

MUStICCa: MUS Extraction with Interactive Choice of Candidates

Johannes Dellert, Christian Zielke, and Michael Kaufmann
University of T¨ubingen, Germany



Existing algorithms for minimal unsatisfiable subset (MUS)
extraction are defined independently of any symbolic information, and
in current implementations domain experts mostly do not have a chance
to influence the extraction process based on their knowledge about the
encoded problem. 译文:在目前的实现中,领域专家大多没有机会影响提取过程。

The MUStICCa tool introduces a novel graphical user
interface for interactive deletion-based MUS finding, allowing the user to
inspect and influence the structure of extracted MUSes.


The tool is centered around an explicit visualization of the explored
part of the search space, representing unsatisfiable subsets (USes) as
selectable states.


While inspecting the contents of any US, the user
can select candidate clauses to initiate deletion attempts.



The reduction
steps can be enhanced by a range of state-of-the-art techniques such
as clause-set refinement, model rotation, and autarky reduction.


compactly represents the criticality information derived for the
different USes in a shared data structure, which leads to significant savings
in the number of solver calls when multiple MUSes are explored.


For automatization, our tool includes a reduction agent mechanism into
which arbitrary user-implemented deletion heuristics can be plugged. 


1 Introduction and Motivation


With a remarkable amount of recent work (e.g. [13,3,17]) on algorithms for computing
minimal explanations of SAT formula unsatisfiability and a broad range
of applications (e.g. [15,12]), the field of minimal unsatisfiable subset (MUS) extraction
has become an emerging research field in the SAT community, leading
to the introduction of a MUS track in the SAT competition 2011 [16].



The algorithms for MUS extraction can be characterized as constructive, destructive
or dichotomic [6,14], but they all focus solely on the amount of clauses
or clause sets (called groups) [2] present in the minimal explanation.


We introduce a completely new approach to guiding the destructive MUS
extraction algorithm by Nadel [11]. 译文:我们介绍了一种全新的方法来指导nadel[11]的破坏性MUS提取算法

The central idea of destructive MUS extraction,
which was first proposed more than 20 years ago [4,1], is to perform
a series of reduction steps, moving into smaller unsatisfiable subsets F until all subsets F ⊂ F are satisfiable.

The idea of interactive MUS extraction
is to give a user full control over the individual reduction steps, providing an
interface for interactively focusing on or eliminating parts of the search space. 译文:交互式MUS提取的思想是让用户完全控制单个缩减步骤,提供一个界面,以交互方式关注或消除部分搜索空间。

Within our MUStICCa tool, this is done by reverting to intermediate results, the
non-minimal unsatisfiable subsets, and exploring new parts of the search space
by choosing alternative deletion candidates. 译文:这是通过恢复中间结果,即非最小不可满足子集,并通过选择替代删除候选来探索搜索空间的新部分来实现的。

This feature will not only help domain
experts (who usually have good intuitions about the clauses relevant for
good explanations) to find meaningful explanations of unsatisfiability, but also
researchers and students in analysing unsatisfiable instances and evaluating the
effects of different heuristics for selecting deletion candidates.



By default, MUStICCa’s graphical user interface (see Figure 1) consists of
three main view components.




The central view is a representation of the current
knowledge about the search space. Explored USes are inspected in a separate US
view which also provides the interface for starting reduction steps. The third view
is responsible for administering automated reduction agents.


Our tool automatically
avoids unnecessary deletion tests by efficiently representing and reusing all
the clause criticality information that was gained anywhere in the search space.


2 The Application


2.1 The MUStICCa User Interface

The interface is based on the open-source Kahina framework [7] for graphical debugging, which was chosen because it already provided the needed view comconents and native support for managing a database of computation steps as nodes in a graph structure.


Since deletion-based MUS extraction can be framed as a downward traversal of the powerset lattice for an unsatisfiable clause set F, the explored part of the search space is modeled by means of a reduction graph, which is a subsemilattice of the powerset lattice whose edges represent successful reduction attempts.


In the visualization of this reduction graph, the number on each node gives the size of the corresponding US, followed in brackets by the number of clauses of unknown criticality.


MUSes are marked in red, dark green marks non-MUSes where all reduction options have been explored, and light green color marks USes where all clauses are known to be either critical or unnecessary, but some unexplored reduction options remain.

译文:MUSes被标记为红色,墨绿色标记为non-MUSes,所有的还原选项都被探索过; 浅绿色标记为使用,所有的子句都是已知的关键或不必要的,但仍有一些未探索的还原选项。


2.2 Automatization through Reduction Agents

During a process of interactive extraction, a user will often want to quickly explore parts of the search space without having to manually execute hundreds of reduction attempts, especially in contexts where domain knowledge has not yet become relevant. For this purpose, MUStICCa includes an automated reduction mechanism in the form of reduction agents which in essence act like autonomous additional users who were given sets of simple instructions. In addition to predefined reduction agents which emulate standard deletion-based MUS extraction algorithms, user-defined reduction agents can be implemented as Java
classes by inheriting from a plug-in interface for custom deletion heuristics. This interface is defined in Section 4.3 of the user’s guide.

