Combining Clause Learning and Branch and Bound for MaxSAT


Chu-Min Li, Zhenxing Xu, Jordi Coll, Felip Manyà, Djamal Habet, Kun He, Combining Clause Learning and Branch and Bound for MaxSAT, in CP-2021, to appear


2012 ACM Subject Classification Software and its engineering → Constraints
Keywords and phrases MaxSAT, Branch&Bound, CDCL
Digital Object Identifier 10.4230/LIPIcs.CP.2021.38
Supplementary Material Software (Source Code):

Funding This work has been partially funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche,
reference ANR-19-CHIA-0013-01, and the Spanish AEI project PID2019-111544GB-C2.

Acknowledgements This work has been partially supported by Archimedes Institute, Aix-Marseille
University. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions that helped to
improve the manuscript.


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Branch and Bound (BnB) is a powerful technique that has been successfully used to solve many
combinatorial optimization problems. However, MaxSAT is a notorious exception because BnB
MaxSAT solvers perform poorly on many instances encoding interesting real-world and academic
optimization problems. This has formed a prevailing opinion in the community stating that BnB
is not so useful for MaxSAT, except for random and some special crafted instances. 译文:这在社区中形成了一个普遍的观点,即BnB对MaxSAT不是那么有用,除了随机和一些特殊的设计实例。


In fact, there
has been no advance allowing to significantly speed up BnB MaxSAT solvers in the past few years,
as illustrated by the absence of BnB solvers in the annual MaxSAT Evaluation since 2017.译文:事实上,在过去几年里,BnB MaxSAT求解器的速度并没有显著提高,从2017年以来的年度MaxSAT评估中没有BnB求解器就可以看出这一点。

work aims to change this situation and proposes a new BnB MaxSAT solver, called MaxCDCL,
by combining clause learning and an efficient bounding procedure. 译文:我们的工作旨在改变这种情况,并提出了一个新的BnB MaxSAT求解器,称为MaxCDCL,通过结合子句学习和一个有效的边界过程

The experimental results show
that, contrary to the prevailing opinion, BnB can be competitive for MaxSAT. MaxCDCL is ranked
among the top 5 solvers of the 15 solvers that participated in the 2020 MaxSAT Evaluation, solving
a number of instances that other solvers cannot solve.译文:在参加2020年MaxSAT评估的15家解决方案提供商中,MaxCDCL位列前5名,解决了许多其他解决方案提供商无法解决的实例。

Furthermore, MaxCDCL, when combined
with the best existing solvers, solves the highest number of instances of the MaxSAT Evaluations.译文:此外,MaxCDCL与现有的最佳求解器相结合,可以解决MaxSAT计算的最多实例数。


 1 Introduction


The Maximum satisfiability problem (MaxSAT) is an optimization version of a well-studied
and canonical NP-Complete problem, the satisfiability problem (SAT). Although SAT and
MaxSAT share many aspects, solving MaxSAT is much harder than solving SAT in practice.


Indeed, since several clauses can be falsified in an optimal MaxSAT solution, some fundamental
SAT techniques such as unit propagation cannot be used in MaxSAT as they are used in
SAT. 事实上,由于在一个最佳的MaxSAT解决方案中有几个子句可以被证伪,一些基本的如单元传播等SAT技术不能在MaxSAT中使用,它们能在SAT中被使用。

Despite this difficulty, huge efforts made by researchers make it possible nowadays to solve many interesting real-world and academic NP-hard optimization problems encoded as MaxSAT instances [11, 26]. For this reason, MaxSAT has attracted increasing interest from the academy and industry in recent years. 译文:尽管存在这一困难,但研究人员的巨大努力使许多有趣的现实世界和学术NP-hard优化问题成为可能,这些问题编码为MaxSAT实例[11,26]。因此,近年来,MaxSAT吸引了越来越多的学术界和业界的兴趣。


As for many NP-hard problems, algorithms for MaxSAT are divided into two categories:
exact algorithms, which return optimal solutions and prove their optimality; and heuristic
algorithms, which quickly find solutions of good quality without guaranteeing their optimality.
This paper will focus on exact algorithms for (unweighted) MaxSAT.



We roughly distinguish two types of exact algorithms for MaxSAT: branch-and-bound
(BnB) algorithms [26], which directly tackle MaxSAT with a bounding procedure, but
without unit propagation and clause learning; and SAT-based algorithms [11], which transform
MaxSAT into a sequence of SAT instances and call a CDCL (Conflict-Driven Clause Learning)
SAT solver to solve them.

