

本人阅读并了解 CDCL 求解器 microsat 的代码,按照课程作业要求将microsat改进为microsat_Scavel。
(1)结构体struct solver增加统计个变元出现次数的数组myLitsNum,并在结构体初始化时将数组中各元素初始为0;
(2)在读写cnf文件模块函数体int parse(struct solver *S, char *filename)*中,先变量一遍cnf文件记录各个变元的出现次数;再遍历一遍cnf中学习子句部分字符,在读取到每个子句进入S->buffer之后,对子句中个文字的排列做出调整:按照数组myLitsNum存储的变元出现次数值由小到大排序。排序代码采用的是冒泡排序法。
(3)在int *addClause(struct solver *S, int *in, int size, int irr)函数中,二值观察设置观察文字时选择的子句位置处在0和1位置的文字自然就是在样例本身较少出现变元所对应的文字。

(1)luby重启是较为有效的静态序列用于重启的技术,在许多求解器中都有应用。我们移植了minisat中static double luby(double y, int x)函数,放在microsat.c代码的前部;
(2)在int solve(struct solver *S) 中调用luby函数时,我们设置y取2,x为已经重启的次数,并将其乘以100;

(3)我们保留原有的移动平均重启判别条件触发重启代码段,用于冲突次数nConflicts > 10000之后发生重启;新添加的luby重启技术只用于求解过程的前期(nConflicts <=10000).


(5)说明2:luby重启与原有的基于the fast and slow moving averages比较的重启策略切换时机我们没有进一步研究。代码中采用的冲突次数10000只是一个随意设置的值。

(1)每个子句在开辟空间是增加存储lbd的空间,其lbd初始化为-1;涉及将addClause函数改造为:int *addClause(struct solver *S, int *in, int size, int irr, int lbd_ );


(3)在学习子句管理时,原有的基于学习子句文字数的策略并列上基于子句lbd值小于4的条件:在函数void reduceDB(struct solver *S, int k) 中,做如下改动:

if (count < k)
addClause(S, S->DB + head, i - head, 0);

if ( (count < k) || ( (lbd < 4) && (lbd > 0) ) )
addClause(S, S->DB + head, i - head, 0, lbd);


(1)增加了用于记录时刻的函数static inline double cpuTime(void);





/**************************************************************[microsat.c] to [microsat_Scavel.c]****

  The MIT License

  Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Marijn Heule
  Improved by Zhihui Li of Southwest Jiaotong University in May 2022.

  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
  of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
  in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
  to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
  copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
  copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  The improvement measures by Zhihui Li mainly include three aspects: 
  before the establishment of Tow_Watcher of every clause, the literals in clauses 
  are sorted according to the frequency of the literals appearing in CNF; 
  The luby restart policy is adopted for early restart; Add the learnd clause LBD 
  attribute and use it for learned clause management.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h> 

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static double luby(double y, int x){

    // Find the finite subsequence that contains index 'x', and the
    // size of that subsequence:
    int size, seq;
    for (size = 1, seq = 0; size < x+1; seq++, size = 2*size+1);

    while (size-1 != x){
        size = (size-1)>>1;
        x = x % size;

    return pow(y, seq);

static inline double cpuTime(void) {
    struct rusage ru;
    getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
    return (double)ru.ru_utime.tv_sec + (double)ru.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000000; }

enum { END = -9, UNSAT = 0, SAT = 1, MARK = 2, IMPLIED = 6 };

// The variables in the struct are described in the initCDCL procedure
struct solver {
  int *DB, nVars, nClauses, mem_used, mem_fixed, mem_max, maxLemmas, nLemmas,
      *buffer, nConflicts, *model, *reason, *falseStack, *false, *first,
      *myLitsNum, nrestarts, nof_conflicts,
      *forced, *processed, *assigned, *next, *prev, head, res, fast, slow;      

// Unassign the literal
void unassign(struct solver *S, int lit) { S->false[lit] = 0; }

// Perform a restart (i.e., unassign all variables)
void restart(struct solver *S) {
  S->nrestarts ++;
  // Remove all unforced false lits from falseStack
  while (S->assigned > S->forced)
    unassign(S, *(--S->assigned));
  // Reset the processed pointer
  S->processed = S->forced;

