Maple_CM_ordUP+, Based on Maple_LCM --Copyright (c) 2018, Chu-Min LI, Mao Luo, Fan Xiao:

implementing a clause minimisation approach and selects the conflicts to re-order the first UIPs conflict in function of the branching heuristics VSIDS and LRB.


该求解器设计 学习子句、原始子句minimization;延迟restarts;蕴含图的First UIP 冲突的选择与排序






M. Luo, C.-M. Li, F. Xiao, F. Manya, and Z. L¨u, “An effective learnt clause minimization approach for CDCL SAT solvers,” in Proceedings of IJCAI, 2017, pp. 703–711.


MapleCOMSPS DRUP      ——>     Maple LCM 2017           ——>     Maple CM 2018 且有三个变体

2016冠军(J. H. Liang)        2017年冠军 (Li,基于文章1思路改进)             2018年版本(li)


Maple CM Dist: is Maple CM but uses a special branching heuristic called Distance for the first 50,000 conflicts;

Maple CM ordUIP: is Maple CM but reorders the first UIPs implying some conflicts selected under specific conditions;

Maple CM ordUIP+: is Maple CM ordUIP but selects the conflicts to re-order the first UIPs conflict in
function of the branching heuristics VSIDS and LRB.



4. Blocking Restarts and Re-ordering UIPs in Maple CM ordUIP

The block-restart mechanism was introduced in Glucose 2.1 [6] for postponing a restart, when the solver is estimated to be approaching a global solution using a heuristic, in order to find quickly the global solution.

In Maple CM ordUIP, we push further the block-restart mechanism of Glucose. When the solver derives a conflict
but is estimated to be approaching a global solution, it is forbidden to restart the search at least for the next 50 conflicts. 译文:在Maple CM ordUIP中,我们进一步推进glocose的阻断重启机制。当求解者得到一个冲突,但估计将接近一个全局解决方案时,至少禁止重启对未来50个冲突的搜索。

In addition, it constructs a complete implication graph of the conflict to collect the first UIP (Unique Implication
Point [7]) of every decision level involved in the conflict, in order to re-order these first UIPs and re-produce the conflict as described below.译文:此外,它还构建了一个完整的冲突蕴涵图来收集每个决策级别涉及的冲突第一个UIP(唯一蕴涵)点[7]),,以重新排序这些第一个UIPs和重新产生冲突。

Recall that a UIP in a decision level is a literal l such that every path from the decision literal of the level to the
conflict goes through l. The first UIP (denoted by 1UIP) in the level is the closest UIP to the conflict in the level. 译文:该级别中的第一个UIP(由1UIP表示)是该级别中最接近冲突的UIP. Literal l1 is said to imply literal l2 if l2 occurs in a path from l1 to the conflict. When the solver identifies the 1UIP in a level, it estimates also the total number of vertices it implies. 译文:当求解器在某个级别中识别出1UIP时,它还会估计它所蕴含的顶点总数。


Then, the solver backtracks so that all decisions in the complete implication graph are canceled, and continues the
search from there by picking the decision literals from the collected 1UIPs in decreasing order of the total number of
literals they imply, breaking ties in favor of the 1UIP with the smallest decision level in the implication graph.回溯之后,继续搜索时,从收集的1UIPs中按照所蕴含的总文字数的递减顺序挑选决策文字。 


Concretely, each time Maple_CM_ordUIP derives a conflict after the first 105 conflicts, it calls Algorithm 3 before
analyzing the conflict. In the algorithm, nbC_For_restart and nbC_For_reOrder are two global variables that are
incremented by 1 upon each conflict.冲突次数超过105次之后,每当冲突发生,全局变量nbC_For_restart和nbC_For_reOrder数值加1.


Restart is possible only if nbC_For_Restart is greater than 50.  当nbC_For_reOrder的值大于50次之后,才允许启动重启模式。

In other words, when the 1UIPs are re-ordered, the next restart or the next 1UIP re-ordering is possible only after the next 50 conflicts. 译文:换句话说,当1UIPs被重新排序时,只有在接下来的50个冲突之后才有可能进行下一次重启下一次1UIP重新排序

If unit propagation derives an empty clause C0, function unitPropagate(l) returns C0; otherwise, it returns “no conflict”.  译文:如果单元传播派生一个空子句C0,函数unitPropagate(l)返回C0;否则,返回“无冲突”。


5. Blocking Restarts and Re-ordering UIPs in Maple CM ordUIP+

Maple_CM, like MapleCOMSPS_DRUP and Maple_LCM, first uses the LRB heuristic for 2500 seconds and switches to the VSIDS heuristic for the remaining run time. 首先在2500秒内使用LRB启发式,并在剩余运行时切换到VSIDS启发式。

It appears that the LRB heuristic is more powerful to solve satisfiable instances, whereas the VSIDS heuristic is more powerful to solve unsatisfiable instances. 译文:结果表明,LRB启发式在解决可满足的实例时更有效,而VSIDS启发式在解决不可满足的实例时更有效。

So, we implement Maple_CM_ordUIP+, that is Maple_CM_ordUIP but selects the conflict to re-order the 1UIPs differently in function of the branching heuristic used to derive the conflict.

