File format

The benchmark file format will be in a simplified version of the DIMACS format:
c start with comments
p cnf 5 3
1 -5 4 0
-1 5 3 4 0
-3 -4 0
  • The file can start with comments, that is lines begining with the character c.
  • Right after the comments, there is the line p cnf nbvar nbclauses indicating that the instance is in CNF format; nbvar is the exact number of variables appearing in the file; nbclauses is the exact number of clauses contained in the file.
  • Then the clauses follow. Each clause is a sequence of distinct non-null numbers between -nbvar and nbvar ending with 0 on the same line; it cannot contain the opposite literals i and -i simultaneously. Positive numbers denote the corresponding variables. Negative numbers denote the negations of the corresponding variables.







  1. SAT solvers that are planning to participate in the Main track must be able to produce certificates for UNSAT instances in tracecheck or DRAT (Delete Resolution Asymmetric Tautologies) format which is backwards compatible with the DRUP format of SAT Competition 2013.
We implemented an improved checker, called DRAT-trim, which is backwards compatible with DRUP-trim, faster than DRUP-trim, and contains several new features. For example, DRAT-trim can validate proofs with extended resolution. We advice users of DRUP-trim to upgrade to DRAT-trim.

DRUP checker

Reverse unit propation (in short RUP) is a popular method to verify refutations produced by satisfiability (SAT) solvers. The idea is originates from [1]. RUP proofs can easily be obtained from most conflict-driven clause learning SAT solvers. Certifying UNSAT proof tracks have been organized for the SAT competitions in 20072009, and 2011.

Probably the most important disadvantage of the RUP approach is the computational costs to validate a given proof. In order to reduce this disadvantage, we propose to add clause deletion information to the proof. Clause deletion is one of the features that allow SAT solvers to have strong performance. By communicating this information to a RUP proof checker, one can significantly reduce the costs to validate a proof. We refer to our proposed format as DRUP (delete RUP). Details about the format are described below.

[1] E.Goldberg, Y.Novikov.
Verification of proofs of unsatisfiability for CNF formulas.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe. March 2003, pp. 886--891.

Citing this work

If you would like to reference DRUP or DRUP-trim in a publication, please cite the following paper:

Heule, M.J.H., Hunt, Jr., W.A., and Wetzler, N.
Trimming while checking clausal proofs.
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD). IEEE (2013) 181-188


We implemented two checkers for (D)RUP proofs:
  • The lastest version of our fast DRUP checker (drup-trim.c). It combines backward RUP checking with watch literals to realize efficient performance. Additionally, DRUP-check can exploit clause deletion information in the proof. The description below explains how to add this information to a RUP proof.
  • A compact implementation of a RUP checker (rup-forward.c). This checker is slightly more than 100 lines of code. In contrast to drup-check, rup-forward does not support clause deletion information. Also, it implements forward checking which can be useful for debugging purposes.
Additionally, we implemented a patch for the solvers Glucose version 2.2 and Minisat version 2.2. These patches enable the solvers to emit a DRUP proof (for both the core and simp solvers). To apply the Glucose patch (or Minisat patch), place it in the root directory of Glucose 2.2 (or Minisat 2.2) and run:

patch -p1 < DRUPglucose.patch

or for Minisat

patch -p1 < DRUPminisat.patch

After applying the patch, one can output a DRUP proof as follows:


or for Minisat



To make the executable, download the file above and compile it:

gcc drup-trim.c -O2 -o drup-trim

To run the checker:

./drup-trim FORMULA PROOF [CORE]

with FORMULA being a CNF formula in DIMACS format and PROOF a proof for FORMULA in the DRUP format (see details below). Additionally one can specify a file CORE containing the unsatisfiable core in DIMACS format.


Below, a brief description of the DRUP format based on an example formula. The spacing in the examples is to improve readability. Consider the following formula in the DIMACS format.
p cnf 4 8
 1  2 -3 0
-1 -2  3 0
 2  3 -4 0
-2 -3  4 0
 1  3  4 0
-1 -3 -4 0
-1  2  4 0
 1 -2 -4 0
A compact RUP proof for the above formula is:
1 2 0
1 0
2 0
The method of deriving the redundant clauses in the proof is not important. It might be by resolution or some other means. It is only necessary that the soundness of the redundant clauses can be verified by a procedure called REVERSE UNIT-PROPAGATION (RUP for short).
In the discussion, clauses are delimited by square brackets. Suppose that F is the input formula and R_1, ..., R_r are the redundant clauses that have been produced by the solver, with R_r = [] (the empty clause). The sequence R_1, ..., R_r is an RUP refutation of F if and only if:

For each i from 1 through r, steps 1--3 below derive []:
  1. Negate R_i = [L_{ij}] producing one or more unit clauses, [-L_{ij}].
    For example, the negation of [x, y, z] is [-x], [-y], [-z].
    (When i = r, there are no unit clauses produced.)
  2. Add these unit clauses [-L_{ij}] and R_1 through R_{i-1} to F.
    (When i = r, there are no unit clauses to add.)
  3. Perform unit-clause propagation.
The conflict clauses clauses produced by conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) solvers have the RUP property. Therefore, one can construct a RUP proof for unsatisfiable formulas by listing all conflict clauses (in the order of learning).

One important disadvantage of checking RUP proofs is the cost to verify a proof. To counter this disadvantage, we propose the DRUP format (delete reverse unit propagation). The DRUP format extends the RUP format by allowing it to express clause elimination information within the proof format.
   1  2  0
d  1  2 -3 0
   1  0
d  1  2  0
d  1  3  4 0
d  1 -2 -4 0
   2  0
Apart from the redundant RUP clauses, a DRUP proof may contain lines with a 'd' prefix. These lines refer to clauses (original or learned) that can be deleted without influencing the proof checking. In the above example, all the deleted clauses are subsumed by added RUP clauses. In practice, however, the clauses that one wants to include in a DRUP proof are the clauses that are removed while reducing the (learned) clause database.

