Armin Biere Katalin Fazekas Mathias Fleury Maximilian Heisinger

Institute for Formal Models and Verification Johannes Kepler University Linz



Abstract—This system description describes our new SAT solver KISSAT, how it differs from CADICAL, as well as changes made to CADICAL.

We further present our new distributed cubeand-conquer solver PARACOOBA. Previous parallel SAT solvers PLINGELING and TREENGELING in essence remain unchanged.


Compared to the 2019 version of CADICAL [1], we have improved inprocessing by implementing conditioning [2].

However, this feature does not seem to improve performance and is not enabled by default (“--condition=true”).

The major difference is the implementation of a three-tier system [3] to decide which clauses should be kept during clause reduction: tier-0 clauses (LBD <=2) are kept forever,tier-1 clauses (2 < LBD <= 6) survive one round of reduction,whereas tier-2 clauses can be deleted immediately. In any case,clauses used since the last reduction are not deleted.


Experiments with large formulas, such as the DIMACS formula “p cnf 2147483647 0” resulted in the following

Even though CaDiCaL can handle formulas with INT MAX variables, it needs a substantial amount of main
memory (more than 512 GB) as well as long time for initialization.

One reason is using the C++ container “std::vector” for most data structures (e.g., to hold flags, values, decision levels, reasons, scores).

They are also mostly zero initialized. Instead, we now use the C memory allocator “calloc”. It provides zero initialization on-demand by the virtual memory system and reduces resident set size accordingly.


This design decision also raised the question, whether we can reuse some other features of LINGELING [4] to further reduce memory.

In KISSAT we therefore completely inline binary clauses in watcher stacks to reduce the size of watches
from 16 bytes in CADICAL to 4 bytes for binary and 8 bytes for large clauses (due to the blocking literal).


This in turn requires to use 4-byte offsets instead of pointers to reference large (non-binary) clauses. Note that binary clauses were still allocated in CADICAL in the memory arena holding clauses in the same way as larger clauses.

In KISSAT they now really only exist in watcher lists. LINGELING even inlined ternary clauses which we consider less useful now.


We also revisited the data structure for holding watches (watched lists).

In KISSAT we use a dedicated implementation of stacks of watchers, requiring only two offsets (of together
8 bytes in the compact competition configuration) instead of 3 pointers (requiring 24 bytes on a 64-bit architecture).

This became possible by assuming that the all-bits-one word is not a legal watch and free memory in the watcher stack arena is marked with all-bits-one words.

Pushing a watch on a watcher stack requires checking whether the word after the top element is illegal (all-bits-one). If so, it is overwritten.

Otherwise the whole stack is moved to the end of the allocated part in the watcher arena. This produces the overhead that once in a while the watcher arena requires defragmentation and is usually performed after collecting redundant clauses in “reduce”.


In order to distinguish binary and large watches in watcher stacks, we use bit-stuffing as in LINGELING.

This leaves effectively 31 bits to reference large clauses. Since these large clauses are allocated 8-byte aligned in the clause arena, the maximum size of this arena is 8231 bytes (16GB).

Note that in practice many large CNFs consist mostly of binary clauses,which due to inlining do not require any space in this arena.

Further, beside data structures for variables, watch lists occupy a large fraction of the overall memory. Actually the largest CNFs we ever encountered in applications easily stay below this limit while in total KISSAT reaches 100GB memory usage.




On top of that, other solvers including CADICAL often need more than 4 times more main memory than KISSAT.



Due to inlining binary clauses redundant and irredundant binary clauses have to be distinguished [5], which requires another watcher bit (“redundant”).

Finally, as in CADICAL,hyper binary resolvents are generated in vasts amounts [6] during failed literal probing and vivification [7] and have to be recycled quite aggressively.

To mark these hyper binary resolvents we need a third watcher bit (“hyper”) and the effective number of bits for literals is reduced to 29. Thus, the solver can only handle 268 435 455 = 228 -1 variables.

  In “dense mode” (during for instance variable elimination) the solver maintains full occurrence lists for all irredundant clauses. In the default “sparse mode” (during search) only two literals per large clause are watched and large clause watches have an additional blocking literal.