我们大致将MaxSAT的精确算法分为两类:分支定界算法(BnB)算法[26],它直接用一个边界过程来处理MaxSAT,而不需要单元传播和子句学习;以及基于sat的算法[11]MaxSAT转换为一系列SAT实例,并调用CDCL (Conflict-Driven Clause Learning)SAT解算器



The performance of SAT-based MaxSAT algorithms is usually
much better than BnB MaxSAT solvers in solving many real-world NP-hard optimization
problems, because they indirectly exploit clause learning via the SAT solver. 译文:基于SAT的MaxSAT算法在解决许多现实世界NP-hard优化问题时的性能通常比BnB MaxSAT算法要好得多,因为它们间接利用了SAT求解器的子句学习


Unfortunately,it is hard for a BnB solver to exploit clause learning. 译文:不幸的是,BnB解决者很难利用条款学习

In a CDCL SAT solver, a backtracking
happens only when a clause is falsified, from which a sequence of resolution steps is performed
to learn a clause explaining the backtracking.译文:在CDCL SAT求解器中,回溯只发生在一个子句被篡改时,从这个子句中执行一系列解析步骤来学习解释回溯的子句。


However, a BnB MaxSAT solver also need to
backtrack when it computes a lower bound equal to the upper bound. In this case, no clause
is explicitly falsified, making it hard to learn a clause.译文:然而,BnB MaxSAT求解器在计算下界等于上界时也需要回溯。在这种情况下,没有任何子句被明确伪造,这使得学习子句变得困难

Probably because of this difficulty,
there has been no advance allowing to significantly speed up BnB MaxSAT solvers in recent
years, as illustrated by their absence in the annual MaxSAT Evaluation since 2017. 译文:可能正是由于这一困难,近年来BnB的MaxSAT解决方案并没有显著提速,从2017年以来的年度MaxSAT评估中就可以看出这一点。


In this paper, we propose an original approach that allows a BnB MaxSAT solver to learn
a clause when it computes a lower bound equal to the upper bound, together with a new
bounding procedure, because the one in current BnB MaxSAT solvers is not adequate for large
instances. 译文:在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,当BnB MaxSAT求解器计算下界等于上界时,允许BnB MaxSAT求解器学习子句,以及一个新的边界过程,因为目前BnB MaxSAT求解器中的边界不适合大实例。

This approach is implemented in a new BnB MaxSAT solver, called MaxCDCL,
that combines the new bounding procedure and clause learning.译文:这种方法是在一个新的BnB MaxSAT求解器中实现的,称为MaxCDCL,它结合了新的边界过程和子句学习。

The experimental results
show that MaxCDCL is ranked among the top 5 solvers of the 15 solvers that participated
in the 2020 MaxSAT Evaluation, solving a number of instances that other solvers cannot
solve. Furthermore, MaxCDCL, when combined with the best existing solvers, solves the
highest number of instances of the MaxSAT Evaluations.译文:实验结果表明,MaxCDCL在参加2020年MaxSAT评测的15个求解器中位列前5名,解决了许多其他求解器无法解决的实例。此外,MaxCDCL与现有的最佳求解器相结合,可以解决MaxSAT计算的最多实例数。


Combining clause learning and BnB, as clause learning itself, belongs to the general
framework consisting in explaining a failure in the search to avoid the same failure in
the future.

In other fields such as Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO), there are also
works in this framework (e.g. [17]).译文:在其他领域,如伪布尔优化(PBO),也有这个框架(例如[17])

The general framework is not hard to understand.
However, making it effective for solving a particular problem such as SAT or MaxSAT is quite
challenging, because this requires a deep understanding of the problem and the related solving

So, one important contribution of our work is that we found a configuration and an efficient implementation of this configuration allowing to make the combination of clause learning and BnB effective for MaxSAT, as presented in this paper. 译文:因此,我们工作的一个重要贡献是,我们找到了一种配置和这种配置的有效实现,使子句学习和BnB的组合对MaxSAT有效,如本文所述。

   译文:更重要的是,我们的研究结果反驳了该领域的主流观点,即尽管BnB是一个强大的技术,已经成功地解决了许多组合优化问题,但它对MaxSAT没有太大的用处。作为首个成功利用子学习的BnB MaxSAT求解器,MaxCDCL开辟了广阔的研究方向

More importantly, our results refute a prevailing opinion in the field stating that, although
BnB is a powerful technique that has successfully been used to solve many combinatorial
optimization problems, it is not so useful for MaxSAT. Indeed, as the first BnB MaxSAT
solver successfully exploiting clause learning, MaxCDCL opens promising research directions.


This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the preliminaries. Section 3 reviews
state-of-the-art MaxSAT solvers. Section 4 describes MaxCDCL. Section 5 empirically
evaluates and analyzes MaxCDCL. Section 6 concludes.


 2 Preliminaries


A propositional variable x can take values 0 or 1 (false or true). A literal is a variable x or
its negation ¬x. A clause is a disjunction of k literals l1 ∨ · · · ∨ lk. A propositional formula
in Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) is a conjunction (or a set) of m clauses c1, . . . , cm. An
assignment of truth values to the propositional variables satisfies a literal x if x = 1, and
satisfies a literal ¬x if x = 0. A literal x or ¬x is assigned if x is assigned a value, otherwise
it is free. An assignment is complete if all the variables are assigned a value, otherwise it is
partial. A (partial) assignment is usually represented by a (sub)set of satisfied literals. A
clause is satisfied if at least one of its literals is satisfied. A CNF is satisfied if all its clauses
are satisfied. The Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem for a CNF ϕ is to determine whether
there exists an assignment that satisfies ϕ.


