1. 文字、变元

vars, lits

signed char * vals; // assignment [-max_var,max_var] //Internal数据成员,保存文字的赋值-同时其对应负文字的赋值也一并保存(更新)。
// 可以理解为vals中由两个对应位置保存有变元的真值(1或-1),通常只需要查询一个即可(另一个取值相反)。
// 查询文字的值使用函数 int tmp = val (lit);传播队列中查询得到的tmp一定>0。
// 没有参与传播的变元对应两个位置取值为0;可以据此判断文字是否在传播队列中。


vidx(lit) :

Var & v = var (idx); //通过文字绝对值构造变元
v.level = level; //变元对应的层属性
v.trail = (int) trail.size (); //变元对应在Trail中的位置索引
v.reason = 0 / decision_reason / c; //变元进入Trai中时的reason子句


2. 文字、变元所对应的相关数据




 1 // Helper functions to access variable and literal data.
 2   //
 3   Var &var (int lit) { return vtab[vidx (lit)]; }
 4   Link &link (int lit) { return links[vidx (lit)]; }
 5   Flags &flags (int lit) { return ftab[vidx (lit)]; }
 6   int64_t &bumped (int lit) { return btab[vidx (lit)]; }
 7   double &score (int lit) { return stab[vidx (lit)]; }
10   const Flags &flags (int lit) const { return ftab[vidx (lit)]; }





vector<Var> vtab; // variable table [1,max_var]

vector<Flags> ftab; // variable and literal flags

vector<int64_t> btab; // enqueue time stamps for queue


vector<int64_t> vgapctab; // gap length to conflict point

vector<int64_t> gtab; // time stamp table to recompute glue


ScoreSchedule scores; // score based decision priority queue
vector<double> stab; // table of variable scores [1,max_var]




涉及文字对应的量会将自然表示的文字转换为采用Unsigned LSB方式,转换后的文字方式做索引

 1   int &propfixed (int lit) { return ptab[vlit (lit)]; }
 3   double &score (int lit) { return stab[vidx (lit)]; } 
 5   Bins &bins (int lit) { return big[vlit (lit)]; }
 7   Occs &occs (int lit) { return otab[vlit (lit)]; }
 9   int64_t &noccs (int lit) { return ntab[vlit (lit)]; }
11   Watches &watches (int lit) { return wtab[vlit (lit)]; }
14   bool occurring () const { return !otab.empty (); }
15   bool watching () const { return !wtab.empty (); }


//使用vlit(lit)将lit映射为Unsigned LSB表示的方式,其结果作为索引


vector<Bins> big; // binary implication graph   // 在bin.hpp中有申明 typedef vector<Bin> Bins; 此处big为向量的向量

vector<Occs> otab; // table of occurrences for all literals

vector<int64_t> ntab; // number of one-sided occurrences table

vector<Watches> wtab; // table of watches for all literals

vector<int> ptab; // table for caching probing attempts



介绍以下Unsigned LSB文字表示方式:

 1   // Unsigned version with LSB denoting sign.  This is used in indexing
 2   // arrays by literals.  The idea is to keep the elements in such an array
 3   // for both the positive and negated version of a literal close together.
 4   //
 5   unsigned vlit (int lit) { return (lit < 0) + 2u * (unsigned) vidx (lit); }
 7   int u2i (unsigned u) {
 8     assert (u > 1);
 9     int res = u / 2;
10     assert (res <= max_var);
11     if (u & 1)
12       res = -res;
13     return res;
14   }  //only used in block.cpp 







 3. 关于蕴含图类型bin定义解读



---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\assume.cpp
[18] const unsigned char bit = bign (lit);
[177] const unsigned bit = bign (failed);
[212] const unsigned bit = bign (-failed);
[240] assert (f.failed & bign (first_failed));
[310] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[335] const unsigned bit = bign (-lit);
[356] const unsigned bit = bign (-ign);
[467] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[511] const unsigned char bit = bign (lit);

---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\bins.cpp
[10] assert (big.empty ());
[11] if (big.size () < 2 * vsize)
[12] big.resize (2 * vsize, Bins ());
[17] assert (!big.empty ());
[18] erase_vector (big);

---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\compact.cpp
[449] if (!big.empty ())
[450] mapper.map2_vector (big);

---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\elim.cpp
[522] LOG ("resolvent size %d too big after %" PRId64

---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\internal.hpp
[222] vector<Bins> big; // binary implication graph
[407] Bins &bins (int lit) { return big[vlit (lit)]; }
[501] unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[505] marks[vidx (lit)] |= bign (lit);
[909] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[926] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[931] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[940] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[948] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[956] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[964] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[969] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);
[1123] const unsigned bit = bign (lit);


---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\mobical.cpp
[40] " --big generate big formulas only\n"
[4007] else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--big"))

---------- D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\util.hpp
[19] inline unsigned bign (int lit) { return 1 + (lit < 0); }



 1 #ifndef _bins_hpp_INCLUDED
 2 #define _bins_hpp_INCLUDED
 4 #include "util.hpp" // Alphabetically after 'bins'.
 6 namespace CaDiCaL {
 8 using namespace std;
10 struct Bin {
11   int lit;
12   uint64_t id;
13 };
15 typedef vector<Bin> Bins;
17 inline void shrink_bins (Bins &bs) { shrink_vector (bs); }
18 inline void erase_bins (Bins &bs) { erase_vector (bs); }
20 } // namespace CaDiCaL
22 #endif



 1 #include "internal.hpp"
 3 namespace CaDiCaL {
 5 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 7 // Binary implication graph lists.
 9 void Internal::init_bins () {
10   assert (big.empty ());
11   if (big.size () < 2 * vsize)
12     big.resize (2 * vsize, Bins ());
13   LOG ("initialized binary implication graph");
14 }
16 void Internal::reset_bins () {
17   assert (!big.empty ());
18   erase_vector (big);
19   LOG ("reset binary implication graph");
20 }
22 } // namespace CaDiCaL

 //从向量的向量对象big的初始化可知,Binary implication graph 的节点是文字,而非变元。




// Detect strongly connected components in the binary implication graph
// (BIG) and equivalent literal substitution (ELS) in 'decompose.cpp'.
void decompose_conflicting_scc_lrat (DFS *dfs, vector<int> &);
void build_lrat_for_clause ( const vector<vector<Clause *>> &dfs_chains, bool invert = false);
vector<Clause *> decompose_analyze_binary_clauses (DFS *dfs, int from);
void decompose_analyze_binary_chain (DFS *dfs, int);
bool decompose_round ();
void decompose ();

 1 //decompose.hpp
 2 /*
 3 这实现了 Tarjan 的算法,用于分解二进制隐含图介绍强连接组件 (SCC)。
一个 SCC 中的文字是等效的,我们将它们全部替换为 SCC 中索引最小的文字。
4 5 6 /* 7 8 9 #ifndef _decompose_hpp_INCLUDED 10 #define _decompose_hpp_INCLUDED 11 12 namespace CaDiCaL { 13 14 // This implements Tarjan's algorithm for decomposing the binary implication 15 // graph intro strongly connected components (SCCs). Literals in one SCC 16 // are equivalent and we replace them all by the literal with the smallest 17 // index in the SCC. These variables are marked 'substituted' and will be 18 // removed from all clauses. Their value will be fixed during 'extend'. 19 20 #define TRAVERSED UINT_MAX // mark completely traversed 21 22 struct DFS { 23 unsigned idx; // depth first search index 24 unsigned min; // minimum reachable index 25 Clause *parent; // for lrat 26 DFS () : idx (0), min (0), parent (0) {} 27 }; 28 29 } // namespace CaDiCaL 30 31 #endif



#include "internal.hpp"

namespace CaDiCaL {

void Internal::decompose_analyze_binary_chain (DFS *dfs, int from) {
  if (!lrat)
  LOG ("binary chain starting at %d", from);
  DFS &from_dfs = dfs[vlit (from)];
  Clause *reason = from_dfs.parent;
  if (val (from) > 0) {
    const unsigned uidx = vlit (from);
    uint64_t id = unit_clauses[uidx];
    assert (id);
    mini_chain.push_back (id);
  if (!reason)
  assert (reason->size == 2);
  mini_chain.push_back (reason->id);
  int other = reason->literals[0];
  other = other == from ? -reason->literals[1] : -other;
  Flags &f = flags (other);
  if (f.seen)
  f.seen = true;
  analyzed.push_back (other);
  decompose_analyze_binary_chain (dfs, other);

vector<Clause *> Internal::decompose_analyze_binary_clauses (DFS *dfs,
                                                             int from) {
  vector<Clause *> result;
  LOG ("binary chain starting at %d", from);
  DFS &from_dfs = dfs[vlit (from)];
  Clause *reason = from_dfs.parent;
  while (reason) {
    result.push_back (reason);
    assert (reason->size == 2);
    int other = reason->literals[0];
    other = other == from ? -reason->literals[1] : -other;
    Flags &f = flags (other);
    if (f.seen)
    f.seen = true;
    analyzed.push_back (other);
    from = other;
    DFS &from_dfs = dfs[vlit (from)];
    reason = from_dfs.parent;
  return result;

void Internal::decompose_conflicting_scc_lrat (DFS *dfs, vector<int> &scc) {
  if (!lrat)
  assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
  assert (mini_chain.empty ());
  for (auto &lit : scc) {
    Flags &f = flags (lit);
    if (f.seen)
    f.seen = true;
    analyzed.push_back (lit);
    decompose_analyze_binary_chain (dfs, lit);
    for (auto p = mini_chain.rbegin (); p != mini_chain.rend (); p++) {
      lrat_chain.push_back (*p);
    if (back)
      for (auto p = mini_chain.rbegin (); p != mini_chain.rend (); p++) {
        lrat_chain.push_back (*p);
      for (auto p : mini_chain) {
        lrat_chain.push_back (p);
    mini_chain.clear ();
  clear_analyzed_literals ();