Thus, as in LINGELING, watch sizes vary between one and two words, whichs lead to very cumbersome and verbose watch list traversal code in LINGELING repeated all over the source code.

For KISSAT we were able to almost completely encapsulate this complexity using macros. The resulting code resembles ranged-based for loops in C++[11] as introduced in CADICAL last year.译文:对于KISSAT,我们几乎可以使用宏完全封装这种复杂性。结果代码类似于去年CADICAL中介绍的c++[11]中基于范围的for循环。


These improved data structures described above obviously require too many changes and we decided to start over with a new solver.译文:上述这些改进的数据结构显然需要进行太多的更改,因此我们决定使用一个新的求解器重新开始。


In order to keep full control of memory layout, it was written in C. Otherwise we ported all the important  algorithms from CADICAL, and were also able to reconfirm their effectiveness in a fresh implementation.


In this regard using “target phases” as introduced last year in CADICAL [1] should be emphasized, which after careful porting, gave a large improvement on satisfiable instances.译文:在这方面,应该强调使用去年在CADICAL[1]中介绍的“目标阶段”,经过仔细移植,在可满足的实例上有了很大的改进。





We want to highlight the following algorithmic differences.译文:我们想强调以下算法的不同之处

The first version of CADICAL had a sophisticated implementation of forward subsumption, building on the one in SPLATZ inspired by [8], which was efficient enough to be applied to learned clauses too. Only later we added vivification [9],which is now used in most state-of-the-art solvers, and is particularly effective on learned clauses [7].



Thus subsumption on learned clauses becomes less important and we only apply it on irredundant clauses before and during bounded variable elimination.译文:因此,对已习得的子句的包容就不那么重要了,我们只在有界变量消去之前和消去过程中对非冗余子句进行包容。

We have both a fast forward subsumption pass for all clauses as well incremental backward but now also forward subsumption during variable elimination, carefully monitoring variables occurring in added or removed (irredundant) clauses, which allows us to focus the inprocessing effort.译文:我们对所有子句都有快进式包容,在变量消除过程中也有增量式的向后包容,但现在也有向前包容,仔细监控在添加或删除(非荣誉的)子句中发生的变量,这使我们能够专注于处理过程。


The clause arena keeps irredundant clauses before redundant clauses, which allows during reduction of learned clauses in “reduce” to traverse only the redundant part of the arena.译文:arena子句将非冗余子句保留在冗余子句之前,这样在对“reduce”中的已学子句进行减少时,可以只遍历arena的冗余部分。

Since watches contain offsets to large clauses in the arena we can completely avoid visiting irredundant (original) clauses during this procedure.

This substantially reduces the hot-spot of flushing and reconnecting watchers in watch lists during clause reduction.译文:这大大减少了子句减少期间刷新和重新连接监视列表中的监视者的热点

Note, that “reduce” beside “restart” is the most frequently called procedure in a CDCL solver (after the core procedures “propagate”, “decide”, and “analyze”).译文:注意,“重启”旁边的“reduce”是CDCL求解器中最常调用的过程(在核心过程“传播”、“决定”和“分析”之后)。


In comparison to CADICAL inprocessing procedures are
scheduled slightly differently. First there is no forward subsumption
of clauses outside of the “eliminate” procedure. In
KISSAT compacting the variable range is part of “reduce”
and actually always performed if new variables became inactive 

(eliminated, substituted or unit). Otherwise “probe” and
“eliminate” call the same algorithms as in CADICAL, except
for vivification which became part of “probe” and duplicated
binary clause removal (aka hyper unary resolution), which has
moved from “subsume” (thus in CADICAL triggered during
search and during variable elimination) to “eliminate”.


More importantly we have a more sophisticated scaling
procedure for the number of conflicts between calls to “probe”
and “eliminate”, which as in CADICAL takes the size of the
formula into account, but now applies an additional scaling
function instead of just linearly increasing the base interval in
terms of n denoting how often the procedure was executed.


