Project2 Percolation in Grids 网格渗透

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1st 2011.8.7   a big project!


Project 2


Percolation in Grids



Introduction  介绍



Imagine a landscape filled with patches of dry grass. A fire has started at one end and it jumps from one patch to another. What is the probability that the fire manages to cross the entire area?

Imagine a system composed of randomly distributed insulating and metallic materials. What is the probability that the system is an electric conductor?

Imagine a porous landscape with water on the surface. What is the probability that the water will be able to drain to the bottom?

·         设想一片风景由干草地组成。火焰从一块干草区域开始并从一个区域跳到另一个区域。火焰能够通过整个区域的概率是多少?

·         设想系统由随机健在的绝缘金属材料组成。系统是电导体的概率是多少?

·         设想一个表面有水和多孔的场景。水能够流到底部的概率是多少?


All three problems can be modeled by a process called percolation. In its simplest form, percolation is modeled by an n×n grid containing blocked and open sites and the probability that a site is open is p. We say the grid percolates if there exists a sequence of open sites connecting an open site on the top row of the grid with an open site on the bottom row of the grid. The figure below shows two 2-dimensional grids generated with probability p=0.42. The left one percolates and the right one does not (light gray indicates a blocked site, blue/darkest shade indicates open sites that can be reached from the top row).


Does percolateDoes not percolate
Does percolate

  Does not percolate


The question scientists ask is “What is the smallest probability q at which a grid generated with probability q will percolate?”



Objectives 目的


The majority of percolation problems have no mathematical solution and thus percolation is a natural problem for computational experimentation. The objective of this project is to write two function implementing two conceptually different algorithms for flow through a 2-d grid and to experimentally determine the probability at which a grid percolates. You will also compare the running time of the two functions.


The project uses a significant portion of the material covered already as described in the next section. You will (i) use nested lists to represent and manipulate 2-dimensional grids, (ii) write a recursive and a non-recursive function for exploring the grid to detect percolation, and (iii) experience the benefit of writing small and reusable modules and developing code incrementally.



Getting Started 入门指南


You have already written a number of functions useful for this project. Note that you can use your solutions or the ones we provide (in file (解读该文件的传送门在此). You will be making use of the following:



printgrid(grid): prints the grid represented by the nested list, one row per line (this module may be helpful in testing and debugging your code)


readgrid(filename): opens the file filename and returns the contents as a list of list (also helpful in testing and debugging your code)


grid(size,fill=0): returns a grid of dimensions size × size in which every grid location is initialized to fill. The default fill value is 0.

grid(size,fill=0):按size × size返回网格大小,其中每个格子的位置都被初始化填充。默认填充值为0.

visualize(flow_grid, input_grid): visualizes the flow through a grid using VPython

visualize(flow_grid, input_grid):使用Vpython可视化流体经过网格


The 2-dimensional grid will be represented as a list of lists with [0][0] representing the upper left-most position of the grid. Assume input_grid is the grid to be checked for percolation. A location represented in grid input_grid is set to 0 if the corresponding site is open, permitting flow, and it is set to 1 if the site is blocked. For a given probability p, the grid is generated by performing the following for each location [i][j], where i is the row and j is the column:


Generate a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and 1.


If the random number is less than p, set input_grid[i][j] to 0, otherwise it is set to 1.

Function random_grid(size, p) written in Lab 6 generates such a grid (it is also included in the provided file).


Lab 6编写的函数random_grid(size,p) 产生了这样一个网格(包含了提供的文件)。


Detecting Percolation 渗透检测


A grid percolates if there is a flow from a grid cell in the first row of the grid to a grid cell in the last row of the grid and all cells on the path created by the flow are either horizontally or vertically adjacent. For a grid cell at [i][j], the four adjacent cells are [i-1][j], [i+1][j], [i][j-1], [i][j+1], assuming they exist. Note that different definition of percolation exist in the literature, many motivated by specific applications.



You will write two functions, percolation_wave(input_grid, trace=False) and percolation_recursive(input_grid, trace=False). Each function returns a grid flow_grid and a boolean does_percolate. If trace is True, you should call visualize(flow_grid, input_grid) each time the flow_grid changes.

你要编写percolation_wave(input_grid, trace=False) percolation_recursive(input_grid, trace=False) 两个函数。每个函数产生一个网格flow_grid和一个布尔数does_percolate。如果路径正确,你应该调用visualize(flow_grid, input_grid) 来观察flow_grid的每次变化。

The percolation functions should not change grid input_grid; input_grid should always represent the initial grid generated with probability p. Use a second grid, grid flow_grid, to represent the flow. The values grid flow_grid contains will vary depending on the percolation function. For both, flow_grid[i][j] = -1 if no flow has yet reached location [i][j]. Hence, grid flow_grid is initialized to -1 and its final state will record locations that can be reached by a flow starting in the first row. The figure below shows a grid input_grid, the corresponding grid flow_grid (where flow is indicated by the symbol “*”) , and a visualization using three colors (blue/darkest shade represents the flow).