void Internal::build_lrat_for_clause (
    const vector<vector<Clause *>> &dfs_chains, bool invert) {
  assert (lrat);
  LOG ("building chain for not subsumed clause");
  assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
  assert (decomposed.empty ());
  for (const auto lit : clause) { // build chain for each replaced literal
    auto other = lit;
    if (val (other) > 0) {
      if (marked_decompose (other))
      mark_decomposed (other);
      const unsigned uidx = vlit (other);
      uint64_t id = unit_clauses[uidx];
      assert (id);
      lrat_chain.push_back (id);
    assert (mini_chain.empty ());
    for (auto p : dfs_chains[vlit (other)]) {
      if (marked_decompose (other))
      mark_decomposed (other);
      int implied = p->literals[0];
      implied = implied == other ? -p->literals[1] : -implied;
      LOG ("ADDED %d -> %d (%" PRIu64 ")", implied, other, p->id);
      other = implied;
      mini_chain.push_back (p->id);
      if (val (implied) <= 0)
      if (marked_decompose (implied))
      mark_decomposed (implied);
      const unsigned uidx = vlit (implied);
      uint64_t id = unit_clauses[uidx];
      assert (id);
      mini_chain.push_back (id);
    if (invert)
      for (auto p = mini_chain.rbegin (); p != mini_chain.rend (); p++)
        lrat_chain.push_back (*p);
      for (auto p = mini_chain.begin (); p != mini_chain.end (); p++)
        lrat_chain.push_back (*p);
    mini_chain.clear ();
  // clear_analyzed_literals ();
  clear_decomposed_literals ();
  LOG (lrat_chain, "lrat_chain:");

void Internal::clear_decomposed_literals () {
  LOG ("clearing %zd decomposed literals", decomposed.size ());
  for (const auto &lit : decomposed) {
    assert (marked_decompose (lit));
    unmark_decompose (lit);
  decomposed.clear ();

// This performs one round of Tarjan's algorithm, e.g., equivalent literal
// detection and substitution, on the whole formula.  We might want to
// repeat it since its application might produce new binary clauses or
// units.  Such units might even result in an empty clause.

bool Internal::decompose_round () {

  if (!opts.decompose)
    return false;
  if (unsat)
    return false;
  if (terminated_asynchronously ())
    return false;

  assert (!level);



  const size_t size_dfs = 2 * (1 + (size_t) max_var);
  DFS *dfs = new DFS[size_dfs];
  int *reprs = new int[size_dfs];
  clear_n (reprs, size_dfs);
  vector<vector<Clause *>> dfs_chains;
  dfs_chains.resize (size_dfs);
  if (lrat) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i > size_dfs; i++) {
      vector<Clause *> empty;
      dfs_chains[i] = empty;

  int substituted = 0;
#ifndef QUIET
  int non_trivial_sccs = 0;
  int before = active ();
  unsigned dfs_idx = 0;

  vector<int> work; // depth first search working stack
  vector<int> scc;  // collects members of one SCC

  // The binary implication graph might have disconnected components and
  // thus we have in general to start several depth first searches.

  for (auto root_idx : vars) {
    if (unsat)
    if (!active (root_idx))
    for (int root_sign = -1; !unsat && root_sign <= 1; root_sign += 2) {
      int root = root_sign * root_idx;
      if (dfs[vlit (root)].min == TRAVERSED)
        continue; // skip traversed
      LOG ("new dfs search starting at root %d", root);
      assert (work.empty ());
      assert (scc.empty ());
      work.push_back (root);
      while (!unsat && !work.empty ()) {
        int parent = work.back ();
        DFS &parent_dfs = dfs[vlit (parent)];
        if (parent_dfs.min == TRAVERSED) { // skip traversed
          assert (reprs[vlit (parent)]);
          work.pop_back ();
        } else {
          assert (!reprs[vlit (parent)]);

          // Go over all implied literals, thus need to iterate over all
          // binary watched clauses with the negation of 'parent'.

          Watches &ws = watches (-parent);

          // Two cases: Either the node has never been visited before, i.e.,
          // it's depth first search index is zero, then perform the
          // 'pre-fix' work before visiting it's children.  Otherwise all
          // it's children and nodes reachable from those children have been
          // visited and their minimum reachable depth first search index
          // has been computed.  This second case is the 'post-fix' work.

          if (parent_dfs.idx) { // post-fix

            work.pop_back (); // 'parent' done

            // Get the minimum reachable depth first search index reachable
            // from the children of 'parent'.

            unsigned new_min = parent_dfs.min;

            for (const auto &w : ws) {
              if (!w.binary ())
              const int child = w.blit;
              if (!active (child))
              DFS &child_dfs = dfs[vlit (child)];
              if (new_min > child_dfs.min)
                new_min = child_dfs.min;

            LOG ("post-fix work dfs search %d index %u reaches minimum %u",
                 parent, parent_dfs.idx, new_min);

            if (parent_dfs.idx == new_min) { // entry to SCC

              // All nodes on the 'scc' stack after and including 'parent'
              // are in the same SCC.  Their representative is computed as
              // the smallest literal (index-wise) in the SCC.  If the SCC
              // contains both a literal and its negation, then the formula
              // becomes unsatisfiable.

              if (lrat) {
                assert (analyzed.empty ());
                int other, first = 0;
                bool conflicting = false;
                size_t j = scc.size ();
                do {
                  assert (j > 0);
                  other = scc[--j];
                  if (!first || vlit (other) < vlit (first))
                    first = other;
                  Flags &f = flags (other);
                  if (other == -parent) {
                    conflicting = true; // conflicting scc
                  if (f.seen) {
                    continue; // also conflicting scc
                  f.seen = true;
                  analyzed.push_back (other);
                } while (other != parent);

                assert (!conflicting || first > 0);
                vector<int> todo;
                if (conflicting) {
                  LOG ("conflicting scc simulating up at %d", parent);
                  todo.push_back (-parent);
                } else
                  todo.push_back (first);
                while (!todo.empty ()) {
                  const int next = todo.back ();
                  todo.pop_back ();
                  Watches &next_ws = watches (-next);
                  for (const auto &w : next_ws) {
                    if (!w.binary ())
                    const int child = w.blit;
                    if (!active (child))
                    if (!flags (child).seen)
                    DFS &child_dfs = dfs[vlit (child)];
                    if (child_dfs.parent)
                    child_dfs.parent = w.clause;
                    todo.push_back (child);

                clear_analyzed_literals ();

              int other, repr = parent;
#ifndef QUIET
              int size = 0;
              assert (!scc.empty ());
              size_t j = scc.size ();
              do {
                assert (j > 0);
                other = scc[--j];
                if (other == -parent) {
                  LOG ("both %d and %d in one SCC", parent, -parent);
                  if (lrat) {
                    Flags &f = flags (-parent);
                    f.seen = true;
                    analyzed.push_back (-parent);
                    decompose_analyze_binary_chain (dfs, parent);
                    for (auto p : mini_chain)
                      lrat_chain.push_back (p);
                    mini_chain.clear ();
                  assign_unit (parent);
                  if (lrat) {
                    propagate ();
                  learn_empty_clause ();
                  lrat_chain.clear ();
                } else {
                  if (abs (other) < abs (repr))
                    repr = other;
#ifndef QUIET
              } while (!unsat && other != parent);

              if (unsat)

              LOG ("SCC of representative %d of size %d", repr, size);

              do {
                assert (!scc.empty ());
                other = scc.back ();
                scc.pop_back ();
                dfs[vlit (other)].min = TRAVERSED;
                if (frozen (other)) {
                  reprs[vlit (other)] = other;
                reprs[vlit (other)] = repr;
                if (other == repr)
                LOG ("literal %d in SCC of %d", other, repr);
                if (!lrat)
                assert (mini_chain.empty ());
                Flags &f = flags (repr);
                f.seen = true;
                analyzed.push_back (repr);
                dfs_chains[vlit (other)] =
                    decompose_analyze_binary_clauses (dfs, other);
                // reverse (dfs_chains[vlit (other)].begin (),
                // dfs_chains[vlit (other)].end ());
                clear_analyzed_literals ();
              } while (other != parent);

#ifndef QUIET
              if (size > 1)

            } else {

              // Current node 'parent' is in a non-trivial SCC but is not
              // the entry point of the SCC in this depth first search, so
              // keep it on the SCC stack until the entry point is reached.

              parent_dfs.min = new_min;

          } else { // pre-fix

            assert (dfs_idx < TRAVERSED);
            parent_dfs.idx = parent_dfs.min = dfs_idx;
            scc.push_back (parent);

            LOG ("pre-fix work dfs search %d index %u", parent, dfs_idx);

            // Now traverse all the children in the binary implication
            // graph but keep 'parent' on the stack for 'post-fix' work.

            for (const auto &w : ws) {
              if (!w.binary ())
              const int child = w.blit;
              if (!active (child))
              DFS &child_dfs = dfs[vlit (child)];
              if (child_dfs.idx)
              work.push_back (child);

  erase_vector (work);
  erase_vector (scc);
  // delete [] dfs; need to postpone until after changing clauses...

  // Only keep the representatives 'repr' mapping.

