1.求解器求解一个问题是unsat,可以得到DRAT proof[43],将其传递给DRAT-trim[43],以确定在证明中使用了哪些原始的子句。

2. 然后,通过遍历核心中的子句来计算核心中的变量,最后以适合于我们将在第3节中描述的神经网络体系结构的格式生成单个数据点.。


NeuroSAT can be queried on SAT problems encoding any kind of search problem for which certificates can be checked in polynomial time.


The same neural network architecture can also be used to help construct proofs for unsatisfiable problems.


When the number of variables involved in the contradiction is small relative to the total number of variables, knowing which variables are involved in the contradiction can enable constructing a resolution proof more efficiently.


A SAT problem has a simple syntactic structure and therefore could be encoded into a vector space using standard methods such as an RNN



Specifically, the satisfiability of a formula is not affected by permuting the variables




[43] Wetzler, N., Heule, M.J.H., Hunt, W.A.: DRAT-trim: Efficient checking and trimming using expressive clausal proofs. In: Sinz, C., Egly, U. (eds.) SAT 2014. LNCS, vol. 8561, pp. 422–429. Springer, Cham (2014).  https://doi-org-s.era.lib.swjtu.edu.cn/10.1007/978-3-319-09284-3_31



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