MaxSAT is the problem of finding an assignment that satisfies the maximum number of
clauses in a given multiset of clauses. In partial MaxSAT, there are hard and soft clauses,
and the goal is to satisfy all the hard clauses and the maximum number of soft clauses. In
weighted (partial) MaxSAT, each soft clause has a cost to pay if it is violated. This paper
will focus exclusively on unweighted (partial) MaxSAT.

  • weighted (partial) MaxSAT
  • unweighted (partial) MaxSAT



The state-of-the-art SAT solvers implement the CDCL algorithm. CDCL alternates a
search phase, where literals are assigned until either a solution or a conflict is found, and
a learning phase, which is executed after finding a conflict in order to learn a new clause.
Unit Propagation (UP) is the main inference rule applied during the search: If there is a unit
clause {l} in ϕ, literal l must be satisfied (i.e., set to 1). Then, any clause containing l is
removed from ϕ, and all the occurrences of ¬l in clauses of ϕ are (implicitly) removed. UP is
applied during the search until an empty clause (conflict) is found or no unit clause exists in
ϕ. If UP finishes without finding a conflict, a new literal is picked following a heuristic and
is set to 1 (we make a decision), and UP is applied again. If all the variables are assigned
without finding a conflict, ϕ is satisfiable. The decision level of an assigned literal is the
number of decisions made before being assigned. When a conflict is found, a conflict analysis
is performed on the implication graph to derive a new clause explaining the conflict.


When a conflict is found in the decision level dl (i.e., dl decisions were made before the
conflict is found), a node in the decision level dl is said active if it is not the 1UIP but is in a
path from the 1UIP to the conflict. In other words, the active nodes are those nodes that
allow to reach the conflict from the 1UIP in the decision level dl. For example, in Figure 1, a
conflict is found in the decision level 5, and x3@5 and x35@5 are active nodes. The 1UIP
learning schema identifies, in each path from a node in a decision level lower than dl to an
active node, the last literal in the lower decision level. The new learnt clause is composed of

the negation of these literals and the 1UIP. For instance, in Figure 1, clause ¬x8 ∨ x11 ∨ ¬x25
is learnt, because there are two paths from lower decision levels to an active node, in which
x8 and ¬x11 are the last literals in lower decision levels, respectively.



Figure 1 shows an example of implication graph. It is a directed acyclic graph where each
node represents an assignment l@dl, where l is a literal set to 1 and dl is its decision level.
The negations of the literals of incoming edges of a node l@ld represent the reason (clause)
why UP has set l = 1. For instance, node x12@5 is propagated due to clause ¬x6 ∨ ¬x4 ∨ x12
(i.e., x6 ∧ x4 → x12), given that x4 and x6 have been set to 1. A node without incoming
edges represents a decision. All decisions are painted in grey, and the last one is dashed. A
conflicting clause is represented by incoming edges to □; in this example, clause ¬x3 ∨ ¬x35.
A Unique Implication Point (UIP) is a node of the implication graph that belongs to all
paths from the last decision to the conflict. Figure 1 contains three UIPs: the last decision
x4, and literals x13 and x25. The most used learning schema in CDCL SAT solvers is called
first UIP (1UIP), guided by the closest UIP to the conflict in the implication graph.


The learnt clause explains the conflict: when all its literals are falsified, unit propagation
reproduces the implication graph to derive the same conflict. So, adding the learnt clause
prevents the same conflict in the future search. After learning a clause, CDCL backtracks
to the second highest decision level of the learnt clause (level 4 in the above example).
Unsatisfiability is determined when a conflict is found at decision level 0.


3 Related Work


A major difference between MaxSAT and SAT solvers is that each clause must be satisfied in
a SAT solution while a soft clause can be falsified in an optimal MaxSAT solution, making
MaxSAT much harder to solve than SAT in practice. Despite this, the MaxSAT community
has made huge efforts to implement exact MaxSAT solvers with impressive performance
over the last decade [11, 26]. On the other hand, heuristic MaxSAT algorithms such as
SatLike [25] have also been proposed.


Roughly speaking, we find two main groups of exact MaxSAT solvers: branch-and-bound
(BnB) and SAT-based solvers.

  • branch-and-bound (BnB)
  • SAT-based solvers


BnB MaxSAT solvers implement the branch-and-bound
scheme and incorporate a lookahead procedure that detects inconsistent subsets of soft
clauses by applying unit propagation and computes a lower bound [26].




