

MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL-Scavel, MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL- RFV , XXX solvers at the SAT Race 2019

1st Zhihui Li,  2nd Guanfeng Wu   3th Yang Xu,  4rd Qingshan Chen

School of Mathematics

National-Local Joint Engineering Laboratory of System Credibility

Automatic Verification, Southwest Jiaotong University

Chengdu, China,  lizhihui@



This document describes three solvers from Scavle:Maple_LCM_Scavel2020,MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL-v2.2ScavelRFV,and XXXXXX. The first two solvers will compete in Main Track,and the last solver is for parallel Track.  



The community structure exists in the real problems. After formalizing the problems, the community structure characteristics can still be mined and utilized, although some community characteristics will be lost after the transformation [1][2][7]. Making full use of community characteristics in limited time is a research hotspot [3].

Based on the existing VSIDS and its variants, the selection strategy of decision variables continues to the selection of the first element of the restart. If the solver has been trapped in the local space during the last run before the restart, repeated backtracking and propagation will make this part of the locally trapped variables active in the forefront of all the variables. The degree of activity at this point, as the choice of decision variables after restart, may easily make the solver unable to achieve a real restart.Our guiding idea is to adjust the selection method of starting decision variables so that the first variable of restart is generated from another selection mode.In this way, the first argument of the reboot may be different from the community structure of the part of the argument that has been trapped in the local space.


In theory, the decision argument after restart should be different from the last decision argument before restart.However, because the computation of the community structure takes a long time, the time spent in solving the community structure is unacceptable in the competition solvers for the sample with more variables and clauses.Although there are many solvers that will carry out community solution in special time period, please make use of them, but all of them are aimed at the sample that can satisfy the solution time of small community, especially when the learning clause set is also involved, it is necessary to try to limit the community solution time [5].

So we settle for second best, and the competition of the solver version, the text will be more a part of the argument rough thought contained in one or more of the community, they are in the community may be related to solver last solving process finally enter the search area of different argument community (even if the same, the new mechanism is back to the original mechanism, and a small amount of use of such a choice for solving process there will be no interference), restart can be selected as the first argument optional argument set.Like the inIDGlucose solver, the characters of the original clause set text are first analyzed and applied to the selection of the first element in the solver restart stage.Secondly, one of the alternative arguments is taken as the first argument of restart.At the same time, in order to ensure the excellent characteristics of the existing solvers, the above selection mode of change decision variables is only used in a few restart stages, and is limited to the selection of the first variable to restart.

     In addition, the ideological Improved learning clause management strategy we proposed in 2018 has also been considered [6].At that time, we improved the version based on Maple_LCM_Dist and got a better result in the contest of Maple_LCM_Scavel.We set a property usedt for each learning clause, which is initialized to 0 when the learning clause is generated.In the subsequent solving process, when the learning clause is involved in conflict analysis, its usedt value increases by 1.When the learning clause management is reduced ((in "reducedDB" method)), the solver clause is set to use the threshold value NBused, and half of the learning clause with low activity is excluded. When the value of the learning clause participating in conflict analysis is lower than the threshold value NBused, the clause will be deleted.At that time, we set the threshold value of 150 through a lot of experiments.

This time we change the static threshold value to the dynamic threshold value, which is given dynamically from the distance of the time the learning clause is used .For this purpose, we designed a special scoring function:


Where conflictsi is the i-th conflict since the beginning of the  current  search,and the learning clause ci is used for conflict analysis and gets  as the incremental value of the collision score.

The above changes are based on the 2019 champion solver (MapleLCMDistChronoBT- dl-v2.2).In addition to our own improvement ideas above, this revision also adds new methods such as PSIDS for polarity selection and COREFIRST for core clauses to be propagated first, which have already appeared in the 2019 competition.





The author would like to thank the developers of all predecessors of Minisat, MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL, MapleCOMSPS CHB VSIDS,PSIDS  MapleLCMDistChronoBT,MapleLCMdistCBTcoreFirst, and all the authors who contributed the modifications that have been integrated. Their solvers are the foundation of our learning and improvement.