For variable elimination (“elim”) the scaling function of the
base conflict interval is n  log2 n. For “probe” it is n  log n.
Similarly we scale the base conflict interval for “reduce” by
n= log n, while for “rephase” it remains linear. More precisely
as logarithm we use log10(n+10). Thus “reduce” occurs most
often, followed by “rephase”, then “probe” and least often
“elim”, all in the long run, independently of the base conflict
interval, and the initial conflict interval.


Since boolean constraint propagation is considered the hotspot for SAT solvers, CADICAL uses separate specialized propagation procedures during search, failed literal probing and vivification.译文:由于布尔约束传播被认为是SAT求解的热点,CADICAL使用单独的专门传播程序用于搜索,失败的文字探测和增强活跃性。

In KISSAT we have factored out propagation code in a header file which can be instantianted slightly differently
by these procedures, so taking advantage of dedicated propagation code while keeping the code in one place.



The concept of quiet “stable phases” without many restarts and “non-stable phases” with aggressive restarting was renamed.译文:不需要多次重启安静“稳定阶段”主动重启的“非稳定阶段”被重新命名。

We call it now “stable mode” and “focused mode” to avoid the name clash with “phases” in “phase saving”
(and “target phases”).译文:我们现在称其为“稳定模式”和“聚焦模式”,以避免在“阶段保存”中与“阶段”发生名称冲突(“阶段目标”)。

We further realized that mode switching should not entirely be based on conflicts, since the conflict rate per second varies substantially with and without frequent restarts (as well as using target phases during stable mode).译文:我们进一步认识到模式切换不应该完全基于冲突,因为在频繁重启和不重启的情况下(以及在稳定模式下使用目标阶段),每秒的冲突率会有很大变化。


Since the solver starts in focused mode, these focused mode intervals can still be based on a (quadratically) increasing conflict interval.译文:由于求解器在聚焦模式下启动,这些聚焦模式间隔仍然可以基于一个(二次)递增的冲突间隔。

For the next stable interval we then attempt to use the same time.译文:对于下一个稳定区间,我们尝试使用相同的时间。

Of course, in order to keep the solver deterministic, this requires to use another metric than run time.译文:当然,为了保持求解器的确定性,这需要使用比运行时更重要的指标

In CADICAL we simply doubled the conflict interval after each mode switch which did not perform as well in our
experiments as this new scheme.译文:在实验中,我们简单地将每次模式切换后的冲突时间间隔增加了一倍,但这种方法的效果并不理想。


Our first attempt to limit the time spend in stable mode was to use the number of propagations as metric. But this was not precise enough, since propagations per second still vary substantially with and without many restarts.译文:我们在稳定模式下限制时间花费的第一个尝试是使用传播数量作为度量。但是这还不够精确,因为在多次重启和不重启的情况下,每秒的传播仍然有很大的差异

Instead we now count “ticks”, which approximate the number of cache lines accessed during propagations.译文:相反,我们现在计算“滴答”,它近似于传播期间访问的缓存线路数

This refines what Donald Knuth calls “mems” but lifted to cache lines and restricted to only count watcher stack access and large clause dereferences, ignoring for instance accessing the value of a literal.译文:这改进了Donald Knuth所称的“mems”,但将其提升为缓存线路,并限制仅计算观察者堆栈访问和大子句解引用,而忽略了例如访问一个文字值的情况。


Cache line counting is necessary because in certain large instances with almost exclusively binary clauses most time is spend in accessing the watches with inlined binary clauses in watcher stacks and not in dereferencing large clauses, while in general, and for other instances with a more balanced fraction of large and binary clauses, a single clause dereference is still considerably more costly than accessing an inlined binary clause.译文:高速缓存线路计算是必要的,因为在某些大型实例几乎完全二进制条款大部分时间花在访问内联二进制条款的手表观察家堆栈,而不是在非关联化大条款,而一般来说,和其他实例与一个更为平衡的一部分大型和二进制的条款,一个条款废弃仍然是昂贵得多比访问一个内联二进制条款。

Computing these “ticks” was useful limit the time spent in other procedures, e.g., vivification, in terms of time spent during search (more precisely the time spend in propagation).译文:计算这些“滴滴涕”是有用的,可以限制花费在其他程序上的时间,例如在搜索期间花费的时间(更精确地说,花在传播上的时间)。


While porting the idea of target phases [1], we realized that erasing the current saved phases by for instance setting them to random phases, might destroy the benefit of saved phases to remember satisfying assignments of disconnected components of the CNF [10].