They also apply some inference rules at each node of the search tree. 译文:它们还在搜索树的每个节点上应用一些推理规则。

Representative BnB solvers are MaxSatz [30],
MiniMaxSat [20], Ahmaxsat [1, 14] and Akmaxsat [24]. Closely related to MaxSAT, we can
find BnB solvers for the Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP). 译文:与MaxSAT密切相关,我们可以找到加权约束满足问题(WCSP)的BnB解。


Recently, it was
presented a technique to improve BnB WCSP solving by avoiding branching on variables
which are unlikely to increase the lower bound [43]. 译文:最近,有人提出了一种改进BnB WCSP求解的技术,方法是避免对不太可能增加下界[43]的变量进行分支。


SAT-based MaxSAT solvers proceed by reformulating the MaxSAT optimization problem
into a sequence of SAT decision problems [11]. 译文:基于SAT的MaxSAT求解器将MaxSAT优化问题重新表述为一系列SAT决策问题[11]。

These solvers could still be divided into
three subgroups: model-guided, core-guided and Minimum Hitting Sets (MHS-)guided.


  • model-guided
  • core-guided
  • Minimum Hitting Sets (MHS-)guided.


Model-guided approaches reduce to SAT the problem of deciding whether there exists an
assignment for the MaxSAT instance with a cost less than or equal to a certain k, and
successively decrease k until an unsatisfiable SAT instance is found. 译文:模型导向方法将判断MaxSAT实例是否存在赋值且其代价小于或等于某k的问题简化为SAT,并依次减小k,直到找到不满足的SAT实例。

Among such solvers
we find SAT4J-Maxsat [12], QMaxSat [23, 44], Open-WBO [37] or Pacose [40].


Core-guided and MHS-guided approaches consider a MaxSAT instance as a SAT instance and call a CDCL SAT solver to identify an unsatisfiable subset of soft clauses, called a core.

 Core-guided和mhs引导的方法考虑MaxSAT实例作为一个SAT实例,并调用CDCL SAT求解器识别出一个软子句的不可满足子集,称为核心子句


Then, they
relax this core and solve the relaxed instance with a CDCL SAT solver to identify another
core, repeating this process until deriving a satisfiable instance. 译文:然后,他们放松这个核心,并使用CDCL SAT求解器解决放松的实例,以识别另一个核心,重复这个过程,直到得到一个满意的实例。


The difference between
them is that core-guided solvers relax a core using cardinality constraints, while MHS-guided
solvers remove one clause from each detected core so that the number of different clauses
removed from the cores is minimized by solving a minimum hitting set instance with an integer programming solver.


The most representative core-guided solvers include msu1.2 [36],
WBO [35], Open-WBO [37], WPM1 [3], PM2 [5], WPM2 [4], WPM3 [6], Eva [39], RC2 [21],

and the most representative MHS-guided solvers include MHS [41] and MaxHS [8, 10, 15, 16].


Core-guided search has also been extended to constraint programming [19]. 译文:核心引导搜索也被扩展到约束规划[19].


A common point of SAT-based MaxSAT solvers is that they indirectly exploit the clause
learning technique by repeatedly calling a CDCL SAT solver. 

译文:基于SAT的MaxSAT求解器的一个共同点是,它们通过反复调用CDCL SAT求解器间接利用子句学习技术。



Unfortunately, it is hard
for BnB solvers to exploit clause learning, which might explain their poor performance on
real-world optimization problems. 译文:不幸的是,BnB求解器很难利用子句学习,这可能解释了它们在现实世界的优化问题上表现不佳的原因

We are aware of only one tentative in [2]: when the
number of falsified soft clauses reaches the upper bound, the falsification of these soft clauses
is analyzed to learn a clause. Nevertheless, no clause is learnt when the lookahead procedure
returns a lower bound equal to the upper bound, and the reported results are not competitive.



4 MaxCDCL: A BnB Algorithm Using CDCL for MaxSAT


This section first presents the general structure of MaxCDCL, and then the different components
of our approach implemented in MaxCDCL.



 4.1 General Structure of MaxCDCL


We distinguish between hard and soft conflicts in the MaxSAT context. A hard conflict
occurs when the current partial assignment falsifies a hard clause. Given an upper bound
UB, a soft conflict occurs when the current partial assignment cannot be extended to a
complete one falsifying fewer than UB soft clauses. A CDCL SAT solver only considers
hard conflicts, learns a hard clause from each hard conflict and backtracks. A BnB CDCL
MaxSAT solver extends the CDCL SAT solver by also learning a hard clause from each
discovered soft conflict and backtracks. Algorithm 1 depicts such a BnB CDCL MaxSAT
solver called MaxCDCL.


Given a MaxSAT instance with a set of hard clauses and a set of soft clauses, MaxCDCL
works with H and S, where H contains the hard clauses and S contains a new literal y for
each soft clause sc after adding the hard clauses encoding y ↔ sc to H. We call such y
soft literal, because it represents a soft clause (i.e., a soft literal is satisfied if and only if
the corresponding soft clause is satisfied). To solve the MaxSAT instance, MaxCDCL is
repeatedly called with UB= 20, 21, 22, 23, . . . without exceeding |S| + 1 or UBf + 1 where
UBf is a feasible upper bound computed by a heuristic solver with a short cutoff. This
process stops when it obtains an assignment satisfying all clauses in H and falsifying fewer
than UB soft literals in S. After that, MaxCDCL is repeatedly called with UB set to the
number of falsified soft literals in the previous call, until no better solution can be found.


