

#ifndef _arena_hpp_INCLUDED
#define _arena_hpp_INCLUDED

namespace CaDiCaL {


This memory allocation arena provides fixed size pre-allocated memory for the moving garbage collector 'copy_non_garbage_clauses' in 'collect.cpp' to hold clauses which should survive garbage collection.



The advantage of using a pre-allocated arena is that the allocation order  of the clauses can be adapted in such a way that clauses watched by the  same literal are allocated consecutively. This improves locality during propagation and thus is more cache friendly.



A similar technique is  implemented in MiniSAT and Glucose and gives substantial speed-up in  propagations per second even though it might even almost double peek  memory usage. Note that in MiniSAT this arena is  ctually required for  MiniSAT to be able to use 32 bit clauses references instead of 64 bit  pointers. This would restrict the maximum number of clauses and thus is  a restriction we do not want to use anymore.




New learned clauses are allocated in CaDiCaL outside of this arena and moved to the arena during garbage collection. The additional 'to' space required for such a moving garbage collector is only allocated for those  clauses surviving garbage collection, which usually needs much less  memory than all clauses.




The net effect is that in our implementation the moving garbage collector using this arena only needs roughly 50% more  memory than allocating the clauses directly. Both implementations can be  compared by varying the 'opts.arenatype' option (which also controls the  allocation order of clauses during moving them).


// The standard sequence of using the arena is as follows:
// Arena arena;
// ...
// arena.prepare (bytes);
// q1 = arena.copy (p1, bytes1);
// ...
// qn = arena.copy (pn, bytesn);
// assert (bytes1 + ... + bytesn <= bytes);
// arena.swap ();
// ...
// if (!arena.contains (q)) delete q;
// ...
// arena.prepare (bytes);
// q1 = arena.copy (p1, bytes1);
// ...
// qn = arena.copy (pn, bytesn);
// assert (bytes1 + ... + bytesn <= bytes);
// arena.swap ();
// ...
// One has to be really careful with 'qi' references to arena memory.译文:一个人必须非常小心使用“qi”来引用竞技场内存。





 1 struct Internal;
 3 class Arena {
 5   Internal * internal;
 7   struct { char * start, * top, * end; } from, to;
 9 public:
11   Arena (Internal *);
12   ~Arena ();
14   // Prepare 'to' space to hold that amount of memory.  Precondition is that
15   // the 'to' space is empty.  The following sequence of 'copy' operations
16   // can use as much memory in sum as pre-allocated here.
17   // 准备“to”空间来容纳这些内存。前提条件是“to”空间是空的。
18 void prepare (size_t bytes); 19 20 // Does the memory pointed to by 'p' belong to this arena? More precisely 21 // to the 'from' space, since that is the only one remaining after 'swap'. 22 //p指向的记忆属于这个竞技场吗?更准确地说,是“from”空间,因为它是“swap”之后唯一剩下的空间。 23 bool contains (void * p) const { 24 char * c = (char *) p; 25 return from.start <= c && c < from.top; 26 } 27 28 // Allocate that amount of memory in 'to' space. This assumes the 'to' 29 // space has been prepared to hold enough memory with 'prepare'. Then 30 // copy the memory pointed to by 'p' of size 'bytes'. Note that it does 31 // not matter whether 'p' is in 'from' or allocated outside of the arena. 32 //

33 char * copy (const char * p, size_t bytes) { 34 char * res = to.top; 35 to.top += bytes; 36 assert (to.top <= to.end); 37 memcpy (res, p, bytes); 38 return res; 39 } 40 41 // Completely delete 'from' space and then replace 'from' by 'to' (by 42 // pointer swapping). Everything previously allocated (in 'from') and not 43 // explicitly copied to 'to' with 'copy' becomes invalid. 44 //
完全删除'from'空间,然后替换'from' by 'to'(通过指针交换)。
45 void swap (); 46 };


 1 #include "internal.hpp"
 3 namespace CaDiCaL {
 5 Arena::Arena (Internal * i) {
 6   memset (this, 0, sizeof *this);
 7   internal = i;
 8 }
10 Arena::~Arena () {
11   delete [] from.start;
12   delete [] to.start;
13 }
15 void Arena::prepare (size_t bytes) {
16   LOG ("preparing 'to' space of arena with %zd bytes", bytes);
17   assert (!to.start);
18   to.top = to.start = new char[bytes];
19   to.end = to.start + bytes;
20 }
22 void Arena::swap () {
23   delete [] from.start;
24   LOG ("delete 'from' space of arena with %zd bytes",
25     (size_t) (from.end - from.start));
26   from = to;
27   to.start = to.top = to.end = 0;
28 }
30 }


posted on 2020-07-25 23:30  海阔凭鱼跃越  阅读(182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报