// Make the first literal of the reason true
void assign(struct solver *S, int *reason, int forced) {
  // Let lit be the first literal in the reason
  int lit = reason[0];
  // Mark lit as true and IMPLIED if forced
  S->false[-lit] = forced ? IMPLIED : 1;
  // Push it on the assignment stack
  *(S->assigned++) = -lit;
  // Set the reason clause of lit
  S->reason[abs(lit)] = 1 + (int)((reason)-S->DB);
  // Mark the literal as true in the model
  S->model[abs(lit)] = (lit > 0);

// Add a watch pointer to a clause containing lit
// By updating the database and the pointers
void addWatch(struct solver *S, int lit, int mem) {
  S->DB[mem] = S->first[lit];
  S->first[lit] = mem;

// Allocate memory of size mem_size
int *getMemory(struct solver *S, int mem_size) {
  // In case the code is used within a code base
  if (S->mem_used + mem_size > S->mem_max) {
    printf("c out of memory\n");
  // Compute a pointer to the new memory location
  int *store = (S->DB + S->mem_used);
  // Update the size of the used memory
  S->mem_used += mem_size;
  // Return the pointer
  return store;

// Adds a clause stored in *in of size size
int *addClause(struct solver *S, int *in, int size, int irr, int lbd_ ) {
  // Store a pointer to the beginning of the clause
  int i, used = S->mem_used;
  // Allocate memory for the clause in the database  
  int *clause = getMemory(S, size + 4) + 3;
  clause[-1] = lbd_;  

  // If the clause is not unit, then add
  // Two watch pointers to the datastructure
  if (size > 1) {
    addWatch(S, in[0], used);
    addWatch(S, in[1], used + 1);
  // Copy the clause from the buffer to the database
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
    clause[i] = in[i];
  clause[i] = 0;
  // Update the statistics
  if (irr)
    S->mem_fixed = S->mem_used;
  // Return the pointer to the clause in the database
  return clause;

// Removes "less useful" lemmas from DB
void reduceDB(struct solver *S, int k) {
  while (S->nLemmas > S->maxLemmas) {
    // Allow more lemmas in the future
    S->maxLemmas += 300;
    // Reset the number of lemmas
    S->nLemmas = 0;
  int i;
  // Loop over the variables
  for (i = -S->nVars; i <= S->nVars; i++) {
    if (i == 0)
    // Get the pointer to the first watched clause
    int *watch = &S->first[i];
    // As long as there are watched clauses
    while (*watch != END) {
      // Remove the watch if it points to a lemma
      if (*watch < S->mem_fixed)
        watch = (S->DB + *watch);
      // Otherwise (meaning an input clause) go to next watch
        *watch = S->DB[*watch];
  int old_used = S->mem_used;
  S->mem_used = S->mem_fixed;
  // Virtually remove all lemmas
  // While the old memory contains lemmas
  //for (i = S->mem_fixed + 2; i < old_used; i += 3) {
  for (i = S->mem_fixed + 3; i < old_used; i += 4) {
    // Get the lemma to which the head is pointing
    int count = 0, head = i; int lbd = S->DB[i-1];
    // Count the number of literals
    // That are satisfied by the current model
    while (S->DB[i]) {
      int lit = S->DB[i++];
      if ((lit > 0) == S->model[abs(lit)])
    // If the latter is smaller than k, add it back
    if ( (count < k) || ( (lbd < 4) && (lbd > 0) ) )
      addClause(S, S->DB + head, i - head, 0, lbd);

// Move the variable to the front of the decision list
void bump(struct solver *S, int lit) {
  // MARK the literal as involved if not a top-level unit
  if (S->false[lit] != IMPLIED) {
    S->false[lit] = MARK;
    int var = abs(lit);
    // In case var is not already the head of the list
    if (var != S->head) {
      S->prev[S->next[var]] = S->prev[var]; // Update the prev link
      S->next[S->prev[var]] = S->next[var]; // Update the next link
      S->next[S->head] = var;               // Add a next link to the head
      S->prev[var] = S->head;               // Make var the new head
      S->head = var;

// Check if lit(eral) is implied by MARK literals
int implied(struct solver *S, int lit) {
  // If checked before return old result
  if (S->false[lit] > MARK)
    return (S->false[lit] & MARK);
  // In case lit is a decision, it is not implied
  if (!S->reason[abs(lit)])
    return 0;
  // Get the reason of lit(eral)
  int *p = (S->DB + S->reason[abs(lit)] - 1);
  // While there are literals in the reason
  while (*(++p))
    // Recursively check if non-MARK literals are implied
    if ((S->false[*p] ^ MARK) && !implied(S, *p)) {
      // Mark and return not implied (denoted by IMPLIED - 1)
      S->false[lit] = IMPLIED - 1;
      return 0;
  // Mark and return that the literal is implied
  S->false[lit] = IMPLIED;
  return 1;