MaxCDCL is like a CDCL SAT solver except for two points. First, when UP does not
falsify any hard clause in the UPLA procedure, it calls, under certain condition, a lookahead
(LA) procedure to compute a lower bound |cores| of the number of soft literals that will be
falsified if the current partial assignment is extended. If a soft conflict is discovered, i.e., if
|falseS| + |cores| ≥UB, it is analyzed to learn a clause for backtracking. Second, if no soft
conflict is discovered, but it is discovered that the falsification of any free soft literal y not
used in |cores| would result in a soft conflict, y is satisfied by a procedure called hardening.


Note that model-guided MaxSAT solvers also set a UB in their search. However, they do
not compute a lower bound to discover soft conflicts as MaxCDCL. Consequently, MaxCDCL
is able to backtrack much earlier than model-guided MaxSAT solvers for a given UB. See the
next subsection for details and illustrative examples.



Algorithm 1 MaxCDCL(H, S,UB), a generic CDCL procedure with lookahead for



   4.2 Combining Lookahead and Clause Learning


   Proposition 2 provides the foundation of our approach in the general case.









 4.3 A Probing Strategy for Lookahead


Existing BnB MaxSAT solvers usually tackle random or crafted instances of limited size and
look ahead at each branch. However, such a treatment might be too costly and useless for
large instances. If the lower bound is not tight enough to prune the current branch, the time
spent to compute the lower bound is lost. When k = UB−|falseS|, the lookahead procedure
has to detect k disjoint local cores to be successful. Generally, the greater the value of k, the
lower the probability of lookahead to be successful.


MaxCDCL uses a probing strategy to determine if lookahead has to be applied at the
current branch. With probability p, where p is a parameter intuitively fixed to 0.01, lookahead
is applied for probing purpose. The mean avgp and the standard deviation devp of the
number of detected disjoint local cores in a successful probing lookahead are computed (not
shown here due to the lack of space) to select the branches where lookahead is applied.


Inspired by the 68-95-99.7 rule in statistics, which says that the values within one (two,
three) standard deviation of the mean account for about 68% (95%, 99.7%) of a normal data
set, we reasonably assume that the number of cores detected in a successful lookahead is
probably lower than avgp + coef ∗ devp when coef = 3. So, lookahead is not applied at the
current branch when k > avgp + coef ∗ devp. However, since the probing may not get exact
information and the values may not follow a perfect normal distribution, coef is dynamically
adjusted to maintain the success rate of lookahead between lowRate and highRate, where
lowRate and highRate are parameters intuitively fixed to 0.6 and 0.75, respectively.


Concretely, coef is initialized to 2 for each UB. At each probing, if the success rate of
lookahead since the last probing is greater than highRate, it is increased by 0.1; and if it is
lower than lowRate, it is decreased by 0.1. There are no lower and upper bounds on coef.
When it is too low so that no lookahead is performed between two probings, it is reset to 2.


4.4 Soft literal ordering in lookahead


Existing BnB MaxSAT solvers such as MaxSatz usually propagate soft unit clauses in the
ordering these clauses become unit, or in their ordering in the input formula when detecting
disjoint cores [28]. MaxCDCL propagates first the soft literals in the cores detected in the
previous lookahead. We use this ordering for two intuitive reasons.

  • Before backtracking, a local core detected in the previous lookahead remains to be a core.

Re-detecting a previous local core allows to obtain a possibly smaller local core due to

additional assignments.

  • After backtracking, re-detecting local cores in the previous soft conflict may allow to

detect a new soft conflict sharing many local cores with the previous conflict. In this way,

the clauses learnt from consecutive soft conflicts allow to intensify the search, because

the clause learnt from a soft conflict is derived from the reasons of the detected cores.


The quality of a clause learnt from a soft conflict highly depends on the detected cores,
which in turn highly depends on the soft literal ordering. How to improve the quality of the
learnt clause by further improving the soft literal ordering definitely deserves future study.


4.5 Improving the VSIDS heuristic by lookahead


When there is no unit clause, a CDCL SAT solver chooses a free literal l using a decision
heuristic, satisfies l and then performs unit propagation. VSIDS [38] is one of the widely
used decision heuristics: it initializes the score of each variable to 0, and then at each conflict,
it increases the score of each variable in a path to the conflict in the implication graph
by var_inc, where var_inc is initialized to 1 and, after each conflict, it is divided by a
parameter usually set to 0.95 to give more importance to the next conflict. Note that VSIDS
is a heuristic based on lookback, because it is based on the conflicts in the past.