  • In a restart using VSIDS, Maple CM ordUIP+ reorders the 1UIPs implying the first conflict as in Algorithm 3.
  • In a restart using LRB, Maple CM ordUIP+ behaves as Maple CM ordUIP.

Intuitively, the first conflict is the most important in a restart, because it determines the search direction in the

Maple CM ordUIP+ aims at reinforcing the capability of the VSIDS heuristic to find a global solution of the instance, by branching first on the 1UIPs implying the greatest number of literals in a restart.译文:Maple CM ordUIP+的目标是增强VSIDS启发式的能力,以找到实例的全局解决方案,方法是首先在1UIPs上分支,这意味着在重启中有最多的字量






[1] J. H. Liang, V. Ganesh, P. Poupart, and K. Czarnecki, “Learning rate based branching heuristic for SAT solvers,” in Proceedings of SAT, 2016, pp. 123–140.[2] J. H. Liang, C. Oh, V. Ganesh, K. Czarnecki, and P. Poupart, “MapleCOMSPS, MapleCOMSPS LRB, MapleCOMSPS CHB,” in SAT Competition,2016, p. 52.
[3] M. Luo, C.-M. Li, F. Xiao, F. Manya, and Z. L¨u, “An effective learnt clause minimization approach for CDCL SAT solvers,” in Proceedings of IJCAI, 2017, pp. 703–711.
[4] G. Audemard and L. Simon, “Predicting learnt clauses quality in modern SAT solvers,” in Proceedings of IJCAI-2009, 2009, pp. 399–404.
[5] M. Moskewicz, C. Madigan, Y. Zhao, L. Zhang, and S. Malik, “Chaff:Engineering an efficient SAT solver,” in Proceedings of DAC-2001,2001.
[6] G. Audemard and L. Simon, “Refining restarts strategies for SAT and UNSAT,” in Proceedings of CP, 2012, pp. 118–126.
[7] L. Zhang, C. Madigan, M. Moskewicz, and S. Malik, “Efficient conflict driven learning in a Boolean satisfiability solver,” in Proceedings of ICCAD-2001, 2001, pp. 279–285.





vec<CRef> usedClauses;

bool simplifyUsedOriginalClauses();

MyQueue<int> trailQueue;

void simpleCancelUntil(int level);
CRef reorderDecisions(CRef confl);
vec<Var> branchVars;
uint64_t nbReorder, normalNbReorder, normalGoodNbReorder, goodNbReorder;


bool        simplifyOriginalClauses();

vec<int> pathCs;
vec<double> var_iLevel;
int collectFirstUIP(CRef confl);

struct decision_lt {
const vec<double>& var_iLevel;
const vec<VarData>& vardata;
bool operator () (Var x, Var y) const {
return var_iLevel[x] > var_iLevel[y] ||
(var_iLevel[x] == var_iLevel[y] && vardata[x].level < vardata[y].level);
decision_lt(const vec<double>& iLevel, const vec<VarData>& vardata_) : var_iLevel(iLevel), vardata(vardata_) { }

 // based on Maple_LCMsimpAllWithC5w+2+oriClsGoodConf20+lbd1+blockResNbTotalFix2+1e-200LRB

, trailQueue (5000)
, nbReorder (0)
, normalNbReorder (0)
, normalGoodNbReorder (0)
, goodNbReorder (0)



