An Empirical Study of Branching Heuristics Through the Lens of Global Learning Rate

Liang J.H., V.K. H.G., Poupart P., Czarnecki K., Ganesh V. (2017) An Empirical Study of Branching Heuristics Through the Lens of Global Learning Rate. In: Gaspers S., Walsh T. (eds) Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing – SAT 2017. SAT 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10491. Springer, Cham



In this paper, we analyze a suite of 7 well-known branching heuristics proposed by the SAT community and show that the better heuristics tend to generate more learnt clauses per decision, a metric we define as the global learning rate (GLR).(定义为全局学习率的度量标准

Like our previous work on the LRB branching heuristic, we once again view these heuristics as techniques to solve the learning rate optimization problem. First, we show that there is a strong positive correlation between GLR and solver efficiency for a variety of branching heuristics. Second, we test our hypothesis further by developing a new branching heuristic that maximizes GLR greedily(贪婪分支启发式).



其次提出了maximizes GLR greedily.


We show empirically that this heuristic achieves very high GLR and interestingly very low literal block distance (LBD) over the learnt clauses. 译文:我们的经验表明,这种启发式获得非常高的GLR和非常有趣的非常低的文字块距离(LBD)学习子句。


In our experiments this greedy branching heuristic enables the solver to solve instances faster than VSIDS, when the branching time is taken out of the equation.译文:在我们的实验中,当分支时间从方程中去掉时,这种贪婪分支启发式使求解者比VSIDS更快地解决实例。


This experiment is a good proof of concept that a branching heuristic maximizing GLR will lead to good solver performance modulo the computational overhead.译文:该实验很好地证明了最大化GLR的分支启发式算法在计算开销的基础上可以获得较好的求解性能。


Third, we propose that machine learning algorithms are a good way to cheaply approximate the greedy GLR maximization heuristic as already witnessed by LRB. 译文:第三,我们提出机器学习算法是一个很好的廉价逼近贪婪GLR最大化启发式的方法,LRB已经证明


In addition, we design a new branching heuristic, called SGDB, that uses a stochastic gradient descent online learning method to dynamically order branching variables in order to maximize GLR. We show experimentally that SGDB performs on par with the VSIDS branching heuristic.



1 Introduction

Searching through a large, potentially exponential, search space is a reoccurring problem in many fields of computer science. Rather than reinventing the wheel and implementing complicated search algorithms from scratch, many researchers in fields as diverse as software engineering [7], hardware verification [9], and AI [16] have come to rely on SAT solvers as a general purpose tool to efficiently search through large spaces. By reducing the problem of interest down to a Boolean formula, engineers and scientists can leverage off-the-shelf SAT solvers to solve their problems without needing expertise in SAT or developing special-purpose algorithms.

Modern conflict-driven clause-learning (CDCL) SAT solvers can solve a wide-range of practical problems with surprising efficiency, thanks to decades of ongoing research by the SAT community. Two notable milestones that are key to the success of SAT solvers are the Variable State Independent Decaying Sum (VSIDS) branching heuristic (and its variants) [23] and conflict analysis techniques [22]. The VSIDS branching heuristic has been the dominant branching heuristic since 2001, evidenced by its presence in most competitive solvers such as Glucose [4], Lingeling [5], and CryptoMiniSat [26].

译文:现代冲突驱动的clause-learning (CDCL) SAT解决器能够以惊人的效率解决广泛的实际问题,这要归功于SAT社区进行了几十年的持续研究。



One of the challenges in designing branching heuristics is that it is not clear what constitutes a good decision variable. We proposed one solution to this issue in our LRB branching heuristic paper [19], which is to frame branching as an optimization problem. We defined a computable metric called learning rate and defined the objective as maximizing the learning rate. Good decision variables are ones with high learning rate. Since learning rate is expensive to compute a priori, we used a multi-armed bandit learning algorithm to estimate the learning rate on-the-fly as the basis for the LRB branching heuristic [19].



In this paper, we deepen our previous work and our starting point remains the same, namely, branching heuristics should be designed to solve the optimization problem of maximizing learning rate. In LRB, the learning rate metric is defined per variable. In this paper, we define a new metric, called the global learning rate (GLR) to measure the solver’s overall propensity to generate conflicts, rather than the variable-specific metric we defined in the case of LRB. Our experiments demonstrate that GLR is an excellent objective to maximize.


  • A new objective for branching heuristic optimization: In our previous work with LRB, we defined a metric that measures learning rate per variable. In this paper, we define a metric called the global learning rate (GLR), that measures the number of learnt clauses generated by the solver per decision, which intuitively is a better metric to optimize since it measures the solver as a whole. We show that the objective of maximizing GLR is consistent with our knowledge of existing branching heuristics, that is, the faster branching heuristics tend to achieve higher GLR. We perform extensive experiments over 7 well-known branching heuristics to establish the correlation between high GLR and better solver performance (Sect. 3).



  • A new branching heuristic to greedily maximize GLR: To further scientifically test the conjecture that GLR maximization is a good objective, we design a new branching heuristic that greedily maximizes GLR by always selecting decision variables that cause immediate conflicts. It is greedy in the sense that it optimizes for causing immediate conflicts, and it does not consider future conflicts as part of its scope. Although the computational overhead of this heuristic is very high, the variables it selects are “better” than VSIDS. More precisely, if we ignore the computation time to compute the branching variables, the greedy branching heuristic generally solves more instances faster than VSIDS. Another positive side-effect of the greedy branching heuristic is that relative to VSIDS, it has lower learnt clause literal block distance (LBD) [3], a sign that it is learning higher quality clauses. The combination of learning faster (due to higher GLR) and learning better (due to lower LBD) clauses explains the power of the greedy branching heuristic. Globally optimizing the GLR considering all possible future scenarios a solver can take is simply too prohibitive. Hence, we limited our experiments to the greedy approach. Although this greedy branching heuristic takes too long to select variables in practice, it gives us a gold standard of what we should aim for. We try to approximate it as closely as possible in our third contribution (Sect. 4).







  • A new machine learning branching heuristic to maximize GLR: We design a second heuristic, called stochastic gradient descent branching (SGDB), using machine learning to approximate our gold standard, the greedy branching heuristic. SGDB trains an online logistic regression model by observing the conflict analysis procedure as the CDCL algorithm solves an instance. As conflicts are generated, SGDB will update the model to better fit its observations. Concurrently, SGDB also uses this model to rank variables based on their likelihood to generate conflicts if branched on. We show that in practice, SGDB is on par with the VSIDS branching heuristic over a large and diverse benchmark but still shy of LRB. However, more work is required to improve the learning in SGDB (Sect. 5).







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