// Compute a resolvent from falsified clause
int *analyze(struct solver *S, int *clause) {
  // Bump restarts and update the statistic
  // MARK all literals in the falsified clause
  while (*clause)
    bump(S, *(clause++));
  // Loop on variables on falseStack
  // until the last decision
  while (S->reason[abs(*(--S->assigned))]) {
    // If the tail of the stack is MARK
    if (S->false[*S->assigned] == MARK) {
      // Pointer to check if first-UIP is reached
      int *check = S->assigned;
      // Check for a MARK literal before decision
      while (S->false[*(--check)] != MARK)
        // Otherwise it is the first-UIP so break
        if (!S->reason[abs(*check)])
          goto build;
      // Get the reason and
      // ignore first literal
      clause = S->DB + S->reason[abs(*S->assigned)];
      // MARK all literals in reason
      while (*clause)
        bump(S, *(clause++));
    // Unassign the tail of the stack
    unassign(S, *S->assigned);

  // Build conflict clause; Empty the clause buffer
  int size = 0, lbd = 0, flag = 0;

  int *p = S->processed = S->assigned;
  // Loop from tail to front
  while (p >= S->forced) {
    // Only literals on the stack can be MARKed
    // If MARKed and not implied
    if ((S->false[*p] == MARK) && !implied(S, *p)) {
      // Add literal to conflict clause buffer
      S->buffer[size++] = *p;
      flag = 1;
    if (!S->reason[abs(*p)]) {
      // Increase LBD for a decision with a true flag
      lbd += flag;
      flag = 0;
      // And update the processed pointer
      if (size == 1)
        S->processed = p;
    // Reset the MARK flag for all variables on the stack
    S->false[*(p--)] = 1;

  // Update the fast moving average
  S->fast -= S->fast >> 5;
  S->fast += lbd << 15;
  // Update the slow moving average
  S->slow -= S->slow >> 15;
  S->slow += lbd << 5;

  // Loop over all unprocessed literals
  while (S->assigned > S->processed)
    // Unassign all lits between tail & head
    unassign(S, *(S->assigned--));
  // Assigned now equal to processed
  unassign(S, *S->assigned);
  // Terminate the buffer (and potentially print clause)
  S->buffer[size] = 0;
  // Add new conflict clause to redundant DB
  return addClause(S, S->buffer, size, 0, lbd);

// Performs unit propagation
int propagate(struct solver *S) {
  // Initialize forced flag
  int forced = S->reason[abs(*S->processed)];
  // While unprocessed false literals
  while (S->processed < S->assigned) {
    // Get first unprocessed literal
    int lit = *(S->processed++);
    // Obtain the first watch pointer
    int *watch = &S->first[lit];
    // While there are watched clauses (watched by lit)
    while (*watch != END) {
      // Let's assume that the clause is unit
      int i, unit = 1;
      // Get the clause from DB
      int *clause = (S->DB + *watch + 2);//int *clause = (S->DB + *watch + 1);      
      // Set the pointer to the first literal in the clause
      if (clause[-3] == 0)
      // Ensure that the other watched literal is in front
      if (clause[0] == lit)
        clause[0] = clause[1];
      // Scan the non-watched literals
      for (i = 2; unit && clause[i]; i++)
        // When clause[i] is not false, it is either true or unset
        if (!S->false[clause[i]]) {
          // Swap literals
          clause[1] = clause[i];
          clause[i] = lit;
          // Store the old watch
          int store = *watch;
          unit = 0;
          // Remove the watch from the list of lit
          *watch = S->DB[*watch];
          // Add the watch to the list of clause[1]
          addWatch(S, clause[1], store);
      // If the clause is indeed unit
      if (unit) {
        // Place lit at clause[1] and update next watch
        clause[1] = lit;
        watch = (S->DB + *watch);
        // If the other watched literal is satisfied continue
        if (S->false[-clause[0]])
        // If the other watched literal is falsified,
        if (!S->false[clause[0]]) {
          // A unit clause is found, and the reason is set
          assign(S, clause, forced);
        } else {
          // Found a root level conflict -> UNSAT
          if (forced)
            return UNSAT;
          // Analyze the conflict return a conflict clause
          int *lemma = analyze(S, clause);
          // In case a unit clause is found, set forced flag
          if (!lemma[1])
            forced = 1;
          // Assign the conflict clause as a unit
          assign(S, lemma, forced);
  // Set S->forced if applicable
  if (forced)
    S->forced = S->processed;
  // Finally, no conflict was found
  return SAT;

