

Abstract: For decades, the use of weights has proven its superior ability to improve dynamic local search weighting algorithms’ overall performance.

This paper proposes a new mechanism where the initial clause’s weights are dynamically allocated based on the problem’s structure.译文:提出了一种基于问题结构的初始子句权值动态分配机制。

The new mechanism starts by examining each clause in terms of its size and the extent of its link, and its
proximity to other clauses.译文:新机制首先根据每个子句的大小、联系的程度以及与其他子句的接近程度来检查每个子句。

Based on our examination, we categorized the clauses into four categories:
(1) clauses small in size and linked with a small neighborhood;

(2) clauses small in size and linked with a large neighborhood;

(3) clauses large in size and linked with a small neighborhood;

(4)clauses large in size and linked with a large neighborhood.

Then, the initial weights are dynamically allocated according to each clause category.





To examine the efficacy of the dynamic initial weight assignment, we conducted an extensive study of our new technique on many problems.


The study concluded that the dynamic allocation of initial weights contributes significantly to improving the
search process’s performance and quality.译文:研究结果表明,初始权值的动态分配有助于提高搜索过程的性能和质量。


To further investigate the new mechanism’s effect, we compared the new mechanism with the state-of-the-art algorithms belonging to the same family in terms of using weights, and it was clear that the new mechanism outperformed the state-ofthe-art clause weighting algorithms.

 We also show that the new mechanism could be generalized with minor changes to be utilized within the general-purpose stochastic local search state-of-the-art weighting algorithms.译文:我们还证明了这种新的机制可以在通用的随机局部搜索最先进的加权算法中使用。


1. Introduction


Many real-world problems are of NP-complete (nondeterministic polynomial) class.
In contrast, systematic approaches (based on explicit rules) require exponential time rather
than a polynomial-time to reach a solution. A problem is NP-complete if there is an NP
(np) problem, and all NP problems are reduced to (np) in polynomial time. Therefore, NPcomplete
problems are of great interest in computer science because finding an algorithm
that could solve any NP-complete problem implies that there is a general-purpose algorithm
that could solve all NP-complete problems of the same class.


Metaheuristics methods are widely employed to handle NP-complete problems with
attributes such as uncertainty and vast search spaces. The metaheuristic approach’s main
idea is to find a solution with an acceptable quality rather than finding an optimal one.
Another characteristic of metaheuristics methods is that they are incomplete such that they
do not guarantee to find a solution if one exists. In literature, the metaheuristics methods are
classified into global-based approaches (also known as population-based approaches) and
local-based approaches.

Nature designs generally inspire the global-based metaheuristics
to solve optimization problems [1–3], such as the Ant Colony Optimization [4], which 

was mainly inspired by ants’ actions and behaviors searching for food. Moreover, the
Genetic algorithms (GA metaheuristics) [5] are other examples that were primarily derived
from the natural selection process that is based on past knowledge that is stored in many
chromosomes (mainly derived from Charles Darwin theory [6]) and used to make future
decisions on the selection process. In recent years, Swarm Intelligence (SI) global-based
metaheuristics have shown significant improvements in the overall process of handling
optimization problems, mainly when applied for solving real-world industrial optimization
problems such as scheduling [7,8], vehicle routing [9]. The underlying general framework
in swarm intelligence depends on a decision-making process involving a broad range of
information gathered from multiple dimensions and sub-domains of the search space. For
instance, when searching for a solution using a SI technique, two factors are considered
to evaluate the current search stage progress: (1) the improvement of the current search
stage cost and (2) the impact of the current search stage on the overall improvement of the
objective cost function of the search process.


The other metaheuristic category proposed almost four decades ago and received a
high level of researcher’s attention is local search-based metaheuristics (LS). LS techniques
share most of the characteristics of the global-based metaheuristics such as incompleteness,
and the ability to handle NP-complete optimization problems when covering all possible solution
within the search space is not feasible due to a limitation in computational resources.
Our focus on this research is local search metaheuristics, specifically the general-purpose
weighting dynamic local search techniques for SAT.


In 1971, the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) (also known as propositional satisfiability
problem, or SAT for short) was proven to be an NP-complete as in Reference [10],
which motivated researchers around the world to come up with general mechanisms for
solving SAT. However, no such mechanisms exist and engineering a general mechanism
to tackle the SAT problem still an open area for research and experimentation. Stochastic
local search (SLS) techniques efficiently handle problems encoded into SAT. Therefore,
researchers over the decades are motivated to enhance the performance of SLS techniques.


SAT problems are of great interest to researchers as a wide range of real-world problems
are encoded into SAT in areas like artificial intelligence such as planning, scheduling,
and other areas such as cryptography or bioinformatics, computer theory, engineering,
operation research, physics, to mention a few.


In recent years, handling real-world problems through stochastic local search (SLS)
techniques has evolved dramatically, which has lead to the production of more sophisticated
general-purpose stochastic local search algorithms.



The evolution of SLS varies from proposing simple yet efficient approaches such as tabu search [25,26], and simulated annealing [18–20]), to more sophisticated approaches such as scatter search [27], evolutionary
algorithms [28], dynamic local search [23,24,29,30], and hybrid SLS [31,32].



In this paper, we are interested in dynamic local search weighting algorithms, as this
family of algorithms forms one of the four general-purpose mechanisms for solving SAT [33].


More specifically, we are interested in investigating the setting of the initial weights, as, to
the best of our knowledge, the first and only try in this direction was made in Reference [34]


where a new algorithm is proposed by Ishtaiwi et al., known as DDFW(Divide and distribute
fixed weights), in which the initial weights were set to 8, instead of 1.


Therefore, a crucial question appears here: is there a way to allocate the initial value of the weights so that it
optimizes the search process’s performance and reduces the time it takes to reach a solution
with higher efficiency than the currently existing algorithms.



In the next Section 2, we discuss the preliminaries that are used within the paper.
In Section 3, we discuss a general overview of the similarities and differences among the
state-of-the-art clause weighting SLS solvers. In Section 3.1, we broadly investigate the
initial weight setting impact on the state-of-the-art clause weighting SLS. Then, in Section 4,
we propose a new novel mechanism to assign the clauses’ weights dynamically. We show
that changing the current method of weight initialization is dramatically improved by our
novel method. Then, in Section 5, we illustrate the improvements experimentally gains
by our approach, and then we analyze the results, and then, the conclusion is drawn in
Section 6.









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