Learning Rate Based Branching Heuristic for SAT Solvers

Liang J.H., Ganesh V., Poupart P., Czarnecki K. (2016) Learning Rate Based Branching Heuristic for SAT Solvers. In: Creignou N., Le Berre D. (eds) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2016. SAT 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9710. Springer, Cham


In this paper, we propose a framework for viewing solver branching heuristics as optimization algorithms where the objective is to maximize the learning rate, defined as the propensity for variables to generate learnt clauses. By viewing online variable selection in SAT solvers as an optimization problem, we can leverage a wide variety of optimization algorithms, especially from machine learning, to design effective branching heuristics.


In particular, we model the variable selection optimization problem as an online multi-armed bandit, a special-case of reinforcement learning, to learn branching variables such that the learning rate of the solver is maximized. We develop a branching heuristic that we call learning rate branching or LRB, based on a well-known multi-armed bandit algorithm called exponential recency weighted average and implement it as part of MiniSat and CryptoMiniSat.


  LRB与multi-armed bandit algorithm的关系:使用指数移动权值平均算法实现LRB。


We upgrade the LRB technique with two additional novel ideas to improve the learning rate by accounting for reason side rate and exploiting locality. The resulting LRB branching heuristic is shown to be faster than the VSIDS and conflict history-based (CHB) branching heuristics on 1975 application and hard combinatorial instances from 2009 to 2014 SAT Competitions. We also show that CryptoMiniSat with LRB solves more instances than the one with VSIDS. These experiments show that LRB improves on state-of-the-art.




Learning Rate Slot Machine Implication Graph CDCL Solver Clause Learning 


主要内容: learning rate branching (LRB) heuristic



  • alfa取值固定,一般取 0.4;
  • r为与学习率(作为reward)——分子为参与学习子句充当文字或者在冲突分析蕴含图冲突一侧的计数,分母为变元被赋值到变元赋值被取消这段时间中生成总的学习子句数量。

                                      r =

That is, variables with high LR are the ones that frequently appear in the generated learnt clause and/or the conflict side of the implication graph. 



3.Extension: Reason Side Rate (RSR)

Let A(vI) be the number of learnt clauses which v reasons in generating in interval I and let L(I) be the number of learnt clauses generated in interval I. The reason side rate (RSR) of variable v at interval I is defined as

考虑变元处于reason side 一侧时的贡献,则改进的公式:


4.Extension: Locality


Recent research shows that VSIDS exhibits locality [20], defined with respect to the community structure of the input CNF instance [12025]. Intuitively, if the solver is currently working within a community, it is best to continue focusing on the same community rather than exploring another. We hypothesize that high LR variables also exhibit locality, that is, the branching heuristic can achieve higher LR by restricting exploration.

1 Introduction

branching heuristic (and its variants)  文献
 VSIDS  被提出在2001年 【24】
VSIDS的改进系列版本  [7151628]
 conflict analysis techniques  【23】
  the conflict history-based (CHB) branching heuristic   2016年  [19]
 learning rate branching (LRB)  2016年  
 phase-saving  【26】 
 Exponential Recency Weighted Average (ERWA) 【31】
 the decay reinforcement model [13,32]  【13】【32】


Modern Boolean SAT solvers are a critical component of many innovative techniques in security, software engineering, hardware verification, and AI such as solver-based automated testing with symbolic execution [9], bounded model checking [11] for software and hardware verification, and planning in AI [27] respectively.

对branching heuchrishtics思考视角:

In this paper, we introduce a general principle for designing branching heuristics wherein online variable selection in SAT solvers is viewed as an optimization problem. 
The objective to be maximized is called the learning rate (LR), a numerical characterization of a variable’s propensity to generate learnt clauses. The goal of the branching heuristic, given this perspective, is to select branching variables that will maximize the cumulative LR during the run of the solver. 
Intuitively, achieving a perfect LR of 1 implies the assigned variable is responsible for every learnt clause generated during its lifetime on the assignment trail.



  • Contribution I: We define a principle for designing branching heuristics, that is, a branching heuristic should maximize the learning rate (LR). We show that this principle yields highly competitive branching heuristics in practice.

  • Contribution II: We show how to abstract online variable selection in the multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework. This abstraction provides an interface for applying MAB algorithms directly as branching heuristics. Previously, we developed the conflict history-based (CHB) branching heuristic [19], also inspired by MAB. The key difference between this paper and CHB is that in the case of CHB the rewards are known a priori, and there is no metric being optimized. Whereas in this work, the learning rate is being maximized and is unknown a priori, which requires a bona fide machine learning algorithm to optimize under uncertainty.

  • Contribution III: We use the MAB abstraction to develop a new branching heuristic called learning rate branching (LRB). The heuristic is built on a well-known MAB algorithm called exponential recency weighted average (ERWA). Given our domain knowledge of SAT solving, we extend ERWA to take advantage of reason side rate and locality [20] to further maximize the learning rate objective. We show in comprehensive apple-to-apple experiments that it outperforms the current state-of-the-art VSIDS [24] and CHB [19] branching heuristics on 1975 instances from four recent SAT Competition benchmarks from 2009 to 2014 on the application and hard combinatorial categories. Additionally, we show that a modified version of CryptoMiniSat with LRB outperforms Glucose, and is very close to matching Lingeling over the same set of 1975 instances.


2 Preliminaries


2.1 Simple Average and Exponential Moving Average


2.2 Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB)


2.3 Clause Learning


2.4 The VSIDS Branching Heuristic



 3. Learning Rate 定义


For example, suppose variable v is assigned by the branching heuristic after 100 learnt clauses are produced. It par-
ticipates in producing the 101-st and 104-th learnt clause. Then v is unassigned after the 105-th learnt clause is produced. In this case, P(v, I) = 2 and L(I) = 5 and hence the LR of variable v is 2/5.


The exact LR of a variable is usually unknown during branching. In the previous example, variable v was picked by the  branching heuristic after 100 learnt clauses are produced, but the LR is not known until after the 105-th learnt  clause is produced. Therefore optimizing LR involves a degree of uncertainty, which makes the problem well-suited for learning algorithms.

In addition, the LR of a variable changes over time due to modifications to the learnt clause database, stored phases, and assignment trail. As such, estimating LR requires nonstationary algorithms to deal with changes in the underlying environment.




4.  Abstracting Online Variable Selection as a Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) Problem




5.1 Exponential Recency Weighted Average (ERWA)  —— 给出Algorithm 1.

5.2 Extension: Reason Side Rate (RSR) —— 给出Algorithm 2.

5.3 Extension: Locality —— the decay reinforcement model [13,32]在此处的应用. 

5.4 Putting it all Together to Obtain the Learning Rate Branching (LRB) Heuristic












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