// Determine satisfiability
int solve(struct solver *S) {  
  // Initialize the solver
  int decision = S->head;
  S->res = 0;
  // Main solve loop
  for (;;) {
    // Store nLemmas to see whether propagate adds lemmas
    int old_nLemmas = S->nLemmas;
    // Propagation returns UNSAT for a root level conflict
    if (propagate(S) == UNSAT)
      return UNSAT;

    // If the last decision caused a conflict
    if (S->nLemmas > old_nLemmas) {
      // Reset the decision heuristic to head
      decision = S->head;
      if (S->nConflicts > 10000)
          // If fast average is substantially larger than slow average
          if (S->fast > (S->slow / 100) * 125) {
            // printf("c restarting after %i conflicts (%i %i) %i\n", S->res,
            //   S->fast, S->slow, S->nLemmas > S->maxLemmas);
            // Restart and update the averages
            S->res = 0;
            S->fast = (S->slow / 100) * 125;
            // Reduce the DB when it contains too many lemmas
            if (S->nLemmas > S->maxLemmas)
              reduceDB(S, 6);
          // the luby restart policy is adopted for early restart          
          if (!S->nof_conflicts)
              S->nof_conflicts = luby(2, S->nrestarts) * 100;
              // Reduce the DB when it contains too many lemmas
              if (S->nLemmas > S->maxLemmas)
                reduceDB(S, 8);

    // As long as the temporay decision is assigned
    while (S->false[decision] || S->false[-decision]) {
      // Replace it with the next variable in the decision list
      decision = S->prev[decision];
    // If the end of the list is reached, then a solution is found
    if (decision == 0)
      return SAT;
    // Otherwise, assign the decision variable based on the model
    decision = S->model[decision] ? decision : -decision;
    // Assign the decision literal to true (change to IMPLIED-1?)
    S->false[-decision] = 1;
    // And push it on the assigned stack
    *(S->assigned++) = -decision;
    // Decisions have no reason clauses
    decision = abs(decision);
    S->reason[decision] = 0;

void initCDCL(struct solver *S, int n, int m) {
  // The code assumes that there is at least one variable
  if (n < 1)
    n = 1;
  // Set the number of variables
  S->nVars = n;
  // Set the number of clauses
  S->nClauses = m;
  // Set the initial maximum memory
  S->mem_max = 1 << 30;
  // The number of integers allocated in the DB
  S->mem_used = 0;
  // The number of learned clauses -- redundant means learned
  S->nLemmas = 0;
  // Number of conflicts used to update scores
  S->nConflicts = 0;
  // Initial maximum number of learned clauses
  S->maxLemmas = 10000;
  // Initialize the fast and slow moving averages
  S->fast = S->slow = 1 << 24;
  // Allocate the initial database
  S->DB = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * S->mem_max);
  // Full assignment of the (Boolean) variables (initially set to false)
  S->model = getMemory(S, n + 1);
  //get myLitsNum space
  S->myLitsNum = getMemory(S, n + 1);
  // Number of restarts
  S->nrestarts = 0;
  S->nof_conflicts = 100; 

  // Next variable in the heuristic order
  S->next = getMemory(S, n + 1);
  // Previous variable in the heuristic order
  S->prev = getMemory(S, n + 1);
  // A buffer to store a temporary clause
  S->buffer = getMemory(S, n);
  // Array of clauses
  S->reason = getMemory(S, n + 1);
  // Stack of falsified literals -- this pointer is never changed
  S->falseStack = getMemory(S, n + 1);
  // Points inside *falseStack at first decision (unforced literal)
  S->forced = S->falseStack;
  // Points inside *falseStack at first unprocessed literal
  S->processed = S->falseStack;
  // Points inside *falseStack at last unprocessed literal
  S->assigned = S->falseStack;
  // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
  S->false = getMemory(S, 2 * n + 1);
  S->false += n;
  // Offset of the first watched clause
  S->first = getMemory(S, 2 * n + 1);
  S->first += n;
  // Make sure there is a 0 before the clauses are loaded.
  S->DB[S->mem_used++] = 0;
  int i;
  // Initialize the main datastructures:
  for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    S->prev[i] = i - 1;
    // the double-linked list for variable-move-to-front,
    S->next[i - 1] = i;
    // the model (phase-saving), the false array,
    S->model[i] = S->false[-i] = S->false[i] = 0;

