PySAT: A Python Toolkit for Prototyping with SAT Oracles

Ignatiev A., Morgado A., Marques-Silva J. (2018) PySAT: A Python Toolkit for Prototyping with SAT Oracles. In: Beyersdorff O., Wintersteiger C. (eds) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2018. SAT 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10929. Springer, Cham.


  Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solvers are at the core of efficient approaches for solving a vast multitude of practical problems. Moreover, albeit targeting an NP-complete problem, SAT solvers are increasingly used for tackling problems beyond NP. Despite the success of SAT in practice, modeling with SAT and more importantly implementing SAT-based problem solving solutions is often a difficult and error-prone task. This paper proposes the PySAT toolkit, which enables fast Python-based prototyping using SAT oracles and SAT-related technology. PySAT provides a simple API for working with a few state-of-the-art SAT oracles and also integrates a number of cardinality constraint encodings, all aiming at simplifying the prototyping process. Experimental results presented in the paper show that PySAT-based implementations can be as efficient as those written in a low-level language.

解决大量实际问题的有效方法     at the core of 




      快速构建原型                             译文:支持使用SAT oracle快速构建基于python的原型    



1 Introduction


When compared with Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT,可满足性模理论), Answer Set Programming (ASP,回答集编程) or Constraint Programming (CP,约束规划), a well-known drawback of Propositional Logic (concretely, its satisfiability (SAT) problem) is the low level at which the problem constraints are represented and the low-level programmatic interface that must be used. These limitations hinder a wider adoption of SAT solvers, but in part they are also one reason for the observed performance gains that SAT-based solutions often enable. Moreover, it is generally perceived that SAT-based modeling is difficult and also error-prone. Clearly, the aforementioned alternatives, SMT, ASP and CP, also enable some sort of direct encoding to SAT, and then invoking a SAT solver, but often key aspects of the problem formulation are lost. Other approaches that directly encode problems into SAT have been considered, including NP-Spec [10].









This paper describes PySAT, a toolkit that simplifies prototyping problem solvers with SAT solvers as oracles. Similarly to existing solutions for SMT, the prototyping language is Python, with a simple interface to an abstract SAT solver that abstracts most details away, but also aims at compromising little in terms of performance. The paper illustrates the ease of modeling reasonably challenging problems, concretely MUS extraction, but also provides empirical evidence that the toolkit can achieve reasonably efficient implementations when compared with existing state-of-the-art tools. PySAT is open source, and it is publicly available on GitHub. Furthermore, PySAT is also readily installable as a Python package。




This paper is organized as follows. Basic definitions and notation are introduced in the next section. Section 3 describes the toolkit, its design and interface. Section 4 outlines the implementation of a deletion-based MUS extractor. Section 5 presents experimental results comparing a PySAT-based prototype of a MaxSAT algorithm compared to the state-of-the-art implementation. Section 6 overviews prior work related with PySAT. Finally, the paper concludes in Sect. 7.


译文:Section 4概述了基于删除的MUS提取器的实现。



2 Preliminaries

  This section introduces the notation and definitions used throughout the paper. Standard propositional logic definitions apply (e.g. [9]). CNF formulas are defined over a set of propositional variables. A CNF formula F is a propositional formula represented as a conjunction of clauses, also interpreted as a set of clauses. A clause is a disjunction of literals, also interpreted as a set of literals. A literal is a variable or its complement. Throughout the paper, SAT solvers are viewed as oracles. Given a CNF formula F, a SAT oracle decides whether F is satisfiable, in which case it returns a satisfying assignment. A SAT oracle can also return an unsatisfiable core UFU⊆F, if F is unsatisfiable. Conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) SAT solvers are summarized in [9].

CNF formulas are often used to model overconstrained problems, for example, the maximum satisfiability (MaxSAT) problem and the minimal unsatisfiable subset (MUS) extraction problem. In general, clauses in a CNF formula are characterized as hard, meaning that these must be satisfied, or soft, meaning that these are to be satisfied, if at all possible. A weight can be associated with each soft clause, and the goal of MaxSAT is to find an assignment to the propositional variables such that the hard clauses are satisfied, and the sum of the satisfied soft clauses is maximized. Algorithms for MaxSAT have been overviewed in [1930]. Recent algorithms based on implicit hitting sets have been described in [4]. In the analysis of unsatisfiable CNF formulas, consider a given unsatisfiable CNF formula F. An MUS of F is a set of clauses MFM⊆F which is both unsatisfiable and irreducible. The goal of the MUS extraction problem is to determine an MUS of a given unsatisfiable CNF formula.



The goal of the MUS extraction problem:






7 Conclusions


Despite the remarkable progress observed in SAT solvers for over two decades, in many settings the option of choice is often not a SAT solver, even when this might actually be the ideal solution. One reason for overlooking SAT solvers is the apparent difficulty of modeling with SAT, and of implementing basic prototypes. This paper describes PySAT, a Python toolkit that enables fast prototyping with SAT solvers. The Python interface offers (incremental) access to a blackbox exposing the basic interface of a SAT solver, but which compromises little in terms of performance. 





The toolkit also offers access to a number of often-used implementations of cardinality constraints. A simple implementation of a MaxSAT solver shows performance comparable with a state-of-the-art C++ implementation. The PySAT tookit is publicly available as open source from GitHub, and also as a Python package on most POSIX-compliant OSes.



  It is expected that the community will contribute to improving the toolkit further, with additional features, but also with proposals for improvements. Several extensions are planned. These include the integration of more SAT solvers (e.g. CryptoMiniSat and other MiniSat- and Glucose-based solvers), lower level access to the SAT solver’s parameters and policies when necessary (e.g. setting preferred “polarities” of the variables), high-level support for arbitrary Boolean formulas (e.g. by Tseitin-encoding them [50] internally), and encodings of pseudo-Boolean constraints.


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