Armin Biere
Institute for Formal Models and Verification Johannes Kepler University Linz

作者Armin Biere是求解器业界大牛,CaDiCal全面透彻地汇集sat求解的技术发展方向,不但集采众家之长不断将最新的技术环节比较累积,而且创新改进后不断提出阶段性总结。


1.对sat和unsat采用分开的决策队列(SEPARATE  DECISION  QUEUE)

The “default” configuration alternates stable and unstable phases, while the “unsat” configuration remains in the unstable search phase and the “sat” configuration vice versa only in the “stable” phase.



The earlier versions of CADICAL already partially followed
the advice given by Chanseok Oh in [5] to interleave (what
we call) stable search phases focusing on satisfiable instances
with almost no restarts and (again in our terminology) unstable
search phases with the usual frequent but limited restarts
schedule. In our new version we use a reluctant doubling
scheme with base conflict interval 1024 for the stable phase.




However, the results of [5] also suggest to use a smoother
increase of scores for the stable phase using a separate decision
queue. We have integrated this idea. It required to add the usual
exponential VSIDS scoring mechanism using a binary heap as
in M INI SAT [6]. Thus this new version relies on its previous
VMTF queue [7] only for the unstable search phases and on
the exponential VSIDS for the stable search phase.







We already had YALSAT hooked up to LINGELING , which was successfully used in TREENGELING in parallel solver threads.


However controlling the amount of time allocated to YALSAT is difficult. It also requires to copy all clauses.



Therefore we added a simple local search component to CaDiCal.


In contrast to YALSAT and ProbSAT, we watch one literal in each clause instead of using counters. The
broken (unsatisfiable) clauses are kept on a stack and traversed completely during each step (flipping a literal).



Local search is called from the rephase procedure [3], [4] which is scheduled in regular intervals.


It can also be executed as preprocessing step for an arbitrary number of rounds, which in essence turns the solver into a local search solver (disabled by default).



As initial assignment for local search we use the same assignments that would be selected in the CDCL loop
for decision variables (actually the target phases are always preferred, even for local search during unstable phases).




The best assignment (falsifying the smallest number of clauses) determined during each local search round is exported back to the CDCL loop as saved phases.



3.目标阶段的最佳相位 TARGET AND BEST PHASES——简称目标相位:相位保留技术在CDCL向SLS传递最佳初值时推广

Probably the most important new technique is the use of target phases, which can be seen as a generalization of phase saving [10].




The best assignment (falsifying the smallest number of clauses) determined during each local search round is exported back to the CDCL loop as saved phases.



Unfortunately there are now two uses of the word “phase” here, one for stable and unstable search phases, as well as for the values assigned to
variables. We hope it is clear from the context which of the two interpretation is meant whenever we use “phase”.




In addition to these saved phases our new approach now also maintains an array of target and another array of best phases.


The idea is to maximize the size of the trail without conflicts.


Thus during backtracking the prefix of the trail is determined which did not (yet) lead to a conflict previous propagations.


The values of the literals on the prefix are then saved as new target phases if this prefix is larger than the previously saved one. In stable search phases these target phases are preferred
over saved phases [10] for decisions.



During rephasing [3], [4] saved phases are reset as before, except, that beside the new local search rephasing discussed above we have further a new best rephasing, which sets saved phases to the values of the largest previously reached trail without conflict and then resets these best phases.


By default best rephasing is only performed during stable search phases.   译文:默认情况下,最好的重新调整只在稳定的搜索阶段执行。



Occasionally applications produce trivial formulas in the sense that they can be satisfied by for instance assigning
all variables to false.


Some of them also made it into the competition and therefore we implemented in L INGELING [11] a “lucky phase” detector.

译文:他们中的一些变量也进入了竞争,因此我们实现了在L INGELING[11]一个“幸运相位”探测器

This has been ported to CADICAL and extended to detect horn clause benchmarks, which can be satisfied by assigning in forward or backward order all variables to the same constant (interleaved with propagation).


For instance satisfiable multiplier miters [12] comparing correct and buggy multipliers can be satisfied by this new lucky phase procedure instantly if the inputs either appear consecutively at the beginning or at the end of the variable range.




Since (bounded) variable elimination [13] remains the most important pre- and inprocessing technique, we tried to improve its effectiveness even further.




First, if variable elimination completed, the bound on the number of allowed zero additional clauses (difference between non-tautological resolvents and
clauses with a candidate variable) is increased (exponentially from the default zero to 1,2,4,8,16) and all variables are again considered as candidates for elimination attempts.



We further perform variable elimination by substitution [13] if we are able to extract AND or XOR gates.



We also added eager backward subsumption and strengthening after each successful variable elimination, in addition to our fast forward subsumption algorithm [3] which is continued to be applied
to redundant clauses too.



Last we added a resolution limit, to reduce the time spent in variable elimination for large but easy to solve formulas. In the same spirit we limit the number of subsumption checks during forward subsumption.



As in previous versions the solver triggers failed literal probing (including hyper binary resolution and equivalent literal substitutions) independently from both subsumption (on redundant and irredundant clauses followed by vivification) and variable elimination (elimination rounds are interleaved with subsumption and optionally, but disabled by default, with blocked and covered clause elimination).


