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1. 分析函数所涉及seen[v]使用




 1 decisions: 25;  decision var: -2
 2 the size of trail is 28. : 1 -6 -27 -2 -22 -23 -20 -13 -10 -28 25 29 14 7 -3 18 -4 16 17 -9
5 24 11 12 -8 21 -15 26 3 the size of trail_lim is 2 : 1 3 4 the implied lit is : -22 5 the implied clause is: [-22 2 27 ] 6 the implied lit is : -23 7 the implied clause is: [-23 22 6 ] 8 the implied lit is : -20 9 the implied clause is: [-20 23 -1 ] 10 the implied lit is : -13 11 the implied clause is: [-13 20 2 ] 12 the implied lit is : -10 13 the implied clause is: [-10 20 6 ] 14 the implied lit is : -28 15 the implied clause is: [-28 13 20 ] 16 the implied lit is : 25 17 the implied clause is: [25 10 2 ] 18 the implied lit is : 29 19 the implied clause is: [29 28 27 ] 20 the implied lit is : 14 21 the implied clause is: [14 28 27 ] 22 the implied lit is : 7 23 the implied clause is: [7 -25 ] 24 the implied lit is : -3 25 the implied clause is: [-3 -25 ] 26 the implied lit is : 18 27 the implied clause is: [18 -25 2 ] 28 the implied lit is : -4 29 the implied clause is: [-4 -14 -29 ] 30 the implied lit is : 16 31 the implied clause is: [16 -14 -1 ] 32 the implied lit is : 17 33 the implied clause is: [17 -14 10 ] 34 the implied lit is : -9 35 the implied clause is: [-9 -14 10 ] 36 the implied lit is : 5 37 the implied clause is: [5 -7 28 ] 38 the implied lit is : 24 39 the implied clause is: [24 -7 13 ] 40 the implied lit is : 11 41 the implied clause is: [11 -7 22 ] 42 the implied lit is : 12 43 the implied clause is: [12 -7 23 ] 44 the implied lit is : -8 45 the implied clause is: [-8 -7 9 ] 46 the implied lit is : 21 47 the implied clause is: [21 3 -1 ] 48 the implied lit is : -15 49 the implied clause is: [-15 3 28 ] 50 the implied lit is : 26 51 the implied clause is: [26 -18 -29 ] 52 53 the conflict index of trail is : 16 54 the conflict liter is : -4 55 the tow clauses get confliction each other----- 56 the conflict reason clause is: [-4 -14 -29 ] 57 the confl clause is: [-21 4 -14 ] 58 59 the learnt clause is : [ 2 6 ] 60 61 backtrack_level:1 62 63 decisions: 26; decision var: 2 64 the size of trail is 16. : 1 -6 -27 2 -29 -7 28 -23 -25 19 10 -26 -18 -20 -14 24 65 the size of trail_lim is 1 : 1 66 the implied lit is : -29 67 the implied clause is: [-29 -2 6 ] 68 the implied lit is : -7 69 the implied clause is: [-7 -2 -1 ] 70 the implied lit is : 28 71 the implied clause is: [28 29 27 ] 72 the implied lit is : -23 73 the implied clause is: [7 -23 ] 74 the implied lit is : -25 75 the implied clause is: [7 -25 ] 76 the implied lit is : 19 77 the implied clause is: [7 19 ] 78 the implied lit is : 10 79 the implied clause is: [10 7 -2 ] 80 the implied lit is : -26 81 the implied clause is: [-26 -28 23 ] 82 the implied lit is : -18 83 the implied clause is: [-18 23 -2 ] 84 the implied lit is : -20 85 the implied clause is: [-20 23 -1 ] 86 the implied lit is : -14 87 the implied clause is: [-14 23 29 ] 88 the implied lit is : 24 89 the implied clause is: [24 -10 29 ] 90 91 the conflict index of trail is : 10 92 the conflict liter is : 10 93 the tow clauses get confliction each other----- 94 the conflict reason clause is: [10 7 -2 ] 95 the confl clause is: [20 -10 6 ] 96 97 the learnt clause is : [ 6 ] 98 99 backtrack_level:0