Instead of decomposing the CNF explicitly into disconnected components, as suggested in [10], we simply
compute the largest autarky of the full assignment represented by saved phases, following an algorithm originally proposed by Oliver Kullman (also described in [2]).

译文:与[10]中建议的将CNF显式分解为断开连接的组件不同,我们只是按照最初由Oliver Kullman提出的算法(也在[2]中描述)计算由保存的阶段表示的完整分配的最大自定义。


This unique autarky contains all the satisfying assignments
for disconnected components (as well as for instance pure literals).

If the autarky is non-empty, its variables are considered
to be eliminated and all clauses touched by it are pushed on
the reconstruction stack.

We determine this autarky each time
before we erase saved phases in “rephase” and once again if
new saved phases have been determined through local search.


Finally, combining chronological backtracking [11] with
CDCL turns out to break almost the same invariants [12] as onthe-
fly self-subsuming resolution [13], [14] and thus we added
both, while CADICAL is missing the latter.

Both techniques
produce additional conflicts without learning a clause and thus
initially we based all scheduling on the number of learned
clauses instead on the number of conflicts, but our experiments
revealed that using the number of conflicts provides similar
performance and we now rely on that for scheduling.


As last year for CADICAL we submit three configurations of KISSAT, one targeting satisfiable instances (“sat”) always using target phases (also in focused mode), one for unsatisfiable instances (“unsat”), which stays in focused mode, and the default configuration (“default”), which alternates between stable and focused mode as described above, but only uses target phases in stable mode.

译文:与去年CADICAL相比,我们提交三个配置of KISSAT:








Our new solver PARACOOBA [15] has been submitted to
the cloud track. It is a distributed cube-and-conquer solver.
The input DIMACS is split on the master node into various
subproblems (cubes) that can be solved independently. The
work is distributed over the network first from the master
node to other nodes and then across nodes depending on the
workload of nodes.


The “quality” of the cubes is important for the efficiency of
the solver. We have submitted two versions to the competition:
one relies on the state-of-the-art lookahead solver MARCH [16]
for splitting; another uses our own implementation of treebased
lookahead [6]. Our implementation is part of CADICAL
and is much less tuned than MARCH. It is run with a timeout
and, whenever splitting takes too long (more than 30 s), we
fall back on the number of occurrences.


During solving, whenever a subproblem takes too long, i.e.,
based on a moving average of solving times, then we split
the problem again into two or more subproblems. If many
nodes are unused, we generate more (and hopefully simpler)
subproblems in order to increase the amount of work that can
be distributed onto further nodes.


Generated subproblems are solved using the incremental
version of CADICAL described below in Sect. V and we aim
at solving similar cubes on the same CADICAL instance to
reuse the results of previous inprocessing.





We submitted PLINGELING and TREENGELING to the parallel track.

Compared to the version submitted to the 2018 SAT Competition [17] we have made essentially no changes
to PLINGELING and TREENGELING nor to the SAT solver LINGELING that is used internally.





CADICAL also enters the incremental track of the competition.

It relies on our method [18] to identify and restore the necessary clauses when new clauses are added and can
thereby make use of most of all the implemented inprocessing techniques.译文:在添加新子句时,它依赖于我们的方法[18]来标识和恢复必要的子句,因此可以利用大多数已实现的inprocessing技术。

A sequence of incremental problems is considered as a stand-alone run from the perspective of inprocessing
scheduling, i.e. none of the relevant inprocessing counters are reset in between iterations.


The assumptions of each iteration are internally frozen (i.e. excluded from inprocessing), but beyond that there is no special treatment regarding them. 译文:每个迭代的假设在内部被冻结(即被排除在inprocessing之外),但除此之外,没有关于它们的特殊处理。




Our solvers are all available under MIT license at for CADICAL, for KISSAT, for PARACOOBA,




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