转载请注明出处“一块努力的牛皮糖”:http://www.cnblogs.com/yuxc/新手上路,翻译不恰之处,恳请指出,不胜感谢Updated 1st 2011.8.52.2 Conditional Frequency Distributions 条件频率分布We introduced frequency distributions in Section 1.3. We saw that given some list mylist of words or other items, FreqDist(mylist)would compute the number of occurrenc 阅读全文
Updated log1st:2011/8/5 1.5 Automatic Natural Language Understanding 自然语言的自动理解 We have been exploring language bottom-up(自底向上的), with the help of texts and the Python programming language. However, we’re also interested in exploiting(利用) our knowledge of language and computation by building usefu... 阅读全文
新手上路,翻译不恰之处,恳请指出,不胜感谢Updated log1st:2011/8/52nd:2011/8/63rd:2012/5/14每次按一小节来分,本篇涉及第一章的1.1,除了最后的小节&扩展阅读&习题放在一篇博客内。CHAPTER 1 第一章Language Processing and Python 语言处理和PythonIt is easy to get our hands on millions of words of text. What can we do with it, assuming we can write some simple programs 阅读全文