 [1] Zack Newsham, Vijay Ganesh, Sebastian Fischmeister, Gilles Audemard, Laurent Simon: Impact of Community Structure on SAT Solver Performance. SAT 2014: 252-268

 [2] Liang J.H., Ganesh V., Zulkoski E., Zaman A., Czarnecki K. (2015) Understanding VSIDS Branching Heuristics in Conflict-Driven Clause-Learning SAT Solvers. In: Piterman N. (eds) Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing. HVC 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9434. Springer, Cham

 [3] Carlos Ansótegui, Maria Luisa Bonet, Jesús Giráldez-Cru, Jordi Levy: Structure features for SAT instances classification. J. Appl. Log. 23: 27-39 (2017)

 [4] Moskewiez M., Madigan C., Chaff: engineering an efficient SAT solver,
in Proceeding of 38th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Las
Vegas, 2001, pp. 530–538.

 [5] Norbert Manthey:MergeSAT.SAT COMPETITION 2019, page 29, 2019.

 [6] Yang Xu,Guanfeng Wu,Qingshan Chen,Shuwei Chen:Maple_LCM_Scavel.SAT COMPETITION 2018, page 30, 2018.

 [7] Marijn JH Heule, Benjamin Kiesl,and Armin Biere. Encoding redundancy for satisfaction-driven clause learning. In International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, pages 41–58. Springer,2019.










       另外,我们2018年提出的思想Improved learning clause management strategy也被考虑进来[6]。当时我们在Maple_LCM_Dist基础上改进版本获Maple_LCM_Scavel得了较好的比赛成绩。我们为每个学习子句设置一个属性usedt,学习子句生成时初始化为0;在后续求解过程中每当学习子句参与冲突分析,其usedt值增加1。在学习子句管理缩减时((in “reducedDB” method)),设置求解器子句使用门槛值NBused,排查活跃度较低的一半学习子句,当学习子句参与冲突分析次数值低于门槛值NBused时该子句会被删除。当时我们通过大量实验得到设置门槛值为150,对于求解2018年所给的竞赛样例取得了较好的成绩。此次我们将上述静态的门槛值改为动态的门槛值,该门槛值与学习子句被使用的时间远近动态给出(采用了专门的对数函数)。



The author would like to thank the developers of all predecessors of Minisat,MapleLCMDistChronoBT-DL,MapleCOMSPS CHB VSIDS,PSIDS MapleLCMDistChronoBT,MapleLCMdistCBTcoreFirst,and all the authors who contributed the modifications that have been integrated.他们的求解器是我们学习和改进的基础。



 [1] Zack NewshamVijay GaneshSebastian FischmeisterGilles AudemardLaurent Simon:
Impact of Community Structure on SAT Solver Performance. SAT 2014252-268

 [2] Liang J.H., Ganesh V., Zulkoski E., Zaman A., Czarnecki K. (2015) Understanding VSIDS Branching Heuristics in Conflict-Driven Clause-Learning SAT Solvers. In: Piterman N. (eds) Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing. HVC 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9434. Springer, Cham

 [3] Carlos AnsóteguiMaria Luisa BonetJesús Giráldez-CruJordi Levy:
Structure features for SAT instances classification. J. Appl. Log. 2327-39 (2017)

 [4] Moskewiez M., Madigan C., Chaff: engineering an efficient SAT solver,
in Proceeding of 38th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, Las
Vegas, 2001, pp. 530–538.

 [5] Norbert Manthey:MergeSAT.SAT COMPETITION 2019, page 29, 2019.

 [6] Yang Xu,Guanfeng Wu,Qingshan Chen,Shuwei Chen:Maple_LCM_Scavel.SAT COMPETITION 2018, page 30, 2018.

 [7]  Marijn JH Heule, Benjamin Kiesl,and Armin Biere. Encoding redundancy for satisfaction-driven clause learning. In International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, pages 41–58. Springer,2019.

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