The Impact of Branching Heuristics in Propositional Satisfiability Algorithms (1999)


1 Introduction

       Propositional Satisfiability (SAT) is a core problem in Artificial Intelligence, as well as in many other areas of Computer Science and Engineering.Recent years have seen dramatic improvements in the real world performance of SAT algorithms。

    Recent years have seen dramatic improvements in the real world performance of SAT algorithms。For this purpose we apply different backtrack search SAT algorithms and different branching heuristics to different classes of real-world practical applications of SAT.

    . One interesting result of this study is that even though branching heuristics are indeed of importance in solving SAT, other aspects of the organization of backtrack search algorithms turn out to be of far more significance when the objective is to reduce the amount of search and the running time。


    This empirical result motivates the development of new search pruning techniques, in particular when the objective is to solve large, structured and hard instances of SAT.











2 Definitions



3 Backtrack Search SAT Algorithms

This SAT algorithm captures the organization of several of the most competitive algorithms [2, 9, 18, 24]. The algorithm conducts a search through the space of the possible truth assignments to the problem instance variables.译文:该算法对问题实例变量的可能真值分配空间进行搜索。

Preprocess()  function —— 化简函数

Decide() function —— 选择决策变元并赋值;

Deduce() function —— BCP的传播函数。译文:隐含的必要赋值由演绎()函数标识,该函数在大多数情况下对应于BCP过程[23]

Diagnose() function —— 冲突分析函数。

The Erase() function —— 回溯函数

Currently, and for solving large, structured and hard instances of SAT, all of the most efficient SAT algorithms implement a number of the following key properties:


(1)The analysis of conflicts can be used for implementing Non-Chronological Backtracking search strategies. Hence, assignment selections that are deemed irrelevant can be skipped during the search [2, 18, 24].——非时序回溯

(2)The analysis of conflicts can also be used for identifying and recording new clauses that denote implicates of the Boolean function associated with the CNF formula. Clause recording plays a key role in recent SAT algorithms, despite in most cases large recorded clauses being eventually deleted [2, 18, 24].——生成学习子句和学习子句规模缩减管理。

(3)Other techniques have been developed. Relevance-Based Learning [2] extends the life-span of large recorded clauses that will eventually be deleted. Conflict-Induced Necessary Assignments [18] denote assignments of variables which are necessary for preventing a given conflict from occurring again during the search.


 4 Branching Heuristics

This section describes the branching heuristics that are experimentally evaluated in Section 5. The most simple heuristic is to randomly select one of the yet unassigned variables, and to it assign a randomly chosen value. We shall refer to this heuristic as RAND.



Most, if not all, of the most effective branching heuristics take into account the dynamic information provided by the backtrack search algorithm. This information can include, for example, the number of literals of each variable in unresolved clauses and the relative sizes of the unresolved clauses that contain literals in a given variable.


In the following sections we describe several branching heuristics which utilize dynamic information provided by the backtrack search SAT algorithm.These heuristics are described in the approximate chronological order in which they have been applied to solving SAT.


We should note that additional branching heuristics exist and have been studied in the past. See for example [9, 12, 13] for detailed accounts.译文:我们应该注意到额外的分支启发法的存在,并且在过去已经被研究过。有关详细内容,请参见示例[9,12,13]









GRASP obtains similar results with most branching heuristics. A more detailed analysis of the experimental data actually reveals substantial differences only for a few instances of the few hundred instances evaluated.


– For a few classes of instances, the branching heuristics most often used by SAT algorithms (i.e. BOHM and MOM) end up yielding worse results. Our interpretation is that these heuristics are simply too greedy, and can for some instances make too many bad branches. – The plain, straightforward, randomized branching heuristic, RAND, compares favorably with the other heuristics, and actually performs better (in GRASP and for the classes of instances considered) than BOHM’s or MOM’s heuristics.


– Randomization can actually be a powerful branching mechanism. For example, while DLIS aborts one instance, RDLIS, by not being so greedy as DLIS, aborts none. In general the run times for RDLIS are slightly larger than those for DLIS, but RDLIS is less likely to make bad branches, that can cause a SAT algorithm to eventually quit on a given instance.

Another interesting result is the percentage of non-chronological backtrack steps (see Table 9). In general the percentages are similar for different heuristics, but differences do exist. Qualitatively, the percentages tend to be similar for three

main groups of heuristics. First for BOHM and MOM, second for DLIS, DLCS, JW-OS, JW-TS, and RDLIS, and finally, for RAND. In general the highest percentage of non-chronological backtrack steps is largest in RAND, which is to be expected.




This paper analyzes different backtrack search SAT algorithms and their use of branching heuristics. The obtained experimental results provide evidence that, even though branching heuristics play an important role in solving SAT, more significant performance gains are in general possible, for real-world instances of SAT, by using techniques for pruning the amount of search. Among these, we have studied the effect of non-chronological backtracking and clause recording, among others. Further validation of the conclusions presented in this paper can be obtained by extending the experimental analysis to other real-world applications of SAT, for which relevant sets of instances exist. Techniques for pruning the amount of search have been proposed over the years in many different areas. The results presented in this paper motivate exploring the application of additional search pruning techniques to SAT, with the goal of allowing state-of-the-art SAT algorithms to solve an ever increasing number of real-world instances of SAT.

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