  1 /*************************************************************************************[drup-trim.c]
  2 Copyright (c) 2013, Marijn Heule, Nathan Wetzler, Anton Belov
  3 Last edit, December 4, 2013
  5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
  6 associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
  7 including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
  8 sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  9 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 11 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
 12 substantial portions of the Software.
 19 **************************************************************************************************/
 21 #include <stdio.h>
 22 #include <stdlib.h>
 23 #include <assert.h>
 24 #include <sys/time.h>
 26 #define TIMEOUT     20000
 27 #define BIGINIT     1000000
 28 #define INIT        8
 29 #define END         0
 30 #define UNSAT       0
 31 #define SAT         1
 32 #define EXTRA       2
 33 #define MARK        3
 34 #define ERROR      -1
 36 struct solver { FILE *inputFile, *proofFile, *coreFile, *lemmaFile, *traceFile;
 37     int *DB, nVars, nClauses, timeout, mask, delete, *falseStack, *false, *forced,
 38         *processed, *assigned, count, *base, *used, *max, *delinfo;
 39     struct timeval start_time;
 40     long mem_used, start, time, adsize, adlemmas, *reason, lemmas, arcs;  };
 42 long **wlist;
 43 long *adlist;
 44 int *buffer;  // ANTON: to be used as local buffer in parse() and verify()
 46 #define ASSIGN(a)    { S->false[-(a)] = 1; *(S->assigned++) = -(a); }
 47 #define ADD_WATCH(l,m)  { if (S->used[(l)] + 1 == S->max[(l)]) { S->max[(l)] *= 1.5; \
 48                             wlist[(l)] = (long *) realloc(wlist[(l)], sizeof(long) * S->max[(l)]); } \
 49                           wlist[(l)][ S->used[(l)]++ ] = (m); wlist[(l)][ S->used[(l)] ] = END; }
 51 // +ANTON: convenience method for printing clauses
 52 inline void printClause(int* clause)
 53 {
 54   while(*clause) { printf("%d ", *clause++); }
 55   printf("0\n");
 56 }
 57 // -ANTON
 59 inline void addWatch (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {
 60   int lit = clause[ index ];
 61   if (S->used[lit] + 1 == S->max[lit]) { S->max[lit] *= 1.5;
 62     wlist[lit] = (long*) realloc(wlist[lit], sizeof(long) * S->max[lit]); }
 63   wlist[lit][ S->used[lit]++ ] = ((long) (((clause) - S->DB)) << 1) + S->mask;
 64   wlist[lit][ S->used[lit]   ] = END; }
 66 inline void removeWatch (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {
 67   int lit = clause[index]; long *watch = wlist[lit];
 68   for (;;) {
 69     int* _clause = S->DB + (*(watch++) >> 1);
 70     if (_clause == clause) {
 71       watch[-1] = wlist[lit][ --S->used[lit] ];
 72       wlist[lit][ S->used[lit] ] = END; return; } } }
 74 inline void markWatch (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index, int offset) {
 75   long* watch = wlist[ clause[ index ] ];
 76   for (;;) {
 77     int *_clause = (S->DB + (*(watch++) >> 1) + (long) offset);
 78     if (_clause == clause) { watch[-1] |= 1; return; } } }
 80 inline void markClause (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {
 81   //printf("marking clause: "); printClause(clause); // ANTON
 82   S->arcs++;
 83   if (S->traceFile) fprintf(S->traceFile, "%i ", clause[index - 1] >> 1);
 84   if ((clause[index - 1] & 1) == 0) {
 85     clause[index - 1] |= 1;
 86     if (S->lemmaFile) {
 87       *(S->delinfo++) = S->time;
 88       *(S->delinfo++) = (int) (clause - S->DB) + index; }
 89     if (clause[1 + index] == 0) return;
 90     markWatch (S, clause,     index, -index);
 91     markWatch (S, clause, 1 + index, -index); }
 92   while (*clause) S->false[ *(clause++) ] = MARK; }
 94 void analyze (struct solver* S, int* clause) {     // Mark all clauses involved in conflict
 95   //printf("entering analyze()\n"); // ANTON
 96   markClause (S, clause, 0);
 97   while (S->assigned > S->falseStack) {
 98     int lit = *(--S->assigned);
 99     if ((S->false[ lit ] == MARK) &&
100         (S->reason[ abs(lit) ]) )
101       markClause (S, S->DB+S->reason[ abs(lit) ], -1);
102     S->false[ lit ] = (S->assigned < S->forced); }
103     if (S->traceFile) fprintf(S->traceFile, "0\n");
104   S->processed = S->assigned = S->forced; }
106 int propagate (struct solver* S) {                 // Performs unit propagation
107   int *start[2], check = 0;
108   int i, lit, _lit = 0; long *watch, *_watch;
109   start[0] = start[1] = S->processed;
110   flip_check:;
111   check ^= 1;
112   while (start[check] < S->assigned) {             // While unprocessed false literals
113     lit = *(start[check]++);                       // Get first unprocessed literal
114     if (lit == _lit) watch = _watch;
115     else watch = wlist[ lit ];                     // Obtain the first watch pointer
116     while (*watch != END) {                        // While there are watched clauses (watched by lit)
117       if ((*watch & 1) != check) {
118         watch++; continue; }
119      int *clause = S->DB + (*watch / 2);       // Get the clause from DB
120      if (S->false[ -clause[0] ] ||
121          S->false[ -clause[1] ]) {
122        watch++; continue; }
123      if (clause[0] == lit) clause[0] = clause[1];  // Ensure that the other watched literal is in front
124       for (i = 2; clause[i]; ++i)                  // Scan the non-watched literals
125         if (S->false[ clause[i] ] == 0) {          // When clause[j] is not false, it is either true or unset
126           clause[1] = clause[i]; clause[i] = lit;  // Swap literals
127           ADD_WATCH (clause[1], *watch);           // Add the watch to the list of clause[1]
128           *watch = wlist[lit][ --S->used[lit] ];   // Remove pointer
129           wlist[lit][ S->used[lit] ] = END;
130           goto next_clause; }                      // Goto the next watched clause
131       clause[1] = lit; watch++;                    // Set lit at clause[1] and set next watch
132       if (!S->false[  clause[0] ]) {               // If the other watched literal is falsified,
133         ASSIGN (clause[0]);                        // A unit clause is found, and the reason is set
134         S->reason[abs(clause[0])] = ((long) ((clause)-S->DB)) + 1;
135         if (!check) {
136           start[0]--; _lit = lit; _watch = watch;
137           goto flip_check; } }
138       else { analyze(S, clause); return UNSAT; }   // Found a root level conflict -> UNSAT
139       next_clause: ; } }                           // Set position for next clause
140   if (check) goto flip_check;
141   S->processed = S->assigned;
142   return SAT; }                                       // Finally, no conflict was found
144 int verify (struct solver *S) {
145   long ad, d = 0;
146   int flag, check, size;
147   int *clause;
148   int *lemmas = (S->DB + S->lemmas);
149   int *last   = lemmas;
150   int *end = lemmas;
151   int checked = S->adlemmas;
152   int *delstack;
154   S->time = lemmas[-1];
155   if (S->lemmaFile) {
156     delstack = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * S->count * 2);
157     S->delinfo = delstack; }
159   if (S->traceFile) fprintf(S->traceFile, "%i 0 ", S->count);
161   if (S->processed < S->assigned)
162     if (propagate (S) == UNSAT) {
163       printf("c got UNSAT propagating in the input instance\n");
164       goto postprocess;
165     }
166   S->forced = S->processed;
168   for (;;) {
169     flag = size = 0;
170     S->time = lemmas[-1];
171     clause  = lemmas;
173     do {
174       ad = adlist[ checked++ ]; d = ad & 1;
175       int* c = S->DB + (ad >> 1);
176       if (d && c[1]) {
177         if (S->reason[ abs(c[0]) ] - 1 == (ad >> 1) ) continue;
178         removeWatch(S, c, 0);
179         removeWatch(S, c, 1); }
180     }
181     while (d);
183     while (*lemmas) {
184       int lit = *(lemmas++);
185       if ( S->false[ -lit ]) flag = 1;
186       if (!S->false[  lit ]) {
187         if (size <= 1) {
188           lemmas[   -1 ] = clause[ size ];
189           clause[ size ] = lit; }
190         buffer[ size++ ] = lit; } }
192     if (clause[1]) {
193       addWatch (S, clause, 0);
194       addWatch (S, clause, 1); }
196     lemmas += EXTRA;
198     if (flag     ) adlist[ checked - 1 ] = 0;
199     if (flag     ) continue;   // Clause is already satisfied
200     if (size == 0) { printf("c conflict claimed, but not detected\n"); return SAT; }
202     if (size == 1) {
203       ASSIGN (buffer[0]); S->reason[abs(buffer[0])] = ((long) ((clause)-S->DB)) + 1;
204       S->forced = S->processed;
205       if (propagate (S) == UNSAT) goto start_verification; }
207     if (((long) (lemmas - S->DB)) >= S->mem_used) break;  // Reached the end of the proof without a conflict;
208   }
210   printf("c no conflict\n");
211   return SAT;
213   start_verification:;
214   printf("c parsed formula and detected empty clause; start verification\n");
216   S->forced = S->processed;
217   lemmas    = clause - EXTRA;
219   for (;;) {
220     size    = 0;
221     clause  = lemmas + EXTRA;
223     do {
224       ad = adlist[ --checked ];
225       d = ad & 1;
226       int* c = S->DB + (ad >> 1);
227       if (d && c[1]) {
228         if (S->reason[ abs(c[0]) ] - 1 == (ad >> 1)) continue;
229         addWatch(S, c, 0);
230         addWatch(S, c, 1); }
231     }
232     while (d);
234     S->time = clause[-1];
236     if (clause[1]) {
237       removeWatch(S, clause, 0);
238       removeWatch(S, clause, 1); }
240     if (ad == 0) goto next_lemma;
242     while (*clause) {
243       int lit = *(clause++);
244       if ( S->false[ -lit ]) flag = 1;
245       if (!S->false[  lit ])
246       buffer[ size++ ] = lit; }
248       if (flag && size == 1) {
249       do { S->false[*(--S->forced)] = 0; }
250       while (*S->forced != -buffer[0]);
251       S->processed = S->assigned = S->forced; }
253     if (S->time & 1) {
254       int i;
255       struct timeval current_time;
256       gettimeofday(&current_time, NULL);
257       int seconds = (int) (current_time.tv_sec - S->start_time.tv_sec);
258       if (seconds > S->timeout) printf("s TIMEOUT\n"), exit(0);
260       if (S->traceFile) {
261         fprintf(S->traceFile, "%lu ", S->time >> 1);
262         for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) fprintf(S->traceFile, "%i ", buffer[i]);
263         fprintf(S->traceFile, "0 "); }
265       for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { ASSIGN(-buffer[i]); S->reason[abs(buffer[i])] = 0; }
266       if (propagate (S) == SAT) return SAT; }
268     clause = lemmas + EXTRA;
270     next_lemma:;
272     if (lemmas + EXTRA == last) break;
273     while (*(--lemmas)); }
275 postprocess:;
276   int marked, count = 0;
277   lemmas = S->DB + S->start;
278   while (lemmas + EXTRA <= last) {
279     if (*(lemmas++) & 1) count++;
280     while (*lemmas++); }
281   printf("c %i of %i clauses in core\n", count, S->nClauses);
283   // print the core clauses to coreFile in DIMACS format
284   if (S->coreFile) {
285     fprintf(S->coreFile, "p cnf %i %i\n", S->nVars, count);
286     lemmas = S->DB + S->start;
287     while (lemmas + EXTRA <= last) {
288       marked = *(lemmas++) & 1;
289       while (*lemmas) {
290         if (marked) fprintf(S->coreFile, "%i ", *lemmas);
291         lemmas++; }
293       if (marked) fprintf(S->coreFile, "0\n");
294       lemmas++; }
295     fclose(S->coreFile); }
297   // print the core lemmas to lemmaFile in DRUP format
298   if (S->lemmaFile) S->delinfo -= 2;
299   int lcount = 0; count = 0;
300   while (lemmas + EXTRA <= end) {
301     lcount++;
302     S->time = *lemmas;
303     marked = *(lemmas++) & 1;
304     if (marked) count++;
305     while (*lemmas) {
306       if (marked && S->lemmaFile)
307         fprintf(S->lemmaFile, "%i ", *lemmas);
308       lemmas++; }
309     lemmas++;
311     if (S->lemmaFile == NULL) continue;
312     if (marked) fprintf(S->lemmaFile, "0\n");
314     while (*S->delinfo == S->time) {
315       clause = S->DB + S->delinfo[1];
316       fprintf(S->lemmaFile, "d ");
317       while (*clause) fprintf(S->lemmaFile, "%i ", *(clause++));
318       fprintf(S->lemmaFile, "0\n");
319       S->delinfo -= 2; }
320   }
321   printf("c %i of %i lemmas in core using %lu resolution steps\n", count, lcount, S->arcs);
323   // print the resolution graph to traceFile in trace-check format
324   if (S->traceFile) {
325     lemmas = S->DB + S->start;
326     while (lemmas + EXTRA <= last) {
327       marked = *(lemmas++) & 1;
328       if (marked) fprintf(S->traceFile, "%i ", lemmas[-1] >> 1);
329       while (*lemmas) {
330         if (marked) fprintf(S->traceFile, "%i ", *lemmas);
331         lemmas++; }
332       if (marked) fprintf(S->traceFile, "0 0\n");
333       lemmas++; }
334     fclose(S->traceFile); }
336   return UNSAT; }
338 unsigned int getHash (int* marks, int mark, int* input, int size) {
339   unsigned int i, sum  = 0, prod = 1, xor  = 0;
340   for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
341     prod *= input[i];
342     sum  += input[i];
343     xor  ^= input[i];
344     marks[ input[i] ] = mark; }
346   return (1023 * sum + prod ^ (31 * xor)) % BIGINIT; }
348 long matchClause (struct solver* S, long *clauselist, int listsize, int* marks, int mark, int* input, int size) {
349   int i, matchsize;
350   for (i = 0; i < listsize; ++i) {
351     int *clause = S->DB + clauselist[ i ];
352     matchsize = 0;
353     while (*clause) {
354       if (marks[ *clause ] != mark) goto match_next;
355       matchsize++;
356       clause++; }
358     if (size == matchsize)  {
359       long result = clauselist[ i ];
360       clauselist[ i ] = clauselist[ --listsize ];
361       return result; }
363     match_next:;
364   }
365   printf("c error: could not match deleted clause ");
366   for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) printf("%i ", input[i]);
367   printf("\ns MATCHING ERROR\n");
368   exit(0);
369   return 0;
370 }
372 int parse (struct solver* S) {
373   int tmp;
374   int del, mark, *marks;
375   long **hashTable;
376   int *hashUsed, *hashMax;
378   do { tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, " cnf %i %i \n", &S->nVars, &S->nClauses);  // Read the first line
379     if (tmp > 0 && tmp != EOF) break; tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, "%*s\n"); }  // In case a commment line was found
380   while (tmp != 2 && tmp != EOF);                                              // Skip it and read next line
381   int nZeros = S->nClauses, in, out, n = S->nVars;
383   // ANTON: the buffer will be re-used in verify(); main() should free()
384   if ((buffer = (int*)malloc(S->nVars * sizeof(int))) == NULL) return ERROR;
386   S->mem_used   = 0;                  // The number of integers allocated in the DB
388   long size;
389   long DBsize = S->mem_used + BIGINIT;
390   S->DB = (int*) malloc(DBsize * sizeof(int));
391   if (S->DB == NULL) { free(buffer); return ERROR; }
393   S->arcs       = 0;
394   S->count      = 1;
395   S->adsize     = 0;
396   S->falseStack = (int*) malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(int)); // Stack of falsified literals -- this pointer is never changed
397   S->forced     = S->falseStack;      // Points inside *falseStack at first decision (unforced literal)
398   S->processed  = S->falseStack;      // Points inside *falseStack at first unprocessed literal
399   S->assigned   = S->falseStack;      // Points inside *falseStack at last unprocessed literal
400   S->reason     = (long*) malloc((    n + 1) * sizeof(long)); // Array of clauses
401   S->used       = (int *) malloc((2 * n + 1) * sizeof(int )); S->used  += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
402   S->max        = (int *) malloc((2 * n + 1) * sizeof(int )); S->max   += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
403   S->false      = (int *) malloc((2 * n + 1) * sizeof(int )); S->false += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
405   int i; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { S->reason[i] = 0;
406                                     S->falseStack[i] = 0;
407                     S->false[i] = S->false[-i] = 0;
408                                     S->used [i] = S->used [-i] = 0;
409                                     S->max  [i] = S->max  [-i] = INIT; }
411   wlist = (long**) malloc (sizeof(long*) * (2*n+1)); wlist += n;
413   for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { wlist[ i] = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * S->max[ i]); wlist[ i][0] = END;
414                              wlist[-i] = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * S->max[-i]); wlist[-i][0] = END; }
416   int admax  = BIGINIT;
417   adlist = (long*) malloc(sizeof(long) * admax);
419   marks = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * (2*n+1)); marks += n;
420   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) marks[i] = marks[-i] = 0;
421   mark = 0;
423   hashTable = (long**) malloc (sizeof (long*) * BIGINIT);
424   hashUsed  = (int * ) malloc (sizeof (int  ) * BIGINIT);
425   hashMax   = (int * ) malloc (sizeof (int  ) * BIGINIT);
426   for (i = 0; i < BIGINIT; i++) {
427     hashUsed [ i ] = 0;
428     hashMax  [ i ] = INIT;
429     hashTable[ i ] = (long*) malloc (sizeof(long) * hashMax[i]); }
431   int fileSwitchFlag = 0;
432   size = 0;
433   S->start = S->mem_used;
434   while (1) {
435     int lit = 0; tmp = 0;
436     fileSwitchFlag = nZeros <= 0;
438     if (size == 0) {
439       if (!fileSwitchFlag) tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, " d  %i ", &lit);
440       else tmp = fscanf (S->proofFile, " d  %i ", &lit);
441       if (tmp == EOF && !fileSwitchFlag) fileSwitchFlag = 1;
442       del = tmp > 0; }
444     if (!lit) {
445       if (!fileSwitchFlag) tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, " %i ", &lit);  // Read a literal.
446       else tmp = fscanf (S->proofFile, " %i ", &lit);
447       if (tmp == EOF && !fileSwitchFlag) fileSwitchFlag = 1; }
448     if (tmp == EOF && fileSwitchFlag) break;
449     if (abs(lit) > n) { printf("c illegal literal %i due to max var %i\n", lit, n); exit(0); }
450     if (!lit) {
451       unsigned int hash = getHash (marks, ++mark, buffer, size);
452       if (del) {
453         if (S->delete) {
454           long match = matchClause (S, hashTable[hash], hashUsed[hash], marks, mark, buffer, size);
455           hashUsed[hash]--;
456           if (S->adsize == admax) { admax *= 1.5;
457             adlist = (long*) realloc (adlist, sizeof(long) * admax); }
458           adlist[ S->adsize++ ] = (match << 1) + 1; }
459         del = 0; size = 0; continue; }
461       if (S->mem_used + size + EXTRA > DBsize) {
462     DBsize = (DBsize * 3) >> 1;
463     S->DB = (int *) realloc(S->DB, DBsize * sizeof(int)); }
464       int *clause = &S->DB[S->mem_used + 1];
465       clause[-1] = 2 * S->count; S->count++;
466       for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { clause[ i ] = buffer[ i ]; } clause[ i ] = 0;
467       S->mem_used += size + EXTRA;
469       if (hashUsed[hash] == hashMax[hash]) { hashMax[hash] *= 1.5;
470         hashTable[hash] = (long *) realloc(hashTable[hash], sizeof(long*) * hashMax[hash]); }
471       hashTable[ hash ][ hashUsed[hash]++ ] = (long) (clause - S->DB);
473       if (S->adsize == admax) { admax *= 1.5;
474         adlist = (long*) realloc (adlist, sizeof(long) * admax); }
475       adlist[ S->adsize++ ] = ((long) (clause - S->DB)) << 1;
477       if (nZeros == S->nClauses) S->base = clause;           // change if ever used
478       if (!nZeros) S->lemmas   = (long) (clause - S->DB);    // S->lemmas is no longer pointer
479       if (!nZeros) S->adlemmas = S->adsize - 1;
481       if (nZeros > 0) {
482         if (!size || ((size == 1) && S->false[ clause[0] ])) // Check for empty clause or conflicting unit
483           return UNSAT;                                      // If either is found return UNSAT; ANTON: memory leak here
484         else if (size == 1) {                                // Check for a new unit
485           if (!S->false[ -clause[0] ]) {
486             S->reason[abs(clause[0])] = ((long) ((clause)-S->DB)) + 1;
487             ASSIGN (clause[0]); } }                          // Directly assign new units
488         else { addWatch (S, clause, 0); addWatch (S, clause, 1); }
489       }
490       else if (!size) break;                                 // Redundant empty clause claimed
491       size = 0; --nZeros; }                                  // Reset buffer
492     else buffer[ size++ ] = lit; }                           // Add literal to buffer
494   S->DB = (int *) realloc(S->DB, S->mem_used * sizeof(int));
496   for (i = 0; i < BIGINIT; i++) free(hashTable[i]);
497   free(hashTable);
498   free(hashUsed);
499   free(hashMax);
500   free(marks - S->nVars);
502   return SAT; }
504 void freeMemory(struct solver *S) {
505   free(S->DB);
506   free(S->falseStack);
507   free(S->reason);
508   free(adlist);
509   int i; for (i = 1; i <= S->nVars; ++i) { free(wlist[i]); free(wlist[-i]); }
510   free(S->used  - S->nVars);
511   free(S->max   - S->nVars);
512   free(S->false - S->nVars);
513   free(wlist    - S->nVars);
514   if (buffer != 0) { free(buffer); }
515   return;
516 }
518 int main (int argc, char** argv) {
519   struct solver S;
521   S.inputFile = NULL;
522   S.proofFile = stdin;
523   S.coreFile  = NULL;
524   S.lemmaFile = NULL;
525   S.traceFile = NULL;
526   S.timeout   = TIMEOUT;
527   S.mask      = 0;
528   S.delete    = 1;
529   gettimeofday(&S.start_time, NULL);
531   int i, tmp = 0;
532   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
533     if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
534       if (argv[i][1] == 'h') {
535         printf("usage: drup-trim [INPUT] [<PROOF>] [<option> ...]\n\n");
536         printf("where <option> is one of the following\n\n");
537         printf("  -h          print this command line option summary\n");
538         printf("  -c CORE     prints the unsatisfiable core to the file CORE\n");
539         printf("  -l LEMMAS   prints the core lemmas to the file LEMMAS\n");
540         printf("  -r TRACE    resolution graph in TRACECHECK format\n\n");
541         printf("  -t <lim>    time limit in seconds (default %i)\n", TIMEOUT);
542         printf("  -u          default unit propatation (i.e., no core-first)\n");
543         printf("  -p          run in plain mode (i.e., ignore deletion information)\n\n");
544         printf("and input and proof are specified as follows\n\n");
545         printf("  INPUT       input file in DIMACS format\n");
546         printf("  PROOF       proof file in DRUP format (stdin if no argument)\n\n");
547         exit(0);
548       }
549       if (argv[i][1] == 'c') S.coreFile  = fopen (argv[++i], "w");
550       else if (argv[i][1] == 'l') S.lemmaFile = fopen (argv[++i], "w");
551       else if (argv[i][1] == 'r') S.traceFile = fopen (argv[++i], "w");
552       else if (argv[i][1] == 't') S.timeout   = atoi(argv[++i]);
553       else if (argv[i][1] == 'u') S.mask      = 1;
554       else if (argv[i][1] == 'p') S.delete    = 0;
555     }
556     else {
557       tmp++;
558       if (tmp == 1) {
559         S.inputFile = fopen (argv[1], "r");
560         if (S.inputFile == NULL) {
561           printf("c error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[i]);
562           return 1; } }
564       else if (tmp == 2) {
565         S.proofFile = fopen (argv[2], "r");
566         if (S.proofFile == NULL) {
567           printf("c error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[i]);
568           return 1; } }
569     }
570   }
571   if (tmp == 1) printf("c reading proof from stdin\n");
573   int parseReturnValue = parse(&S);
575   fclose (S.inputFile);
576   fclose (S.proofFile);
577   int sts = ERROR;
578   if       (parseReturnValue == ERROR) printf("s MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR\n");
579   else if  (parseReturnValue == UNSAT) printf("s TRIVIAL UNSAT\n");
580   else if  ((sts = verify (&S)) == UNSAT) printf("s VERIFIED\n");
581   else printf("s NOT VERIFIED\n")  ;
582   freeMemory(&S);
583   return (sts != UNSAT); // 0 on success, 1 on any failure
584 }
  1 // rup-forward.c   last edit: March 17, 2013
  3 #include <stdio.h>
  5 #define END      -9
  6 #define MEM_MAX   1000000000
  7 #define UNSAT     0
  8 #define SAT       1
 10 struct solver { FILE *file; int *DB, nVars, nClauses, mem_used, *falseStack, *false, *first,
 11                 *forced, *processed, *assigned; FILE *proofFile; };
 13 #define ASSIGN(a)    { S->false[-(a)] = 1; *(S->assigned++) = -(a); }
 14 #define ADD_WATCH(l,m)  { S->DB[(m)] = S->first[(l)]; S->first[(l)] = (m); }
 16 int* getMemory (struct solver *S, int mem_size) {
 17   if (S->mem_used + mem_size > MEM_MAX) printf("Out of Memory\n");
 18   int *store = (S->DB + S->mem_used);
 19   S->mem_used += mem_size;
 20   return store; }
 22 int* addClause (struct solver *S, int* input, int size) {
 23   if (size > 1) { ADD_WATCH (input[0], S->mem_used); ADD_WATCH (input[1], S->mem_used + 1); }
 24   int i, *clause = getMemory (S, size + 3) + 2;
 25   for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { clause[ i ] = input[ i ]; } clause[ i ] = 0;
 26   return clause; }
 28 int propagate (struct solver* S) {                 // Performs unit propagation
 29   while (S->processed < S->assigned) {             // While unprocessed false literals
 30     int  lit   = *(S->processed++);                // Get first unprocessed literal
 31     int* watch = &S->first[ lit ];                 // Obtain the first watch pointer
 32     while (*watch != END) {                        // While there are watched clauses (watched by lit)
 33       int i, *clause = (S->DB + *watch + 1);       // Get the clause from DB
 34       if (!clause[-2]) clause++;                   // Set the pointer to the first literal in the clause
 35       if (clause[0] == lit) clause[0] = clause[1]; // Ensure that the other watched literal is in front
 36       for (i = 2; clause[i]; ++i)                  // Scan the non-watched literals
 37         if (S->false[ clause[i] ] == 0) {          // When clause[j] is not false, it is either true or unset
 38           clause[1] = clause[i]; clause[i] = lit;  // Swap literals
 39           int store = *watch;                      // Store the old watch
 40           *watch =  S->DB[ *watch ];               // Remove the watch from the list of lit
 41           ADD_WATCH (clause[1], store);            // Add the watch to the list of clause[1]
 42           goto next_clause; }                      // Goto the next watched clause
 43       clause[1] = lit; watch = (S->DB + *watch);   // Set lit at clause[1] and set next watch
 44       if ( S->false[ -clause[0] ]) continue;        // If the other watched literal is satisfied continue
 45       if (!S->false[  clause[0] ]) {               // If the other watched literal is falsified,
 46         ASSIGN (clause[0]); }                      // A unit clause is found, and the reason is set
 47       else return UNSAT;                           // Found a root level conflict -> UNSAT
 48       next_clause: ; } }                           // Set position for next clause
 49   return SAT; }                                       // Finally, no conflict was found
 51 int verify (struct solver *S) {
 52   int buffer [S->nVars];
 54   if (propagate (S) == UNSAT) return UNSAT; S->forced = S->processed;
 56   for (;;) {
 57     start:;
 58     int flag = 0, size = 0, tmp = 0, lit;
 59     printf("checking: ");
 60     while (tmp >= 0) {
 61       tmp = fscanf (S->proofFile, " %i ", &lit);    // Read a literal.
 62       if (!lit) break;
 63       if ( S->false[ -lit ]) flag = 1;
 64       if (!S->false[  lit ]) {
 65       printf("%i ", lit);
 66       buffer[ size++ ] = lit; } }  // Assign literal and add literal to buffer
 68     if (flag) goto start;
 70     int i; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) ASSIGN(-buffer[i]);
 71     if (propagate (S) == SAT) return SAT;
 72     printf("verified\n");
 74     while (S->assigned > S->forced) S->false[ (*(--S->assigned)) ] = 0;
 75     S->processed = S->forced;
 77     if (size == 1) { ASSIGN (buffer[0]); if (propagate (S) == UNSAT) return UNSAT; S->forced = S->processed; }
 78     else addClause (S, buffer, size);
 79   }
 80   return SAT; }
 82 int parse (struct solver* S) {
 83   int tmp, lines;
 84   do { tmp = fscanf (S->file, " p cnf %i %i \n", &S->nVars, &S->nClauses); // Read the first line
 85     if (tmp > 0 && tmp != EOF) break; tmp = fscanf (S->file, "%*s\n"); }   // In case a commment line was found
 86   while (tmp != 2 && tmp != EOF);                                          // Skip it and read next line
 87   int nZeros = S->nClauses, buffer [S->nVars], size = 0, n = S->nVars;     // Make a local buffer
 89   S->mem_used   = 0;                  // The number of integers allocated in the DB
 90   S->falseStack = getMemory (S, n+1); // Stack of falsified literals -- this pointer is never changed
 91   S->forced     = S->falseStack;      // Points inside *falseStack at first decision (unforced literal)
 92   S->processed  = S->falseStack;      // Points inside *falseStack at first unprocessed literal
 93   S->assigned   = S->falseStack;      // Points inside *falseStack at last unprocessed literal
 94   S->false      = getMemory (S, 2*n+1); S->false += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
 95   S->first      = getMemory (S, 2*n+1); S->first += n; // Offset of the first watched clause
 96   S->DB[ S->mem_used++ ] = 0;         // Make sure there is a 0 before the clauses are loaded.
 98   int i; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { S->false[i] = S->false[-i] = 0; S->first[i] = S->first[-i] = END; }
100   while (nZeros > 0) {
101     int lit, *clause; tmp = fscanf (S->file, " %i ", &lit);  // Read a literal.
102     if (!lit) { clause = addClause (S, buffer, size);        // Add clause to data_base
103       if (!size || ((size == 1) && S->false[ clause[0] ]))   // Check for empty clause or conflicting unit
104         return UNSAT;                                        // If either is found return UNSAT
105       if ((size == 1) && !S->false[ -clause[0] ]) {          // Check for a new unit
106         ASSIGN (clause[0]); }                                // Directly assign new units
107       size = 0; --nZeros; }                                  // Reset buffer
108     else buffer[ size++ ] = lit; }                           // Add literal to buffer
110   return SAT; }
112 int memory[ MEM_MAX ];
114 int main (int argc, char** argv) {
115   struct solver S; S.DB = memory;
116   S.file = fopen (argv[1], "r");
117   if (S.file == NULL) {
118     printf("Error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[1]);
119     return 0;
120   }
121   S.proofFile = fopen (argv[2], "r");
122   if (S.proofFile == NULL) {
123     printf("Error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[2]);
124     fclose (S.file);
125     return 0;
126   }
127   if       (parse  (&S) == UNSAT) printf("s TRIVIAL UNSAT\n");
128   else if  (verify (&S) == UNSAT) printf("s VERIFIED\n");
129   else                            printf("s NOT VERIFIED\n")  ;
130   fclose (S.file);
131   fclose (S.proofFile);
132   return 0;
133 }