 1 struct clauseSize_lt {
 2     ClauseAllocator& ca;
 3     clauseSize_lt(ClauseAllocator& ca_) : ca(ca_) {}
 4     bool operator () (CRef x, CRef y) const { return ca[x].size() > ca[y].size(); }
 5 };
 7 #define simpLimit 100000000
 8 #define tolerance 100
10 bool Solver::simplifyOriginalClauses() {
12     int last_shorten=0, nbOriginalClauses_before = clauses.size();
13     vec<Lit> lits;
15     int nbShortened=0, ci, cj, nbRemoved=0, nbShortening=0;
17     // sort(clauses, clauseSize_lt(ca));
18     printf("c total nb of literals: %llu\n", clauses_literals);
19     // if (clauses.size()> simpLimit) {
20     //   printf("c too many original clauses (> %d), no original clause minimization \n",
21     //          simpLimit);
22     //   return true;
23     // }
24     double      begin_simp_time = cpuTime();
25     for (ci = 0, cj = 0; ci < clauses.size(); ci++){
26         CRef cr = clauses[ci];
27         Clause& c = ca[cr];
28         // printf("%d \n", c.size());
29         if (removed(cr)) continue;
30         // if (ci - last_shorten > tolerance)
31         //    clauses[cj++] = clauses[ci];
32         // else
33         if (s_propagations>simpLimit && ci-last_shorten>tolerance)
34             clauses[cj++] = clauses[ci];
35         else{
36             if (drup_file){
37                 add_oc.clear();
38                 for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) add_oc.push(c[i]); }
40             if (simplifyLearnt(c, cr, lits)) {
41                 if(drup_file && add_oc.size()!=lits.size()){
42 #ifdef BIN_DRUP
43                     binDRUP('a', lits , drup_file);
44                     binDRUP('d', add_oc, drup_file);
45 #else
46                     for (int i = 0; i < lits.size(); i++)
47                         fprintf(drup_file, "%i ", (var(lits[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(lits[i]) + 1));
48                     fprintf(drup_file, "0\n");
50                     fprintf(drup_file, "d ");
51                     for (int i = 0; i < add_oc.size(); i++)
52                         fprintf(drup_file, "%i ", (var(add_oc[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(add_oc[i]) + 1));
53                     fprintf(drup_file, "0\n");
54 #endif
55                 }
57                 nbShortening++;
58                 if (lits.size() == 1){
59                     // when unit clause occur, enqueue and propagate
60                     uncheckedEnqueue(lits[0]);
61                     if (propagate() != CRef_Undef){
62                         ok = false;
63                         return false;
64                     }
65                     // delete the clause memory in logic
66                     c.mark(1);
67           ;
68                 }
69                 else {
70                     if (c.size() > lits.size()) {
71                         nbShortened++; nbRemoved += c.size() - lits.size(); last_shorten = ci;
72                     }
73                     detachClause(cr, true);
74                     for(int i=0; i<lits.size(); i++)
75                         c[i]=lits[i];
76                     c.shrink(c.size()-lits.size());
77                     attachClause(cr);
78                     assert(c == ca[cr]);
79                     clauses[cj++] = clauses[ci];
80                     //  c.setSimplified(2);
81                 }
82             }
83         }
84     }
85     clauses.shrink(ci - cj);
86     double avg;
87     if (nbShortened>0)
88         avg= ((double)nbRemoved)/nbShortened;
89     else avg=0;
90 //    printf("c nbOriginalClauses before/after: %d / %d, nbShortening: %d, nbShortened: %d, avg nbLits removed: %4.2lf\n",
91 //           nbOriginalClauses_before, clauses.size(), nbShortening, nbShortened, avg);
92 //    printf("c Original clause minimization time: %5.2lfs, number UPs: %llu\n",
93 //           cpuTime() - begin_simp_time, s_propagations);
95     return true;
96 }



 1 Var Solver::newVar(bool sign, bool dvar)
 2 {
 3     int v = nVars();
 4     watches_bin.init(mkLit(v, false));
 5     watches_bin.init(mkLit(v, true ));
 6     watches  .init(mkLit(v, false));
 7     watches  .init(mkLit(v, true ));
 8     assigns  .push(l_Undef);
 9     vardata  .push(mkVarData(CRef_Undef, 0));
10     activity_CHB  .push(0);
11     activity_VSIDS.push(rnd_init_act ? drand(random_seed) * 0.00001 : 0);
13     picked.push(0);
14     conflicted.push(0);
15     almost_conflicted.push(0);
17     canceled.push(0);
18 #endif
20     seen     .push(0);
21     seen2    .push(0);
22     polarity .push(sign);
23     decision .push();
24     trail    .capacity(v+1);
25     setDecisionVar(v, dvar);
28     pathCs     .push(0);
29     var_iLevel .push(0);
31     return v;
32 }