  PHASE ("decompose", stats.decompositions,
         "%d non-trivial sccs, %d substituted %.2f%%", non_trivial_sccs,
         substituted, percent (substituted, before));

  bool new_unit = false, new_binary_clause = false;

  // Finally, mark substituted literals as such and push the equivalences of
  // the substituted literals to their representative on the extension
  // stack to fix an assignment during 'extend'.
  // TODO instead of adding the clauses to the extension stack one could
  // also just simply use the 'e2i' map as a union find data structure.
  // This would avoid the need to restore these clauses.

  vector<uint64_t> decompose_ids;
  const size_t size = 2 * (1 + (size_t) max_var);
  decompose_ids.resize (size);

  for (auto idx : vars) {
    if (unsat)
    if (!active (idx))
    int other = reprs[vlit (idx)];
    if (other == idx)
    assert (!flags (other).eliminated ());
    assert (!flags (other).substituted ());

    LOG ("marking equivalence of %d and %d", idx, other);
    assert (clause.empty ());
    assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
    clause.push_back (other);
    clause.push_back (-idx);
    if (lrat) {
      build_lrat_for_clause (dfs_chains);
      assert (!lrat_chain.empty ());

    const uint64_t id1 = ++clause_id;
    if (proof) {
      proof->add_derived_clause (id1, false, clause, lrat_chain);
      proof->weaken_minus (id1, clause);
    external->push_binary_clause_on_extension_stack (id1, -idx, other);

    decompose_ids[vlit (-idx)] = id1;

    lrat_chain.clear ();
    clause.clear ();

    assert (clause.empty ());
    assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
    clause.push_back (idx);
    clause.push_back (-other);
    if (lrat) {
      build_lrat_for_clause (dfs_chains);
      assert (!lrat_chain.empty ());
    const uint64_t id2 = ++clause_id;
    if (proof) {
      proof->add_derived_clause (id2, false, clause, lrat_chain);
      proof->weaken_minus (id2, clause);
    external->push_binary_clause_on_extension_stack (id2, idx, -other);
    decompose_ids[vlit (idx)] = id2;

    clause.clear ();
    lrat_chain.clear ();

  vector<Clause *> postponed_garbage;

  // Now go over all clauses and find clause which contain literals that
  // should be substituted by their representative.

  size_t clauses_size = clauses.size ();
#ifndef QUIET
  size_t garbage = 0, replaced = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; substituted && !unsat && i < clauses_size; i++) {
    Clause *c = clauses[i];
    if (c->garbage)
    int j, size = c->size;
    for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
      const int lit = c->literals[j];
      if (reprs[vlit (lit)] != lit)

    if (j == size)

#ifndef QUIET
    LOG (c, "first substituted literal %d in", substituted);

    // Now copy the result to 'clause'.  Substitute literals if they have a
    // different representative.  Skip duplicates and false literals.  If a
    // literal occurs in both phases or is assigned to true the clause is
    // satisfied and can be marked as garbage.

    assert (clause.empty ());
    assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
    assert (analyzed.empty ());
    bool satisfied = false;

    for (int k = 0; !satisfied && k < size; k++) {
      const int lit = c->literals[k];
      signed char tmp = val (lit);
      if (tmp > 0)
        satisfied = true;
      else if (tmp < 0) {
        if (!lrat)
        Flags &f = flags (lit);
        if (f.seen)
        f.seen = true;
        analyzed.push_back (lit);
        const unsigned uidx = vlit (-lit);
        uint64_t id = unit_clauses[uidx];
        assert (id);
        lrat_chain.push_back (id);
      } else {
        const int other = reprs[vlit (lit)];
        tmp = val (other);
        if (tmp < 0) {
          if (!lrat)
          Flags &f = flags (other);
          if (!f.seen) {
            f.seen = true;
            analyzed.push_back (other);
            const unsigned uidx = vlit (-other);
            uint64_t id = unit_clauses[uidx];
            assert (id);
            lrat_chain.push_back (id);
          if (other == lit)
          uint64_t id = decompose_ids[vlit (-lit)];
          assert (id);
          lrat_chain.push_back (id);
        } else if (tmp > 0)
          satisfied = true;
        else {
          tmp = marked (other);
          if (tmp < 0)
            satisfied = true;
          else if (!tmp) {
            mark (other);
            clause.push_back (other);
          if (other == lit)
          if (!lrat)
          uint64_t id = decompose_ids[vlit (-lit)];
          assert (id);
          lrat_chain.push_back (id);
    if (lrat)
      lrat_chain.push_back (c->id);
    clear_analyzed_literals ();
    LOG (lrat_chain, "lrat_chain:");
    if (satisfied) {
      LOG (c, "satisfied after substitution (postponed)");
      postponed_garbage.push_back (c);
#ifndef QUIET
    } else if (!clause.size ()) {
      LOG ("learned empty clause during decompose");
      learn_empty_clause ();
    } else if (clause.size () == 1) {
      LOG (c, "unit %d after substitution", clause[0]);
      assign_unit (clause[0]);
      mark_garbage (c);
      new_unit = true;
#ifndef QUIET
    } else if (c->literals[0] != clause[0] || c->literals[1] != clause[1]) {
      LOG ("need new clause since at least one watched literal changed");
      if (clause.size () == 2)
        new_binary_clause = true;
      size_t d_clause_idx = clauses.size ();
      Clause *d = new_clause_as (c);
      assert (clauses[d_clause_idx] == d);
      clauses[d_clause_idx] = c;
      clauses[i] = d;
      mark_garbage (c);
#ifndef QUIET
    } else {
      LOG ("simply shrinking clause since watches did not change");
      assert (c->size > 2);
      if (!c->redundant)
        mark_removed (c);
      if (proof) {
        proof->add_derived_clause (++clause_id, c->redundant, clause,
        proof->delete_clause (c);
        c->id = clause_id;
      size_t l;
      for (l = 2; l < clause.size (); l++)
        c->literals[l] = clause[l];
      int flushed = c->size - (int) l;
      if (flushed) {
        if (l == 2)
          new_binary_clause = true;
        LOG ("flushed %d literals", flushed);
        (void) shrink_clause (c, l);
      } else if (likely_to_be_kept_clause (c))
        mark_added (c);
      // we have assert (c->size > 2)
      if (c->size == 2) { // cheaper to update only new binary clauses
        update_watch_size (watches (c->literals[0]), c->literals[1], c);
        update_watch_size (watches (c->literals[1]), c->literals[0], c);
      LOG (c, "substituted");
    while (!clause.empty ()) {
      int lit = clause.back ();
      clause.pop_back ();
      assert (marked (lit) > 0);
      unmark (lit);
    lrat_chain.clear ();

  if (proof) {
    for (auto idx : vars) {
      if (!active (idx))
      const uint64_t id1 = decompose_ids[vlit (-idx)];
      if (!id1)
      int other = reprs[vlit (idx)];
      assert (other != idx);
      assert (!flags (other).eliminated ());
      assert (!flags (other).substituted ());

      clause.push_back (other);
      clause.push_back (-idx);
      proof->delete_clause (id1, false, clause);
      clause.clear ();

      clause.push_back (idx);
      clause.push_back (-other);
      const uint64_t id2 = decompose_ids[vlit (idx)];
      proof->delete_clause (id2, false, clause);
      clause.clear ();

  if (!unsat && !postponed_garbage.empty ()) {
    LOG ("now marking %zd postponed garbage clauses",
         postponed_garbage.size ());
    for (const auto &c : postponed_garbage)
      mark_garbage (c);
  erase_vector (postponed_garbage);

  PHASE ("decompose", stats.decompositions,
         "%zd clauses replaced %.2f%% producing %zd garbage clauses %.2f%%",
         replaced, percent (replaced, clauses_size), garbage,
         percent (garbage, replaced));

  erase_vector (scc);

  // Propagate found units.

  if (!unsat && propagated < trail.size () && !propagate ()) {
    LOG ("empty clause after propagating units from substitution");
    learn_empty_clause ();

  for (auto idx : vars) {
    if (unsat)
    if (!active (idx))
    int other = reprs[vlit (idx)];
    if (other == idx)
    assert (!flags (other).eliminated ());
    assert (!flags (other).substituted ());
    if (!flags (other).fixed ())
      mark_substituted (idx);

  delete[] reprs;
  delete[] dfs;
  erase_vector (dfs_chains);

  flush_all_occs_and_watches (); // particularly the 'blit's

  bool success =
      unsat || (substituted > 0 && (new_unit || new_binary_clause));
  report ('d', !opts.reportall && !success);


  return success;

void Internal::decompose () {
  for (int round = 1; round <= opts.decomposerounds; round++)
    if (!decompose_round ())

} // namespace CaDiCaL







  size_t notified;          // next trail position to notify external prop
  Clause *probe_reason;     // set during probing
  size_t propagated;        // next trail position to propagate
  size_t propagated2;       // next binary trail position to propagate
  size_t propergated;       // propagated without blocking literals
  size_t best_assigned;     // best maximum assigned ever
  size_t target_assigned;   // maximum assigned without conflict
  size_t no_conflict_until; // largest trail prefix without conflict
  vector<int> trail;        // currently assigned literals
 1 //restart.ccp
 2 ...
 3 int Internal::reuse_trail () {
 4   const int trivial_decisions =
 5       assumptions.size ()
 6       // Plus 1 if the constraint is satisfied via implications of
 7       // assumptions and a pseudo-decision level was introduced
 8       + !control[assumptions.size () + 1].decision;
 9   if (!opts.restartreusetrail)
10     return trivial_decisions;
11   int decision = next_decision_variable ();
12   assert (1 <= decision);
13   int res = trivial_decisions;
14   if (use_scores ()) {
15     while (
16         res < level && control[res + 1].decision &&
17         score_smaller (this) (decision, abs (control[res + 1].decision))) {
18       assert (control[res + 1].decision);
19       res++;
20     }
21   } else {
22     int64_t limit = bumped (decision);
23     while (res < level && control[res + 1].decision &&
24            bumped (control[res + 1].decision) > limit) {
25       assert (control[res + 1].decision);
26       res++;
27     }
28   }
29   int reused = res - trivial_decisions;
30   if (reused > 0) {
31     stats.reused++;
32     stats.reusedlevels += reused;
33     if (stable)
34       stats.reusedstable++;
35   }
36   return res;
37 }
38 ...