DRAT-trim is a satisfiability proof checking and trimming utility designed to validate proofs for all known satisfiability solving and preprocessing techniques. DRAT-trim can also emit trimmed formulas, optimized proofs, and TraceCheck+ dependency graphs.


   1 /************************************************************************************[drat-trim.c]
   2 Copyright (c) 2014 Marijn Heule and Nathan Wetzler, The University of Texas at Austin.
   3 Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Marijn Heule, The University of Texas at Austin.
   4 Last edit, October 30, 2018
   6 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
   7 associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
   8 including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
   9 sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
  10 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
  12 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
  13 substantial portions of the Software.
  20 **************************************************************************************************/
  22 #include <stdio.h>
  23 #include <stdlib.h>
  24 #include <assert.h>
  25 #include <sys/time.h>
  27 #define TIMEOUT     20000
  28 #define BIGINIT     1000000
  29 #define INIT        4
  30 #define END         0
  31 #define UNSAT       0
  32 #define SAT         1
  33 #define ID         -1
  34 #define PIVOT      -2
  35 #define MAXDEP       -3
  36 #define EXTRA       4        // ID + PIVOT + MAXDEP + terminating 0
  37 #define INFOBITS    2        // could be 1 for SAT, must be 2 for QBF
  38 #define DBIT        1
  39 #define ASSUMED     2
  40 #define MARK        3
  41 #define ERROR      -1
  42 #define ACTIVE      1
  44 #define FORWARD_SAT      10
  45 #define FORWARD_UNSAT    20
  46 #define BACKWARD_UNSAT   30
  47 #define SUCCESS          40
  48 #define FAILED           50
  49 #define FIXPOINT     60
  50 #define NOWARNING     70
  51 #define HARDWARNING     80
  53 #define COMPRESS
  55 struct solver { FILE *inputFile, *proofFile, *lratFile, *traceFile, *activeFile;
  56     int *DB, nVars, timeout, mask, delete, *falseStack, *falseA, *forced, binMode, optimize, binOutput,
  57       *processed, *assigned, count, *used, *max, COREcount, RATmode, RATcount, nActive, *lratTable,
  58       nLemmas, maxRAT, *RATset, *preRAT, maxDependencies, nDependencies, bar, backforce, reduce,
  59       *dependencies, maxVar, maxSize, mode, verb, unitSize, prep, *current, nRemoved, warning,
  60       delProof, *setMap, *setTruth;
  61     char *coreStr, *lemmaStr;
  62     struct timeval start_time;
  63     long mem_used, time, nClauses, nStep, nOpt, nAlloc, *unitStack, *reason, lemmas, nResolve,
  64          nReads, nWrites, lratSize, lratAlloc, *lratLookup, **wlist, *optproof, *formula, *proof;  };
  66 static inline void assign (struct solver* S, int lit) {
  67   S->falseA[-lit] = 1; *(S->assigned++) = -lit; }
  69 int compare (const void *a, const void *b) {
  70   return (*(int*)a - *(int*)b); }
  72 int abscompare (const void *a, const void *b) {
  73   return (abs(*(int*)a) - abs(*(int*)b)); }
  75 static inline void printClause (int* clause) {
  76   printf ("[%i] ", clause[ID]);
  77   while (*clause) printf ("%i ", *clause++); printf ("0\n"); }
  79 static inline void addWatchPtr (struct solver* S, int lit, long watch) {
  80   if (S->used[lit] + 1 == S->max[lit]) { S->max[lit] *= 1.5;
  81     S->wlist[lit] = (long *) realloc (S->wlist[lit], sizeof (long) * S->max[lit]);
  82 //    if (S->max[lit] > 1000) printf("c watchlist %i increased to %i\n", lit, S->max[lit]);
  83     if (S->wlist[lit] == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT: reallocation failed for watch list of %i\n", lit); exit (0); } }
  84   S->wlist[lit][ S->used[lit]++ ] = watch | S->mask;
  85   S->wlist[lit][ S->used[lit]   ] = END; }
  87 static inline void addWatch (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {
  88   addWatchPtr (S, clause[index], ((long) (((clause) - S->DB)) << 1)); }
  90 static inline void removeWatch (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {
  91   int i, lit = clause[index];
  92   if ((S->used[lit] > INIT) && (S->max[lit] > 2 * S->used[lit])) {
  93     S->max[lit] = (3 * S->used[lit]) >> 1;
  94     S->wlist[lit] = (long *) realloc (S->wlist[lit], sizeof (long) * S->max[lit]);
  95     assert(S->wlist[lit] != NULL); }
  96   long *watch = S->wlist[lit];
  97   for (i = 0; i < S->used[lit]; i++) {
  98     int* _clause = S->DB + (*(watch++) >> 1);
  99     if (_clause == clause) {
 100       watch[-1] = S->wlist[lit][ --S->used[lit] ];
 101       S->wlist[lit][ S->used[lit] ] = END; return; } } }
 103 static inline void addUnit (struct solver* S, long index) {
 104   S->unitStack[S->unitSize++] = index; }
 106 static inline void removeUnit (struct solver* S, int lit) {
 107   int i, found = 0;
 108   for (i = 0; i < S->unitSize; i++) {
 109     if (found) S->unitStack[i - 1] = S->unitStack[i];
 110     if (S->DB[ S->unitStack[i] ] == lit) found = 1; }
 111   S->unitSize--; }
 113 static inline void unassignUnit (struct solver* S, int lit) {
 114   if (S->verb)
 115     printf ("\rc removing unit %i\n", lit);
 116   while (S->falseA[-lit]) {
 117     if (S->verb)
 118       printf ("\rc removing unit %i (%i)\n", S->forced[-1], lit);
 119     S->falseA[*(--S->forced)] = 0;
 120     S->reason[abs(*S->forced)] = 0; }
 121   S->processed = S->assigned = S->forced; }
 123 static inline void markWatch (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index, int offset) {
 124   long* watch = S->wlist[ clause[ index ] ];
 125   for (;;) {
 126     int *_clause = (S->DB + (*(watch++) >> 1) + (long) offset);
 127     if (_clause == clause) { watch[ID] |= ACTIVE; return; } } }
 129 static inline void addDependency (struct solver* S, int dep, int forced) {
 130   if (1 || S->traceFile || S->lratFile) { // temporary for MAXDEP
 131     if (S->nDependencies == S->maxDependencies) {
 132       S->maxDependencies = (S->maxDependencies * 3) >> 1;
 133 //      printf ("c dependencies increased to %i\n", S->maxDependencies);
 134       S->dependencies = realloc (S->dependencies, sizeof (int) * S->maxDependencies);
 135       if (S->dependencies == NULL) { printf ("c MEMOUT: dependencies reallocation failed\n"); exit (0); } }
 136 //    printf("c adding dep %i\n", (dep << 1) + forced);
 137     S->dependencies[S->nDependencies++] = (dep << 1) + forced; } }
 139 static inline void markClause (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {
 140   S->nResolve++;
 141   addDependency (S, clause[index - 1] >> 1, (S->assigned > S->forced));
 143   if ((clause[index + ID] & ACTIVE) == 0) {
 144     S->nActive++;
 145     clause[index + ID] |= ACTIVE;
 146     if ((S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT) && clause[index + 1]) {
 147       S->optproof[S->nOpt++] = (((long) (clause - S->DB) + index) << INFOBITS) + 1; }
 148     if (clause[1 + index] == 0) return;
 149     markWatch (S, clause,     index, -index);
 150     markWatch (S, clause, 1 + index, -index); }
 151   while (*clause) S->falseA[*(clause++)] = MARK; }
 153 void analyze (struct solver* S, int* clause, int index) {     // Mark all clauses involved in conflict
 154   markClause (S, clause, index);
 155   while (S->assigned > S->falseStack) {
 156     int lit = *(--S->assigned);
 157     if (S->falseA[lit] == MARK) {
 158       if (S->reason[abs (lit)]) {
 159         markClause (S, S->DB + S->reason[abs (lit)], -1);
 160         if (S->assigned >= S->forced)
 161           S->reason[abs (lit)] = 0; } }
 162     else if (S->falseA[lit] == ASSUMED && !S->RATmode && S->reduce && !S->lratFile) { // Remove unused literal
 163       S->nRemoved++;
 164       int *tmp = S->current;
 165       while (*tmp != lit) tmp++;
 166       while (*tmp) { tmp[0] = tmp[1]; tmp++; }
 167       tmp[-1] = 0; }
 168     if (S->assigned >= S->forced) S->reason[abs (lit)] = 0;
 169     S->falseA[lit] = (S->assigned < S->forced); }
 171   S->processed = S->assigned = S->forced; }
 173 void noAnalyze (struct solver* S) {
 174   while (S->assigned > S->falseStack) {
 175     int lit = *(--S->assigned);
 176     if (S->assigned >= S->forced) S->reason[abs (lit)] = 0;
 177     S->falseA[lit] = (S->assigned < S->forced); }
 179   S->processed = S->assigned = S->forced; }
 181 int propagate (struct solver* S, int init, int mark) { // Performs unit propagation (init not used?)
 182   int *start[2];
 183   int check = 0, mode = !S->prep;
 184   int i, lit, _lit = 0; long *watch, *_watch;
 185   start[0] = start[1] = S->processed;
 186   flip_check:;
 187   check ^= 1;
 188   while (start[check] < S->assigned) {                 // While unprocessed false literals
 189     lit = *(start[check]++);                           // Get first unprocessed literal
 190     if (lit == _lit) watch = _watch;
 191     else watch = S->wlist[ lit ];                      // Obtain the first watch pointer
 192     while (*watch != END) {                            // While there are watched clauses (watched by lit)
 193      if ((*watch & mode) != check) {
 194         watch++; continue; }
 195      int *clause = S->DB + (*watch >> 1);           // Get the clause from DB
 196      if (S->falseA[ -clause[0] ] ||
 197          S->falseA[ -clause[1] ]) {
 198        watch++; continue; }
 199      if (clause[0] == lit) clause[0] = clause[1];      // Ensure that the other watched literal is in front
 200       for (i = 2; clause[i]; ++i)                      // Scan the non-watched literals
 201         if (S->falseA[ clause[i] ] == 0) {             // When clause[j] is not false, it is either true or unset
 202           clause[1] = clause[i]; clause[i] = lit;      // Swap literals
 203           addWatchPtr (S, clause[1], *watch);          // Add the watch to the list of clause[1]
 204           *watch = S->wlist[lit][ --S->used[lit] ];    // Remove pointer
 205           S->wlist[lit][ S->used[lit] ] = END;
 206           goto next_clause; }                          // Goto the next watched clause
 207       clause[1] = lit; watch++;                        // Set lit at clause[1] and set next watch
 208       if (!S->falseA[  clause[0] ]) {                  // If the other watched literal is falsified,
 209         assign (S, clause[0]);                         // A unit clause is found, and the reason is set
 210         S->reason[abs (clause[0])] = ((long) ((clause)-S->DB)) + 1;
 211         if (!check) {
 212           start[0]--; _lit = lit; _watch = watch;
 213           goto flip_check; } }
 214       else if (!mark) { noAnalyze (S); return UNSAT; }
 215       else { analyze (S, clause, 0); return UNSAT; }   // Found a root level conflict -> UNSAT
 216       next_clause: ; } }                               // Set position for next clause
 217   if (check) goto flip_check;
 218   S->processed = S->assigned;
 219   return SAT; }                                           // Finally, no conflict was found
 222 // Propagate top level units
 223 static inline int propagateUnits (struct solver* S, int init) {
 224   int i;
 225 //  printf("c propagateUnits %i\n", S->unitSize);
 226   while (S->forced > S->falseStack) {
 227     S->falseA[*(--S->forced)] = 0;
 228     S->reason[abs (*S->forced)] = 0; }
 229   S->forced = S->assigned = S->processed = S->falseStack;
 230   for (i = 0; i < S->unitSize; i++) {
 231     int lit = S->DB[ S->unitStack[i] ];
 232     S->reason[abs (lit)] = S->unitStack[i] + 1;
 233     assign (S, lit); }
 235   if (propagate (S, init, 1) == UNSAT) { return UNSAT; }
 236   S->forced = S->processed;
 237   return SAT; }
 239 // Put falsified literals at the end and returns the size under the current
 240 // assignment: negative size means satisfied, size = 0 means falsified
 241 int sortSize (struct solver *S, int *lemma) {
 242   unsigned int size = 0, last = 0, sat = 1;
 243   while (lemma[last]) {
 244     int lit = lemma[last++];
 245     if (S->falseA[lit] == 0) {
 246       if (S->falseA[-lit]) sat = -1;
 247       lemma[last-1] = lemma[ size ];
 248       lemma[size++] = lit; } }
 249   return sat * size; }
 251 // print the core clauses to coreFile in DIMACS format
 252 void printCore (struct solver *S) {
 253   int i, j;
 254   for (i = 0; i < S->nClauses; i++) {
 255     int *clause = S->DB + (S->formula[i] >> INFOBITS);
 256     if (clause[ID] & ACTIVE) S->COREcount++; }
 257   printf ("\rc %i of %li clauses in core                            \n", S->COREcount, S->nClauses);
 259   if (S->coreStr) {
 260     FILE *coreFile = fopen (S->coreStr, "w");
 261     fprintf (coreFile, "p cnf %i %i\n", S->nVars, S->COREcount);
 262     for (i = 0; i < S->nClauses; i++) {
 263       int *clause = S->DB + (S->formula[i] >> INFOBITS);
 264       if (clause[ID] & ACTIVE) {
 265         while (*clause) fprintf (coreFile, "%i ", *clause++);
 266         fprintf (coreFile, "0\n"); } }
 267     fclose (coreFile); } }
 269 void write_lit (struct solver *S, FILE *output, int lit) { // change to long?
 270   unsigned int l = abs (lit) << 1;
 271   if (lit < 0) l++;
 273   do {
 274     if (l <= 127) { fputc ((char)                 l, output); }
 275     else          { fputc ((char) (128 + (l & 127)), output); }
 276     S->nWrites++;
 277     l = l >> 7; }
 278   while (l); }
 280 void printLRATline (struct solver *S, int time) {
 281   int *line = S->lratTable + S->lratLookup[time];
 282   if (S->binOutput) {
 283     fputc ('a', S->lratFile); S->nWrites++;
 284     while (*line) write_lit (S, S->lratFile, *line++);
 285     write_lit (S, S->lratFile, *line++);
 286     while (*line) write_lit (S, S->lratFile, *line++);
 287     write_lit (S, S->lratFile, *line++); }
 288   else {
 289     while (*line) fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i ", *line++);
 290     fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i ", *line++);
 291     while (*line) fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i ", *line++);
 292     fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i\n", *line++); } }
 294 // print the core lemmas to lemmaFile in DRAT format
 295 void printProof (struct solver *S) {
 296   int step;