    S->myLitsNum[i] = 0;  

    // and first (watch pointers).
    S->first[i] = S->first[-i] = END;
  // Initialize the head of the double-linked list
  S->head = n;

static void read_until_new_line(FILE *input) {
  int ch;
  while ((ch = getc(input)) != '\n')
    if (ch == EOF) {
      printf("parse error: unexpected EOF");

// Parse the formula and initialize
int parse(struct solver *S, char *filename) {
  int tmp;
  // Read the CNF file
  FILE *input = fopen(filename, "r");
  while ((tmp = getc(input)) == 'c')
  ungetc(tmp, input);
  do {
    // Find the first non-comment line
    tmp = fscanf(input, " p cnf %i %i \n", &S->nVars, &S->nClauses);
    printf("c |  nVars:        %i\n", S->nVars);
    printf("c |  nClauses:     %i\n", S->nClauses);
    // In case a commment line was found
    if (tmp > 0 && tmp != EOF)
    tmp = fscanf(input, "%*s\n");
  // Skip it and read next line
  while (tmp != 2 && tmp != EOF);
  // Allocate the main datastructures
  initCDCL(S, S->nVars, S->nClauses);
  // Initialize the number of clauses to read
  int nZeros = S->nClauses, size = 0;
  long moveSize = ftell(input);

  // While there are clauses in the file
  while (nZeros > 0) {
    int ch = getc(input);
    if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
    if (ch == 'c') {
    ungetc(ch, input);
    int lit = 0;
    // Read a literal.
    tmp = fscanf(input, " %i ", &lit);
    // If reaching the end of the clause
    if (!lit) {      
      // Reset buffer
      size = 0;
    } else {
      // Add literal to buffer
      S->buffer[size++] = lit;
      S->myLitsNum[abs(lit)] ++;
  fseek(input, moveSize, 0);  
  nZeros = S->nClauses, size = 0;
  // While there are clauses in the file
  while (nZeros > 0) {
    int ch = getc(input);
    if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
    if (ch == 'c') {
    ungetc(ch, input);
    int lit = 0;
    // Read a literal.
    tmp = fscanf(input, " %i ", &lit);
    // If reaching the end of the clause
    if (!lit) {
      // Then add the clause to data_base     
      // bubble_sort  
      for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
        for (int j = 1; j < size - i - 1; ++j) {
            int litj = S->buffer[j];
            int litjadd1 = S->buffer[j + 1];
            //if (S->buffer[j] > S->buffer[j + 1]) {
            if (S->myLitsNum[abs(litj)] < S->myLitsNum[abs(litjadd1)]) {
                int tmp = S->buffer[j];
                S->buffer[j] = S->buffer[j + 1];
                S->buffer[j + 1] = tmp;
      int *clause = addClause(S, S->buffer, size, 1, -1);
      // Check for empty clause or conflicting unit
      if (!size || ((size == 1) && S->false[clause[0]]))
        // If either is found return UNSAT
        return UNSAT;
      // Check for a new unit
      if ((size == 1) && !S->false[-clause[0]]) {
        // Directly assign new units (forced = 1)
        assign(S, clause, 1);
      // Reset buffer
      size = 0;
    } else
      // Add literal to buffer
      S->buffer[size++] = lit;
  // Close the formula file
  // Return that no conflict was observed
  return SAT;

// The main procedure for a STANDALONE solver
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  // Create the solver datastructure
  struct solver S;
  double initial_time = cpuTime();
  // Parse the DIMACS file in argv[1]
  if (parse(&S, argv[1]) == UNSAT)
    printf("s |   UNSATISFIABLE\n");
  // Solve without limit (number of conflicts)
  else if (solve(&S) == UNSAT)
    printf("s |   UNSATISFIABLE\n");
    // And print whether the formula has a solution
    printf("s |   SATISFIABLE\n");
  double solved_time = cpuTime();
  printf("c |  statistics of %s:\n" , argv[1]);
  printf("c |  mem:          %i\n", S.mem_used);
  printf("c |  conflicts:    %i\n", S.nConflicts);
  printf("c |  max_lemmas:   %i\n", S.maxLemmas);
  printf("c |  restarts:     %i\n", S.nrestarts);  
  printf("c |  solved time:  %f s\n", solved_time - initial_time);

  return 60;


posted on 2022-05-21 13:49  海阔凭鱼跃越  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报