 1 void Solver::analyze(CRef confl, vec<Lit>& out_learnt, int& out_btlevel, int& out_lbd)
 2 {
 3     int pathC = 0;
 4     Lit p     = lit_Undef;
 6     // Generate conflict clause:   
 7     out_learnt.push();      // (leave room for the asserting literal)
 8     int index   = trail.size() - 1;
 9     int nDecisionLevel = level(var(ca[confl][0]));
10     assert(nDecisionLevel == level(var(ca[confl][0])));
12     do{
13         assert(confl != CRef_Undef); // (otherwise should be UIP)
14         Clause& c = ca[confl];
16         // For binary clauses, we don't rearrange literals in propagate(), 
17     // so check and make sure the first is an implied lit.
18         if (p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False){
19             assert(value(c[1]) == l_True);
20             Lit tmp = c[0];
21             c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; }
23         for (int j = (p == lit_Undef) ? 0 : 1; j < c.size(); j++){
24             Lit q = c[j];            
26             if (!seen[var(q)] && level(var(q)) > 0){
27                 if (VSIDS){
28                     varBumpActivity(var(q), .5);
29                     add_tmp.push(q);  //收集参与冲突的文字
30                 }else
31                     conflicted[var(q)]++;
32                 seen[var(q)] = 1;
33                 if (level(var(q)) >= nDecisionLevel){
34                     pathC++;
35                 }else
36                     out_learnt.push(q);
37             }        
38         }
40         // Select next clause to look at:
41     do {
42         while (!seen[var(trail[index--])]);
43         p  = trail[index+1];
44     } while (level(var(p)) < nDecisionLevel);
46         confl = reason(var(p));
47         seen[var(p)] = 0;
48         pathC--;
50     }while (pathC > 0);
51     out_learnt[0] = ~p;    
54     out_learnt.copyTo(analyze_toclear);
56     // Simplify conflict clause:
58     // Try further minimization?
60     // Recompute LBD if minimized.
62     // Find correct backtrack level:
64     for (int j = 0; j < analyze_toclear.size(); j++) seen[var(analyze_toclear[j])] = 0; 
65                          // ('seen[]' is now cleared)
66 }







2. 冲突支配路径长度计算中所涉及seen[v]使用


// pathCs[k] is the number of variables assigned at level k,
// it is initialized to 0 at the begining and reset to 0 after the function execution
bool Solver::collectFirstUIP(CRef confl){
    int max_level=1;
    Clause& c = ca[confl]; 
int minLevel = decisionLevel(); for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++) { Var v = var(c[i]); // assert(!seen[v]); if (level(v)>0) { seen[v] = 1; var_iLevel_tmp[v] = 1; pathCs[level(v)]++; if (minLevel>level(v)) { minLevel=level(v); assert(minLevel>0); } // varBumpActivity(v); } } int limit=trail_lim[minLevel-1]; for(int i=trail.size()-1; i>=limit; i--) { Lit p=trail[i]; Var v=var(p); if (seen[v]) { int currentDecLevel=level(v); // if (currentDecLevel==decisionLevel()) // varBumpActivity(v); seen[v]=0; if (--pathCs[currentDecLevel]!=0) { Clause& rc=ca[reason(v)]; int reasonVarLevel = var_iLevel_tmp[v] + 1; if(reasonVarLevel>max_level) max_level = reasonVarLevel; if (rc.size()==2 && value(rc[0])==l_False) { // Special case for binary clauses // The first one has to be SAT assert(value(rc[1]) != l_False); Lit tmp = rc[0]; rc[0] = rc[1], rc[1] = tmp; } for (int j = 1; j < rc.size(); j++){ Lit q = rc[j]; Var v1=var(q); if (level(v1) > 0) { if (minLevel>level(v1)) { minLevel=level(v1);
limit=trail_lim[minLevel-1]; assert(minLevel>0); } if (seen[v1]) { if (var_iLevel_tmp[v1]<reasonVarLevel) var_iLevel_tmp[v1]=reasonVarLevel; } else { var_iLevel_tmp[v1]=reasonVarLevel; // varBumpActivity(v1); seen[v1] = 1; pathCs[level(v1)]++; } } } } involved_lits.push(p); } } double inc = var_iLevel_inc; ..... }




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