On the Structure of the Boolean Satisfiability Problem: A Survey
Based on the large body of research, the proposed structural measures related to the SAT formula are based on properties related directly to the CNF formula (e.g. [49, 65, 79, 110, 111]) or a graph encoding of it (e.g. [10, 12, 15, 44, 67, 103]). However, the success of SAT is not just restricted to the CNF formula. Today, advances in SAT have revealed the ability of modern solvers to handle formulas in the abundance of parity (xor) constraints [98]. Moreover, SAT has been successfully applied in many practical areas, including software model checking [57], knowledge-compilation [29], and bioinformatics [74], among others. Thus, investigating the structure of SAT based on other encoding is an open research area.
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