  1 void Solver::analyze(CRef confl, vec<Lit>& out_learnt, int& out_btlevel, int& out_lbd)
  2 {
  3     int pathC = 0;
  4     Lit p     = lit_Undef;
  6     // Generate conflict clause:
  7     //
  8     out_learnt.push();      // (leave room for the asserting literal)
  9     int index   = trail.size() - 1;
 11     int saved;
 12     saved = usedClauses.size();
 14     do{
 15         assert(confl != CRef_Undef); // (otherwise should be UIP)
 16         Clause& c = ca[confl];
 18         // For binary clauses, we don't rearrange literals in propagate(), so check and make sure the first is an implied lit.
 19         if (p != lit_Undef && c.size() == 2 && value(c[0]) == l_False){
 20             assert(value(c[1]) == l_True);
 21             Lit tmp = c[0];
 22             c[0] = c[1], c[1] = tmp; }
 24         int lbd = computeLBD(c);
 25         if (lbd < c.lbd()){
 26             if (lbd == 1)
 27                 c.setSimplified(0);
 28             if (c.simplified() > 0)
 29                 c.setSimplified(c.simplified()-1);
 30             if (c.learnt()) {
 31                 if (c.lbd() <= 30) c.removable(false); // Protect once from reduction.
 32                 // move confl into CORE or TIER2 if the new lbd is small enough
 33                 if  (c.mark() != CORE){
 34                     if (lbd <= core_lbd_cut){
 35                         learnts_core.push(confl);
 36                         c.mark(CORE);
 37                     }else if (lbd <= 6 && c.mark() == LOCAL){
 38                         // Bug: 'cr' may already be in 'learnts_tier2', e.g., if 'cr' was demoted from TIER2
 39                         // to LOCAL previously and if that 'cr' is not cleaned from 'learnts_tier2' yet.
 40                         learnts_tier2.push(confl);
 41                         c.mark(TIER2); }
 42                 }
 43             }
 44             c.set_lbd(lbd);
 45         }
 46         if (c.learnt()) {
 47             if (c.mark() == TIER2)
 48                 c.touched() = conflicts;
 49             else if (c.mark() == LOCAL)
 50                 claBumpActivity(c);
 51         }
 52         else {
 53             if (c.used()==0 && c.simplified()==0) {
 54                 // if (c.used()==0 && c.lbd() <= lbdLimitForOriCls) {
 55                 usedClauses.push(confl);
 56                 c.setUsed(1);
 57             }
 58         }
 60         for (int j = (p == lit_Undef) ? 0 : 1; j < c.size(); j++){
 61             Lit q = c[j];
 63             if (!seen[var(q)] && level(var(q)) > 0){
 64                 if (VSIDS){
 65                     varBumpActivity(var(q), .5);
 66                     add_tmp.push(q);
 67                 }else
 68                     conflicted[var(q)]++;
 69                 seen[var(q)] = 1;
 70                 if (level(var(q)) >= decisionLevel()){
 71                     pathC++;
 72                 }else
 73                     out_learnt.push(q);
 74             }
 75         }
 77         // Select next clause to look at:
 78         while (!seen[var(trail[index--])]);
 79         p     = trail[index+1];
 80         confl = reason(var(p));
 81         seen[var(p)] = 0;
 82         pathC--;
 84     }while (pathC > 0);
 85     out_learnt[0] = ~p;
 87     // Simplify conflict clause:
 88     //
 89     int i, j;
 90     out_learnt.copyTo(analyze_toclear);
 91     if (ccmin_mode == 2){
 92         uint32_t abstract_level = 0;
 93         for (i = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++)
 94             abstract_level |= abstractLevel(var(out_learnt[i])); // (maintain an abstraction of levels involved in conflict)
 96         for (i = j = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++)
 97             if (reason(var(out_learnt[i])) == CRef_Undef || !litRedundant(out_learnt[i], abstract_level))
 98                 out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i];
100     }else if (ccmin_mode == 1){
101         for (i = j = 1; i < out_learnt.size(); i++){
102             Var x = var(out_learnt[i]);
104             if (reason(x) == CRef_Undef)
105                 out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i];
106             else{
107                 Clause& c = ca[reason(var(out_learnt[i]))];
108                 for (int k = c.size() == 2 ? 0 : 1; k < c.size(); k++)
109                     if (!seen[var(c[k])] && level(var(c[k])) > 0){
110                         out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i];
111                         break; }
112             }
113         }
114     }else
115         i = j = out_learnt.size();
117     max_literals += out_learnt.size();
118     out_learnt.shrink(i - j);
119     tot_literals += out_learnt.size();
121     out_lbd = computeLBD(out_learnt);
122     if (out_lbd <= 6 && out_learnt.size() <= 30) // Try further minimization?
123         if (binResMinimize(out_learnt))
124             out_lbd = computeLBD(out_learnt); // Recompute LBD if minimized.
126     // Find correct backtrack level:
127     //
128     if (out_learnt.size() == 1)
129         out_btlevel = 0;
130     else{
131         int max_i = 1;
132         // Find the first literal assigned at the next-highest level:
133         for (int i = 2; i < out_learnt.size(); i++)
134             if (level(var(out_learnt[i])) > level(var(out_learnt[max_i])))
135                 max_i = i;
136         // Swap-in this literal at index 1:
137         Lit p             = out_learnt[max_i];
138         out_learnt[max_i] = out_learnt[1];
139         out_learnt[1]     = p;
140         out_btlevel       = level(var(p));
141     }
143     if (VSIDS){
144         for (int i = 0; i < add_tmp.size(); i++){
145             Var v = var(add_tmp[i]);
146             if (level(v) >= out_btlevel - 1)
147                 varBumpActivity(v, 1);
148         }
149         add_tmp.clear();
150     }else{
151         seen[var(p)] = true;
152         for(int i = out_learnt.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--){
153             Var v = var(out_learnt[i]);
154             CRef rea = reason(v);
155             if (rea != CRef_Undef){
156                 const Clause& reaC = ca[rea];
157                 for (int i = 0; i < reaC.size(); i++){
158                     Lit l = reaC[i];
159                     if (!seen[var(l)]){
160                         seen[var(l)] = true;
161                         almost_conflicted[var(l)]++;
162                         analyze_toclear.push(l); } } } } }
164     if (out_lbd > lbdLimitForOriCls) {
165         for(int i = saved; i < usedClauses.size(); i++)
166             ca[usedClauses[i]].setUsed(0);
167         usedClauses.shrink(usedClauses.size() - saved);
168     }
170     for (int j = 0; j < analyze_toclear.size(); j++) seen[var(analyze_toclear[j])] = 0;    // ('seen[]' is now cleared)
171 }