These preprocessors can also be called for multiple rounds initially.


Using a conflict limit this allows the solver to be used as a CNF preprocessor (the extension stack needed for solution reconstruction can be extracted as well).




The winner MAPLELCMDISTCHRONOBT [14] of the
main track in the SAT Competition 2018 implemented a
combination of chronological backtracking with CDCL [15].
We have ported this idea to CADICAL and as in the original
work backtrack chronologically if backjumping would jump
over more than 100 levels, but otherwise do not limit its
application. We further combine it with the idea of reusing
the trail [16]. More details will appear in [17].



Finally we added a new approach [18] to incremental SAT solving which does not require to freeze variables (as in MINISAT and LINGELING ) in order to be combined with inprocessing.


To implement such a combination correctly requires sophisticated API testing and accordingly we implemented a tightly integrated model based tester called MOBICAL following the principles reported in [19].

要正确地实现这样的组合需要复杂的API测试,因此我们根据[19]中报告的原则实现了一个紧密集成的基于模型的测试,称为M OBICAL。




[1] J. P. M. Silva, I. Lynce, and S. Malik, “Conflict-driven clause learning
SAT solvers,” in Handbook of Satisfiability, ser. Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press, 2009, vol. 185, pp. 131–153.
[2] M. Järvisalo, M. Heule, and A. Biere, “Inprocessing rules,” in IJCAR,
ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7364. Springer, 2012, pp.
[3] A. Biere, “CaDiCaL, Lingeling, Plingeling, Treengeling, YalSAT Enter-
ing the SAT Competition 2017,” in Proc. of SAT Competition 2017 –
Solver and Benchmark Descriptions, ser. Dept. of Comp. Science Series
of Publications B, vol. B-2017-1. Univ. of Helsinki, 2017, pp. 14–15.
[4] ——, “CaDiCaL, Lingeling, Plingeling, Treengeling and YalSAT Enter-
ing the SAT Competition 2018,” in Proc. of SAT Competition 2018 –
Solver and Benchmark Descriptions, ser. Dept. of Comp. Science Series
of Publications B, vol. B-2018-1. Univ. of Helsinki, 2018, pp. 13–14.
[5] C. Oh, “Between SAT and UNSAT: the fundamental difference in CDCL
SAT,” in SAT, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9340.
Springer, 2015, pp. 307–323.
[6] N. Eén and N. Sörensson, “An extensible sat-solver,” in SAT, ser. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2919. Springer, 2003, pp. 502–518.
[7] A. Biere and A. Fröhlich, “Evaluating CDCL variable scoring schemes,”
in SAT, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9340. Springer,
2015, pp. 405–422.
[8] A. Biere, “Yet another local search solver and Lingeling and friends
entering the SAT Competition 2014,” in Proc. SAT Competition 2014,
Solver and Benchmark Descriptions, ser. Dept. of Comp. Science Series
of Publications B, vol. B-2014-2. Univ. of Helsinki, 2014, pp. 39–40.
[9] A. Balint and U. Schöning, “Choosing probability distributions for
stochastic local search and the role of make versus break,” in SAT, ser.
Lecture Notes in Comp. Science, vol. 7317. Springer, 2012, pp. 16–29.
[10] K. Pipatsrisawat and A. Darwiche, “A lightweight component caching
scheme for satisfiability solvers,” in SAT, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol. 4501. Springer, 2007, pp. 294–299.
[11] “ Lingeling and Friends Entering the SAT Race 2015,” FMV Reports
Series, Institute for Formal Models and Verification, Johannes Kepler
University, Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria, Tech. Rep., 2015.
[12] A. Biere, “Collection of Combinational Arithmetic Miters Submitted to
the SAT Competition 2016,” in Proc. of SAT Competition 2016 – Solver
and Benchmark Descriptions, ser. Dept. of Computer Science Series of
Publications B, vol. B-2016-1. Univ. of Helsinki, 2016, pp. 65–66.
[13] N. Eén and A. Biere, “Effective preprocessing in SAT through variable
and clause elimination,” in SAT, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
vol. 3569. Springer, 2005, pp. 61–75.
[14] A. Nadel and V. Ryvchin, “Maple LCM Dist ChronoBT: Featuring
chronological backtracking,” in Proc. of SAT Competition 2018 – Solver
and Benchmark Descriptions, ser. Dept.Dept. Computer Science Series
of Publications B, vol. B-2018-1. Univ. of Helsinki, 2018, p. 29.
[15] ——, “Chronological backtracking,” in SAT, ser. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol. 10929. Springer, 2018, pp. 111–121.
[16] P. van der Tak, A. Ramos, and M. Heule, “Reusing the assignment trail
in CDCL solvers,” JSAT, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 133–138, 2011.
[17] S. Möhle and A. Biere, “Backing backtracking,” 2019, submitted.
[18] K. Fazekas, A. Biere, and C. Scholl, “Incremental inprocessing in SAT
solving,” 2019, submitted.
[19] C. Artho, A. Biere, and M. Seidl, “Model-based testing for verification
back-ends,” in TAP, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7942.
Springer, 2013, pp. 39–55.

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