// instantiate.hpp

 1 #ifndef _instantiate_hpp_INCLUDED
 2 #define _instantiate_hpp_INCLUDED
 4 namespace CaDiCaL {
 6 // We are trying to remove literals in clauses, which occur in few clauses
 7 // and further restrict this removal to variables for which variable
 8 // elimination failed.  Thus if for instance we succeed in removing the
 9 // single occurrence of a literal, pure literal elimination can
10 // eliminate the corresponding variable in the next variable elimination
11 // round.  The set of such literal clause candidate pairs is collected at
12 // the end of a variable elimination round and tried before returning.  The
13 // name of this technique is inspired by 'variable instantiation' as
14 // described in [AnderssonBjesseCookHanna-DAC'02] and apparently
15 // successfully used in the 'Oepir' SAT solver.
17 struct Clause;
18 struct Internal;
20 class Instantiator {
22   friend struct Internal;
24   struct Candidate {
25     int lit;
26     int size;
27     size_t negoccs;
28     Clause *clause;
29     Candidate (int l, Clause *c, int s, size_t n)
30         : lit (l), size (s), negoccs (n), clause (c) {}
31   };
33   vector<Candidate> candidates;
35 public:
36   void candidate (int l, Clause *c, int s, size_t n) {
37     candidates.push_back (Candidate (l, c, s, n));
38   }
40   operator bool () const { return !candidates.empty (); }
41 };
43 } // namespace CaDiCaL
45 #endif
View Code



  1 #include "internal.hpp"
  3 namespace CaDiCaL {
  5 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  7 // This provides an implementation of variable instantiation, a technique
  8 // for removing literals with few occurrence (see also 'instantiate.hpp').
 10 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 12 // Triggered at the end of a variable elimination round ('elim_round').
 14 void Internal::collect_instantiation_candidates (
 15     Instantiator &instantiator) {
 16   assert (occurring ());
 17   for (auto idx : vars) {
 18     if (frozen (idx))
 19       continue;
 20     if (!active (idx))
 21       continue;
 22     if (flags (idx).elim)
 23       continue; // BVE attempt pending
 24     for (int sign = -1; sign <= 1; sign += 2) {
 25       const int lit = sign * idx;
 26       if (noccs (lit) > opts.instantiateocclim)
 27         continue;
 28       Occs &os = occs (lit);
 29       for (const auto &c : os) {
 30         if (c->garbage)
 31           continue;
 32         if (opts.instantiateonce && c->instantiated)
 33           continue;
 34         if (c->size < opts.instantiateclslim)
 35           continue;
 36         bool satisfied = false;
 37         int unassigned = 0;
 38         for (const auto &other : *c) {
 39           const signed char tmp = val (other);
 40           if (tmp > 0)
 41             satisfied = true;
 42           if (!tmp)
 43             unassigned++;
 44         }
 45         if (satisfied)
 46           continue;
 47         if (unassigned < 3)
 48           continue; // avoid learning units
 49         size_t negoccs = occs (-lit).size ();
 50         LOG (c,
 51              "instantiation candidate literal %d "
 52              "with %zu negative occurrences in",
 53              lit, negoccs);
 54         instantiator.candidate (lit, c, c->size, negoccs);
 55       }
 56     }
 57   }
 58 }
 60 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 62 // Specialized propagation and assignment routines for instantiation.
 64 inline void Internal::inst_assign (int lit) {
 65   LOG ("instantiate assign %d", lit);
 66   assert (!val (lit));
 67   assert ((int) num_assigned < max_var);
 68   num_assigned++;
 69   set_val (lit, 1);
 70   trail.push_back (lit);
 71 }
 73 // Conflict analysis is only needed to do valid resolution proofs.
 74 // We remember propagated clauses in order of assignment (in inst_chain)
 75 // which allows us to do a variant of conflict analysis if the instatiation
 76 // attempt succeeds.
 77 //
 78 bool Internal::inst_propagate () { // Adapted from 'propagate'.
 79   START (propagate);
 80   int64_t before = propagated;
 81   bool ok = true;
 82   while (ok && propagated != trail.size ()) {
 83     const int lit = -trail[propagated++];
 84     LOG ("instantiate propagating %d", -lit);
 85     Watches &ws = watches (lit);
 86     const const_watch_iterator eow = ws.end ();
 87     const_watch_iterator i = ws.begin ();
 88     watch_iterator j = ws.begin ();
 89     while (i != eow) {
 90       const Watch w = *j++ = *i++;
 91       const signed char b = val (w.blit);
 92       if (b > 0)
 93         continue;
 94       if (w.binary ()) {
 95         if (b < 0) {
 96           ok = false;
 97           LOG (w.clause, "conflict");
 98           if (lrat) {
 99             inst_chain.push_back (w.clause);
100           }
101           break;
102         } else {
103           if (lrat) {
104             inst_chain.push_back (w.clause);
105           }
106           inst_assign (w.blit);
107         }
108       } else {
109         literal_iterator lits = w.clause->begin ();
110         const int other = lits[0] ^ lits[1] ^ lit;
111         lits[0] = other, lits[1] = lit;
112         const signed char u = val (other);
113         if (u > 0)
114           j[-1].blit = other;
115         else {
116           const int size = w.clause->size;
117           const const_literal_iterator end = lits + size;
118           const literal_iterator middle = lits + w.clause->pos;
119           literal_iterator k = middle;
120           signed char v = -1;
121           int r = 0;
122           while (k != end && (v = val (r = *k)) < 0)
123             k++;
124           if (v < 0) {
125             k = lits + 2;
126             assert (w.clause->pos <= size);
127             while (k != middle && (v = val (r = *k)) < 0)
128               k++;
129           }
130           w.clause->pos = k - lits;
131           assert (lits + 2 <= k), assert (k <= w.clause->end ());
132           if (v > 0) {
133             j[-1].blit = r;
134           } else if (!v) {
135             LOG (w.clause, "unwatch %d in", r);
136             lits[1] = r;
137             *k = lit;
138             watch_literal (r, lit, w.clause);
139             j--;
140           } else if (!u) {
141             assert (v < 0);
142             if (lrat) {
143               inst_chain.push_back (w.clause);
144             }
145             inst_assign (other);
146           } else {
147             assert (u < 0);
148             assert (v < 0);
149             if (lrat) {
150               inst_chain.push_back (w.clause);
151             }
152             LOG (w.clause, "conflict");
153             ok = false;
154             break;
155           }
156         }
157       }
158     }
159     if (j != i) {
160       while (i != eow)
161         *j++ = *i++;
162       ws.resize (j - ws.begin ());
163     }
164   }
165   int64_t delta = propagated - before;
166   stats.propagations.instantiate += delta;
167   STOP (propagate);
168   return ok;
169 }
171 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
173 // This is the instantiation attempt.
175 bool Internal::instantiate_candidate (int lit, Clause *c) {
176   stats.instried++;
177   if (c->garbage)
178     return false;
179   assert (!level);
180   bool found = false, satisfied = false, inactive = false;
181   int unassigned = 0;
182   for (const auto &other : *c) {
183     if (other == lit)
184       found = true;
185     const signed char tmp = val (other);
186     if (tmp > 0) {
187       satisfied = true;
188       break;
189     }
190     if (!tmp && !active (other)) {
191       inactive = true;
192       break;
193     }
194     if (!tmp)
195       unassigned++;
196   }
197   if (!found)
198     return false;
199   if (inactive)
200     return false;
201   if (satisfied)
202     return false;
203   if (unassigned < 3)
204     return false;
205   size_t before = trail.size ();
206   assert (propagated == before);
207   assert (active (lit));
208   assert (inst_chain.empty ());
209   LOG (c, "trying to instantiate %d in", lit);
210   assert (!c->garbage);
211   c->instantiated = true;
212   assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
213   level++;
214   inst_assign (lit); // Assume 'lit' to true.
215   for (const auto &other : *c) {
216     if (other == lit)
217       continue;
218     const signed char tmp = val (other);
219     if (tmp) {
220       assert (tmp < 0);
221       continue;
222     }
223     inst_assign (-other); // Assume other to false.
224   }
225   bool ok = inst_propagate ();  // Propagate.
226   assert (lrat_chain.empty ()); // chain will be built here
227   if (ok) {
228     inst_chain.clear ();
229   } else if (lrat) { // analyze conflict for lrat
230     assert (inst_chain.size ());
231     Clause *reason = inst_chain.back ();
232     inst_chain.pop_back ();
233     lrat_chain.push_back (reason->id);
234     for (const auto &other : *reason) {
235       Flags &f = flags (other);
236       assert (!f.seen);
237       f.seen = true;
238       analyzed.push_back (other);
239     }
240   }
241   while (trail.size () > before) { // Backtrack.
242     const int other = trail.back ();
243     LOG ("instantiate unassign %d", other);
244     trail.pop_back ();
245     assert (val (other) > 0);
246     num_assigned--;
247     set_val (other, 0);
248     // this is a variant of conflict analysis which is only needed for lrat
249     if (!ok && inst_chain.size () && lrat) {
250       Flags &f = flags (other);
251       if (f.seen) {
252         Clause *reason = inst_chain.back ();
253         lrat_chain.push_back (reason->id);
254         for (const auto &other : *reason) {
255           Flags &f = flags (other);
256           if (f.seen)
257             continue;
258           f.seen = true;
259           analyzed.push_back (other);
260         }
261         f.seen = false;
262       }
263       inst_chain.pop_back ();
264     }
265   }
266   assert (inst_chain.empty ());
267   // post processing step for lrat
268   if (!ok && lrat) {
269     if (flags (lit).seen)
270       lrat_chain.push_back (c->id);
271     for (const auto &other : *c) {
272       Flags &f = flags (other);
273       f.seen = false;
274     }
275     for (int other : analyzed) {
276       Flags &f = flags (other);
277       if (!f.seen) {
278         f.seen = true;
279         continue;
280       }
281       const unsigned uidx = vlit (-other);
282       uint64_t id = unit_clauses[uidx];
283       assert (id);
284       lrat_chain.push_back (id);
285     }
286     clear_analyzed_literals ();
287     reverse (lrat_chain.begin (), lrat_chain.end ());
288   }
289   assert (analyzed.empty ());
290   propagated = before;
291   assert (level == 1);
292   level = 0;
293   if (ok) {
294     assert (lrat_chain.empty ());
295     LOG ("instantiation failed");
296     return false;
297   }
298   unwatch_clause (c);
299   LOG (lrat_chain, "instantiate proof chain");
300   strengthen_clause (c, lit);
301   watch_clause (c);
302   lrat_chain.clear ();
303   assert (c->size > 1);
304   LOG ("instantiation succeeded");
305   stats.instantiated++;
306   return true;
307 }
309 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
311 // Try to instantiate all candidates collected before through the
312 // 'collect_instantiation_candidates' routine.
314 void Internal::instantiate (Instantiator &instantiator) {
315   assert (opts.instantiate);
316   START (instantiate);
317   stats.instrounds++;
318 #ifndef QUIET
319   const int64_t candidates = instantiator.candidates.size ();
320   int64_t tried = 0;
321 #endif
322   int64_t instantiated = 0;
323   init_watches ();
324   connect_watches ();
325   if (propagated < trail.size ()) {
326     if (!propagate ()) {
327       LOG ("propagation after connecting watches failed");
328       learn_empty_clause ();
329       assert (unsat);
330     }
331   }
332   PHASE ("instantiate", stats.instrounds,
333          "attempting to instantiate %" PRId64
334          " candidate literal clause pairs",
335          candidates);
336   while (!unsat && !terminated_asynchronously () &&
337          !instantiator.candidates.empty ()) {
338     Instantiator::Candidate cand = instantiator.candidates.back ();
339     instantiator.candidates.pop_back ();
340 #ifndef QUIET
341     tried++;
342 #endif
343     if (!active (cand.lit))
344       continue;
345     LOG (cand.clause,
346          "trying to instantiate %d with "
347          "%zd negative occurrences in",
348          cand.lit, cand.negoccs);
349     if (!instantiate_candidate (cand.lit, cand.clause))
350       continue;
351     instantiated++;
352     VERBOSE (2,
353              "instantiation %" PRId64 " (%.1f%%) succeeded "
354              "(%.1f%%) with %zd negative occurrences in size %d clause",
355              tried, percent (tried, candidates),
356              percent (instantiated, tried), cand.negoccs, cand.size);
357   }
358   PHASE ("instantiate", stats.instrounds,
359          "instantiated %" PRId64 " candidate successfully "
360          "out of %" PRId64 " tried %.1f%%",
361          instantiated, tried, percent (instantiated, tried));
362   report ('I', !instantiated);
363   reset_watches ();
364   STOP (instantiate);
365 }
367 } // namespace CaDiCaL
View Code


