Column column; // specify coordsys for object column column =new GeometryColumn(coordSys); column.Alias ="MI_Geometry"; column.DataType = MIDbType.FeatureGeometry; tableInfo.Columns.Add(column); // add style column column =new Column(); column.Alias ="MI_Style"; column.DataType = MIDbType.Style; tableInfo.Columns.Add(column); Table pointTable = Session.Current.Catalog.CreateTable(tableInfo); // Set the location and display style of the point FeatureGeometry geometry =new MapInfo.Geometry.Point (coordSys, x, y); SimpleVectorPointStyle vStyle =new SimpleVectorPointStyle (37, System.Drawing.Color.Red, 14); CompositeStyle cStyle =new MapInfo.Styles.CompositeStyle(vStyle); //Update the table with the location and style of the new feature MICommand cmd = miConnection.CreateCommand(); cmd.Parameters.Add("geometry",MIDbType.FeatureGeometry); cmd.Parameters.Add("style",MIDbType.Style); cmd.CommandText ="Insert Into temp (MI_Geometry,MI_Style) values (geometry,style)"; cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters[0].Value = geometry; cmd.Parameters[1].Value = cStyle; int nchanged = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); //add the table to the map map.Layers.Add(new MapInfo.Mapping.FeatureLayer(pointTable)); } 以下是新的代码行 //根据名称搜索 SearchInfo si = MapInfo.Data.SearchInfoFactory.SearchWhere("Country like '%"+ txtName.Text +"%'"); IResultSetFeatureCollection ifs = MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Catalog.Search("world",si); if (ifs.Count <=0) { return; } //缩放到选择图元范围 MapMain.Map.SetView(ifs.Envelope); MapMain.Map.Scale = MapMain.Map.Scale *2; //高亮显示 MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Selections.DefaultSelection.Clear(); MapInfo.Engine.Session.Current.Selections.DefaultSelection.Add(ifs);//高亮显示也就是取默认值,默认值为高亮显示的 //输出查询信息 ListBox1.Items.Clear(); ListBox1.Items.Add("图层: "+ ifs.BaseTable.Alias.ToString()); foreach (Feature feature in ifs) { //显示每个选择图元的属性数据 foreach (Column column in feature.Columns) { ListBox1.Items.Add(""+ column.ToString() +" = "+ feature[column.ToString()].ToString()); } ListBox1.Items.Add("____________________________"); }
posted on
2006-07-06 09:53口俞克木公