 297   printf ("\rc %i of %i lemmas in core using %lu resolution steps\n", S->nActive - S->COREcount + 1, S->nLemmas + 1, S->nResolve);
 298   printf ("\rc %d RAT lemmas in core; %i redundant literals in core lemmas\n", S->RATcount, S->nRemoved);
 300   // NB: not yet working with forward checking
 301   if (S->mode == FORWARD_UNSAT) {
 302     printf ("\rc optimized proofs are not supported for forward checking\n");
 303     return; }
 305   // replace S->proof by S->optproof
 306   if (S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT) {
 307     if (S->nOpt > S->nAlloc) {
 308       S->nAlloc = S->nOpt;
 309       S->proof = (long*) realloc (S->proof, sizeof (long) * S->nAlloc);
 310       if (S->proof == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT: reallocation of proof list failed\n"); exit (0); } }
 311     S->nStep   = 0;
 312     S->nLemmas = 0;
 313     for (step = S->nOpt - 1; step >= 0; step--) {
 314       long ad = S->optproof[step];
 315       int *lemmas = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
 316       if ((ad & 1) == 0) S->nLemmas++;
 317 //      if (lemmas[ID] & ACTIVE) lemmas[ID] ^= ACTIVE; // only useful for checking multiple times?
 318       S->proof[S->nStep++] = S->optproof[step]; } }  // why not reuse ad?
 320   if (S->lemmaStr) {
 321     FILE *lemmaFile = fopen (S->lemmaStr, "w");
 322     for (step = 0; step < S->nStep; step++) {
 323       long ad = S->proof[step];
 324       int *lemmas = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
 325       if (!lemmas[1] && (ad & 1)) continue; // don't delete unit clauses
 326       if (S->binOutput) {
 327         S->nWrites++;
 328         if (ad & 1) fputc ('d', lemmaFile);
 329         else        fputc ('a', lemmaFile); }
 330       else if (ad & 1) fprintf (lemmaFile, "d ");
 331       int reslit = lemmas[PIVOT];
 332       while (*lemmas) {
 333         int lit = *lemmas++;
 334         if (lit == reslit) {
 335           if (S->binOutput) write_lit (S, lemmaFile, lit);
 336           else fprintf (lemmaFile, "%i ", lit); } }
 337       lemmas = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
 338       while (*lemmas) {
 339         int lit = *lemmas++;
 340         if (lit != reslit) {
 341           if (S->binOutput) write_lit (S, lemmaFile, lit);
 342           else fprintf (lemmaFile, "%i ", lit); } }
 343       if (S->binOutput) write_lit (S, lemmaFile, 0);
 344       else fprintf (lemmaFile, "0\n"); }
 345     if (S->binOutput) { fputc ('a', lemmaFile); write_lit (S, lemmaFile, 0); }
 346     else fprintf (lemmaFile, "0\n");
 347     fclose (lemmaFile); }
 349   if (S->lratFile) {
 350     int lastAdded = S->nClauses;
 351     int flag = 0;
 352     for (step = 0; step < S->nStep; step++) {
 353       long ad = S->proof[step];
 354       int *lemmas = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
 355       if ((ad & 1) == 0) {
 356         if (lastAdded == 0) {
 357           if (S->binOutput) {
 358             write_lit (S, S->lratFile, 0); }
 359           else {
 360             fprintf (S->lratFile, "0\n"); } }
 361         lastAdded = lemmas[ID] >> 1;
 362         printLRATline (S, lastAdded); }
 363       else if (lastAdded == S->nClauses) continue;
 364       else if (!lemmas[1] && (ad & 1)) continue; // don't delete unit clauses
 365       else if (ad & 1) {
 366         if (lastAdded != 0) {
 367           if (S->binOutput) {
 368             fputc ('d', S->lratFile); S->nWrites++; }
 369           else {
 370             fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i d ", lastAdded); } }
 371         lastAdded = 0;
 372         if (S->binOutput) {
 373           write_lit (S, S->lratFile, lemmas[ID] >> 1); }
 374         else {
 375           fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i ", lemmas[ID] >> 1); } } }
 376     if (lastAdded != S->nClauses) {
 377       if (S->binOutput) {
 378         write_lit (S, S->lratFile, 0); }
 379       else {
 380         fprintf(S->lratFile, "0\n"); } }
 382     printLRATline (S, S->count);
 384     fclose (S->lratFile);
 385     if (S->nWrites)
 386       printf ("c wrote optimized proof in LRAT format of %li bytes\n", S->nWrites); } }
 388 void printNoCore (struct solver *S) {
 389   if (S->lratFile) {
 390     if (S->binOutput) {
 391       fputc ('d', S->lratFile); S->nWrites++; }
 392     else {
 393       fprintf (S->lratFile, "%ld d ", S->nClauses); }
 394     int i;
 395     for (i = 0; i < S->nClauses; i++) {
 396       int *clause = S->DB + (S->formula[i] >> INFOBITS);
 397       if ((clause[ID] & ACTIVE) == 0) {
 398         if (S->binOutput) {
 399           write_lit (S, S->lratFile, clause[ID] >> 1); }
 400         else {
 401           fprintf (S->lratFile, "%i ", clause[ID] >> 1); } } }
 402     if (S->binOutput) {
 403       write_lit (S, S->lratFile, 0); }
 404     else {
 405       fprintf (S->lratFile, "0\n"); } } }
 407 // print the dependency graph to traceFile in TraceCheck+ format
 408 // this procedure adds the active clauses at the end of the trace
 409 void printTrace (struct solver *S) {
 410   if (S->traceFile) { int i;
 411     for (i = 0; i < S->nClauses; i++) {
 412       int *clause = S->DB + (S->formula[i] >> INFOBITS);
 413       if (clause[ID] & ACTIVE) {
 414         fprintf (S->traceFile, "%i ", i + 1);
 415         while (*clause) fprintf (S->traceFile, "%i ", *clause++);
 416         fprintf (S->traceFile, "0 0\n"); } }
 417     fclose (S->traceFile); } }
 419 void printActive (struct solver *S) {
 420   int i, j;
 421   if (S->activeFile) {
 422     for (i = -S->maxVar; i <= S->maxVar; i++)
 423       if (i != 0)
 424         for (j = 0; j < S->used[i]; j++) {
 425           int *clause = S->DB + (S->wlist[i][j] >> 1);
 426           if (*clause == i) {
 427             while (*clause)
 428               fprintf (S->activeFile, "%i ", *clause++);
 429             fprintf (S->activeFile, "0\n"); } } } }
 431 void postprocess (struct solver *S) {
 432   printNoCore (S);   // print before proof optimization
 433   printActive (S);
 434   printCore   (S);
 435   printTrace  (S);   // closes traceFile
 436   printProof  (S); } // closes lratFile
 438 void lratAdd (struct solver *S, int elem) {
 439   if (S->lratSize == S->lratAlloc) {
 440     S->lratAlloc = S->lratAlloc * 3 >> 1;
 441     S->lratTable = (int *) realloc (S->lratTable, sizeof (int) * S->lratAlloc); }
 442   S->lratTable[S->lratSize++] = elem; }
 444 void printDependenciesFile (struct solver *S, int* clause, int RATflag, int mode) {
 445   FILE *file = NULL;
 446   if (mode == 0) file = S->traceFile;
 447   if (mode == 1) file = S->lratFile;
 449   if (file) {
 450     int i, j, k;
 451     int tmp = S->lratSize;
 453     if (clause != NULL) {
 454            S->lratLookup[clause[ID] >> 1] = S->lratSize; }
 455     else { S->lratLookup[S->count] = S->lratSize;   }
 457     if (clause != NULL) {
 458       int size = 0;
 459       int *sortClause;
 460       sortClause = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * S->maxSize);
 461       lratAdd (S, S->time >> 1); // NB: long to ing
 462       int reslit = clause[PIVOT];
 463       while (*clause) {
 464         if (*clause == reslit)
 465           lratAdd (S, reslit);
 466         sortClause[size++] = *clause++; }
 467       qsort (sortClause, size, sizeof (int), abscompare);
 468       for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 469         int lit = sortClause[i];
 470         if (lit != reslit)
 471           lratAdd (S, lit); } }
 472     else { lratAdd (S, S->count); }
 473     lratAdd (S, 0);
 475     int isRUP = 1;
 476     for (i = 0; i < S->nDependencies; i++)
 477       if (S->dependencies[i] < 0) { isRUP = 0; break; }
 479     if (isRUP) {
 480       for (i = S->nDependencies - 1; i >= 0; i--)
 481         lratAdd (S, S->dependencies[i] >> 1);
 482       lratAdd (S, 0);
 483       goto printLine; }
 485     // first print the preRAT units in order of becoming unit
 486     int size = 0;
 487     for (i = 0; i < S->nDependencies; i++) {
 488       if (S->dependencies[i] > 0) continue;
 489       for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && S->dependencies[j] > 0; j--) {
 490         int flag = 0;
 491         int cls  = S->dependencies[j];
 492         if (cls & 1) continue;
 493         for (k = 0; k < size; k++)
 494           if (S->preRAT[k] == cls) flag = 1;
 495         if (!flag) {
 496           S->preRAT[size++] = cls;
 497           lratAdd (S, cls >> 1); } } }
 499     // print dependencies in order of becoming unit
 500     for (i = S->nDependencies - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 501       int cls = S->dependencies[i];
 502       if ((mode == 0) && (cls < 0)) continue;
 503       if (mode == 0) {
 504         int flag = 0;
 505         for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
 506           if (S->preRAT[j] == cls) flag = 1;
 507         if (!flag) {
 508           S->preRAT[size++] = cls;
 509           lratAdd (S, cls >> 1); } }
 510       if ((mode == 1) && (cls & 1))
 511         lratAdd (S, cls >> 1); }
 512       lratAdd (S, 0);
 514     printLine:;
 515     if (mode == 0) {
 516       for (i = tmp; i < S->lratSize; i++)
 517         fprintf (file, "%d ", S->lratTable[i]);
 518       S->lratSize = tmp;
 519       fprintf (file, "\n"); } } }
 521 void printDependencies (struct solver *S, int* clause, int RATflag) {
 522   if (clause != NULL) {
 523     int i;
 524     clause[MAXDEP] = 0;
 525     for (i = 0; i < S->nDependencies; i++) {
 526 //      printf ("%i ", S->dependencies[i]);
 527       if (S->dependencies[i] > clause[MAXDEP])
 528         clause[MAXDEP] = S->dependencies[i]; }
 529 //    printf("\n%i :", clause[MAXDEP]);
 530 //    printClause(clause);
 531     assert (clause[MAXDEP] < clause[ID]);
 532   }
 534   printDependenciesFile (S, clause, RATflag, 0);
 535   printDependenciesFile (S, clause, RATflag, 1); }
 537 int checkRAT (struct solver *S, int pivot, int mark) {
 538   int i, j, nRAT = 0;
 540   // Loop over all literals to calculate resolution candidates
 541   for (i = -S->maxVar; i <= S->maxVar; i++) {
 542     if (i == 0) continue;
 543     // Loop over all watched clauses for literal
 544     for (j = 0; j < S->used[i]; j++) {
 545       int* watched = S->DB + (S->wlist[i][j] >> 1);
 546       int id = watched[ID] >> 1;
 547       int active = watched[ID] & ACTIVE;
 548       if (*watched == i) { // If watched literal is in first position
 549     while (*watched)
 550           if (*watched++ == -pivot) {
 551             if ((S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT) && !active) {
 552 //              printf ("\rc RAT check ignores unmarked clause : "); printClause (S->DB + (S->wlist[i][j] >> 1));
 553               continue; }
 554         if (nRAT == S->maxRAT) {
 555           S->maxRAT = (S->maxRAT * 3) >> 1;
 556           S->RATset = realloc (S->RATset, sizeof (int) * S->maxRAT);
 557               assert (S->RATset != NULL); }
 558         S->RATset[nRAT++] = S->wlist[i][j] >> 1;
 559             break; } } } }
 561   // S->prep = 1;
 562   // Check all clauses in RATset for RUP
 563   int flag = 1;
 564   qsort (S->RATset, nRAT, sizeof (int), compare);
 565   S->nDependencies = 0;
 566   for (i = nRAT - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
 567     int* RATcls = S->DB + S->RATset[i];
 568     int id = RATcls[ID] >> 1;
 569     int blocked = 0;
 570     long int reason  = 0;
 571     if (S->verb) {
 572       printf ("\rc RAT clause: "); printClause (RATcls); }
 574     while (*RATcls) {
 575       int lit = *RATcls++;
 576       if (lit != -pivot && S->falseA[-lit])
 577         if (!blocked || reason > S->reason[abs (lit)])
 578           blocked = lit, reason = S->reason[abs (lit)]; }
 580     if (blocked && reason) {
 581       analyze (S, S->DB + reason, -1);
 582       S->reason[abs (blocked)] = 0; }
 584     if (!blocked) {
 585       RATcls = S->DB + S->RATset[i];
 586       while (*RATcls) {
 587         int lit = *RATcls++;
 588         if (lit != -pivot && !S->falseA[lit]) {
 589           assign (S, -lit); S->reason[abs (lit)] = 0; } }
 590       if (propagate (S, 0, mark) == SAT) { flag  = 0; break; } }
 591     addDependency (S, -id, 1); }
 593   if (flag == 0) {
 594     while (S->forced < S->assigned) {
 595       S->falseA[*(--S->assigned)] = 0;
 596       S->reason[abs (*S->assigned)] = 0; }
 597     if (S->verb) printf ("\rc RAT check on pivot %i failed\n", pivot);
 598     return FAILED; }
 600   return SUCCESS; }
 602 int setUCP (struct solver *S, int *cnf, int *trail) {
 603   int touched = 0, satisfied = 1;
 604   int *clause = cnf;
 606   while (*clause) {
 607     int *literals = clause;
 608     int unit = 0, sat = 0, und = 0;
 609     int i;
 610     while (*literals) {
 611       int lit = *literals++;
 612       if (S->setTruth[ lit ] == 1) { sat = 1; }
 613       if (S->setTruth[ lit ] == 0) { und++; unit = lit; } }
 614     clause = literals + 1;
 615     if (!sat && und == 1) {
 616       sat = 1;
 617       touched = 1;
 618       *trail++ = unit;
 619       *trail   = 0;
 620       if (S->verb) printf("c found unit %i\n", unit);
 621       S->setTruth[ unit] =  1;
 622       S->setTruth[-unit] = -1; }
 623     satisfied &= sat;
 624     if (!sat && !und) return FAILED; }
 626   *trail = 0;
 627   if (satisfied) return SUCCESS;
 628   if ( touched ) return setUCP (S, cnf, trail);
 629   return FIXPOINT; }
 631 /*
 632 int setDLL (struct solver *S, int *cnf, int *trail) {
 633   int res = setUCP (S, cnf, trail);
 634   if (res == SUCCESS) return SUCCESS;
 635   if (res == FAILED ) return FAILED;
 636   while (*trail) trail++;
 638   int decision = 1;
 639   while (S->setTruth[decision]) decision++;
 641   *trail++ = decision;
 642   *trail   = 0;
 643   S->setTruth[ decision] =  1;
 644   S->setTruth[-decision] = -1;
 646   if (S->verb) printf("c branch on %i\n", decision);
 647   if (setDLL (S, cnf, trail) == SUCCESS) return SUCCESS;
 649   while (*trail) trail++;
 650   while (*trail != decision) {
 651     S->setTruth[ *trail] = 0;
 652     S->setTruth[-*trail] = 0;
 653     trail--; }
 655   *trail++ = -decision;
 656   *trail = 0;
 657   S->setTruth[ decision] = -1;
 658   S->setTruth[-decision] =  1;