//函数 new_trail_level 的声明、实现和应用

----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\decide.cpp
[91] void Internal::new_trail_level (int lit) {
[136]       new_trail_level (0);
[191]       new_trail_level (0);
----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\internal.hpp
[1042]   void new_trail_level (int lit);
----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\propagate.cpp
[224]   new_trail_level (lit);


 1 //decide.cpp
 2 ...
 4 // adds new level to control and trail
 5 //
 6 void Internal::new_trail_level (int lit) {
 7   level++;
 9   control.push_back (Level (0, trail.size (), 0)); 
10 }
12 ...



4.2 level



vector<Level> control;



 1 // level.hpp
 2 #ifndef _level_hpp_INCLUDED
 3 #define _level_hpp_INCLUDED
 5 #include <climits>
 7 namespace CaDiCaL {
 9 // For each new decision we increase the decision level and push a 'Level'
10 // on the 'control' stack.  The information gathered here is used in
11 // 'reuse_trail' and for early aborts in clause minimization.
13 struct Level {
15   int decision; // decision literal of this level
16   int trail;    // trail start of this level
18   int subComeLevel;     // The level only low by the  physicalLevel
in the reason clause lits
19 20 21 struct { 22 int count; // how many variables seen during 'analyze' 23 int trail; // smallest trail position seen on this level 24 } seen; 25 26 void reset () { 27 seen.count = 0; 28 seen.trail = INT_MAX; 29 } 30 31 //Level (int d, int t) : decision (d), trail (t) { reset (); } 32 Level (int d, int t, int l = 0) : decision (d), trail (t) , subComeLevel (l) { reset (); } 33 Level () {} 34 }; 35 36 } // namespace CaDiCaL 37 38 #endif

 //在前assumptions.size层中,每层的 .decision 值都是0,即这些层决策文字是0;

//在restart.cpp中如果不采用reuse trail模式,则会回溯的比较彻底。

 1 //restart.cpp
 3 int Internal::reuse_trail () {
 4   const int trivial_decisions =
 5       assumptions.size ()
 6       // Plus 1 if the constraint is satisfied via implications of
 7       // assumptions and a pseudo-decision level was introduced
 8       + !control[assumptions.size () + 1].decision;
 9   if (!opts.restartreusetrail)
10     return trivial_decisions;
11   int decision = next_decision_variable ();
12   assert (1 <= decision);
13   int res = trivial_decisions;
14   if (use_scores ()) {
15     while (
16         res < level && control[res + 1].decision &&
17         score_smaller (this) (decision, abs (control[res + 1].decision))) {
18       assert (control[res + 1].decision);
19       res++;
20     }
21   } else {
22     int64_t limit = bumped (decision);
23     while (res < level && control[res + 1].decision &&
24            bumped (control[res + 1].decision) > limit) {
25       assert (control[res + 1].decision);
26       res++;
27     }
28   }
29   int reused = res - trivial_decisions;
30   if (reused > 0) {
31     stats.reused++;
32     stats.reusedlevels += reused;
33     if (stable)
34       stats.reusedstable++;
35   }
36   return res;
37 }