  1 int Solver::collectFirstUIP(CRef confl){
  2     branchVars.clear();
  3     Clause& c=ca[confl]; int minLevel=decisionLevel();
  4     for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++) {
  5         Var v=var(c[i]);
  6         if (level(v)>0) {
  7             assert(!seen[v]);
  8             seen[v]=1;
  9             var_iLevel[v]=0;
 10             pathCs[level(v)]++;
 11             if (minLevel>level(v)) {
 12                 minLevel=level(v);
 13                 assert(minLevel>0);
 14             }
 15         }
 16     }
 17     int limit=trail_lim[minLevel-1]; //begining position of level minLevel
 18     for(int i=trail.size()-1; i>=limit; i--) {
 19         Lit p=trail[i]; Var v=var(p);
 20         if (seen[v]) {
 21             int currentDecLevel=level(v);
 22             seen[v]=0;  var_iLevel[v] += 1e-200;
 23             if (--pathCs[currentDecLevel]==0) {
 24                 // v is the last var of the level directly involved in the conflict
 25                 branchVars.push(v);
 26             }
 27             else {
 28                 assert(reason(v) != CRef_Undef);
 29                 Clause& rc=ca[reason(v)];
 30                 if (rc.size()==2 && value(rc[0])==l_False) {
 31                     // Special case for binary clauses
 32                     // The first one has to be SAT
 33                     assert(value(rc[1]) != l_False);
 34                     Lit tmp = rc[0];
 35                     rc[0] =  rc[1], rc[1] = tmp;
 36                 }
 37                 for (int j = 1; j < rc.size(); j++){
 38                     Lit q = rc[j]; Var v1=var(q);
 39                     if (level(v1) > 0) {
 40                         if (minLevel>level(v1)) {
 41                             minLevel=level(v1); limit=trail_lim[minLevel-1];     assert(minLevel>0);
 42                         }
 43                         if (seen[v1]) {
 44                             // if (var_iLevel[v1]<reasonVarLevel)
 45                             var_iLevel[v1]+=var_iLevel[v]; //=reasonVarLevel;
 46                         }
 47                         else {
 48                             var_iLevel[v1]=var_iLevel[v];     //reasonVarLevel;
 49                             //   varBumpActivity(v1);
 50                             seen[v1] = 1;
 51                             pathCs[level(v1)]++;
 52                         }
 53                     }
 54                 }
 55             }
 56         }
 57     }
 58     return minLevel;
 59 }
 61 void Solver::simpleCancelUntil(int level) {
 62     if (decisionLevel() > level){
 63         for (int c = trail.size()-1; c >= trail_lim[level]; c--){
 64             Var      x  = var(trail[c]);
 66             assigns [x] = l_Undef;
 67             if (phase_saving > 1 || (phase_saving == 1) && c > trail_lim.last())
 68                 polarity[x] = sign(trail[c]);
 69             insertVarOrder(x);
 70         }
 71         qhead = trail_lim[level];
 72         trail.shrink(trail.size() - trail_lim[level]);
 73         trail_lim.shrink(trail_lim.size() - level);
 74     }
 75 }
 77 CRef Solver::reorderDecisions(CRef confl) {
 78     int minConflictLevel;
 80     branchVars.clear();
 82     minConflictLevel = collectFirstUIP(confl);
 83     //printf("===%d, %d, %d=== \n", trail_lim.size(), branchVars.size(), trail.size());
 85     // if (firstConfl)
 86     //   cancelUntil(0);
 87     // else
 88     cancelUntil(minConflictLevel-1);
 89     sort(branchVars, decision_lt(var_iLevel, vardata));
 91     for(int i=0; i<branchVars.size(); i++) {
 92         Var var=branchVars[i];
 93         // if (VSIDS)
 94         //printf("%10.1lf %d || ", var_iLevel[var], vardata[var].level);
 95         // else  printf("%5.4lf ", activity_CHB[var]);
 96         if (value(var) == l_Undef) {
 97             Lit lit=mkLit(var, polarity[var]);
 98             newDecisionLevel();
 99             uncheckedEnqueue(lit);
100             CRef confl = propagate();
101             if (confl != CRef_Undef) {
102                 if (trail_lim.size() < branchVars.size())
103                     normalGoodNbReorder++;
104                 else
105                     normalNbReorder++;
106                 //printf("\n%d, %d**\n\n", trail_lim.size(), trail.size());
107                 return confl;
108             }
109         }
110     }
111     goodNbReorder++;
112     //printf("\n%d, %d$$\n\n", trail_lim.size(), trail.size());
113     //    printf("$$$$\n\n");
114     return CRef_Undef;
115 }
117 double R_reorder = 1.2;
118 int reorderStart;


