Links:该问题来自于pudure university(普渡大学)python课程中的problem set2
Monte Carlo methods are used to simulate complex physical and mathematical systems by repeated random sampling. In simple terms, given a probability, p, that an event will occur in certain conditions, a program generates those conditions repeatedly. The number of times the event occurs divided by the number of times the conditions are generated should be approximately equal to p.
The Monte Carlo method can be used to generate an approximate value of pi. The figure below shows a unit square with a quarter of a circle inscribed. The area of the square is 1 and the area of the quarter circle is pi/4. Using a random number generator, imagine “throwing” random points at the square. The ratio between the number of points that fall inside the circle (red points) and the total number of points thrown (red and green points) gives an approximation to the value of pi/4. This process is a Monte Carlo simulation approximating pi.
Write a Python program that runs this simulation. Your program will run a simulation for a specified number of iterations. let n be the variable representing the number of iterations. For a given n, executes n iteration, with each iteration generating a random point (x,y) and determining whether the point lies inside the circle or not. Assume that (O,O) is the lower left corner of the square. After the n iterations are completed, the program outputs the approximation of pi using the ratio of the points inside the circle and outside the circle (need to multiply the ratio by 4). Also output the number of iterations executed and the value of math.pi.
Your program should run for n = 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, and 1000000. Do not paste in the code five times, but use a for-loop around your simulation code that executes the simulation five times.
你的程序需要运行n = 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, and 1000000。不要复制代码5次,而是使用for循环来代替。
A random point is generated by generating two random numbers, each between 0 and 1 (including 0, but not 1). See Lab 2 how to generate random numbers using library random.
A point (x,y) lies inside the circle if sqrt(x^2 + y^2) <1.
When testing your code, run it only once (not 5 times).
Note that for the same value of n, you will see slightly different answers for pi as each execution uses a new set of random points.
取n= 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000,计算出得出的pi值与实际的pi 的误差。

1 import random
2 import math
4 def main():
5 # You didn't know how to do the below loop for this problem set, but you
6 # should know what it does now. It creates a list that contains all of
7 # the number of iterations you were supposed to test. Try it!
8 for n in [10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000]:
9 total = 0
10 for i in xrange(n):
11 x, y = random.random(), random.random()
12 if math.sqrt(x **2+ y **2) <1.0:
13 total +=1
14 mypi =4.0*total / n
15 print'Estimating pi with', n, 'iterations:', mypi
16 print'Value of math.pi is', math.pi
17 print'Error is', abs(math.pi - mypi) / math.pi
18 print
20 main()
random.random()用于生成一个0到1的随机符点数: 0 <= n < 1.0
random.uniform的函数原型为:random.uniform(a, b),用于生成一个指定范围内的随机符点数,两个参数其中一个是上限,一个是下限。如果a < b,则生成的随机数n: a <= n <= b。如果 a >b, 则 b <= n <= a。
random.randint()的函数原型为:random.randint(a, b),用于生成一个指定范围内的整数。其中参数a是下限,参数b是上限,生成的随机数n: a <= n <= b
random.randrange的函数原型为:random.randrange([start], stop[, step]),从指定范围内,按指定基数递增的集合中获取一个随机数。如:random.randrange(10, 100, 2),结果相当于从[10, 12, 14, 16, ... 96, 98]序列中获取一个随机数。random.randrange(10, 100, 2)在结果上与 random.choice(range(10, 100, 2) 等效。
random.choice从序列中获取一个随机元素。其函数原型为:random.choice(sequence)。参数sequence表示一个有序类型。这里要说明 一下:sequence在python不是一种特定的类型,而是泛指一系列的类型。list, tuple, 字符串都属于sequence。有关sequence可以查看python手册数据模型这一章。下面是使用choice的一些例子:
- print random.choice("学习Python")
- print random.choice(["JGood", "is", "a", "handsome", "boy"])
- print random.choice(("Tuple", "List", "Dict"))
random.shuffle的函数原型为:random.shuffle(x[, random]),用于将一个列表中的元素打乱,注意该方法会改变原列表。如:
random.sample的函数原型为:random.sample(sequence, k),从指定序列中随机获取指定长度的片断。sample函数不会修改原有序列。
伪随机数生成模块。如果不提供 seed,默认使用系统时间。使用相同的 seed,可以获得完全相同的随机数序列,常用于算法改进测试。