  1 //decide.cpp
  2 #include "internal.hpp"
  4 namespace CaDiCaL {
  6 // This function determines the next decision variable on the queue, without
  7 // actually removing it from the decision queue, e.g., calling it multiple
  8 // times without any assignment will return the same result.  This is of
  9 // course used below in 'decide' but also in 'reuse_trail' to determine the
 10 // largest decision level to backtrack to during 'restart' without changing
 11 // the assigned variables (if 'opts.restartreusetrail' is non-zero).
 13 int Internal::next_decision_variable_on_queue () {
 14   int64_t searched = 0;
 15   int res = queue.unassigned;
 16   while (val (res))
 17     res = link (res).prev, searched++;
 18   if (searched) {
 19     stats.searched += searched;
 20     update_queue_unassigned (res);
 21   }
 22   LOG ("next queue decision variable %d bumped %" PRId64 "", res,
 23        bumped (res));
 24   return res;
 25 }
 27 // This function determines the best decision with respect to score.
 28 //
 29 int Internal::next_decision_variable_with_best_score () {
 30   int res = 0;
 31   for (;;) {
 32     res = scores.front ();
 33     if (!val (res))
 34       break;
 35     (void) scores.pop_front ();
 36   }
 37   LOG ("next decision variable %d with score %g", res, score (res));
 38   return res;
 39 }
 41 int Internal::next_decision_variable () {
 42   if (use_scores ())
 43     return next_decision_variable_with_best_score ();
 44   else
 45     return next_decision_variable_on_queue ();
 46 }
 48 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 50 // Implements phase saving as well using a target phase during
 51 // stabilization unless decision phase is forced to the initial value
 52 // of a phase is forced through the 'phase' option.
 54 int Internal::decide_phase (int idx, bool target) {
 55   const int initial_phase = opts.phase ? 1 : -1;
 56   int phase = 0;
 57   if (force_saved_phase)
 58     phase = phases.saved[idx];
 59   if (!phase)
 60     phase = phases.forced[idx]; // swapped with opts.forcephase case!
 61   if (!phase && opts.forcephase)
 62     phase = initial_phase;
 63   if (!phase && target)
 64     phase = phases.target[idx];
 65   if (!phase)
 66     phase = phases.saved[idx];
 68   // The following should not be necessary and in some version we had even
 69   // a hard 'COVER' assertion here to check for this.   Unfortunately it
 70   // triggered for some users and we could not get to the root cause of
 71   // 'phase' still not being set here.  The logic for phase and target
 72   // saving is pretty complex, particularly in combination with local
 73   // search, and to avoid running in such an issue in the future again, we
 74   // now use this 'defensive' code here, even though such defensive code is
 75   // considered bad programming practice.
 76   //
 77   if (!phase)
 78     phase = initial_phase;
 80   return phase * idx;
 81 }
 83 // The likely phase of an variable used in 'collect' for optimizing
 84 // co-location of clauses likely accessed together during search.
 86 int Internal::likely_phase (int idx) { return decide_phase (idx, false); }
 88 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 90 // adds new level to control and trail
 91 //
 92 void Internal::new_trail_level (int lit) {
 93   level++;
 95   control.push_back (Level (0, trail.size (), 0)); 
 96 }
 98 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 bool Internal::satisfied () {
101   if ((size_t) level < assumptions.size () + (!!constraint.size ()))
102     return false;
103   if (num_assigned < (size_t) max_var)
104     return false;
105   assert (num_assigned == (size_t) max_var);
106   if (propagated < trail.size ())
107     return false;
108   size_t assigned = num_assigned;
109   return (assigned == (size_t) max_var);
110 }
112 bool Internal::better_decision (int lit, int other) {
113   int lit_idx = abs (lit);
114   int other_idx = abs (other);
115   if (stable)
116     return stab[lit_idx] > stab[other_idx];
117   else
118     return btab[lit_idx] > btab[other_idx];
119 }
121 // Search for the next decision and assign it to the saved phase.  Requires
122 // that not all variables are assigned.
124 int Internal::decide () {
125   assert (!satisfied ());
126   START (decide);
127   int res = 0;
128   if ((size_t) level < assumptions.size ()) {
129     const int lit = assumptions[level];
130     assert (assumed (lit));
131     const signed char tmp = val (lit);
132     if (tmp < 0) {
133       LOG ("assumption %d falsified", lit);
134       res = 20;
135     } else if (tmp > 0) {
136       LOG ("assumption %d already satisfied", lit);
137       new_trail_level (0);
138       LOG ("added pseudo decision level");
139       notify_decision ();
140     } else {
141       LOG ("deciding assumption %d", lit);
142       search_assume_decision (lit);
143     }
144   } else if ((size_t) level == assumptions.size () && constraint.size ()) {
146     int satisfied_lit = 0;  // The literal satisfying the constrain.
147     int unassigned_lit = 0; // Highest score unassigned literal.
148     int previous_lit = 0;   // Move satisfied literals to the front.
150     const size_t size_constraint = constraint.size ();
152 #ifndef NDEBUG
153     unsigned sum = 0;
154     for (auto lit : constraint)
155       sum += lit;
156 #endif
157     for (size_t i = 0; i != size_constraint; i++) {
159       // Get literal and move 'constraint[i] = constraint[i-1]'.
161       int lit = constraint[i];
162       constraint[i] = previous_lit;
163       previous_lit = lit;
165       const signed char tmp = val (lit);
166       if (tmp < 0) {
167         LOG ("constraint literal %d falsified", lit);
168         continue;
169       }
171       if (tmp > 0) {
172         LOG ("constraint literal %d satisfied", lit);
173         satisfied_lit = lit;
174         break;
175       }
177       assert (!tmp);
178       LOG ("constraint literal %d unassigned", lit);
180       if (!unassigned_lit || better_decision (lit, unassigned_lit))
181         unassigned_lit = lit;
182     }
184     if (satisfied_lit) {
186       constraint[0] = satisfied_lit; // Move satisfied to the front.
188       LOG ("literal %d satisfies constraint and "
189            "is implied by assumptions",
190            satisfied_lit);
192       new_trail_level (0);
193       LOG ("added pseudo decision level for constraint");
194       notify_decision ();
196     } else {
198       // Just move all the literals back.  If we found an unsatisfied
199       // literal then it will be satisfied (most likely) at the next
200       // decision and moved then to the first position.
202       if (size_constraint) {
204         for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 != size_constraint; i++)
205           constraint[i] = constraint[i + 1];
207         constraint[size_constraint - 1] = previous_lit;
208       }
210       if (unassigned_lit) {
212         LOG ("deciding %d to satisfy constraint", unassigned_lit);
213         search_assume_decision (unassigned_lit);
215       } else {
217         LOG ("failing constraint");
218         unsat_constraint = true;
219         res = 20;
220       }
221     }
223 #ifndef NDEBUG
224     for (auto lit : constraint)
225       sum -= lit;
226     assert (!sum); // Checksum of literal should not change!
227 #endif
229   } else {
230     stats.decisions++;
231     int decision = ask_decision ();
232     if (!decision) {
233       int idx = next_decision_variable ();
234       const bool target = (opts.target > 1 || (stable && opts.target));
235       decision = decide_phase (idx, target);
236     }
237     search_assume_decision (decision);
238   }
239   if (res)
240     marked_failed = false;
241   STOP (decide);
242   return res;
243 }
245 } // namespace CaDiCaL





----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\decide.cpp
[141]       search_assume_decision (lit);
[212]         search_assume_decision (unassigned_lit);
[236]     search_assume_decision (decision);

----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\internal.hpp
[617]   void search_assume_decision (int decision);

----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\lucky.cpp
[66]     search_assume_decision (-idx);
[113]     search_assume_decision (idx);
[136]     search_assume_decision (-idx);
[156]     search_assume_decision (idx);
[178]     search_assume_decision (-idx);
[198]     search_assume_decision (idx);
[250]     search_assume_decision (positive_literal);
[262]     search_assume_decision (-idx);
[311]     search_assume_decision (negative_literal);
[323]     search_assume_decision (idx);

----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\propagate.cpp
[221] void Internal::search_assume_decision (int lit) {


 1  // internal.hpp  
 2   ...
 4   // Forward reasoning through propagation in 'propagate.cpp'.
 5   //
 6   int assignment_level (int lit, Clause *);
 7   void build_chain_for_units (int lit, Clause *reason, bool forced);
 8   void build_chain_for_empty ();
 9   void search_assign (int lit, Clause *);
10   void search_assign_driving (int lit, Clause *reason);
11   void search_assign_external (int lit);
12   void search_assume_decision (int decision);
13   void assign_unit (int lit);
14   bool propagate ();
16   void propergate (); // Repropagate without blocking literals.
17   ...


  1 //propagate.cpp
  2 ...
  4 inline void Internal::search_assign (int lit, Clause *reason) {
  6   if (level)
  7     require_mode (SEARCH);
  9   const int idx = vidx (lit);
 10   const bool from_external = reason == external_reason;
 11   assert (!val (idx));
 12   assert (!flags (idx).eliminated () || reason == decision_reason ||
 13           reason == external_reason);
 14   Var &v = var (idx);
 15   int lit_level;
 16   assert (!lrat || level || reason == external_reason ||
 17           reason == decision_reason || !lrat_chain.empty ());
 18   // The following cases are explained in the two comments above before
 19   // 'decision_reason' and 'assignment_level'.
 20   //
 21   // External decision reason means that the propagation was done by
 22   // an external propagation and the reason clause not known (yet).
 23   // In that case it is assumed that the propagation is NOT out of
 24   // order (i.e. lit_level = level), because due to lazy explanation,
 25   // we can not calculate the real assignment level.
 26   // The function assignment_level () will also assign the current level
 27   // to literals with external reason.
 28   if (!reason)
 29     lit_level = 0; // unit
 30   else if (reason == decision_reason)
 31     lit_level = level, reason = 0;
 32   else if (opts.chrono)
 33     lit_level = assignment_level (lit, reason);
 34   else
 35     lit_level = level;
 36   if (!lit_level)
 37     reason = 0;
 39   v.level = lit_level;
 40   v.trail = trail.size (); 
 43   int curSubComeLevel = 0;
 45   if (lit_level > 0) {
 46       if (lit_level == level)
 47       {            
 48           int res_level = 0;
 49           if ((lit != control[level].decision)&& (reason!=nullptr))
 50           {
 51               assert(reason);
 52               for (const auto & other : *reason) {
 53                 if (other == lit) continue;
 54                 assert (val (other));
 55                 const int tmp_idx=vidx(other);
 56                 Var &vc=var(tmp_idx);
 57                 int tmp = vc.level;
 58                 if (tmp == level) continue;  //
 59                 if (tmp > res_level) res_level = tmp;
 60               }
 61               curSubComeLevel = res_level;
 62           }      
 63       }
 64       else {
 65         curSubComeLevel = lit_level;
 66       }  
 68       if (control[level].subComeLevel < curSubComeLevel)
 69       {
 70           control[level].subComeLevel = curSubComeLevel;
 71       }
 72   }
 76   v.reason = reason;
 77   assert ((int) num_assigned < max_var);
 78   assert (num_assigned == trail.size ());
 79   num_assigned++;
 80   if (!lit_level && !from_external)
 81     learn_unit_clause (lit); // increases 'stats.fixed'
 82   const signed char tmp = sign (lit);
 83   set_val (idx, tmp);
 84   assert (val (lit) > 0);  // Just a bit paranoid but useful.
 85   assert (val (-lit) < 0); // Ditto.
 86   if (!searching_lucky_phases)
 87     phases.saved[idx] = tmp; // phase saving during search
 88   trail.push_back (lit);
 89 #ifdef LOGGING
 90   if (!lit_level)
 91     LOG ("root-level unit assign %d @ 0", lit);
 92   else
 93     LOG (reason, "search assign %d @ %d", lit, lit_level);
 94 #endif
 96   if (watching ()) {
 97     const Watches &ws = watches (-lit);
 98     if (!ws.empty ()) {
 99       const Watch &w = ws[0];
100       __builtin_prefetch (&w, 0, 1);
101     }
102   }
103   lrat_chain.clear ();
104 }
106 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
108 // External versions of 'search_assign' which are not inlined.  They either
109 // are used to assign unit clauses on the root-level, in 'decide' to assign
110 // a decision or in 'analyze' to assign the literal 'driven' by a learned
111 // clause.  This happens far less frequently than the 'search_assign' above,
112 // which is called directly in 'propagate' below and thus is inlined.
114 void Internal::assign_unit (int lit) {
115   assert (!level);
116   search_assign (lit, 0);
117 }
119 // Just assume the given literal as decision (increase decision level and
120 // assign it).  This is used below in 'decide'.
122 void Internal::search_assume_decision (int lit) {
123   require_mode (SEARCH);
124   assert (propagated == trail.size ());
125   new_trail_level (lit);
126   notify_decision ();
127   LOG ("search decide %d", lit);
128   search_assign (lit, decision_reason);
129 }
131 void Internal::search_assign_driving (int lit, Clause *c) {
132   require_mode (SEARCH);
133   search_assign (lit, c);
134   notify_assignments ();
135 }
137 void Internal::search_assign_external (int lit) {
138   require_mode (SEARCH);
139   search_assign (lit, external_reason);
140   notify_assignments ();
141 }
144 ...