 1 // Garbage Collection methods:
 3 void Solver::relocAll(ClauseAllocator& to)
 4 {
 5     // All watchers:
 6     //
 7     // for (int i = 0; i < watches.size(); i++)
 8     watches.cleanAll();
 9     watches_bin.cleanAll();
10     for (int v = 0; v < nVars(); v++)
11         for (int s = 0; s < 2; s++){
12             Lit p = mkLit(v, s);
13             // printf(" >>> RELOCING: %s%d\n", sign(p)?"-":"", var(p)+1);
14             vec<Watcher>& ws = watches[p];
15             for (int j = 0; j < ws.size(); j++)
16                 ca.reloc(ws[j].cref, to);
17             vec<Watcher>& ws_bin = watches_bin[p];
18             for (int j = 0; j < ws_bin.size(); j++)
19                 ca.reloc(ws_bin[j].cref, to);
20         }
22     // All reasons:
23     //
24     for (int i = 0; i < trail.size(); i++){
25         Var v = var(trail[i]);
27         if (reason(v) != CRef_Undef && (ca[reason(v)].reloced() || locked(ca[reason(v)])))
28             ca.reloc(vardata[v].reason, to);
29     }
31     // All learnt:
32     //
33     for (int i = 0; i < learnts_core.size(); i++)
34         ca.reloc(learnts_core[i], to);
35     for (int i = 0; i < learnts_tier2.size(); i++)
36         ca.reloc(learnts_tier2[i], to);
37     for (int i = 0; i < learnts_local.size(); i++)
38         ca.reloc(learnts_local[i], to);
40     // All original:
41     //
42     int i, j;
43     for (i = j = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++)
44         if (ca[clauses[i]].mark() != 1){
45             ca.reloc(clauses[i], to);
46             clauses[j++] = clauses[i]; }
47     clauses.shrink(i - j);
49     // All original used clauses
50     for (i = j = 0; i < usedClauses.size(); i++)
51         if (ca[usedClauses[i]].mark() != 1){
52             ca.reloc(usedClauses[i], to);
53             usedClauses[j++] = usedClauses[i]; }
54     usedClauses.shrink(i - j);
56 //    printf("c **** garbage collection done ****\n");
57 }