VSIDS is also used in MaxCDCL by increasing the score of a variable in a soft or hard
conflict as in a CDCL SAT solver, but is modified as follows by taking lookahead into account.
Every time the lookahead procedure detects a local core, the score of the variables encountered
when identifying the reason of the core (see Subsection 4.2) is increased by var_inc × γ,
where γ is a discount-rate parameter as in reinforcement learning, and is empirically fixed to
0.1. The intuition of this modification is the following. A soft conflict is derived when UB
local cores are detected. So a variable contributing to many local cores should be favoured to
reach a soft conflict as early as possible. However, a local core represents only a component
of a future possible soft conflict but not a soft conflict for sure. So the increase of the score
of a variable contributing to a core should be discounted by γ.


4.6 Implementation of MaxCDCL


Since MaxCDCL can be considered as an extension of a CDCL SAT solver, it is implemented
on top of the CDCL SAT solver MapleCOMSPS_LRB [32], winner of the application track
of SAT competition 2016. We chose MapleCOMSPS_LRB because it was one of the best
SAT solvers with deterministic behavior when we started this work in 2017. Nevertheless,
some of the recent advances in SAT solving are incorporated, including1:

  • The approach from [31, 34] is applied to minimize the learnt clauses.
  • The clause size reduction with the all-UIP learning technique from [18] is applied to

reduce the clauses learnt from soft conflicts. This technique is particularly useful for
MaxCDCL, because a clause learnt from a soft conflict is usually longer than a clause
learnt from a hard conflict. The all-UIP technique allows to significantly reduce the size
of a clause learnt from a soft conflict.

  • The learnt clause management technique proposed in [22] is incorporated into MaxCDCL,

allowing more learnt clauses to be kept in the clause database.


We plan to implement MaxCDCL on top of Kissat [13], the winner of the SAT2020
competition, which might further improve its performance. 译文:我们计划在SAT2020竞赛的获胜者Kissat[13]上实施MaxCDCL,这可能会进一步提高其性能。



5 Experimental Evaluation


We report on an experimental investigation to assess the performance of MaxCDCL. We
ran all experiments with Intel Xeon CPUs E5-2680@2.40GHz under Linux with 32GB of
memory, using the following benchmark sets, unless otherwise stated:


MSE19∪20: The union of all the instances used in the complete unweighted track of the
MaxSAT Evaluations (MSE) 2019 and 2020, a total of 1000 distinct instances.
MC: A subset of the Master Collection of instances from the MaxSAT evaluations held until
2019 2. It contains 16080 unweighted (partial) MaxSAT instances, classified into 51 families
and 76 subfamilies. MC includes all the instances of the 63 subfamilies having 100 instances
or less, and the first 100 instances as they occur in the natural order in each of the remaining
13 subfamilies, considering a total of 3614 instances. This selection provides a simple,
deterministic and objective criterion that does not favor any solver; and the experiments can
be easily reproduced. MC contains 726 instances that also belong to MSE19∪20.


The cutoff time is one hour (3600s) per instance as in the MaxSAT Evaluation. For
MaxCDCL and its variants, this includes 60 seconds to find a feasible upper bound UBf
with SatLike (version 3.0). Note that MaxCDCL and its variants do not start the search




5.1 MaxCDCL Components


Table 1 compares MaxCDCL with the following variants:

  • MaxCDCL\LA. MaxCDCL without lookahead, i.e. the condition to lookahead is never

satisfied in line 3 of Algorithm 2. Note that after finding a feasible UB, MaxCDCL\LA
performs linear SAT-UNSAT search as a model-guided SAT-based MaxSAT solver.
MaxCDCL\harden. MaxCDCL without hardening (i.e., lines 17 and 18 in Algorithm 1 are

  • MaxCDCLalwaysLA. MaxCDCL that looks ahead at every branch, i.e., the condition to

lookahead is always satisfied in line 3 of Algorithm 2.

  • MaxCDCLioLA. MaxCDCL that, when detecting cores in lookahead, always propagates the

soft literals in the ordering as the corresponding soft clauses occur in the input instance.

  • MaxCDCL\VSIDSbyLA. MaxCDCL that does not increase the VSIDS score of the variables

contributing to a local core detected in lookahead as described in Subsection 4.5.


In Table 1, columns “#solv” give the number of solved instances and columns “avg” give
the mean time in seconds (including the 60s used by SatLike) needed to solve these instances.
These results indicate that a careful configuration combining clause learning and BnB is
crucial for the performance of MaxCDCL, including: hardening based on local core detection
and clause learning, the selective and adaptive application of lookahead and the ordering to
propagate the soft literals when detecting local cores, because the absence of any of these
components makes a significant number of instances out of reach of MaxCDCL. Without
this configuration, MaxCDCL\LA solves 229 instances less than MaxCDCL in MES19∪20
and 839 instances less than MaxCDCL in MC. Note that although the hardening of a soft
literal requires a distinct learnt clause, it does not increase the total memory usage, because
it allows to avoid many learnt clauses by reducing search space.