4.3 Var类型定义及其相关的internal成员函数

 1 //var.hpp
 2 #ifndef _var_hpp_INCLUDED
 3 #define _var_hpp_INCLUDED
 5 namespace CaDiCaL {
 7 struct Clause;
 9 // This structure captures data associated with an assigned variable.
11 struct Var {
13   // Note that none of these members is valid unless the variable is
14   // assigned.  During unassigning a variable we do not reset it.
16   int level;      // decision level
17   int trail;      // trail height at assignment
18   Clause *reason; // implication graph edge during search
19 };
21 } // namespace CaDiCaL
23 #endif


 1 //var.cpp
 3 #include "internal.hpp"
 5 namespace CaDiCaL {
 7 void Internal::reset_subsume_bits () {
 8   LOG ("marking all variables as not subsume");
 9   for (auto idx : vars)
10     flags (idx).subsume = false;
11 }
13 void Internal::check_var_stats () {
14 #ifndef NDEBUG
15   int64_t fixed = 0, eliminated = 0, substituted = 0, pure = 0, unused = 0;
16   for (auto idx : vars) {
17     Flags &f = flags (idx);
18     if (f.active ())
19       continue;
20     if (f.fixed ())
21       fixed++;
22     if (f.eliminated ())
23       eliminated++;
24     if (f.substituted ())
25       substituted++;
26     if (f.unused ())
27       unused++;
28     if (f.pure ())
29       pure++;
30   }
31   assert (stats.now.fixed == fixed);
32   assert (stats.now.eliminated == eliminated);
33   assert (stats.now.substituted == substituted);
34   assert (stats.now.pure == pure);
35   int64_t inactive = unused + fixed + eliminated + substituted + pure;
36   assert (stats.inactive == inactive);
37   assert (max_var == stats.active + stats.inactive);
38 #endif
39 }
41 } // namespace CaDiCaL




 5. 相关队列数据成员


1   Queue queue;                  // variable move to front decision queue
2   Links links;                  // table of links for decision queue
4   vector<int64_t> btab;         // enqueue time stamps for queue
 1   // Update queue to point to last potentially still unassigned variable.
 2   // All variables after 'queue.unassigned' in bump order are assumed to be
 3   // assigned.  Then update the 'queue.bumped' field and log it.  This is
 4   // inlined here since it occurs in several inner loops.
 5   //
 6   inline void update_queue_unassigned (int idx) {
 7     assert (0 < idx);
 8     assert (idx <= max_var);
 9     queue.unassigned = idx;
10     queue.bumped = btab[idx];
11     LOG ("queue unassigned now %d bumped %" PRId64 "", idx, btab[idx]);
12   }
14   void bump_queue (int idx);


1 //出现bump_queue声明定义及调用地方
3 ----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\internal.hpp
4 [558]   void bump_queue (int idx);
6 ----------  D:\SAT_study2024\snap-SAT\cadical-rel-1.9.4-scavel-01\src\analyze.cpp
7 [50] void Internal::bump_queue (int lit) {
8 [143]     bump_queue (lit);
void Internal::bump_queue (int lit) {
  assert (opts.bump);
  const int idx = vidx (lit);
  if (!links[idx].next)
  queue.dequeue (links, idx);
  queue.enqueue (links, idx);
  assert (stats.bumped != INT64_MAX);
  btab[idx] = ++stats.bumped;
  LOG ("moved to front variable %d and bumped to %" PRId64 "", idx,
  if (!vals[idx])
    update_queue_unassigned (idx);
1 // Important variables recently used in conflict analysis are 'bumped',
3 void Internal::bump_variable (int lit) {
4   if (use_scores ())
5     bump_variable_score (lit);
6   else
7     bump_queue (lit);
8 }





 5. 频繁使用的量

5.1 在传播及学习子句生成过程中,频繁使用的数据成员:

 1 conflict;
 2 clause;
3 int level; // decision level ('control.size () - 1') 4 Clause *conflict; // set in 'propagation', reset in 'analyze' 5 vector<int> clause; // simplified in parsing & learning 6 vector<int> original; // original added literals 7 vector<int> levels; // decision levels in learned clause 8 vector<int> analyzed; // analyzed literals in 'analyze' 9 vector<int> unit_analyzed; // to avoid duplicate units in lrat_chain 10 11 vector<uint64_t> conclusion; // store ids of conclusion clauses 12 vector<uint64_t> unit_clauses; // keep track of unit_clauses (LRAT/FRAT) 13 14 vector<uint64_t> lrat_chain; // create LRAT in solver: option lratdirect 15 vector<uint64_t> mini_chain; // used to create LRAT in minimize 16 vector<uint64_t> minimize_chain; // used to create LRAT in minimize 17 vector<uint64_t> unit_chain; // used to avoid duplicate units 18 vector<Clause *> inst_chain; // for LRAT in instantiate


//analyze.cpp 中主函数的主要代码阶段

  1 void Internal::analyze () {
  3   START (analyze);
  5   assert (conflict);
  6   assert (lrat_chain.empty ());    //已经被清空以利于反复使用
  7   assert (unit_chain.empty ());
  8   assert (unit_analyzed.empty ());
  9   assert (clause.empty ());
 11   // First update moving averages of trail height at conflict.
 12   //
 13   UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.trail.fast, num_assigned);
 14   UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.trail.slow, num_assigned);
 16   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 18   if (external_prop && !external_prop_is_lazy) {
 19     explain_external_propagations ();
 20   }
 22   if (opts.chrono || external_prop) {
 24     int forced;
 26     const int conflict_level = find_conflict_level (forced);
 28     // In principle we can perform conflict analysis as in non-chronological
 29     // backtracking except if there is only one literal with the maximum
 30     // assignment level in the clause.  Then standard conflict analysis is
 31     // unnecessary and we can use the conflict as a driving clause.  In the
 32     // pseudo code of the SAT'18 paper on chronological backtracking this
 33     // corresponds to the situation handled in line 4-6 in Alg. 1, except
 34     // that the pseudo code in the paper only backtracks while we eagerly
 35     // assign the single literal on the highest decision level.
 37     if (forced) {
 39       assert (forced);
 40       assert (conflict_level > 0);
 41       LOG ("single highest level literal %d", forced);
 43       // The pseudo code in the SAT'18 paper actually backtracks to the
 44       // 'second highest decision' level, while their code backtracks
 45       // to 'conflict_level-1', which is more in the spirit of chronological
 46       // backtracking anyhow and thus we also do the latter.
 47       //
 48       backtrack (conflict_level - 1);
 50       // if we are on decision level 0 search assign will learn unit
 51       // so we need a valid chain here (of course if we are not on decision
 52       // level 0 this will not result in a valid chain).
 53       // we can just use build_chain_for_units in propagate
 54       //
 55       build_chain_for_units (forced, conflict, 0);
 57       LOG ("forcing %d", forced);
 58       search_assign_driving (forced, conflict);
 60       conflict = 0;
 61       STOP (analyze);
 62       return;
 63     }
 65     // Backtracking to the conflict level is in the pseudo code in the
 66     // SAT'18 chronological backtracking paper, but not in their actual
 67     // implementation.  In principle we do not need to backtrack here.
 68     // However, as a side effect of backtracking to the conflict level we
 69     // set 'level' to the conflict level which then allows us to reuse the
 70     // old 'analyze' code as is.  The alternative (which we also tried but
 71     // then abandoned) is to use 'conflict_level' instead of 'level' in the
 72     // analysis, which however requires to pass it to the 'analyze_reason'
 73     // and 'analyze_literal' functions.
 74     //
 75     backtrack (conflict_level);
 76   }
 77   //以上确认回到正确的冲突层
 78   // Actual conflict on root level, thus formula unsatisfiable.
 79   //
 80   if (!level) {
 81     learn_empty_clause ();
 82     if (external->learner)
 83       external->export_learned_empty_clause ();
 84     // lrat_chain.clear (); done in learn_empty_clause
 85     STOP (analyze);
 86     return;
 87   }
 89   /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 91   // First derive the 1st UIP clause by going over literals assigned on the
 92   // current decision level.  Literals in the conflict are marked as 'seen'
 93   // as well as all literals in reason clauses of already 'seen' literals on
 94   // the current decision level.  Thus the outer loop starts with the
 95   // conflict clause as 'reason' and then uses the 'reason' of the next
 96   // seen literal on the trail assigned on the current decision level.
 97   // During this process maintain the number 'open' of seen literals on the
 98   // current decision level with not yet processed 'reason'.  As soon 'open'
 99   // drops to one, we have found the first unique implication point.  This
100   // is sound because the topological order in which literals are processed
101   // follows the assignment order and a more complex algorithm to find
102   // articulation points is not necessary.