 660   if (S->verb) printf("c branch on %i\n", -decision);
 661   return setDLL (S, cnf, trail); }
 663 int setRedundancyCheck (struct solver *S, int *clause, int size, int uni) {
 664   int i, j, blocked, nSPR = 0;
 665   long int reason;
 667   int *trail = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * (size + 1));
 669   if (S->verb) printf("c starting SPR check\n");
 671   for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
 672     trail            [i - 1]  =  0;
 673     S->setMap[ clause[i - 1]] =  i;
 674     S->setMap[-clause[i - 1]] = -i; }
 676   // Loop over all literals to calculate resolution candidates
 677   for (i = -S->maxVar; i <= S->maxVar; i++) {
 678     if (i == 0) continue;
 679     // Loop over all watched clauses for literal
 680     for (j = 0; j < S->used[i]; j++) {
 681       int* watchedClause = S->DB + (S->wlist[i][j] >> 1);
 682       if (*watchedClause == i) { // If watched literal is in first position
 683         int flag = 0;
 684         blocked = 0;
 685         reason = 0;
 686         while (*watchedClause) {
 687           int lit = *watchedClause++;
 688           if (S->setMap[lit] < 0) flag = 1;
 689           else if (!S->setMap[lit] && S->falseA[-lit]) {
 690             if (blocked == 0 || reason > S->reason[ abs(lit) ])
 691               blocked = lit, reason = S->reason[ abs(lit) ]; } }
 693        if (blocked != 0 && reason != 0 && flag == 1) {
 694          analyze (S, S->DB + reason, -1); S->reason[abs(blocked)] = 0; }
 696        // If resolution candidate, add to list
 697        if (blocked == 0 && flag == 1) {
 698          if (nSPR == S->maxRAT) {
 699            S->maxRAT = (S->maxRAT * 3) >> 1;
 700            S->RATset = realloc(S->RATset, sizeof(int) * S->maxRAT); }
 701          S->RATset[nSPR++] = S->wlist[i][j] >> 1; } } } }
 703   // Check all candidates for RUP
 704   int cnfSize = size + 2; // first clause + terminating zero
 705   int filtered = 0;
 706   for (i = 0; i < nSPR; i++) {
 707     int inSet = 1;
 708     int* candidate = S->DB + S->resolutionCandidates[i];
 709     if (S->verb) {
 710       printf("c candidate: "); printLiterals (candidate); }
 711     while (*candidate) { int lit = *candidate++;
 712       if (S->setMap[lit]) inSet++;
 713       if (!S->setMap[lit] && !S->falseA[lit]) {
 714         ASSIGN(-lit); S->reason[abs(lit)] = 0; } }
 715     if (propagate (S, 0) == SAT) {
 716       if (S->verb) printf(" FAILED\n");
 717       cnfSize += inSet;
 718       S->processed = S->forced;
 719       while (S->forced < S->assigned) S->falseA[*(--S->assigned)] = 0;
 720       S->resolutionCandidates[filtered++] = S->resolutionCandidates[i]; }
 721     else {
 722       if (S->verb) printf(" SUCCESS\n"); } }
 724   int *cnf = (int*) malloc (sizeof(int) * cnfSize);
 725   int *tmp = cnf;
 726   for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) *tmp++ = i;
 727   *tmp++ = 0;
 728   numCandidates = filtered;
 729   for (i = 0; i < numCandidates; i++) {
 730     int* candidate = S->DB + S->resolutionCandidates[i];
 731     while (*candidate) {
 732       int lit = *candidate++;
 733       if (S->setMap[lit]) *tmp++ = S->setMap[lit]; }
 734     *tmp++ = 0; }
 735   *tmp++ = 0;
 737   if (S->verb) {
 738     tmp = cnf;
 739     printf("c printing CNF:\n");
 740     while (*tmp) {
 741       int *clause = tmp;
 742       printf("c ");
 743       while (*clause) printf("%i ", *clause++);
 744       printf("\n");
 745       tmp = clause + 1; } }
 747   int res = setDLL (S, cnf, trail);
 748   if (S->verb) {
 749     if (res == SUCCESS) printf("c SUCCESS\n");
 750     if (res == FAILED ) printf("c FAILED\n"); }
 752   for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
 753     S->setMap[ clause[i - 1]] = 0;
 754     S->setMap[-clause[i - 1]] = 0;
 755     S->setTruth[  i ]         = 0;
 756     S->setTruth[ -i ]         = 0; }
 758   free(trail);
 759   free( cnf );
 760   return res; }
 761 */
 763 int redundancyCheck (struct solver *S, int *clause, int size, int mark) {
 764   int i, indegree;
 765   int falsePivot = S->falseA[clause[PIVOT]];
 766   if (S->verb) { printf ("\rc checking lemma (%i, %i) ", size, clause[PIVOT]); printClause (clause); }
 768   if (S->mode != FORWARD_UNSAT) {
 769     if ((clause[ID] & ACTIVE) == 0) return SUCCESS; }  // redundant?
 770 //    clause[PIVOT] ^= ACTIVE; }
 772   if (size < 0) {
 773     S->DB[ S->reason[abs (*clause)] - 2] |= 1;
 774     return SUCCESS; }
 776   indegree = S->nResolve;
 778   S->RATmode = 0;
 779   S->nDependencies = 0;
 780   for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
 781     if (S->falseA[-clause[i]]) { // should only occur in forward mode
 782       if (S->warning != NOWARNING) {
 783         printf ("\rc WARNING: found a tautological clause in proof: "); printClause (clause); }
 784       if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING);
 785       while (S->forced < S->assigned) {
 786         S->falseA[*(--S->assigned)] = 0;
 787         S->reason[abs (*S->assigned)] = 0; }
 788       return SUCCESS; }
 789     S->falseA[clause[i]] = ASSUMED;
 790     *(S->assigned++) = clause[i];
 791     S->reason[abs (clause[i])] = 0; }
 793   S->current = clause;
 794   if (propagate (S, 0, mark) == UNSAT) {
 795     indegree = S->nResolve - indegree;
 796     if (indegree <= 2 && S->prep == 0) {
 797       S->prep = 1; if (S->verb) printf ("\rc [%li] preprocessing checking mode on\n", S->time); }
 798     if (indegree  > 2 && S->prep == 1) {
 799       S->prep = 0; if (S->verb) printf ("\rc [%li] preprocessing checking mode off\n", S->time); }
 800     if (S->verb) printf ("\rc lemma has RUP\n");
 801     printDependencies (S, clause, 0);
 802     return SUCCESS; }
 804   // Failed RUP check.  Now test RAT.
 805   // printf ("RUP check failed.  Starting RAT check.\n");
 806   int reslit = clause[PIVOT];
 807   if (S->verb)
 808     printf ("\rc RUP checked failed; starting RAT check on pivot %d.\n", reslit);
 810   if (falsePivot) return FAILED;
 812   int* savedForced = S->forced;
 814   S->RATmode = 1;
 815   S->forced = S->assigned;
 817   int failed = 0;
 818   if (checkRAT (S, reslit, mark) == FAILED) {
 819     failed = 1;
 820     if (S->warning != NOWARNING) {
 821       printf ("\rc WARNING: RAT check on proof pivot failed : "); printClause (clause); }
 822     if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING);
 823     for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
 824       if (clause[i] == reslit) continue;
 825       if (checkRAT (S, clause[i], mark) == SUCCESS) {
 826         clause[PIVOT] = clause[i];
 827         failed = 0; break; } } }
 829   if (failed == 0)
 830     printDependencies (S, clause, 1);
 832   S->processed = S->forced = savedForced;
 833   while (S->forced < S->assigned) {
 834     S->falseA[*(--S->assigned)] = 0;
 835     S->reason[abs (*S->assigned)] = 0; }
 837   if (failed) {
 838     printf ("c RAT check failed on all possible pivots\n");
 839     return FAILED; }
 842   if (mark) S->RATcount++;
 843   if (S->verb) printf ("\rc lemma has RAT on %i\n", clause[PIVOT]);
 844   return SUCCESS; }
 846 int init (struct solver *S) {
 847   S->forced     = S->falseStack; // Points inside *falseStack at first decision (unforced literal)
 848   S->processed  = S->falseStack; // Points inside *falseStack at first unprocessed literal
 849   S->assigned   = S->falseStack; // Points inside *falseStack at last unprocessed literal
 851   // initialize watch pointers on the original clauses
 852   S->RATmode    = 0;
 853   S->nRemoved   = 0;
 854   S->nOpt       = 0;
 855   S->nResolve   = 0;
 856   S->RATcount   = 0;
 857   S->nActive    = 0;
 858   S->COREcount  = 0;
 859   S->unitSize   = 0;
 861   int i;
 862   for (i = 1; i <= S->maxVar; ++i) {
 863     S->reason    [i]                   = 0;
 864     S->falseStack[i]                   = 0;
 865     S->falseA[i]    = S->falseA[-i]    = 0;
 866     S->used  [i]    = S->used  [-i]    = 0;
 867     S->wlist [i][0] = S->wlist [-i][0] = END; }
 869   for (i = 0; i < S->nClauses; i++) {
 870     int *clause = S->DB + (S->formula[i] >> INFOBITS);
 871     if (clause[ID] & ACTIVE) clause[ID] ^= ACTIVE;
 872     if (clause[0] == 0) {
 873       printf ("\rc formula contains empty clause\n");
 874       if (S->coreStr) {
 875         FILE *coreFile = fopen (S->coreStr, "w");
 876         fprintf (coreFile, "p cnf 0 1\n 0\n");
 877         fclose (coreFile); }
 878       if (S->lemmaStr) {
 879         FILE *lemmaFile = fopen (S->lemmaStr, "w");
 880         fprintf (lemmaFile, "0\n");
 881         fclose (lemmaFile); }
 882       return UNSAT; }
 883     if (clause[1]) { addWatch (S, clause, 0); addWatch (S, clause, 1); }
 884     else if (S->falseA[clause[0]]) {
 885       printf ("\rc found complementary unit clauses\n");
 886       if (S->coreStr) {
 887         FILE *coreFile = fopen (S->coreStr, "w");
 888         fprintf (coreFile, "p cnf %i 2\n%i 0\n%i 0\n", abs (clause[0]), clause[0], -clause[0]);
 889         fclose (coreFile); }
 890       if (S->lemmaStr) {
 891         FILE *lemmaFile = fopen (S->lemmaStr, "w");
 892         fprintf (lemmaFile, "0\n");
 893         fclose (lemmaFile); }
 894       if (S->lratFile) {
 895         int j;
 896         for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
 897           int *_clause = S->DB + (S->formula[j] >> INFOBITS);
 898           if ((_clause[0] == -clause[0]) && !_clause[1]) break; }
 899         fprintf (S->lratFile, "%li 0 %i %i 0\n", S->nClauses + 1, j + 1, i + 1); }
 900       return UNSAT; }
 901     else if (!S->falseA[ -clause[0] ]) {
 902       addUnit (S, (long) (clause - S->DB));
 903       assign (S, clause[0]); } }
 905   S->nDependencies = 0;
 906   S->time = S->count; // Alternative time init
 907   if (propagateUnits (S, 1) == UNSAT) {
 908     printf ("\rc UNSAT via unit propagation on the input instance\n");
 909     printDependencies (S, NULL, 0);
 910     postprocess (S); return UNSAT; }
 911   return SAT; }
 913 int verify (struct solver *S, int begin, int end) {
 914   int top_flag = 1;
 915   if (init (S) == UNSAT) return UNSAT;
 917   if (S->mode == FORWARD_UNSAT) {
 918     if (begin == end)
 919       printf ("\rc start forward verification\n"); }
 921   int step;
 922   int adds = 0;
 923   int active = S->nClauses;
 924   for (step = 0; step < S->nStep; step++) {
 925     if (step >= begin && step < end) continue;
 926     long ad = S->proof[step]; long d = ad & 1;
 927     int *lemmas = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
 929     S->time = lemmas[ID];
 930     if (d) { active--; }
 931     else   { active++; adds++; }
 932     if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT && S->verb) printf ("\rc %i active clauses\n", active);
 934     if (!lemmas[1]) { // found a unit
 935       int lit = lemmas[0];
 936       if (S->verb)
 937         printf ("\rc found unit in proof %i [%li]\n", lit, S->time);
 938       if (d) {
 939         if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT) {
 940           removeUnit (S, lit); propagateUnits (S, 0); }
 941         else { // no need to remove units while checking UNSAT
 942           if (S->verb) { printf("c removing proof step: d "); printClause(lemmas); }
 943           S->proof[step] = 0; continue; } }
 944       else {
 945         if (S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT && S->falseA[-lit]) { S->proof[step] = 0; continue; }
 946         else { addUnit (S, (long) (lemmas - S->DB)); } } }
 948     if (d && lemmas[1]) { // if delete and not unit
 949       if ((S->reason[abs (lemmas[0])] - 1) == (lemmas - S->DB)) { // what is this check?
 950         if (S->mode != FORWARD_SAT) { // ignore pseudo unit clause deletion
 951           if (S->verb) { printf ("c ignoring deletion intruction %li: ", (lemmas - S->DB)); printClause (lemmas); }
 952 //        if (S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT) { // ignore pseudo unit clause deletion
 953           S->proof[step] = 0; }
 954         else { // if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT) { // also for FORWARD_UNSAT?
 955           removeWatch (S, lemmas, 0), removeWatch (S, lemmas, 1);
 956           propagateUnits (S, 0); } }
 957       else {
 958         removeWatch (S, lemmas, 0), removeWatch (S, lemmas, 1); }
 959       if (S->mode == FORWARD_UNSAT ) continue;   // Ignore deletion of top-level units
 960       if (S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT) continue; }
 962     int size = sortSize (S, lemmas); // after removal of watches
 964     if (d && S->mode == FORWARD_SAT) {
 965       if (size == -1) propagateUnits (S, 0);  // necessary?
 966       if (redundancyCheck (S, lemmas, size, 1) == FAILED)  {
 967         printf ("c failed at proof line %i (modulo deletion errors)\n", step + 1);
 968         return SAT; }
 969       continue; }
 971     if (d == 0 && S->mode == FORWARD_UNSAT) {
 972       if (step > end) {
 973         if (size < 0) continue; // Fix of bus error: 10
 974         if (redundancyCheck (S, lemmas, size, 1) == FAILED) {
 975           printf ("c failed at proof line %i (modulo deletion errors)\n", step + 1);
 976           return SAT; }
 978         size = sortSize (S, lemmas);
 979         S->nDependencies = 0; } }
 981     if (lemmas[1])
 982       addWatch (S, lemmas, 0), addWatch (S, lemmas, 1);
 984     if (size == 0) { printf ("\rc conflict claimed, but not detected\n"); return SAT; }  // change to FAILED?
 985     if (size == 1) {
 986       if (S->verb) printf ("\rc found unit %i\n", lemmas[0]);
 987       assign (S, lemmas[0]); S->reason[abs (lemmas[0])] = ((long) ((lemmas)-S->DB)) + 1;
 988       if (propagate (S, 1, 1) == UNSAT) goto start_verification;
 989       S->forced = S->processed; } }
 991   if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT && active == 0) {
 992     postprocess (S); return UNSAT; }
 994   if (S->mode == FORWARD_UNSAT) {
 995     if (begin == end) {
 996       postprocess (S);
 997       printf ("\rc ERROR: all lemmas verified, but no conflict\n"); }
 998     return SAT; }
1000   if (S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT) {
1001     if (S->backforce) {
1002       int s;
