Typical clause maintenance strategies 

The clause database reduction scheme is one of a small number of key heuristic mechanisms in a CDCL solver。




We categorize clauses as likely to be useful (high quality), or not (low quality). 


A very good clause quality measure to involve a combination of many factors。

The quality measure is typically a combination of size, age, literal block distance (LBD) and some measure of usage or activity .


The dominant current quality measure uses VSIDS-like clause “activities”. 


 To implementation of an algorithmic method to remove low quality clauses efficiently, a lot of new strategies are emerging from empirical evidence.


Major changes to the general scheme are rare, but over time many refinements have combined to make the overall mechanism in the best recent solvers quite complex. 


Most details have intuitive explanations, and were chosen based on empirical performance. 





One scheme, which we call Delete-Half, is to periodically sort the clauses of Local and delete the half with lowest quality.

译文:一种我们称为delete - half的方案是定期对Local的子句进行排序,并删除质量最低的那一半。

Consider a Delete-Half scheme with a sort-and-reduce phase every k conflicts,each clause is inspected every k conflicts, deleted if its quality is below the median of the current clauses in Local. 






The way activities are computed and maintained in practice makes it hard to combine activity with other measures of quality in a simple and meaningful way.


 We introduce a simple online clause reduction scheme, which involves no sorting. We instantiate this scheme with simple mechanisms for taking into account clause activity and LBD








       索引移动过程中不断越过的子句,一旦遇到Q(Li)< q的子句时,我们用C替换该子句Li(释放“旧的”Li,用新的学习子句C的指针替换它)。




       we trade off sorting for dynamically estimating the median. In doing so, we get a clause database of uniform size, rather than one that significantly grows and shrinks.


posted on 2020-04-02 19:28  海阔凭鱼跃越  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报