Coverage-Based Clause Reduction Heuristics for CDCL Solvers

Nabeshima H., Inoue K. (2017) Coverage-Based Clause Reduction Heuristics for CDCL Solvers. In: Gaspers S., Walsh T. (eds) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2017. SAT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10491. Springer, Cham.



Many heuristics, such as decision, restart, and clause reduction heuristics, are incorporated in CDCL solvers in order to improve performance. In this paper, we focus on learnt clause reduction heuristics, which are used to suppress memory consumption and sustain propagation speed. 译文:在本文中,我们关注于学习子句约简启发式,用于抑制内存消耗和保持传播速度。

The reduction heuristics consist of evaluation criteria, for measuring the usefulness of learnt clauses, and a reduction strategy in order to select clauses to be removed based on the criteria.

LBD (literals blocks distance) is used as the evaluation criteria in many solvers. For the reduction strategy, we propose a new concise schema based on the coverage ratio of used LBDs. 译文:一种新的基于已用lbd覆盖率的简明模式.The experimental results show that the proposed strategy can achieve higher coverage than the conventional strategy and improve the performance for both SAT and UNSAT instances.


1 Introduction

  Many heuristics, such as decision, phase selection, restart, and clause reduction heuristics, are used in CDCL solvers in order to improve performance. For example, Katebi et al., show that decision and restart heuristics have resulted in significant performance improvement in their paper evaluating the components of CDCL solvers [5]. In this paper, we focus on clause reduction heuristics, which remove useless learnt clauses in order to suppress memory consumption and sustain propagation speed. Clause reduction is practically required since CDCL solvers learn a large number of clauses while solving. The reduction heuristics consist of evaluation criteria to measure the usefulness of learnt clauses and the reduction strategy for selecting clauses to be removed based on the criteria.

As the former evaluation criteria, LBD (literals blocks distance) [1] is implemented in many solvers. LBD is an excellent measure to identify learnt clauses that are likely to be used frequently.

In this paper, we present experimental evidence of the identification power of LBD in a wide range of instances. Moreover, we show that an appropriate threshold for LBD, which are used to decide if clauses should be maintained or not, is determined depending on a given instance. However, a certain fixed threshold of LBD is often used in latter reduction strategies. In this paper, we propose a new reduction strategy based on the coverage of used LBDs, which dynamically computes an appropriate LBD threshold in order to cover most propagations and conflicts. The experimental results show that our schema effectively maintains the used clauses and achieves performance improvement for both SAT and UNSAT instances.

  The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 reviews clause reduction heuristics used in CDCL solvers. In Sects. 3 and 4, we provide experimental results, in order to clarify the property of LBD, and to point out some issues in the LBD-based reduction strategy, respectively. Our proposed reduction strategy is described in Sect. 5. Section 6 shows the experimental results and Sect. 7 concludes this paper.

2 Clause Reduction Heuristics


The CDCL algorithm repeats the following two operations until a conflict occurs.1.

  1. Unit propagation: the unassigned literal in each unit clause is assigned as true to satisfy the clause. This operation repeats until there is no unit clause.

  2. Decision: when no unit clauses exist, an unassigned literal is selected and a truth value (true or false) is assigned to it.

  For each assigned literal l, the decision level of l is defined as the number of decision literals on and before assigning l. By dl(l)dl(l), we denote the decision level of the literal l. When a conflict (falsified clause) occurs in the first step, the algorithm analyzes a cause of the conflict and learns a clause from the cause in order to prevent repeating the same conflict. The learnt clause is added to the clause database; then, the algorithm backjumps to the appropriate decision level computed from the clause.
  CDCL solvers learn a large number of clauses during the search process of a given SAT instance. Hence, solvers should reduce the clause database periodically in order to suppress memory consumption and sustain propagation speed. In this section, we introduce reduction heuristics based on LBD, which was firstly introduced in Glucose solver. First, we present the evaluation criteria LBD in order to sort learnt clauses according to usefulness.译文:我们提出了LBD的评价标准,以便根据有用性对学习过的句子进行排序。

Definition 1


By lbd(C), we denote the LBD of clause C. When a learnt clause is generated, the LBD of the clause is computed based on the current assignment. Additionally, the LBD is updated when the clause is used in unit propagations and the new LBD is smaller than the old one1. Literals with the same decision level have a possibility to be assigned at the same time in the future. Hence, small LBD clauses have a high possibility, which will be used in unit propagations and conflicts. We show the experimental evidence in the next section.


  Next, we review the clause reduction strategy used in Glucose. The clause database reduction is executed every l first +l inc ×xl first +l inc ×x conflicts2, where x is the number of reduction calls (initially x=0x=0). On each reduction, clauses are reduced according to the following policy that contains two exceptional conditions:
  • Half of learnt clauses are removed in descending order of LBD except the following clauses.