1003       for (s = 0; s < step; s++) {
1004         long ad = S->proof[s];
1005         int *clause = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
1006         if (sortSize(S, clause) >= 0) {
1007           if ( (ad & 1) && (clause[ID] & 1)) clause[ID] ^= ACTIVE;
1008           if (!(ad & 1))                     clause[ID] |= ACTIVE; } } }
1009     if (!S->backforce) {
1010       printf ("\rc ERROR: no conflict\n");
1011       return SAT; } }
1013   start_verification:;
1014   if (S->mode == FORWARD_UNSAT) {
1015     printDependencies (S, NULL, 0);
1016     postprocess (S); return UNSAT; }
1018   if (!S->backforce)
1019     printDependencies (S, NULL, 0);
1021   if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT) {
1022     printf ("\rc ERROR: found empty clause during SAT check\n"); exit (0); }
1023   printf ("\rc detected empty clause; start verification via backward checking\n");
1025   S->forced = S->processed;
1026   assert (S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT); // only reachable in BACKWARD_UNSAT mode
1028   S->nOpt = 0;
1030   int checked = 0, skipped = 0;
1032   double max = (double) adds;
1034   struct timeval backward_time;
1035   gettimeofday (&backward_time, NULL);
1036   for (; step >= 0; step--) {
1037     struct timeval current_time;
1038     gettimeofday (&current_time, NULL);
1039     int seconds = (int) (current_time.tv_sec - S->start_time.tv_sec);
1040     if ((seconds > S->timeout) && (S->optimize == 0)) printf ("s TIMEOUT\n"), exit (0);
1042     if (S->bar)
1043       if ((adds % 1000) == 0) {
1044         int f;
1045         long runtime = (current_time.tv_sec  - backward_time.tv_sec ) * 1000000 +
1046                        (current_time.tv_usec - backward_time.tv_usec);
1047         double time = (double) (runtime / 1000000.0);
1048         double fraction = (adds * 1.0) / max;
1049         printf("\rc %.2f%% [", 100.0 * (1.0 - fraction));
1050         for (f = 1; f <= 20; f++) {
1051           if ((1.0 - fraction) * 20.0 < 1.0 * f) printf(" ");
1052           else printf("="); }
1053         printf("] time remaining: %.2f seconds ", time / (1.0 - fraction) - time);
1054         if (step == 0) printf("\n");
1055         fflush (stdout); }
1057     long ad = S->proof[step]; long d = ad & 1;
1058     int *clause = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
1061     if (ad == 0) continue; // Skip lemma that has been removed from proof
1062     if ( d == 0) {
1063       adds--;
1064       if (clause[1]) {
1065         removeWatch (S, clause, 0), removeWatch (S, clause, 1);
1066         if (S->reason[abs (clause[0])] == (clause + 1 - S->DB)) {  // use this check also for units?
1067           unassignUnit (S, clause[0]); } }
1068       else unassignUnit (S, clause[0]); }
1070     int size = sortSize (S, clause);
1072     if (d) {
1073       if (S->verb) { printf ("\rc adding clause (%i) ", size); printClause (clause); }
1074       addWatch (S, clause, 0), addWatch (S, clause, 1); continue; }
1076     S->time = clause[ID];
1077     if ((S->time & ACTIVE) == 0) {
1078       skipped++;
1079 //      if ((skipped % 100) == 0) printf("c skipped %i, checked %i\n", skipped, checked);
1080       continue; } // If not marked, continue
1082     assert (size >= 1);
1083     int *_clause = clause + size;
1084     while (*_clause++) { S->nRemoved++; }
1085     clause[size] = 0;
1087     if (S->verb) {
1088       printf ("\rc validating clause (%i, %i):  ", clause[PIVOT], size); printClause (clause); }
1089 /*
1090     int i;
1091     if (size > 1 && (top_flag == 1)) {
1092       int last = clause[size - 1];
1093       int pivot = clause[PIVOT];
1094       for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
1095         int tmp = clause[i];
1096         clause[i] = last;
1097         clause[size - 1] = 0;
1098         if (tmp == pivot) clause[PIVOT] = clause[0];
1099         if (redundancyCheck (S, clause, size - 1, 0) != FAILED) {
1100           top_flag = 0;
1101           size = size - 1; break; }
1102         else {
1103           clause[i] = tmp;
1104           clause[size - 1] = last; }
1105         clause[PIVOT] = pivot; } }
1106 */
1107     if (redundancyCheck (S, clause, size, 1) == FAILED) {
1108       printf ("c failed at proof line %i (modulo deletion errors)\n", step + 1);
1109       return SAT; }
1110     checked++;
1111     S->optproof[S->nOpt++] = ad; }
1113   postprocess (S);
1114   return UNSAT; }
1116 long matchClause (struct solver* S, long *clauselist, int listsize, int* input, int size) {
1117   int i, j;
1118   for (i = 0; i < listsize; ++i) {
1119     int *clause = S->DB + clauselist[i];
1120     for (j = 0; j <= size; j++)
1121       if (clause[j] != input[j]) goto match_next;
1123     long result = clauselist[i];
1124     clauselist[i] = clauselist[--listsize];
1125     return result;
1126     match_next:; }
1127   return 0; }
1129 unsigned int getHash (int* input) {
1130   unsigned int sum = 0, prod = 1, xor = 0;
1131   while (*input) {
1132     prod *= *input; sum += *input; xor ^= *input; input++; }
1133   return (1023 * sum + prod ^ (31 * xor)) % BIGINIT; }
1135 int read_lit (struct solver *S, int *lit) {
1136   int l = 0, lc, shift = 0;
1137   do {
1138     lc = getc_unlocked (S->proofFile);
1139     S->nReads++;
1140     if ((shift == 0) && (lc == EOF)) return EOF;
1141     l |= (lc & 127) << shift;
1142     shift += 7; }
1143   while (lc > 127);
1144   if (l % 2) *lit = (l >> 1) * -1;
1145   else       *lit = (l >> 1);
1146   return 1; }
1148 void deactivate (struct solver *S) {
1149   S->nActive = 0;
1150   int step;
1151   for (step = 0; step < S->nStep; step++) {
1152     if ((S->proof[step] & 1) == 0) {
1153       int *clause = S->DB + (S->proof[step] >> INFOBITS);
1154       if (clause[ID] & ACTIVE) clause[ID] ^= ACTIVE; } }
1155 }
1157 void shuffleProof (struct solver *S, int iteration) {
1158   int i, step, _step;
1160   double base = 100;
1161   for (i = 1; i < iteration; i++)
1162     base *= 1.1;
1164   // randomly remove clause deletion steps
1165   for (_step = 0, step = 0; step < S->nStep; step++) {
1166     if (S->proof[step] & 1) {
1167       int length = 0;
1168       int *clause = S->DB + (S->proof[step] >> INFOBITS);
1169       while (*clause) { length++; clause++; }
1170       if ((rand() % 1000) < (base * iteration / length)) continue; }
1171     S->proof[_step++] = S->proof[step]; }
1172   S->nStep = _step;
1174   for (step = S->nStep - 1; step > 0; step--) {
1175     long a = S->proof[step  ];
1176     if (a & DBIT) continue;
1177     long b = S->proof[step-1];
1178     if (b & DBIT) {
1179       S->proof[step  ] = b;
1180       S->proof[step-1] = a; }
1181     else {
1182       int *c = S->DB + (a >> INFOBITS);
1183       int *d = S->DB + (b >> INFOBITS);
1184       int coinflip = 0;
1185 //      int coinflip = rand () / (RAND_MAX >> 1);
1186       if (c[MAXDEP] < d[MAXDEP] || (coinflip && (c[MAXDEP] < d[ID]))) {
1187         int tmp = d[ID];
1188         d[ID] = c[ID];
1189         c[ID] = tmp;
1190         S->proof[step  ] = b;
1191         S->proof[step-1] = a; } } }
1193   for (step = 0; step < S->nStep; step++) {
1194     long ad = S->proof[step];
1195     if (ad & 1) continue;
1196     int *clause = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
1197     int i, length = 0;
1198     while (*clause) { length++; clause++; }
1199     clause = S->DB + (ad >> INFOBITS);
1200     for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
1201       int j = i + rand() / (RAND_MAX / (length - i) + 1);
1202       int t = clause[i]; clause[i] = clause[j]; clause[j] = t; } } }
1204 int parse (struct solver* S) {
1205   int tmp, active = 0, retvalue = SAT;
1206   int del = 0, fileLine = 0;
1207   int *buffer, bufferAlloc;
1209   S->nVars    = 0;
1210   S->nClauses = 0;
1211   do { tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, " cnf %i %li \n", &S->nVars, &S->nClauses); // Read the first line
1212     if (tmp > 0 && tmp != EOF) break; tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, "%*s\n"); }  // In case a commment line was found
1213   while (tmp != 2 && tmp != EOF);                                              // Skip it and read next line
1214   int nZeros = S->nClauses;
1216   if (!S->nVars && !S->nClauses) {
1217     printf ("\rc ERROR: did not find p cnf line in input file\n"); exit (0); }
1219   printf ("\rc parsing input formula with %i variables and %li clauses\n", S->nVars, S->nClauses);
1221   bufferAlloc = INIT;
1222   buffer = (int*) malloc (sizeof (int) * bufferAlloc);
1224   S->count    = 1;
1225   S->nStep    = 0;
1226   S->mem_used = 0;                  // The number of integers allocated in the DB
1228   long size;
1229   long DBsize = S->mem_used + BIGINIT;
1230   S->DB = (int*) malloc (DBsize * sizeof (int));
1231   if (S->DB == NULL) { free (buffer); return ERROR; }
1233   S->maxVar  = 0;
1234   S->maxSize = 0;
1235   S->nLemmas = 0;
1236   S->nAlloc  = BIGINIT;
1237   S->formula = (long *) malloc (sizeof (long) * S->nClauses);
1238   S->proof   = (long *) malloc (sizeof (long) * S->nAlloc);
1239   long **hashTable = (long**) malloc (sizeof (long*) * BIGINIT);
1240   int   *hashUsed  = (int * ) malloc (sizeof (int  ) * BIGINIT);
1241   int   *hashMax   = (int * ) malloc (sizeof (int  ) * BIGINIT);
1243   int i;
1244   for (i = 0; i < BIGINIT; i++) {
1245     hashUsed [i] = 0;
1246     hashMax  [i] = INIT;
1247     hashTable[i] = (long*) malloc (sizeof (long) * hashMax[i]); }
1249   int fileSwitchFlag = 0;
1250   size = 0;
1251   while (1) {
1252     int lit = 0; tmp = 0;
1253     fileSwitchFlag = nZeros <= 0;
1255     if (size == 0) {
1256       if (fileSwitchFlag) { // read for proof
1257         if (S->binMode) {
1258           int res = getc_unlocked (S->proofFile);
1259           if      (res == EOF) break;
1260           else if (res ==  97) del = 0;
1261           else if (res == 100) del = 1;
1262           else { printf ("\rc ERROR: wrong binary prefix\n"); exit (0); }
1263           S->nReads++; }
1264         else {
1265           tmp = fscanf (S->proofFile, " d  %i ", &lit);
1266           if (tmp == EOF) break;
1267           del = tmp > 0; } } }
1269     if (!lit) {
1270       if (!fileSwitchFlag) tmp = fscanf (S->inputFile, " %i ", &lit);  // Read a literal.
1271       else {
1272         if (S->binMode) {
1273           tmp = read_lit (S, &lit); }
1274         else {
1275           tmp = fscanf (S->proofFile, " %i ", &lit); } }
1276       if (tmp == EOF && !fileSwitchFlag) {
1277         if (S->warning != NOWARNING) {
1278           printf ("\rc WARNING: early EOF of the input formula\n");
1279           printf ("\rc WARNING: %i clauses less than expected\n", nZeros); }
1280         if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING);
1281         fileLine = 0;
1282         fileSwitchFlag = 1; } }
1284     if (tmp == 0) {
1285       char ignore[1024];
1286       if (!fileSwitchFlag) { if (fgets (ignore, sizeof (ignore), S->inputFile) == NULL) printf ("c\n"); }
1287       else if (fgets (ignore, sizeof (ignore), S->proofFile) == NULL) printf ("c\n");
1288       for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if (ignore[i] == '\n') break; }
1289       if (i == 1024) {
1290         printf ("c ERROR: comment longer than 1024 characters: %s\n", ignore);
1291         exit (HARDWARNING); }
1292       if (S->verb) printf ("\rc WARNING: parsing mismatch assuming a comment\n");
1293       continue; }
1295     if (abs (lit) > S->maxVar) S->maxVar = abs (lit);
1296     if (tmp == EOF && fileSwitchFlag) break;
1297     if (abs (lit) > S->nVars && !fileSwitchFlag) {
1298       printf ("\rc illegal literal %i due to max var %i\n", lit, S->nVars); exit (0); }
1299     if (!lit) {
1300       fileLine++;
1301       if (size > S->maxSize) S->maxSize = size;
1302       int pivot = buffer[0];
1303       buffer[size] = 0;
1304       qsort (buffer, size, sizeof (int), compare);
1305       int j = 0;
1306       for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
1307         if (buffer[i] == buffer[i+1]) {
1308           if (S->warning != NOWARNING) {
1309             printf ("\rc WARNING: detected and deleted duplicate literal %i at position %i of line %i\n", buffer[i+1], i+1, fileLine); }
1310           if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING); }
1311         else { buffer[j++] = buffer[i]; } }
1312       buffer[j] = 0; size = j;
1314       if (size == 0 && !fileSwitchFlag) retvalue = UNSAT;
1315       if (del && S->mode == BACKWARD_UNSAT && size <= 1)  {
1316         if (S->warning != NOWARNING) {
1317           printf ("\rc WARNING: backward mode ignores deletion of (pseudo) unit clause ");
1318           printClause (buffer); }
1319         if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING);
1320         del = 0; size = 0; continue; }
1321       int rem = buffer[0];
1322       buffer[size] = 0;
1323       unsigned int hash = getHash (buffer);
1324       if (del) {
1325         if (S->delete) {
1326           long match = 0;
1327             match = matchClause (S, hashTable[hash], hashUsed[hash], buffer, size);
1328             if (match == 0) {
1329               if (S->warning != NOWARNING) {
1330                 printf ("\rc WARNING: deleted clause on line %i does not occur: ", fileLine); printClause (buffer); }
1331               if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING);
1332               goto end_delete; }
1333             if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT) S->DB[ match - 2 ] = rem;
1334             hashUsed[hash]--;
1335             active--;
1336             if (S->nStep == S->nAlloc) { S->nAlloc = (S->nAlloc * 3) >> 1;
1337               S->proof = (long*) realloc (S->proof, sizeof (long) * S->nAlloc);
1338 //              printf ("c proof allocation increased to %li\n", S->nAlloc);
1339               if (S->proof == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT: reallocation of proof list failed\n"); exit (0); } }
1340             S->proof[S->nStep++] = (match << INFOBITS) + 1; }
1341         end_delete:;
1342         if (del) { del = 0; size = 0; continue; } }
1344       if (S->mem_used + size + EXTRA > DBsize) { DBsize = (DBsize * 3) >> 1;
1345     S->DB = (int *) realloc (S->DB, DBsize * sizeof (int));