渗透函数不应该改变input_grid网格;input_grid应该保持按概率p产生时的原始状态。使用第二个网格flow_grid,用来表示流。flow_grid网格包含的值将根据渗透函数的不同而不同。对于这两种方式,如果没有流能够到达位置[i][j],则flow_grid[i][j] = -1。因此,网格flow_grid的值被初始化为-1,且它的最终状态记录了流从第一行能够到达的位置。下面的图展示了一个input_grid及相应的flow_grid(流用符号“*”表示),并用三种颜色对其进行了可视化(蓝色/阴影代表流)。


Wave Exploration of the Grid 水波探测网格


Function percolation_wave(input_grid, trace=False) detects percolation using the idea of expanding wavefronts. This process is illustrated in the figure below. The first wave consists of all the open positions in the top row of the grid. For the shown example, the first wave contains the three open grid locations labeled '0'. The second wave consists of all positions not in the first wave and that can be reached in one step from a position in the first wave. In general, the k-th wave is generated using the (k-1)-st wave and it contains positions not reached earlier. Waves are numbered starting from zero. Note that if a position appears in wave k, there is a path of length k to this position from a location in the top row. (Actually, the path contains k+1 grid locations.) Hence, the wave algorithm can be used to not only detect whether the grid percolates, but it also finds a shortest percolation path.


函数percolation_wave(input_grid, trace=False) 利用扩大波阵面的思想对渗透进行探测。下图说明了这一过程。第一个波包含了网格第一行的所有开放位置。根据展示的例子,第一个波包含了3个开放网格点,并用‘0’标记。第二个波包含了除第一个波以外的所有位置,并且可以由第一个波中一个位置一步到达。通常,第k个波是根据第k-1个波产生的,它包含了之前不能到达的位置。波从0开始,且是有限的。注意,如果一个位置在 k中出现,则存在一条从第一行的一个位置开始长为k的路径。(事实上,该路径包含了k+1个网格位置。)因此,水波算法不仅可以用来探测网格渗透,而且还可以找到渗透的最短路径。


In your implementation, let function percolation_wave use the grid flow_grid to record the positions reached by the waves (its entries are initialized to -1) and use a list last_wave to record the last wave generated. Note that once a new wave has been determined, the positions reached by last_wave are recorded in the grid visualized. Use a function generate_nextwave to generate the next wave. The parameters of function generate_nextwave are

input_grid: input_grid[i][j] is 1 if position [i][j] is blocked.

flow_grid: flow_grid[i][j] is -1 if position [i][j] has not been visited by a wave; it contains the value k if the k-th wave reached it.

last_wave: a list of (row, col) pairs indicating the grid positions that were in the last wave.







Function generate_nextwave returns the next wave that contains all positions that are adjacent to at least one position in last_wav are not blocked and have not been visited.



The function terminates when an open position in the last row is reached by a wave (the grid percolates) or no more grid locations can be explored (the grid does not percolate).



Note: In your implementation, the lists representing waves should not contain duplicate entries. Allowing duplicate entries can result in very slow code (too slow for an effective experimental part).



Recursive Exploration of the Grid



The recursive exploration of a grid uses the following idea: a path through the grid is followed exploring new locations and following the most recently discovered location, as long as there still exists the possibility of detecting percolation. Once it is detected that the path pursued leads to a dead end, it backtracks and pursues the most recent branch it did not yet take. This is in some sense, this approach is the opposite of the wave exploration approach which works its way through the entire grid, wave by wave. Recursion will handle the concept of backtracking for you.



To implement percolation_recursive, use a function explore which has as parameters a row i and column j, as well as grids input_grid and flow_grid. Assume a cell adjacent to [i][j] can be reached by flow (or that i is the first row), input_grid[i][j]=0 and flow_grid[i][j]= -1. This means no flow has reached location [i][j], the location is not blocked, and flow from the adjacent location can reach it. We record that the flow reaches location [i][j] by setting flow_grid[i][j]=*. Then, function explore considers the neighbors of [i][j] it can flow to, one at a time. For each such neighbor, explore makes a recursive call with the position of the neighbor as the row and column index. Realize that after this recursive call is made, the initial conditions of explore stated above hold.



The recursive nature of function explore explores paths in the grid allowing flow until it reaches a “dead end” or until it reaches the last row. Once a flow reaches the last row, a flow resulting in percolation has been found and the computation stops. When a dead end is reached, no more recursive calls are made and the recursion returns to where it was called from (recursion handles the backtracking for you).