    • keeps clauses whose LBDs 2≤2 (these are called glue clauses).

    • keeps clauses used after the last reduction and updated LBD is less than a certain threshold.

  In the following, we refer the above base policy and two exceptional conditions as BP, E1 and E2, respectively. This Glucose reduction strategy and its derivatives are used in many solvers. For example, Lingeling dynamically selects either Glucose-based or classical activity-based strategies [4]. If the standard deviation of the LBDs of learnt clauses is too small or too large, then, the activity-based strategy is selected. MapleCOMSPS uses the reduction strategy combining both. This keeps clauses whose LBDs 6≤6, while others are managed by the activity-based strategy. In addition, clauses with LBDs of 4 to 6, which have not been used for a while, are managed by the activity-based strategy [8]. In Sect. 4, we show some issues in the Glucosereduction strategy.


3 Experimental Evaluation of LBD


LBD is a well-known criterion for identifying learnt clauses that are likely to be used frequently. In this section, we present the experimental evidence of LBD usefulness in a wide variety of instances. From the results, we design our reduction strategy based on LBD. Throughout the paper, we use 755 instances, excluding duplicates, from the application instances used in competitions over the last 3 years,3 as benchmark instances. All experiments were conducted on a Core i5 (1.4 GHz) with 4 GB memory. We set the timeout for solvers to 5,000 CPU seconds. We used our SAT solver GlueMiniSat 2.2.10. The main difference with Glucose is that GlueMiniSat uses the lightweight in-processing techniques [7]. Detailed results and the source code of GlueMiniSat can be found at




Fig. 1.

Distribution of LBDs of learnt clauses (left) and used LBDs (right). Instances are sorted by ascending order of CPU time. (Color figure online)







(2)总的看来全体样例蓝绿色比例都较高。说明:小lbd(值为1-2)的学习子句被经常使用于BCP传播,即propagations or conflicts are caused by LBD 2 clauses。


  Figure 1 shows the distributions of LBDs of learnt clauses (left) and used LBDs (right) for each instance. In this experiment, learnt clause reduction was disabled; that is, the solver held every learnt clause. The numbers in the legend represent LBDs. The red line in the left graph will be explained in Sect. 4. Each stacked bar in the left graph represents the ratio distribution of LBDs, for all learnt clauses, after the solver stopped (e.g., if there are 10% learnt clauses whose LBDs are 2, the height of LBD 2 bar is 10%). In the right graph, each bar represents the ratio distribution of clause LBDs, which caused propagations or conflicts (e.g., if 50% of propagations or conflicts are caused by LBD 2 clauses, then the height of the LBD 2 bar is 50%).

The left graph shows that learnt clauses have various LBDs. In easy instances at the left end of the graph, small LBDs are somewhat dominant; however, the other instances have many different LBDs. On the other hand, from the right graph, it is clear that most propagations or conflicts are caused by small LBD clauses. This strongly supports the identification power of the LBD criterion.



4 Issues of Glucose Reduction Strategy


On the other hand, the interval between reductions increases exponentially. This means that the ratio of number of clauses that can be newly held, gradually approaches 0 as k increases. This is the first issue regarding BP.



The red line in the left graph of Fig. 1 represents the upper bound of the number of clauses held when following BP. In most instances, the number of glue clauses exceeds the bound.译文:在大多数情况下,glue子句的数量超过了限制


Glue clauses are never removed by E1. As a result, the solver can not hold new non-glue clauses at all, as long as it follows BP and E1.译文:Glue子句不会被E1删除。因此,解算器根本不能保留新的无胶条款,只要遵循BP和E1。


Even with a high residual ratio, the increment becomes a constant by (3); therefore, the issue essentially remains. Moreover, by keeping only glue clauses (E1) is sometimes insufficient to cover most propagations and conflicts.译文:即使残差率很高,增量也变为常数(3);因此,这个问题基本上仍然存在。此外,仅保留glue子句(E1)有时不足以覆盖大多数传播和冲突


In the right graph of Fig. 1, the purple and green bars at the bottom represent the ratio of LBD 1 and 2. This indicates that the appropriate upper bound of LBD depends on a given instance. These are the second issue regarding E1.译文:底部的紫色和绿色条代表LBD 1和2的比例。这表明LBD的适当上限取决于给定的实例。

  In Glucose, clauses used after the last reduction and with LBD less than, or equal to 30, are not removed (E2). The right graph in Fig. 1 shows that this threshold can cover most propagations and conflicts; however, it may be overly retentive. This is the third issue related to E2.译文:在葡萄糖中,在最后一次还原后使用的、LBD小于或等于30的子句不被移除(E2)。从图1的右图可以看出,这个阈值可以覆盖大部分的传播和冲突;然而,它可能会过度保留。这是与E2有关的第三个问题。
  In the next section, we propose a new concise reduction strategy to address the above mentioned concerns.