Recall that the most fundamental feature of MaxCDCL is the clause learning from soft
conflicts. We computed the average length of a clause learnt from a soft (hard) conflict for
each solved instance by MaxCDCL in MSE19∪20, and found that the median average length 

of a clause learnt from a soft (hard) conflict is 23.67 (19.2) among the 734 instances solved in
the set. Note that the learnt clause length averaged across the 734 instances does not make
sense because it is biased by few instances with very long learnt clause length.


In addition, the comparison of MaxCDCL with MaxCDCL\VSIDSbyLA suggests that the
VSIDS heuristic might be improved by lookahead, indicating a promising research direction.


To complete the subsection, we mention the impact of two other components of MaxCDCL:
(1) the local search by SatLike in preprocessing to compute a feasible UB allows MaxCDCL
to solve 8 more instances in MSE19∪20; (2) the sequential cardinality constraint encoding is
applied to about the 20% of the instances in MSE19∪20 for at least one UB, helping solve
39 extra instances in MSE from highly symmetric problems such as drmx-at-most-k.




5.2 Comparison with the top 5 Solvers in MSE2020


A total of 15 solvers competed in the complete unweighted track of MSE2020 [9]. We consider
the top 5 solvers: MaxHS (mhs in short), which is MHS-guided; EvalMaxSAT (eval in short),
RC2-B (rc2 in short) and open-wbo-res-mergesat-v2 (Open-WBO or owbo in short), which
are core-guided; and UWrMaxSAT (uwr in short), which combines both core-guided and
model-guided solving. We executed the versions used in MSE2020 in all the experiments.


Table 2 shows the results for MSE19∪20 and MC, respectively. Column “#uniq” has the
number of instances that were only solved by the solver in the row. Column “#win” has the
number of instances solved by MaxCDCL but not by the solver in the row.


We observe that MaxCDCL solves more instances than two top 5 solvers in MSE19∪20
and four top 5 solvers in MC. More importantly, MaxCDCL solves a significant number of
instances that other solvers cannot solve. For example, MaxCDCL solves 116 instances in MC
that MaxHS does not solve. If we consider all the solvers together, there is also a significant
number of instances solved by MaxCDCL that no other solver is able to solve: 16 instances
in MSE19∪20 and 67 instances in MC that mainly come from the subfamilies MaxClique,
MaxCut and UAQ. These results show that the existing MaxSAT solvers, especially the
model-guided and core-guided ones, are able to solve similar kinds of instances. Nevertheless,
MaxCDCL has the potential to solve new kinds of instances that are not solvable with the
current MaxSAT techniques. It is important to note that MaxCDCL is far from being as
optimized as the other solvers, which are the result of a process of continuous improvements
since more than ten years.


5.3 Combining MaxCDCL with existing solvers 


Given two deterministic solvers X and Y and a time limit T to solve an NP-hard problem
such as MaxSAT, the simplest way to try to solve more instances than X and Y alone within
the time limit T is to combine X and Y by running X within the time limit T/2, and then
Y from scratch within the remaining time T/2 if the instance is not solved by X.



Table 3 shows the results of all possible pairwise combinations of the top 5 solvers and
MaxCDCL (mcdcl) in MSE2020 for T = 3600s. Each cell (X, Y ) for X ̸= Y contains the
number of instances solved by running solver X for 1800s and then solver Y from scratch
for 1800s in MSE19∪20 (left) and MC (right). Each cell (X,X) (in the diagonal in grey)
contains the number of instances solved by X in 1800s. Column X in the last row recalls the
results of X with 3600 seconds. Combining any of the top 5 solvers with MaxCDCL solves
more instances than this solver and MaxCDCL alone within 3600s, while this is not always
true when combining two top 5 solvers. For example, combining MaxHS and Open-WBO
solves 763 instances in MSE19∪20 within 3600s, while MaxHS alone solves 769 instances
within 3600s. This shows that MaxCDCL is more complementary with the top 5 solvers
than other solvers.


More importantly, MaxCDCL combined with the top 2 solvers, MaxHS and EvalMaxSAT,
solves the highest numbers (785 and 786) of instances in MSE19∪20. This result is significantly
better than that of MaxHS or EvalMaxSAT alone, and the best combination without
MaxCDCL solves only 777 instances. The results are even more striking in MC, where the
worst combination of MaxCDCL with a top 5 solver is better than any other combination not
including MaxCDCL, and combining MaxHS and MaxCDCL gives the best results, solving
93 instances more than the previous best result achieved by MaxHS alone, and 57 instances
more than the best combination without MaxCDCL.


Figure 3 shows cactus plots comparing the best two combinations of solvers with Max-
CDCL, the best two combinations without MaxCDCL, as well as the best two mono-solvers,
for MSE19∪20 (left) and MC (right). Other solvers and combinations are excluded for
readability reasons. For any time T (0 < T ≤ 3600s), a curve gives the number of instances
solved by a mono-solver or a combination of two solvers within T, where the number of
instances solved by a combination X-Y of solvers X and Y within T is the number of instances
solved by running X for T/2, and then Y for T/2. The solving time of a combination X-Y of
solvers X and Y for an instance is twice the minimum solving time among X and Y . This
simulates a parallel execution of X and Y by alternating them in small time periods. The
plots clearly show the advantage of combining an existing solver with MaxCDCL, allowing
to solve the highest number of instances within 3600s, and the advantage becomes greater as
the running time is increased.




