This note introduce a novel method for improving CDCL-based SAT solvers by relaxing backtrack and integrating local search techniques, and we use this method to improve four state of the art CDCL solvers.



1.  relaxing the backtracking 松弛回溯

2.  CCAnr solver——一种随机局部搜索求解器

S. Cai, C. Luo, and K. Su, “CCAnr: A configuration checking based local search solver for non-random satisfiability,” in Proceedings of18th
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, SAT 2015, Austin, TX, USA, September 24-27, 2015, 2015, pp.1–8.

3.  两者结合改进2018年的四个CDCL求解器


The idea is to relax the backtrack process,by allowing some promising branches to be extended to
the leaf (corresponding to a complete assignment) without backtracking, even if conflicts are met during extending the assignment.





  其次,交给SLS求解器去 find a model nearby。(a local search solver is called to find a model nearby)

  最后, 如果在规定翻转次数或时间内找不到最终sat模型,就回到CDCl继续正常求解。


The idea is to relax the backtrack process, by allowing some promising branches to be extended to the leaf (corresponding to a complete assignment) without
backtracking, even if conflicts are met during extending the assignment.


The resulting complete assignments obtained in this way are highly consistent and are more likely to have small distances to a model (satisfying assignment).


If the local search cannot find a model within a short time limit, the CDCL search process continues as normal from the node where the algorithm enters the non-backtracking phase.





Specifically,during the search of CDCL, whenever reaching a node corresponding to a promising assignment, the algorithm enters a non-backtracking phase (with some condition), which uses unit propagation and heuristics in CDCL to assign the remaining variables without backtracking, even an empty clause is detected.


At the end, this leads to a complete assignment β,which is fed to a local search solver to search for a model nearby.


If the local search fails to find a model within a certain time budget, then the algorithm goes back to the normal CDCL search from the node where it was interrupted (we call this a breakpoint).


The non-backtracking phase does not change the data structures used for CDCL search process.


So, if all calls of local search fail to find a solution, the modified solver works in the same way just as the original CDCL solver, but it may have a lower speed due to the time consumption of local search.







CCAnr solver.有3个参数:the average weight threshold parameter γ, and the two factor parameters ρ and q.



There is one parameter p for controlling the cooperation of the backtracking style procedure and the local search solver. 


Meanwhile, we limit the time of Local search procedure no more than 300 seconds every time ReasonLS call it, and limit the sum of all Local search time no more than a propotion ξ of the total runtime.



There are three parameters in the local search solver :the average weight threshold parameter γ, and the two factor parameters ρ and q.

All of the three parameters are for the Threshold-based Smoothed Weighting (TSW) weighting scheme.

For all our relaxed CDCL solvers, the parameters are set as follows with only one exception (p is 0.9 for Relaxed LCMDistChronoBT p9).

p = 0.5;   ξ = 0.3;   γ = 50;   ρ = 0.3;   q = 0.7.


posted on 2020-04-03 10:15  海阔凭鱼跃越  阅读(749)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报