1346 //        printf("c database increased to %li\n", DBsize);
1347         if (S->DB == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT: reallocation of clause database failed\n"); exit (0); } }
1348       int *clause = &S->DB[S->mem_used + EXTRA - 1];
1349       if (size != 0) clause[PIVOT] = pivot;
1350       clause[ID] = 2 * S->count; S->count++;
1351       if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT) if (nZeros > 0) clause[ID] |= ACTIVE;
1353       for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { clause[ i ] = buffer[ i ]; } clause[ i ] = 0;
1354       S->mem_used += size + EXTRA;
1356       hash = getHash (clause);
1357       if (hashUsed[hash] == hashMax[hash]) { hashMax[hash] = (hashMax[hash] * 3) >> 1;
1358         hashTable[hash] = (long *) realloc (hashTable[hash], sizeof (long*) * hashMax[hash]);
1359         if (hashTable[hash] == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT reallocation of hash table %i failed\n", hash); exit (0); } }
1360       hashTable[ hash ][ hashUsed[hash]++ ] = (long) (clause - S->DB);
1362       active++;
1363       if (nZeros > 0) { // if still parsing the formula
1364         S->formula[S->nClauses - nZeros] = (((long) (clause - S->DB)) << INFOBITS); }
1365       else {
1366         if (S->nStep == S->nAlloc) { S->nAlloc = (S->nAlloc * 3) >> 1;
1367           S->proof = (long*) realloc (S->proof, sizeof (long) * S->nAlloc);
1368 //        printf ("c proof allocation increased to %li\n", S->nAlloc);
1369         if (S->proof == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT: reallocation of proof list failed\n"); exit (0); } }
1370         S->proof[S->nStep++] = (((long) (clause - S->DB)) << INFOBITS); }
1372       if (nZeros <= 0) S->nLemmas++;
1374       if (!nZeros) S->lemmas   = (long) (clause - S->DB); // S->lemmas is no longer pointer
1375       size = 0; del = 0; --nZeros; }                      // Reset buffer
1376    else {
1377      buffer[size++] = lit;                                // Add literal to buffer
1378      if (size == bufferAlloc) { bufferAlloc = (bufferAlloc * 3) >> 1;
1379        buffer = (int*) realloc (buffer, sizeof (int) * bufferAlloc); } } }
1381   if (S->mode == FORWARD_SAT && active) {
1382     if (S->warning != NOWARNING)
1383       printf ("\rc WARNING: %i clauses active if proof succeeds\n", active);
1384     if (S->warning == HARDWARNING) exit (HARDWARNING);
1385     for (i = 0; i < BIGINIT; i++) {
1386       int j;
1387       for (j = 0; j < hashUsed[i]; j++) {
1388         printf ("\rc ");
1389         int *clause = S->DB + hashTable [i][j];
1390         printClause (clause);
1391         if (S->nStep == S->nAlloc) { S->nAlloc = (S->nAlloc * 3) >> 1;
1392           S->proof = (long*) realloc (S->proof, sizeof (long) * S->nAlloc);
1393 //          printf ("c proof allocation increased to %li\n", S->nAlloc);
1394           if (S->proof == NULL) { printf("c MEMOUT: reallocation of proof list failed\n"); exit (0); } }
1395         S->proof[S->nStep++] = (((int) (clause - S->DB)) << INFOBITS) + 1; } } }
1397   S->DB = (int *) realloc (S->DB, S->mem_used * sizeof (int));
1399   for (i = 0; i < BIGINIT; i++) free (hashTable[i]);
1400   free (hashTable);
1401   free (hashUsed);
1402   free (hashMax);
1403   free (buffer);
1405   printf ("\rc finished parsing");
1406   if (S->nReads) printf (", read %li bytes from proof file", S->nReads);
1407   printf ("\n");
1409   int n = S->maxVar;
1410   S->falseStack = (int  *) malloc ((    n + 1) * sizeof (int )); // Stack of falsified literals -- this pointer is never changed
1411   S->reason     = (long *) malloc ((    n + 1) * sizeof (long)); // Array of clauses
1412   S->used       = (int  *) malloc ((2 * n + 1) * sizeof (int )); S->used     += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
1413   S->max        = (int  *) malloc ((2 * n + 1) * sizeof (int )); S->max      += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
1414   S->falseA     = (int  *) malloc ((2 * n + 1) * sizeof (int )); S->falseA   += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
1415   S->setMap     = (int  *) malloc ((2 * n + 1) * sizeof (int )); S->setMap   += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
1416   S->setTruth   = (int  *) malloc ((2 * n + 1) * sizeof (int )); S->setTruth += n; // Labels for variables, non-zero means false
1418   S->optproof   = (long *) malloc (sizeof(long) * (2 * S->nLemmas + S->nClauses));
1420   S->maxRAT = INIT;
1421   S->RATset = (int*) malloc (sizeof (int) * S->maxRAT);
1422   for (i = 0; i < S->maxRAT; i++) S->RATset[i] = 0; // is this required?
1424   S->preRAT = (int*) malloc (sizeof (int) * n);
1426   S->lratAlloc  = INIT;
1427   S->lratSize   = 0;
1428   S->lratTable  = (int  *) malloc (sizeof(int ) * S->lratAlloc);
1429   S->lratLookup = (long *) malloc (sizeof(long) * (S->count + 1));
1431   S->maxDependencies = INIT;
1432   S->dependencies = (int*) malloc (sizeof (int) * S->maxDependencies);
1433   for (i = 0; i < S->maxDependencies; i++) S->dependencies[i] = 0;  // is this required?
1435   S->wlist = (long**) malloc (sizeof (long*) * (2*n+1)); S->wlist += n;
1437   for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { S->max     [ i] = S->max     [-i] = INIT;
1438                              S->setMap  [ i] = S->setMap  [-i] =    0;
1439                              S->setTruth[ i] = S->setTruth[-i] =    0;
1440                              S->wlist   [ i] = (long*) malloc (sizeof (long) * S->max[ i]);
1441                              S->wlist   [-i] = (long*) malloc (sizeof (long) * S->max[-i]); }
1443   S->unitStack = (long *) malloc (sizeof (long) * n);
1445   return retvalue; }
1447 void freeMemory (struct solver *S) {
1448   int i;
1449 //  printf("c database size %li; ", S->mem_used);
1450 //  int sum = 0;
1451 //  for (i = 1; i <= S->maxVar; i++)
1452 //    sum += S->max[i] + S->max[-i];
1453 //  printf(" watch pointers size %i.\n", sum);
1455   free (S->DB);
1456   free (S->falseStack);
1457   free (S->reason);
1458   free (S->proof);
1459   free (S->formula);
1460   for (i = 1; i <= S->maxVar; ++i) { free (S->wlist[i]); free (S->wlist[-i]); }
1461   free (S->used   - S->maxVar);
1462   free (S->max    - S->maxVar);
1463   free (S->falseA - S->maxVar);
1464   free (S->wlist  - S->maxVar);
1465   free (S->RATset);
1466   free (S->dependencies);
1467   return; }
1469 int onlyDelete (struct solver* S, int begin, int end) {
1470   int step;
1471   for (step = begin; step < end; step++)
1472     if ((S->proof[step] & 1) == 0) return 0;
1473   return 1; }
1475 void printHelp ( ) {
1476   printf ("usage: drat-trim [INPUT] [<PROOF>] [<option> ...]\n\n");
1477   printf ("where <option> is one of the following\n\n");
1478   printf ("  -h          print this command line option summary\n");
1479   printf ("  -c CORE     prints the unsatisfiable core to the file CORE (DIMACS format)\n");
1480   printf ("  -a ACTIVE   prints the active clauses to the file ACTIVE (DIMACS format)\n");
1481   printf ("  -l LEMMAS   prints the core lemmas to the file LEMMAS (DRAT format)\n");
1482   printf ("  -L LEMMAS   prints the core lemmas to the file LEMMAS (LRAT format)\n");
1483   printf ("  -r TRACE    resolution graph in the TRACE file (TRACECHECK format)\n\n");
1484   printf ("  -t <lim>    time limit in seconds (default %i)\n", TIMEOUT);
1485   printf ("  -u          default unit propatation (i.e., no core-first)\n");
1486   printf ("  -f          forward mode for UNSAT\n");
1487   printf ("  -v          more verbose output\n");
1488   printf ("  -b          show progress bar\n");
1489   printf ("  -O          optimize proof till fixpoint by repeating verification\n");
1490   printf ("  -C          compress core lemmas (emit binary proof)\n");
1491   printf ("  -D          delete proof file after parsing\n");
1492   printf ("  -i          force binary proof parse mode\n");
1493   printf ("  -w          suppress warning messages\n");
1494   printf ("  -W          exit after first warning\n");
1495   printf ("  -p          run in plain mode (i.e., ignore deletion information)\n\n");
1496   printf ("  -R          turn off reduce mode\n\n");
1497   printf ("  -S          run in SAT check mode (forward checking)\n\n");
1498   printf ("and input and proof are specified as follows\n\n");
1499   printf ("  INPUT       input file in DIMACS format\n");
1500   printf ("  PROOF       proof file in DRAT format (stdin if no argument)\n\n");
1501   exit (0); }
1503 int main (int argc, char** argv) {
1504   struct solver S;
1506   S.inputFile  = NULL;
1507   S.proofFile  = stdin;
1508   S.coreStr    = NULL;
1509   S.activeFile = NULL;
1510   S.lemmaStr   = NULL;
1511   S.lratFile   = NULL;
1512   S.traceFile  = NULL;
1513   S.timeout    = TIMEOUT;
1514   S.nReads     = 0;
1515   S.nWrites    = 0;
1516   S.mask       = 0;
1517   S.verb       = 0;
1518   S.delProof   = 0;
1519   S.backforce  = 0;
1520   S.optimize   = 0;
1521   S.warning    = 0;
1522   S.prep       = 0;
1523   S.bar        = 0;
1524   S.mode       = BACKWARD_UNSAT;
1525   S.delete     = 1;
1526   S.reduce     = 1;
1527   S.binMode    = 0;
1528   S.binOutput  = 0;
1529   gettimeofday (&S.start_time, NULL);
1531   int i, tmp = 0;
1532   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
1533     if        (argv[i][0] == '-') {
1534       if      (argv[i][1] == 'h') printHelp ();
1535       else if (argv[i][1] == 'c') S.coreStr    = argv[++i];
1536       else if (argv[i][1] == 'a') S.activeFile = fopen (argv[++i], "w");
1537       else if (argv[i][1] == 'l') S.lemmaStr   = argv[++i];
1538       else if (argv[i][1] == 'L') S.lratFile   = fopen (argv[++i], "w");
1539       else if (argv[i][1] == 'r') S.traceFile  = fopen (argv[++i], "w");
1540       else if (argv[i][1] == 't') S.timeout    = atoi (argv[++i]);
1541       else if (argv[i][1] == 'b') S.bar        = 1;
1542       else if (argv[i][1] == 'B') S.backforce  = 1;
1543       else if (argv[i][1] == 'O') S.optimize   = 1;
1544       else if (argv[i][1] == 'C') S.binOutput  = 1;
1545       else if (argv[i][1] == 'D') S.delProof   = 1;
1546       else if (argv[i][1] == 'i') S.binMode    = 1;
1547       else if (argv[i][1] == 'u') S.mask       = 1;
1548       else if (argv[i][1] == 'v') S.verb       = 1;
1549       else if (argv[i][1] == 'w') S.warning    = NOWARNING;
1550       else if (argv[i][1] == 'W') S.warning    = HARDWARNING;
1551       else if (argv[i][1] == 'p') S.delete     = 0;
1552       else if (argv[i][1] == 'R') S.reduce     = 0;
1553       else if (argv[i][1] == 'f') S.mode       = FORWARD_UNSAT;
1554       else if (argv[i][1] == 'S') S.mode       = FORWARD_SAT; }
1555     else {
1556       tmp++;
1557       if (tmp == 1) {
1558         S.inputFile = fopen (argv[1], "r");
1559         if (S.inputFile == NULL) {
1560           printf ("\rc error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[i]); return ERROR; } }
1562       else if (tmp == 2) {
1563         S.proofFile = fopen (argv[2], "r");
1564         if (S.proofFile == NULL) {
1565           printf ("\rc error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[i]); return ERROR; }
1567        int c, comment = 1;
1568        if (S.binMode == 0) {
1569           c = getc_unlocked (S.proofFile); // check the first character in the file
1570           if (c == EOF) { S.binMode = 1; continue; }
1571           if ((c != 13) && (c != 32) && (c != 45) && ((c < 48) || (c > 57)) && (c != 99) && (c != 100)) {
1572              printf ("\rc turning on binary mode checking\n");
1573              S.binMode = 1; }
1574           if (c != 99) comment = 0; }
1575         if (S.binMode == 0) {
1576           c = getc_unlocked (S.proofFile); // check the second character in the file
1577           if (c == EOF) { S.binMode = 1; continue; }
1578           if ((c != 13) && (c != 32) && (c != 45) && ((c < 48) || (c > 57)) && (c != 99) && (c != 100)) {
1579              printf ("\rc turning on binary mode checking\n");
1580              S.binMode = 1; }
1581           if (c != 32) comment = 0; }
1582         if (S.binMode == 0) {
1583           int j;
1584           for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
1585             c = getc_unlocked (S.proofFile);
1586             if (c == EOF) break;
1587             if ((c != 100) && (c != 10) && (c != 13) && (c != 32) && (c != 45) && ((c < 48) || (c > 57)) && (comment && ((c < 65) || (c > 122))))  {
1588               printf ("\rc turning on binary mode checking\n");
1589               S.binMode = 1; break; } } }
1590         fclose (S.proofFile);
1591         S.proofFile = fopen (argv[2], "r");
1592         if (S.proofFile == NULL) {
1593           printf ("\rc error opening \"%s\".\n", argv[i]); return ERROR; } } } }
1595   if (tmp == 1) printf ("\rc reading proof from stdin\n");
1596   if (tmp == 0) printHelp ();
1598   int parseReturnValue = parse (&S);
1600   fclose (S.inputFile);
1601   fclose (S.proofFile);
1603   if (S.mode == FORWARD_UNSAT) {
1604     S.reduce = 0; }
1606   if (S.delProof && argv[2] != NULL) {
1607     int ret = remove(argv[2]);
1608     if (ret == 0) printf("c deleted proof %s\n", argv[2]); }
1610   int sts = ERROR;
1611   if       (parseReturnValue == ERROR)          printf ("\rs MEMORY ALLOCATION ERROR\n");
1612   else if  (parseReturnValue == UNSAT)          printf ("\rc trivial UNSAT\ns VERIFIED\n");
1613   else if  ((sts = verify (&S, -1, -1)) == UNSAT) printf ("\rs VERIFIED\n");
1614   else printf ("\ns NOT VERIFIED\n")  ;
1615   struct timeval current_time;
1616   gettimeofday (&current_time, NULL);
1617   long runtime = (current_time.tv_sec  - S.start_time.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
1618                  (current_time.tv_usec - S.start_time.tv_usec);
1619   printf ("\rc verification time: %.3f seconds\n", (double) (runtime / 1000000.0));
1621   if (S.optimize) {
1622     printf("c proof optimization started (ignoring the timeout)\n");
1623     int iteration = 1;
1624     while (S.nRemoved && iteration < 10000) {
1625       deactivate (&S);
1626       shuffleProof (&S, iteration);
1627       iteration++;
1628       verify (&S, 0, 0); } }
1630   freeMemory (&S);
1631   return (sts != UNSAT); // 0 on success, 1 on any failure
1632 }