 5.4 Comparison with a BnB Solver


We compare MaxCDCL with ahmaxsat, which was the best BnB solver in the last MaxSAT
evaluation (MSE2016) in which BnB solvers competed. We use the MSE2016 instances of
the categories MaxSAT (ms) and partial MaxSAT (pms). Each category has random (ran),
crafted (craf), and industrial (in) instances. Thus, we consider a total of 6 families.

译文:我们比较了MaxCDCL和ahmaxsat,后者是上届MaxSAT评估(MSE2016)中BnB解算器竞争的最佳解算器。我们使用类别MaxSAT (ms)和部分MaxSAT (pms)的MSE2016实例。每个类别都有随机的(运行的)、手工的(工艺的)和工业的(在)实例。因此,我们总共考虑6个家庭。


The results are shown in Table 4, where the number of instances for each family is given
in column “#ins”. We observe that ahmaxsat solves more random and non-partial crafted
instances. A learnt clause for these instances with randomness and limited size usually
contains most of the variables of the instances and is hardly useful. So, the higher use of
lower bounding methods and the lack of clause learning in ahmaxsat are adequate for them,
and the higher use of lower bounding methods (like in MaxCDCLalwaysLA) does not improve
MaxCDCL for them because of clause learning. However, ahmaxsat has poor performance
on other instances. Instead, MaxCDCL solves a much higher number of such instances.


6 Conclusion


We described MaxCDCL, a MaxSAT solver that combines, for the first time to the best of
our knowledge, branch and bound and clause learning. The main differences of MaxCDCL
with existing SAT-based MaxSAT solvers are the following:



  • SAT-based MaxSAT solvers use a CDCL SAT solver as a black box and do not interfere

in the internal operations of the SAT solver when solving an instance, while MaxCDCL
itself can be considered a SAT solver extended to handle soft conflicts.

  • Both MaxCDCL and model-guided MaxSAT solvers have an upper bound UB−1 of

the number of soft clauses that can be falsified. The difference lies in how to exploit
this UB. Let falseS denote the set of already falsified soft clauses. On the one hand,
model-guided MaxSAT solvers call a SAT solver after encoding UB into CNF. If no hard
clause is falsified, the SAT solver backtracks only after |falseS| ≥ UB, because no clause
encoding UB is falsified if |falseS| < UB. On the other hand, MaxCDCL computes a
lower bound LB of the number of soft clauses that will be falsified (but not yet falsified),
and backtracks as soon as LB+|falseS| ≥ UB. Thus, MaxCDCL is able to backtrack
much earlier than model-guided MaxSAT solvers.

  • MaxCDCL, core-guided or MHS-guided MaxSAT solvers all identify cores. However, a

core-guided or MHS-guided MaxSAT solver only identifies global cores (i.e., the cores
that do not depend on any partial assignment) in order to relax them, while MaxCDCL
detects local cores by using UP under a partial assignment to derive a soft conflict for
learning a clause and backtracking early. Note that identifying a global core is NP-hard,
while detecting a local core by applying UP is polynomial.


The extensive experimentation conducted shows that MaxCDCL is ranked among the top
5 exact MaxSAT solvers in the 2020 MaxSAT evaluation. Furthermore, it solves a significant
number of instances that other solvers cannot solve, suggesting that combining branch and
bound and clause learning has the potential to solve new kinds of instances that are not
solvable with current MaxSAT techniques. More importantly, combining MaxCDCL with
the existing solvers allows to solve the highest number of MaxSAT instances.


Detailed analyses indicate that the performance of MaxCDCL comes from a careful
configuration combining clause learning and BnB, including hardening based on local core
detection and clause learning, the selective and adaptive application of lookahead, and the
ordering to propagate the soft literals when detecting local cores.


We believe that the proposed approach opens new and promising research directions,
including for example: (1) improving the quality of the clauses learnt from soft conflicts by
designing new soft literal orderings in lookahead; (2) exploiting the relationship of SAT and
MaxSAT for improving SAT and MaxSAT solving; (3) adapting the approach of MaxCDCL to
other problems such as pseudo-Boolean optimization and Max-CSP; (4) extending MaxCDCL
to weighted MaxSAT, in which each soft clause is weighted. In the extension of MaxCDCL
to weighted MaxSAT, each soft clause is represented by a weighted soft literal. A local core
detected by lookahead is weighted by the minimum soft literal weight it contains, and other
weights are split to be used in other core detections. When the total weight of all detected
local cores reaches UB, a soft conflict is discovered. The challenge here is that there can
be more local cores to detect than in the unweighted case. Thus, the clause learnt from a
soft conflict can be longer. Special strategies in clause and soft literal ordering should be
designed to learn shorter clauses from soft conflicts.




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