    (5)the appropriate upper bound of LBD depends on a given instance.LBD的适当上界取决于给定的实例。

5 Coverage-Based Reduction Strategy


Most propagations and conflicts are caused by small LBD clauses. We propose a reduction strategy to dynamically compute the upper bound of LBD in order to cover most propagations and conflicts.





      (2)记录拥有small LBD 的学习子句被使用的次数;





 Fig. 2.

Holding ratio of coverage of 80% (left) and 99% (right) for unsolved instances. Instances are sorted by ascending order of holding ratio. (Color figure online)

  Next, we consider the trade-off between coverage and number of kept clauses. A high coverage requires the retention of a large number of clauses. Figure 2 exhibits the holding ratio, which is the number of maintained clauses at the termination of solver divided by the total number of learnt clauses, when we specify the coverage as 80% (left) and 99% (right). The red line represents the holding ratio and the white line denotes the ratio of unused and held clauses4. At the right end of the left graph, the red line is 30% and the white line is 10%. This means that a maximum of 30% of learnt clauses are required to cover at least 80% of uses of learnt clauses, and that a maximum of 10% of clauses are unused. The right graph at Fig. 2 shows that it is necessary to keep the majority of clauses in order to cover almost all uses, in the worst case, and that approximately half of them are not used.




In order to suppress the number of held clauses while covering propagations and conflicts as much as possible, we classify learnt clauses into three types: coresupport, and other clauses. 译文:为了在尽可能覆盖传播和冲突的同时抑制持有子句的数量,我们将学习到的子句分为三类:核心子句、支持子句和其他子句。

We make core clauses cover most uses (e.g. 80%), and support clauses cover the remains (e.g. 99%). We give support clauses a short lifetime since their number can be enormous; we give core clauses a longer lifetime, where the lifetime n of clause C means that C will be removed when it is unused while n reductions occur. We provide the formal definition of core, support, and other clauses. Let C be a clause, and c core and c supp  be the specified coverage of core and support clauses (c core c supp c core ≤c supp ), respectively.



6 Experimental Results



 Fig. 3.

Time to solve instances







  Table 1 shows the number of instances solved by each solver and Fig. 3 is the cactus plot of these results. GlueMiniSat, with the Glucose schema, has better performance than Glucose. The coverage schema can further improve performance for both SAT and UNSAT instances. MapleCOMSPS and Lingeling show the superior results for SAT and UNSAT instances, respectively. GlueMiniSat, with the coverage schema, shows that the well-balanced result and total number of solved instances are comparable with these state of the art solvers.

Table 2 is the comparison of statistics between Glucose and coverage schema. Each value in the first 5 lines denotes the average for commonly solved 494 instances of both strategies. The first two lines in the table show that the Glucose schema reduces more clauses than the coverage schema; hence, the Glucose schema shows higher propagation speed.

On the other hand, the coverage schema requires shorter CPU time and less conflicts in order to solve instances.

It shows that the coverage schema can hold more useful clauses than the Glucose schema.译文:结果表明,覆盖模式比葡萄糖模式包含更多有用的子句。


In the coverage schema, the reduction of learnt clauses is slightly faster since the computational cost is O(n) while the Glucose schema is O(nlogn)。


The last three lines in Table 2 are the results of different experiments, in which each solver does not actually remove learnt clauses to calculate coverage, precision, and recall. Each value indicates the average for commonly solved 406 instances. Coverage in Table 2 is the ratio of the number of used clauses that are caused only by maintained clauses to the total number of used clauses that are caused by all clauses. Precision is the ratio of used and held clauses to held clauses; recall is the ratio of used and held clauses to used clauses. In the coverage schema, these values have improved. This indicates that the coverage schema can better identify which clauses will be used.





     (2)针对性的确定哪些学习子句应当被保留(不仅依据LBD值和已知的使用次数)?——样例的结构挖掘以及求解过程的跨区域连接(cross gule)学习子句保留或许是一个方向.

7 Conclusion

  We have shown that LBD can identify which clauses will be used, and proposed a concise and lightweight coverage-based reduction strategy, which provides an appropriate LBD threshold in order to cover most propagations and conflicts. The experimental results show that the coverage schema can effectively hold clauses to be used. Many solvers use LBD as an evaluation criterion for learnt clauses. Our approach can be applicable to such solvers.



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