 1 // NOTE: assumptions passed in member-variable 'assumptions'.
 2 lbool Solver::solve_()
 3 {
 4 #ifdef _MSC_VER_Sleep
 5     std::thread t(sleep, 2500);
 6     t.detach();
 7 #else
 8     signal(SIGALRM, SIGALRM_switch);
 9     alarm(2500);
10 #endif
12     model.clear(); usedClauses.clear();
13     conflict.clear();
14     if (!ok) return l_False;
16     solves++;
18     max_learnts               = nClauses() * learntsize_factor;
19     learntsize_adjust_confl   = learntsize_adjust_start_confl;
20     learntsize_adjust_cnt     = (int)learntsize_adjust_confl;
21     lbool   status            = l_Undef;
23     if (verbosity >= 1){
24         printf("c ============================[ Search Statistics ]==============================\n");
25         printf("c | Conflicts |          ORIGINAL         |          LEARNT          | Progress |\n");
26         printf("c |           |    Vars  Clauses Literals |    Limit  Clauses Lit/Cl |          |\n");
27         printf("c ===============================================================================\n");
28     }
30     add_tmp.clear();
32     if (!simplifyOriginalClauses()){
33 #ifdef BIN_DRUP
34         if (drup_file) binDRUP_flush(drup_file);
35 #endif
36         return l_False;
37     }
39     VSIDS = true;
40     int init = 10000;
41     while (status == l_Undef && init > 0 /*&& withinBudget()*/)
42         status = search(init);
43     VSIDS = false;
44     //   VSIDS = true;
45     // Search:
46     int curr_restarts = 0;
47     while (status == l_Undef /*&& withinBudget()*/){
48         if (VSIDS){
49             int weighted = INT32_MAX;
50             status = search(weighted);
51         }else{
52             int nof_conflicts = luby(restart_inc, curr_restarts) * restart_first;
53             curr_restarts++;
54             status = search(nof_conflicts);
55         }
56         if (!VSIDS && switch_mode){
57             VSIDS = true;
58             printf("c Switched to VSIDS.\n");
59             fflush(stdout);
60             picked.clear();
61             conflicted.clear();
62             almost_conflicted.clear();
64             canceled.clear();
65 #endif
66         }
67     }
69     if (verbosity >= 1)
70         printf("c ===============================================================================\n");
72     printf("c nbReorder: %llu (%llu, %llu, %llu) with Rreorder %4.2lf at start %d\n",
73            nbReorder, normalNbReorder, normalGoodNbReorder, goodNbReorder, R_reorder, reorderStart);
75 #ifdef BIN_DRUP
76     if (drup_file && status == l_False) binDRUP_flush(drup_file);
77 #endif
79     if (status == l_True){
80         // Extend & copy model:
81         model.growTo(nVars());
82         for (int i = 0; i < nVars(); i++) model[i] = value(i);
83     }else if (status == l_False && conflict.size() == 0)
84         ok = false;
86     cancelUntil(0);
88     return status;
89 }


