文献名称  CDCL Solver Additions: Local Look-Ahead,All-Unit-UIP Learning and On-the-Fly Probing

     Norbert Manthey:CDCL Solver Additions: Local Look-Ahead, All-Unit-UIP Learning and On-the-Fly Probing. KI 2014: 98-110



Many applications can be tackled with modern CDCL SAT solvers. However, most of todays CDCL solvers guide their search with a simple, but very fast to compute decision heuristic. In contrast to CDCL solvers, SAT solvers that are based on look-ahead procedures spend more time for decisions and with their local reasoning. This paper proposes three light-weight additions to the CDCL algorithm, local look-ahead, all-unit-UIP learning and on-the-fly-probing which allow the search to find unit clauses that are hard to find by unit propagation and clause learning alone. With the additional reasoning steps of these techniques the resulting algorithm is able to solve SAT formulas that cannot be solved by the original algorithm.



1 Introduction



3 Finding Backbone Literals on the Fly


3.3 Learning Multiple Unit Clauses

Modern SAT solvers learn a single clause when a conflict is obtained, usually by resolution according to the first-UIP scheme [28]. In case a unit clause C = x is learned, then all decision literals are removed from the current interpretation J, the unit clause (x) is added and then unit propagation is performed. As illustrated in the following example, the standard learning procedure might miss learning additional unit clauses which can be collected easily by a slight modification of the learning procedure. Given the formula and let J be the interpretation of the form J = abcdefgijlkm after the two decisions a and c. Then, the clause (j ∨ l ∨ m) is the empty clause under the interpretation J.





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