The initial call to function explore will be made by percolation_recursive and explore will make future recursive calls. Function percolation_recursive will make more calls to explore if there are free locations in the first row explore cannot reach. Function percolation_recursive will return the correct parameters when explore has completed its work.



General comments about the functions



When designing the percolation functions, consider how to reuse code and what code segments should be placed into a function. Test each function carefully and make sure to visualize the detected flow using function visualize provided. Here is an example of how the functions should be called in a possible testing function.



if __name__ == "__main__":

# a format you may want to use for testing

= random_grid(500.5)


# Run percolation using wave algorithm

    flow_grid, percolates_wave 
= percolation_wave(input_grid)

    visualize(flow_grid, input_grid)


# Run percolation using recursive algorithm

    flow_grid, percolates_rec 
= percolation_recursive(input_grid)

    visualize(flow_grid, input_grid)


# the flow_grids generated may look different,

# but correct functions will produce the same Boolean value


Part 1: Using the Wave Percolation Function for Determining the Percolation Probability



Part 1 of the project consists of writing the function percolation_wave and running experiments to computationally determine the smallest probability q at which a grid generated with probability q percolates. We call this the percolation probability q.



First write and test function percolation_wave. To computationally determine the percolation probability, use the following setup. One trial consist of determining whether one grid percolates. Consider the following questions:



How many trials are needed to make a prediction on whether a grid generated with probability p percolates?

How many different values of p should be considered to determine the percolation probability q?




For p=1, the grid will always percolate (there are no blocked locations) and for p=0 the grid will never percolate (all locations are blocked). Intuitively, for values of p close to 1, one expects that the majority of the trials will report percolation and for values of p close to 0 one expects very few percolations.



The goal is to generate a plot whose x-coordinate represents values of p (from 0 to 1) and whose y-coordinate represents q (also from 0 to 1). From the shape of the plot, you will make a prediction of the percolation probability.



Every point in the plot is obtained by running a number of trials. For a certain probability p, assume we are making t trials and s of the t randomly generated grids allow percolation. We set q = s/t and (p,q) is a point in the plot. It would be helpful if there were a formula allowing us to plot this function. However, such a formula does not exist.



Experimentally determine the percolation probability for a grid of size n=25. Remember that you need to decide how many values of p to consider and how many experiments to run for each value of p (you should set this quantity t to at leats 10). Plot the graph using Matplotlib or VPython. Place all code generating the plot into a file (this file needs to import all files and libraries you use). In addition to the graph, discuss how you decided on the number of trials used and the probabilities p considered. State the observed percolation probability.



Next, consider grid sizes n = 10, 25, 50, and 75 and determine the percolation probabilities (you already know it for n=25). One way to visualize the performance for the different values of n is to make the same curve as above and show all three in one plot. Discuss how the size of the grid seems to impact the percolation probability and the shape of the curves. Place all code generating the curves into file



Submit a folder containing,,,, and a text file discussing your results.



Part 2: Comparing the Performance of two Percolation Functions



Part 2 of the project consists of writing function percolation_recursive and comparing the running times of the two percolation functions. Before starting to write percolation_recursive, read the description given earlier carefully. Realize that the recursion happens in function explore and that percolation_recursive makes the initial call to explore (it may make more than one call to explore).



Use the following framework to compare the running times of one execution of the two functions.


    import time

= ...

= ...

= random_grid(n, p):

= time.clock()

    flow_grid, percolates_wave 
= percolation_wave(input_grid, trace=False)

= time.clock()-t

= time.clock()

    flow_grid, percolates_wave 
= percolation_recursive(input_grid, trace=False).

= time.clock()-t


Make sure both functions are operating the same way (both terminate when percolation is first detected, or both detect all percolation paths). Your comparison should report performance on the following scenario:

·         set n=75

·         consider values of p from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.05 (or smaller)

·         for each value of p, generate 10 random grids and record for each algorithm the average running time on the ten grids


This experimental setup produces two lists (or arrays), each containing 20 values (or more for smaller increments). Plot the performance results in an interesting and effectve way and give a brief discussion of your interpretation.



·         We encourage you to use your wave propagation function in the performance comparison. If your code did not work correctly or some other problems arise, you can use the posted wave solution.

·    While real applications have significantly larger grid sizes, generating the plot for n=75 may exceed default values Python uses. To increase the setrecursionlimit from the default value use:


from sys import setrecursionlimit



Place the recursive function detecting percolation into file Your performance comparisons should be in a file named Your submission for Part 2 needs to contain these two programs, the wave propagation function, the provided functions file, and a discussion of your performance results. Can you make a conclusion on which approach is more efficient?





When you submit your code, always submit all files used by your solutions. This means that if you are using code we provide to the class, you need to submit this code whether you changed it or not. Your project will be run and tested only with the code submitted. Instruction on files names are given above. We will grade both the quality of your code as well as the quality of your experimental study, including the associated write-up answering the given questions.


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