  1 lbool Solver::search(int& nof_conflicts)
  2 {
  3     assert(ok);
  4     int         backtrack_level;
  5     int         lbd;
  6     vec<Lit>    learnt_clause;
  7     bool        cached = false;
  9     bool firstConfl;
 10     int conflictsForReorder;
 11     conflictsForReorder=0; firstConfl=true;
 13     starts++;
 15     // simplify
 16     //
 17     if (conflicts >= curSimplify * nbconfbeforesimplify){
 18         nbSimplifyAll++;
 19 //        printf("c ### simplifyAll %llu on conflict : %lld and restart: %lld and nbReorder: %llu (%llu, %llu, %llu) with Rreorder %4.2lf\n",
 20 //               nbSimplifyAll, conflicts, starts, nbReorder, normalNbReorder, normalGoodNbReorder, goodNbReorder, R_reorder);
 21         if (!simplifyAll()){
 22             return l_False;
 23         }
 24         curSimplify = (conflicts / nbconfbeforesimplify) + 1;
 25         nbconfbeforesimplify += incSimplify;
 26     }
 28     for (;;){
 29         CRef confl = propagate();
 31         if (confl != CRef_Undef){
 32             // CONFLICT
 33             if (VSIDS){
 34                 if (--timer == 0 && var_decay < 0.95) timer = 5000, var_decay += 0.01;
 35             }else
 36                 if (step_size > min_step_size) step_size -= step_size_dec;
 38             conflicts++; nof_conflicts--;
 39             if (conflicts == 100000 && learnts_core.size() < 100) core_lbd_cut = 5;
 40             if (decisionLevel() == 0) return l_False;
 42             trailQueue.push(trail.size()); conflictsForReorder++;
 44             // if (nbReorder < starts/100 && R_reorder > 1.1) R_reorder -= 0.01;
 46             if (conflicts > 100000 &&
 47                 ((VSIDS && firstConfl) ||
 48                  (!VSIDS && conflictsForReorder > 50 && trail.size() > 2*trailQueue.avg()))) {
 49                     if (VSIDS)
 50                         lbd_queue.clear();
 51                     else if (nof_conflicts < 50) nof_conflicts = 50;
 52                     conflictsForReorder = 0; nbReorder++; reorderStart=starts;
 53                     // if (nbReorder > starts/5 && R_reorder < 5) R_reorder += 0.01;
 54                     confl = reorderDecisions(confl);
 55                     firstConfl = false;
 56                     if (confl == CRef_Undef)
 57                         continue;
 58                 }
 60             learnt_clause.clear();
 61             analyze(confl, learnt_clause, backtrack_level, lbd);
 62             cancelUntil(backtrack_level);
 64             lbd--;
 65             if (VSIDS){
 66                 cached = false;
 67                 conflicts_VSIDS++;
 68                 lbd_queue.push(lbd);
 69                 global_lbd_sum += (lbd > 50 ? 50 : lbd); }
 71             if (learnt_clause.size() == 1){
 72                 uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0]);
 73             }else{
 74                 CRef cr = ca.alloc(learnt_clause, true);
 75                 ca[cr].set_lbd(lbd);
 76                 if (lbd <= core_lbd_cut){
 77                     learnts_core.push(cr);
 78                     ca[cr].mark(CORE);
 79                 }else if (lbd <= 6){
 80                     learnts_tier2.push(cr);
 81                     ca[cr].mark(TIER2);
 82                     ca[cr].touched() = conflicts;
 83                 }else{
 84                     learnts_local.push(cr);
 85                     claBumpActivity(ca[cr]); }
 86                 attachClause(cr);
 87                 uncheckedEnqueue(learnt_clause[0], cr);
 88             }
 89             if (drup_file){
 90 #ifdef BIN_DRUP
 91                 binDRUP('a', learnt_clause, drup_file);
 92 #else
 93                 for (int i = 0; i < learnt_clause.size(); i++)
 94                     fprintf(drup_file, "%i ", (var(learnt_clause[i]) + 1) * (-2 * sign(learnt_clause[i]) + 1));
 95                 fprintf(drup_file, "0\n");
 96 #endif
 97             }
 99             if (VSIDS) varDecayActivity();
100             claDecayActivity();
102             /*if (--learntsize_adjust_cnt == 0){
103              learntsize_adjust_confl *= learntsize_adjust_inc;
104              learntsize_adjust_cnt    = (int)learntsize_adjust_confl;
105              max_learnts             *= learntsize_inc;
107              if (verbosity >= 1)
108              printf("c | %9d | %7d %8d %8d | %8d %8d %6.0f | %6.3f %% |\n",
109              (int)conflicts,
110              (int)dec_vars - (trail_lim.size() == 0 ? trail.size() : trail_lim[0]), nClauses(), (int)clauses_literals,
111              (int)max_learnts, nLearnts(), (double)learnts_literals/nLearnts(), progressEstimate()*100);
112              }*/
114         }else{
115             // NO CONFLICT
116             bool restart = false;
117             if (!VSIDS)
118                 restart = nof_conflicts <= 0;
119             else if (!cached){
120                 restart = lbd_queue.full() && (lbd_queue.avg() * 0.8 > global_lbd_sum / conflicts_VSIDS);
121                 cached = true;
122             }
123             if (restart /*|| !withinBudget()*/){
124                 lbd_queue.clear();
125                 cached = false;
126                 // Reached bound on number of conflicts:
127                 progress_estimate = progressEstimate();
128                 cancelUntil(0);
129                 return l_Undef; }
131             // Simplify the set of problem clauses:
132             if (decisionLevel() == 0 && !simplify())
133                 return l_False;
135             if (conflicts >= next_T2_reduce){
136                 next_T2_reduce = conflicts + 10000;
137                 reduceDB_Tier2(); }
138             if (conflicts >= next_L_reduce){
139                 next_L_reduce = conflicts + 15000;
140                 reduceDB(); }
142             Lit next = lit_Undef;
143             /*while (decisionLevel() < assumptions.size()){
144              // Perform user provided assumption:
145              Lit p = assumptions[decisionLevel()];
146              if (value(p) == l_True){
147              // Dummy decision level:
148              newDecisionLevel();
149              }else if (value(p) == l_False){
150              analyzeFinal(~p, conflict);
151              return l_False;
152              }else{
153              next = p;
154              break;
155              }
156              }
158              if (next == lit_Undef)*/{
159                  // New variable decision:
160                  decisions++;
161                  next = pickBranchLit();
163                  if (next == lit_Undef)
164                      // Model found:
165                      return l_True;
166              }
168             // Increase decision level and enqueue 'next'
169             newDecisionLevel();
170             uncheckedEnqueue(next);
171         }
172     }
173 }


posted on 2020-06-28 22:58  海阔凭鱼跃越  阅读(237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报