


//1.1 头文件

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

/* limits on the size of the problem. */
#define MAX_VARS 4000010
#define MAX_CLAUSES 17000000

#define pop(stack) stack[--stack ## _fill_pointer]
#define push(item, stack) stack[stack ## _fill_pointer++] = item



// Define a data structure for a literal in clauses
struct lit {
//int clause_num; //clause num, begin with 0
int var_num; //variable num, begin with 1
bool sense; //is 1 for positive literals, 0 for negative literals.


/* limits on the size of the problem. */
#define MAX_VARS 4000010
#define MAX_CLAUSES 17000000

#define pop(stack) stack[--stack ## _fill_pointer]
#define push(item, stack) stack[stack ## _fill_pointer++] = item

//注意:上面两个宏定义实现函数功能,其中[ ]中的写法很是“高明”,需要重点参悟。pop(unsat_stack); 相当于unsat_stack[--unsat_stack _fill_pointer];

//可以参见:Cardiac.TJ的博文  https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41892460/article/details/82735451



void (* flip)(int flipvar);  //通过将不同的翻转函数名(也是函数指针)赋给指针flip,可以调用不同的翻转函数

                                     //备选的有 void flip_simp(int flipvar);   ||   void flip_update(int flipvar);

int (*pick) ();                  //计算并挑选出翻转变元。针对不同问题可以有多个函数备选。



/*parameters of the instance*/
int num_vars;             //var index from 1 to num_vars
int num_clauses;        //clause index from 0 to num_clauses-1
int max_clause_len;
int min_clause_len;
double ratio;               //clause to variable ratio

/* literal arrays */
int* var_poslit[MAX_VARS];                     //var_lit[v][j]: the clause number of the clause that the j'th positive literal of v occurs in.
int* var_neglit[MAX_VARS];                     //这是两个二维向量,其元素一维向量 var_poslit[v] 联合var_neglit[v]可以表示全部包含有变元v(以正负两种文字出现)的子句。
int var_poslit_count[MAX_VARS];
int var_neglit_count[MAX_VARS];

lit* clause_lit[MAX_CLAUSES];               // clause_lit[i][j] means the j'th literal of clause i. 注意子句和子句中的文字都是从0开始编号
int clause_lit_count[MAX_CLAUSES];     // amount of literals in each clause

/* Information about the variables. */
int bbreak[MAX_VARS]; //break(x), the smaller the better
//int gmake[MAX_VARS]; //combination of make(x) and pmake(x)

/* Information about the clauses */
int sat_count[MAX_CLAUSES];
int sat_var[MAX_CLAUSES];

//unsat clauses stack
int unsat_stack[MAX_CLAUSES];                 //store the unsat clause number
int unsat_stack_fill_pointer;
int index_in_unsat_stack[MAX_CLAUSES];  //which position is a clause in the unsat_stack

/* Information about solution */
bool cur_soln[MAX_VARS]; //the current solution, with 1's for True variables, and 0's for False variables

int max_tries = 100000;
unsigned int max_flips = 4000000000u;
unsigned int step;

const int MY_RAND_MAX_INT = 10000000;
const float BASIC_SCALE = 0.0000001; //1.0f/MY_RAND_MAX_FLOAT;   //以上这两个量在pick系列函数中被使用,参与计算得到的值用于与wp(噪声水平)想比较。

double wp; // the noise parameter


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