103 // 以下正式开始从冲突层开始冲突分析得到学习子句 104 Clause *reason = conflict; 105 LOG (reason, "analyzing conflict"); 106 107 assert (clause.empty ()); 108 assert (lrat_chain.empty ()); //再次确认这些重复使用量为空 109 110 const auto &t = &trail; //向量的地址 111 int i = t->size (); // Start at end-of-trail.//从后向前开始排查 112 int open = 0; // Seen but not processed on this level. 113 int uip = 0; // The first UIP literal. 114 115 pathCs.clear(); 116 pathCs2.clear(); 117 pathCs.push_back (0); 118 pathCs2.push_back (0); 119 for (int i = 1; i <= ((int) control.size()); i++ ) 120 { 121 pathCs.push_back (0); 122 pathCs2.push_back (0);//先初始化各层参与冲突路径上的文字距离冲突点的路径长度均为0. 123 } 124 //============================ 125 126 int resolvent_size = 0; // without the uip 127 int antecedent_size = 1; // with the uip and without unit literals 128 int conflict_size = 129 0; // size of the conflict without the uip and without unit literals 130 int resolved = 0; // number of resolution (0 = clause in CNF) 131 const bool otfs = opts.otfs; 132 133 for (;;) { 134 antecedent_size = 1; // for uip 135 analyze_reason (uip, reason, open, resolvent_size, antecedent_size); 136 if (resolved == 0) 137 conflict_size = antecedent_size - 1; 138 assert (resolvent_size == open + (int) clause.size ()); 139 140 if (otfs && resolved > 0 && antecedent_size > 2 && 141 resolvent_size < antecedent_size) { 142 assert (reason != conflict); 143 LOG (analyzed, "found candidate for OTFS conflict"); 144 LOG (reason, "found candidate (size %d) for OTFS resolvent", 145 antecedent_size); 146 reason = on_the_fly_strengthen (reason, uip); 147 assert (conflict_size >= 2); 148 if (opts.bump) 149 bump_variables (); 150 151 if (resolved == 1 && resolvent_size < conflict_size) { 152 // in this case both clauses are part of the CNF, so one subsumes 153 // the other 154 otfs_subsume_clause (reason, conflict); 155 LOG (reason, "changing conflict to"); 156 --conflict_size; 157 assert (conflict_size == reason->size); 158 ++stats.otfs.subsumed; 159 ++stats.subsumed; 160 ++stats.conflicts; 161 } 162 163 LOG (reason, "changing conflict to"); 164 conflict = reason; 165 if (open == 1) { 166 int forced = 0; 167 const int conflict_level = otfs_find_backtrack_level (forced); 168 int new_level = determine_actual_backtrack_level (conflict_level); 169 UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.level, new_level); 170 backtrack (new_level); 171 172 LOG ("forcing %d", forced); 173 search_assign_driving (forced, conflict); 174 175 conflict = 0; 176 // Clean up. 177 // 178 clear_analyzed_literals (); 179 clear_analyzed_levels (); 180 clause.clear (); 181 STOP (analyze); 182 return; 183 } 184 185 resolved = 0; 186 clear_analyzed_literals (); 187 // clear_analyzed_levels (); not needed because marking the exact same 188 // again 189 clause.clear (); 190 resolvent_size = 0; 191 antecedent_size = 1; 192 open = 0; 193 analyze_reason (0, reason, open, resolvent_size, antecedent_size); 194 conflict_size = antecedent_size - 1; 195 assert (open > 1); 196 } 197 198 ++resolved; 199 200 uip = 0; 201 while (!uip) { 202 assert (i > 0); 203 const int lit = (*t)[--i]; 204 if (!flags (lit).seen) 205 continue; 206 if (var (lit).level == level) 207 uip = lit; 208 } 209 if (!--open) 210 break; 211 reason = var (uip).reason; 212 assert (reason != external_reason); 213 LOG (reason, "analyzing %d reason", uip); 214 assert (resolvent_size); 215 --resolvent_size; 216 } 217 LOG ("first UIP %d", uip); 218 clause.push_back (-uip); 219 220 // Update glue and learned (1st UIP literals) statistics. 221 // 222 int size = (int) clause.size (); 223 const int glue = (int) levels.size () - 1; 224 LOG (clause, "1st UIP size %d and glue %d clause", size, glue); 225 UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.glue.fast, glue); 226 UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.glue.slow, glue); 227 stats.learned.literals += size; 228 stats.learned.clauses++; 229 assert (glue < size); 230 231 // up to this point lrat_chain contains the proof for current clause in 232 // reversed order. in minimize and shrink the clause is changed and 233 // therefore lrat_chain has to be extended. Unfortunately we cannot create 234 // the chain directly during minimazation (or shrinking) but afterwards we 235 // can calculate it pretty easily and even better the same algorithm works 236 // for both shrinking and minimization. 237 238 // Minimize the 1st UIP clause as pioneered by Niklas Soerensson in 239 // MiniSAT and described in our joint SAT'09 paper. 240 // 241 if (size > 1) { 242 if (opts.shrink) 243 shrink_and_minimize_clause (); 244 else if (opts.minimize) 245 minimize_clause (); 246 247 size = (int) clause.size (); 248 249 // Update decision heuristics. 250 // 251 if (opts.bump) 252 bump_variables (); 253 254 if (external->learner) 255 external->export_learned_large_clause (clause); 256 } else if (external->learner) 257 external->export_learned_unit_clause (-uip); 258 259 // Update actual size statistics. 260 // 261 stats.units += (size == 1); 262 stats.binaries += (size == 2); 263 UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.size, size); 264 265 // reverse lrat_chain. We could probably work with reversed iterators 266 // (views) to be more efficient but we would have to distinguish in proof 267 // 268 if (lrat) { 269 LOG (unit_chain, "unit chain: "); 270 for (auto id : unit_chain) 271 lrat_chain.push_back (id); 272 unit_chain.clear (); 273 reverse (lrat_chain.begin (), lrat_chain.end ()); 274 } 275 276 // Determine back-jump level, learn driving clause, backtrack and assign 277 // flipped 1st UIP literal. 278 // 279 int jump; 280 Clause *driving_clause = new_driving_clause (glue, jump); 281 UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.jump, jump); 282 283 int new_level = determine_actual_backtrack_level (jump); 284 UPDATE_AVERAGE (averages.current.level, new_level); 285 backtrack (new_level); 286 287 // It should hold that (!level <=> size == 1) 288 // and (!uip <=> size == 0) 289 // this means either we have already learned a clause => size >= 2 290 // in this case we will not learn empty clause or unit here 291 // or we haven't actually learned a clause in new_driving_clause 292 // then lrat_chain is still valid and we will learn a unit or empty clause 293 // 294 if (uip) { 295 search_assign_driving (-uip, driving_clause); 296 } else 297 learn_empty_clause (); 298 299 if (stable) 300 reluctant.tick (); // Reluctant has its own 'conflict' counter. 301 302 // Clean up. 303 // 304 clear_analyzed_literals (); 305 clear_unit_analyzed_literals (); 306 307 pathCs.clear(); 308 309 assert(int (control.size()) == pathCs2.size()); 310 311 for (int ilevel = new_level + 1; ilevel < int (control.size()); ilevel++ ) 312 { 313 if (pathCs2[ilevel] > 0) 314 { 315 if (control[ilevel].seen.count < 1) 316 { 317 control[ilevel].seen.count = pathCs2[ilevel]; 318 } 319 } 320 } 321 322 pathCs2.clear(); 323 //============================= 324 325 326 clause.clear (); 327 conflict = 0; 328 329 lrat_chain.clear (); 330 STOP (analyze); 331 332 if (driving_clause && opts.eagersubsume) 333 eagerly_subsume_recently_learned_clauses (driving_clause); 334 }



 6. 针对变元和文字的通用检查。


    const Range vars; // Provides safe variable iteration.
    const Sange lits;   // Provides safe literal iteration.


 1 // analyze.cpp
 3 // If chronological backtracking is enabled we need to find the actual
 4 // conflict level and then potentially can also reuse the conflict clause
 5 // as driving clause instead of deriving a redundant new driving clause
 6 // (forcing 'forced') if the number 'count' of literals in conflict assigned
 7 // at the conflict level is exactly one.
 9 inline int Internal::find_conflict_level (int &forced) {
11   assert (conflict);
12   assert (opts.chrono || opts.otfs || external_prop);
14   int res = 0, count = 0;
16   forced = 0;
18   for (const auto &lit : *conflict) {
19     const int tmp = var (lit).level;
20     if (tmp > res) {
21       res = tmp;
22       forced = lit;
23       count = 1;
24     } else if (tmp == res) {
25       count++;
26       if (res == level && count > 1)
27         break;
28     }
29   }
31   LOG ("%d literals on actual conflict level %d", count, res);
33   const int size = conflict->size;
34   int *lits = conflict->literals;
36   // Move the two highest level literals to the front.
37   //
38   for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
40     const int lit = lits[i];
42     int highest_position = i;
43     int highest_literal = lit;
44     int highest_level = var (highest_literal).level;
46     for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++) {
47       const int other = lits[j];
48       const int tmp = var (other).level;
49       if (highest_level >= tmp)
50         continue;
51       highest_literal = other;
52       highest_position = j;
53       highest_level = tmp;
54       if (highest_level == res)
55         break;
56     }
58     // No unwatched higher assignment level literal.
59     //
60     if (highest_position == i)
61       continue;
63     if (highest_position > 1) {
64       LOG (conflict, "unwatch %d in", lit);
65       remove_watch (watches (lit), conflict);
66     }
68     lits[highest_position] = lit;
69     lits[i] = highest_literal;
71     if (highest_position > 1)
72       watch_literal (highest_literal, lits[!i], conflict);
73   }
75   // Only if the number of highest level literals in the conflict is one
76   // then we can reuse the conflict clause as driving clause for 'forced'.
77   //
78   if (count != 1)
79     forced = 0;
81   return res;
82 }



 1 //analyze.cpp
 3 void Internal::clear_analyzed_literals () {
 4   LOG ("clearing %zd analyzed literals", analyzed.size ());
 5   for (const auto &lit : analyzed) {
 6     Flags &f = flags (lit);
 7     assert (f.seen);
 8     f.seen = false;
 9     assert (!f.keep);
10     assert (!f.poison);
11     assert (!f.removable);
12   }
13   analyzed.clear ();
14 #ifndef NDEBUG
15   if (unit_analyzed.size ())
16     return;
17   for (auto idx : vars) {
18     Flags &f = flags (idx);
19     assert (!f.seen);
20   }
21 #endif
22 }


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