Core-first Unit Propagation

The unit propagation routine of DRAT-trim has been modified to give preference to clauses marked as necessary, which further reduces the number of "necessary" clauses.

Dependency Graphs

DRAT-trim also produces a dependency graph in the TraceCheck+ format. This format is a derivative of the TraceCheck resolution graph format, but allows for stronger dependencies.

Dependency Graphs

DRAT-trim also produces a dependency graph in the TraceCheck+ format. This format is a derivative of the TraceCheck resolution graph format, but allows for stronger dependencies.

Optmized Proofs

DRAT-trim can optionally produce optimized proofs conataining a subset of the input lemmas and extra deletion information gained during backward checking.


Deletion Information

DRAT-trim is based on the DRAT (Deletion Resolution Asymmetric Tautology) proof format which includes lemma deletion instructions that can greatly reduce proof checking time.

Trimmed Formulas

Trimmed formulas can optionally be emitted from DRAT-trim. These are ordered subsets of the original formula where unnecessary clauses have been omitted. One application of this output is preprocessing for Minimal Unsatisfiable Subset (MUS) extractors.

RAT Checks

DRAT-trim is an improvement over its predecessor DRUP-trim because it allows for a stronger form of redundancy, RAT. This check permits all known techniques including extended resolution, blocked clause addition, bounded variable addition, extended learning, and many more.




FILE*     drup_file;

template<class V>
static inline void binDRUP(unsigned char op, const V& c, FILE* drup_file)


static inline void binDRUP_strengthen(const Clause& c, Lit l, FILE* drup_file)


static inline void binDRUP_flush(FILE* drup_file)

  bool Solver::simplifyLearnt_core()
  bool Solver::simplifyLearnt_tier2()
  bool Solver::addClause_(vec<Lit>& ps)
  void Solver::removeClause(CRef cr) 
  lbool Solver::search(int& nof_conflicts)  //在学习子句生成后


if (drup_file && status == l_False) binDRUP_flush(drup_file);


bool SimpSolver::addClause_(vec<Lit>& ps)

bool SimpSolver::strengthenClause(CRef cr, Lit l)



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