The most important option in the dialog for creating and starting new reduction agents serves to select one of the predefined heuristics from a drop-down menu. Each new agent is initialized with a random signal colour that can freelybe redefined. Model rotation and autarky pruning can be activated or deactivated. The new reduction agent starts at the US that is currently selected in the reduction graph, and runs until it has determined a MUS. The downward path of an agent through the powerset lattice is visualized in the form of an agent trace highlighted in its signal colour.


2.3 Implementation details



The information is optimally exploited if we can quickly determine for any subset whether it is included in a set that is already known to be satisfiable as a result of failed reduction attempts. This leads to the concept of an upward wedge of satisfiable subsets or sat wedge through the powerset lattice which is created by every such attempt. The task of sharing criticality information now reduces to storing the sat wedges in a data structure that allows a quick check of sat wedge membership for any subset. The solution implemented in MUStICCa stores sat wedges as clauses over positive selector literals in an additional meta instance. Any subset can be expressed in terms of unit assumptions over selector literals. Solving the meta instance under these assumptions tells us whether the subset is implied to be satisfiable by sat wedge membership.

The idea is very similar to the Map formula used for storing information about the search space in the recently proposed MARCO algorithm [10] for quick extraction of multiple MUSes. The meta instance allows us to quickly derive all the clauses implied to be critical in some subset Vi by merely propagating the corresponding selector assumptions. The resulting selector units correspond to the clauses which are implied to be critical in Vi. This allows us to quickly update the critical entries in the reduction table for any US. A formal description of this procedure, and a proof of its correctness, can be found in Chapter 4 of the mentioned thesis.


3 Experimental Results


Because of the general unavailability of MUS extraction instances that contain
semantic information, we have only been able to evaluate MUStICCa as a tool for
semantically guided MUS extraction in a single application from the first author’s
area of knowledge.

Since the motivation and context of this application can only
be outlined here due to space constraints, the interested reader is referred to the
discussion in Chapter 6 of the thesis.


The application is based on a SAT encoding of context-free parsing, which is used to encode classical problems in the field of symbolic grammar engineering, a branch of computational linguistics which attempts to define formal models of natural languages.


Unfeasibilities in the resulting SAT instances represent inadequacies and bugs in these models, and MUSes can be interpreted as containing instructions for minimal repairs.



The number of different MUSes in the resulting instances turned out to be extremely high, making the enumeration of all MUSes by means of CAMUS [9] or similar tools entirely infeasible. 


Given the variable symbols generated by the SAT conversion tool as guidance, the manual selection of reduction candidates made it possible to narrow down bugs in the grammar to very small MUSes which were interpretable as minimal repairs, whereas the results returned by a simple MUS extractor were generally much larger and harder to interpret. Moreover, MUS extraction proved to be extremely useful for finding bugs already during the development of the SAT encoding, since it gave the developer direct access to problematic interactions in flexibly definable constraint subsets.


Beyond this application, we have used MUStiCCa to explore the search spaces of other unsatisfiable benchmark instanced which are known to contain multiple MUSes, in particular the Daimler testset for automotive product configuration [15]. On these and similar test instances, MUStiCCa proved useful for comparing the performance of different deletion candidate heuristics, and for analyzing properties of MUS extraction search spaces. For larger industrial instances, the large size of the resulting MUSes and the long duration of each reduction attempt makes interactive MUS extraction a less attractive option.


4 Summary

   We present our tool MUStICCa that was designed to provide the user with the possibility to guide the well-known deletion-based MUS extraction algorithm [11] through the powerset lattice towards different MUSes. MUStICCa reuses criticality information from other parts of the search space to avoid unnecessary execution steps.



The main features of our tool can be summarized as follows:
– interactive execution of the deletion-based MUS extraction algorithm        交互式执行基于删除的MUS提取算法
– exploration of the search space starting at any already encountered US   从任何已经遇到的US开始探索搜索空间
– global reuse of clause criticality information  子句临界信息的全局重用
– well-structured graphical user interface
– automatized extraction of MUSes via reduction agents       通过还原剂自动提取muse


We are confident that MUStICCa will be helpful to domain experts in analysing inconsistencies in SAT formulae. Moreover, our tool can be used to create and evaluate new deletion candidate selection heuristics. We are looking forward to receiving feedback from experts in different application domains about their experience with the tool, and are grateful to our anonymous reviewers for their many suggestions about interface improvements and feature requests. 


In the future, we plan to extend the concept to insertion-based and dichotomic MUS extraction by also representing satisfiable subsets in the reduction graph and allowing the user to work upwards in the powerset lattice. Furthermore, we are planning to provide support for the extraction of GMUSes as well as minimal unsatisfiable subformulae of propositional formulae in negation normal form.



The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces the user interface, describes
the main features, and gives some pointers to interesting implementation
details. Section 3 describes some of our practical experiences with using the tool
for an application.We conclude with a short summary in Section 4.

The tool can be downloaded from http://algo.inf.uni-tuebingen.de/?site=forschung/sat/MUStICCa.




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